ArousedYeti ago

Who is that?

TheTrigger ago

I didn't even really have a chance to get in there. This will be the first group who I wasn't there to greet. ☹️

Drakgan ago

Good job. Keep it up.

Food_Stamp ago

I didnt even know one was attempted. Did i miss anything funny?

albatrosv15 ago

So, the qtards failed, then they try this... Interesting, what's next?

Retron ago


I just woke up and I can't tell anything fucking happened!

All I saw on the front page was the usual immune system response but I don't know who attempted what or why. Fill me in on the details?

Neon_daemon ago

Delete /v/lolicon

cantaloupe6 ago

You could probably spin up an Amazon VM for free. On a Linux box try changing your MAC and perhaps using VM- Or booting from a USB (created using Rufus). Don't let your memes be dreams.

Neskuaxa ago

Wait, when did this happen?


Shit there was an invasion today? I wasn't even away that long

Pedanticknight ago

The post rankings are also manipulated. is a Reddit overlay which will show you all the censored posts (auto deleted posts are too fast to uncensored though) but it also shows you the real ranking with the Reddit ranking by it.

Reddit also has a "not safe for brand" flag for subreddits that appear to be manually flagged. The theory is around probably some advertisement friendly thing.

Pedanticknight ago

I have a suspicious most traffic is bots, like Twitter.

Pedanticknight ago

I told some retard at Reddit that I bet he thought AR-15 stood for Assault Rifle and that was apparently a "personal attack" and I got banned.

My-Name-is-Mud ago


I just get shadow banned.


Weeb rekt by facts and logic

Fuckyounigger ago

these posts are the ones that make us put our guard down and while were watching the wall this faggot is slipping in through the back door

Warnos44 ago

God help those retards on Reddit. I managed to find myself there while researching hydroponic ideas and I kid you not, the thread was bursting with socialism ideals. You'd think that people who want to grow their own food wouldn't be so blind.

drstrangegov ago

Another foe lies shattered at our feet. Friends, voaters, countrymen! Lend me your rears! This day another one of our enemies lies broken by our mighty little hoovies . voat should apply for virtual nationhood. now that I think about it, though, when explorers claimed new land they didn't have to apply to any authority other than god. voat should DECLARE nationhood, or whatever...…….what?

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Teach me your ways master.

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

Might not be over. I just saw someone post startrek discovery is 'OK'...

Helbrecht ago


ForgotMyName ago

Transport them to the center of a planet!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

truly respectable

satisfyinghump ago

This feels fake as fuck. This feels like it was a setup and all those that took part fell for it...

anon_00269b ago

False attack to justify a real attack on Voat. The real voat immune system was keeping most of that shit off the front page. They created over 3 pages of posts. Congrats Goats

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i say we raid them with nazi anime memes, they owe us a battle

friendshipistragic ago

We already have a sub for that v/TheAnimeReich

JamalVoater ago

why whypipo do dis sheeit?

watts2db ago

we'll take that as a compliment

hang_em_high ago

What kind of beta fag even admits when he has been beaten?

ForgotMyName ago

The kind that still uses reddit and then is surprised that his meager attempt to attack more intelligent people has failed.

SandHog ago

Damn, I missed it. What was the bodycount? Did Ben Garrison even bother setting down his whiskey?

SandHog ago

Thank you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how dare they blueball us, we should raid them

Hate_Speech_Survivor ago

Move On Weebs, This is a White Neighborhood

Zen-Zinxe ago

lmao what a nigger. Learn your lesson reddit fags who might be reading, come as a friend or don't come at all.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Could just be a lull... best double check the perimeter wire.

CaliforniaOrange ago

I dropped some downvoats.

Love it when the immune system activates.

suckcoke ago

Yes and how.

Food_Stamp ago

Fuck yeah, stomp the black one! Sieg Heil little goat brother.

jollux ago


ForgotMyName ago

It's a shitpost but it's too glorious not to upvote. You win this time, kid; you win this time.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Tool songs, indeed.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Shine on forever.

Shine on benevolent sun.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Speaking of great bands, Mr. Mud.

Mayhawk ago

I sympathize with Tool haters. I hate hearing anyone else play Tool. However, I will turn it up in the headphones from time to time. Maynard is easily one of the best singers of his time and Danny Carey is an absolute percussion master. Still waiting on their (likely) last album.

TheTrigger ago

I hate that people keep reminding me they exist. It still pisses me off how their career got jewed, like that. At least I had Gojira to keep me company. Those baguettes seem to be getting all sorts of shit right, lately.

freedumbz ago

Didn't even establish a beach head. Either they are getting worse, we are getting better or a bit of both.

Plant_Boy ago

Ee-gads, what did I miss?

albatrosv15 ago

Qtards are still qtarding though.

ForgotMyName ago

They're as weak online as they are in real life.

pissinmyass42069 ago

Best part is, I'm almost positive a few of em got caught up in our barbed wire upon retreating. They're going to stick around out of grim fascination and curiosity, and before they know it, they'll be one of us. Voat is like a white-hot blast of reality. Whoever doesn't have their face melted completely off by the language here will slowly be won over.

TheTrigger ago

Your username makes your comment so much better.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Can also confirm... barbed wire never felt so liberating.

Indefiance11 ago

Can confirm. Source : me.

pissinmyass42069 ago

It's how I ended up here as well. That's how I know.

knuck887 ago

We mowed them down.

I think this attempt was much worse, and we've gotten way better in general.

FuckredditKenobi ago


You guys were scary quick. I'd hate to see this shit play out for an actual enemy.

ignorantoptimist ago

What's ridiculous about all that is they actually believe it's a good thing the government can basically just threaten you with physical force to get their way. Yeah, thats the democracy we fucking want! Just proves further that we definitely need the 2nd amendment and the ability to keep ourselves somewhat safe from them.

dan_k ago

This warms my heart.

Walk1 ago

There are always invasions like this on VOAT, some good and some bad, let's hope they work for the good.

jnola2 ago

I'm proud of all of you. Well done, Goats. :-)

VicariousJambi ago

Glad I was able to drop some downvotes

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I upvote every post I see of yours for your username alone.

crazy_eyes ago

thats hilarious

Far2Long2 ago

Ooh, scary people. Hurtz feelz.