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captainstrange ago

My conspiracy theory of the day is this:

The 'anti-vaxxer' movement is being blamed to create a rift in society.

As more and more people join, all the people that aren't controllable decide not to get vaccines.

One of these vaccines down the line is legitimate, and protects against something deadly by the CDC.

The CDC or some other organization releases a deadly pathogen, and wipes out all the non-vaccinated.

In one generation, all the people that were capable of revolt are dead.

I've also seen reports of an unusual rise in male infertility among the military, and I have to ask if vaccines are related. Vaccines have been a suspected cause of sterilization for some time, but if true, we won't know for another generation, and by then it'll be too late.

GloryDays ago

Vaccines are poison

Shartdownunder ago

Sugar is poison

captainstrange ago


But that doesn't change the possibility of them being used for something worse.

GloryDays ago

Oh for sure. The sheeple will all go take whatever the gubmint tells them they gotta take

Ken_bingo2 ago

I haven't seen a pro-vaccine poster who has not engaged heavily in logical fallacies. Not ever.

samy90a44 ago

The problem IS NOT with the VERY few Americans who choose not to be Vaccinated. The problem is with all of the un-documented Immigrants who walk across the border AND ALSO with the thousands of Asians (mostly Chinese) who come into the USA on a 30-day Visa and over-stay their welcome. BOTH of these groups just noted comprise 65% who have no vaccine history or worse are immune to the same and act as Pathogen Carriers spreading these Virus across the populations, most often Strains which are NOT NATIVE to the United States Population, thus US Citizens have NO IMMUNITY to the same! There you go, the truth, something the CDC will never reveal in the open, this being Pathogen addled disease carriers who are allowed to get off a airplane with no TSA or Customs health check.

Honey_Pot ago

Lumping all vaccines together into one pile is asinine. Tried and true DPT are good to go.

Skip the flu shots, for sure.

meowski ago

DPT contains some nasty toxins like aluminum hydroxide though

Honey_Pot ago

Lockjaw is a bitch. Trace amounts not so bad.

Aluminum Hydroxide is an over-the-counter (OTC) product used as an antacid: AlternaGEL, Amphojel, Nephrox

GloryDays ago

All vaccines are jew poison

Shartdownunder ago

And I bet your ass has them too.

Did the poison work?

Dogbuttimmunity ago

So me being anti-vaccine and posting a link to naturalnews makes me a sleeper and pro vaccine? OMG I used the word antivaxer and only provaxers use that word. I’m glad your not tasked with solving any serious crimes. At least I hope not.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Beep boop

Dogbuttimmunity ago

Yes it’s good to be aware, but It would seem you might be the sleeper. Profile overview for alele-opathic. “ Aww snap, this user did not yet write their bio. If they did, it Member for: 2.5 years (joined on: 7/16/2016)

PeaceIsForQueers ago

Nice post. Yeah I've noticed the increased talk about vaccines. A useful heuristic for knowing what's what: if the mainstream media is pushing it, it's probably the opposite stance that is correct.

alele-opathic ago


A useful heuristic for knowing what's what: if the mainstream media is pushing it, it's probably the opposite stance that is correct.

As long as one remembers it is just a heuristic. The inverse of this is the 'flak over the target' heuristic, which is commonly used to create controlled opposition since people rely on it so heavily (e.g. 'mouthpiece X said Y sucks, so he must be on our team!').

Many of the Alt-Lite got their start via heavy promotion (though 'negative' press) in this manner.

captainstrange ago

This is the crux of the problem with looking for leadership.

It's why people say "name the jew."

But the problem is, anyone wanting to get in deep to do maximum damage by whistleblowing can't name the jew until it's too late. Much of these power structures rely on extortion to work, and if you're not corrupt or blackmailable you'll never get passed the gatekeepers to a position that can do real damage.

alele-opathic ago

This is the crux of the problem with looking for leadership.

100% agree.

But the problem is, anyone wanting to get in deep to do maximum damage by whistleblowing can't name the jew until it's too late.

This is why, as a rule, whistleblowers are always defectors (instead of infiltrators) - it's because they must be, due to fantastic gatekeeping.

I've tracked whistleblowing back to the start of the CIA, when there were so many whistleblowers that it literally couldn't function (remembering it's original purpose is anti-american). Compartmentalization was very literally invented to deal with whistleblowers in the CIA, and, if you trace back out to today, I believe this is why whistleblowers are never jew-wise, or in some cases, believe that all other sectors of society, excepting the one they worked in, are perfectly fine.

They can't ever know the whole picture. We're the ones that have to piece it back together.

PeaceIsForQueers ago

Very true indeed.

TheSeer ago

Koyote210, another chatbot. Quite convincing, I replied to him 3 or 4 times before figuring it out. A 'latino chatbot'.

kissaki ago

"Since the 90's, all vaccines have baby parts in them."

I find that usually does it for most.

Shartdownunder ago

Your table salt has sodium in it, it could literally blow your head off mate.

I'd recommend looking into, might just save your life.

Warnos44 ago

Nah they come back that it's just cells from one single baby that has continually reproduced to make all vaccines.


Ooor, my favorite, who cares, at least those babies' bodies weren't wasted. I literally can't even respond to that level of degeneracy.

meowski ago

Cells that continually reproduce because they've been immortalized by cancer viruses... which end up in the vaccines.

Warnos44 ago

Damn I missed that one. Learn something new every day!

MadJack ago

ardvarcus ago

One of the factors driving illegal immigration is the belief that Americans can simply get vaccinated, and they will be all right. The reality is that illegals are bringing serious diseases back into the United States that were almost completely eradicated in the US for many decades. If your child is getting sick, chances are it's because some illegal brought the disease across the border.

samy90a44 ago

It gets even worse. Most of these Asians are infect with and/or act as Vector Carriers of Virus and Pathogens. More broadly in the case of Asians and some from the Middle East, the Measles and Mumps Strains have re-sequenced and or mutated genetic coding which is not native to North America. Meaning this is why you see so many kids and some adults coming down with these two sicknesses, Americans have no natural immunity to these MODIFIED and MUTATED Strains both of which originate in Asia and the Middle East, an the people who get off an airplane someplace 24/7 and spread it more! (the latest big outbreak now in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia both of which have a huge influx of Chinese )

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

If you get a vaccine for anything other then fatal or crippling disease your stupid.

Volcris ago

If the argument is that we need better medical restrictions on vaccination ingredients, then I agree.

However as a classification of drugs vaccines are essential. Herd immunity is important to surviving at current population densities.

Unless the argument is just that rural communities would largely survive while cities need to be cleaned out. I would entertain that one a bit.

elitch2 ago

Idiot parrot.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Le_Squish ago

Herd immunity cannot be created with how vaccines are currently administered.

Volcris ago

How so? Giving the vast majority of a population an immunity is exactly how herd immunity works

Le_Squish ago

Herd immunity was never about "immunity". It is about the proliferation of mild chronic illness over acute high mortality/morbidity illness.

Pathogens and parasites have to co-evolve with their host. A host dying too soon limits the ability of the pathogen to spread.

Vaccination is suppose to speed up this coevolution process by spreading the milder version which also confers protection from related but more dangerous forms.

Staph and strep infections are shining example of this in action. Ubiquitous highly contagious mild infection provides protection from the fatal forms for most of the population.

Volcris ago

I will agree with the fact that proliferating a mild disease that provides antibodies against the more dangerous form is the goal of vaccines, but the idea of “herd immunity” is simply the concept that if a large enough percentage of your population is protected than an outbreak never occurs because the probability of infected surfaces contacting an unprotected individual is low. Disease spreading relies on vector density, and if only a low concentration of viable vectors exist even extremely dangerous pathogens never spread due to localized host extinction.

I still see creating that protection within the population as extremely important, just like I believe concealed carriers provide a herd immunity against spree shooters.

Le_Squish ago

You can't stop outbreaks from occurring because novel mutations happen all the time and there is no way to know which ones will be dangerous.

The best protections against epidemics are sanitation and nutrition.

Volcris ago

I disagree, mutation won’t fundementally change the classification of a disease and enough immunity can irradiate it before it can successfully change enough to be ineffective.

Small pox was successfully annihilated, and vaccines allowed it to be so. Different viruses have very different flexibility for mutation. Some, like the flu, change rapidly. Others change slowly enough protection can last for decades.

Either way we have probably reduced outbreaks with induced immunity.

Stastically the concept works, you can play around with a tool for that here:

In practice we have seen it work. With two diseases eradicated and many more suppressed.

Le_Squish ago

The problem is we don't produce nor administer vaccines they way it was done in the small pox era.

Volcris ago

Ok, any good references you can point to on this?

I admit, I assumed we were still administering them in much the same way. Happy to read alternative info if you can point me towards some.

Le_Squish ago

Shitty audio and very long but I think it's a good introduction to modern production methods.

Once you understand a bit about VLP you have to wonder how such a method doesn't trigger auto-immune disorders and dangerous inflamation.

Volcris ago

Will watch when I have some down time. I believe in vaccinating as a concept and it’s importance but I haven’t read up on the modern industry before.

Le_Squish ago

The science, when actually practiced, isn't the problem and never was. The industry is corrupt and should not be trusted. They don't follow science. If they did we wouldn't be vaccinating newborns.

Shartdownunder ago

You mean we arnt giving some people vaccines?

We should probably get that sorted and make sure as you put it "administer vaccines they way it was done in the small pox era" and give em to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Le_Squish ago

How they are made is the problem. Long gone are the days of dead cell cultures and weakened live culture. My military friends told me they still get live culture vaccines for certain stuff though.

alele-opathic ago

If the argument is that [...]

However as a classification of drugs [I believe] vaccines are essential. [...]

Unless the argument is just [...]

You've made your argument known. I am making no argument - just warning Voat that vaccination is a topic classically muddied with influence bots.

Volcris ago

Fair enough

SearchVoatBot ago

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