tom47 ago

Such a truth would #BURST their little lie they are trying to sell us!

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Dont forget the TB they are bringing.

alakai ago

If you've noticed there's an artificial movement on the online surface to promote hatred of people who even question the authenticity of vaccines or their safety when you realize that this is all because of the fact that it is Big Money that they came out from insurance companies and consumers and most diseases aren't even covered by vaccines because they mutate fast then you'll realize why vaccines aren't really important exposure is

captainstrange ago

"but what about people who don't have immune systems!? You don't have a right to endanger children!"

gazillions ago

When polio comes back and your kid dies from it enjoy your righteousness.

captainstrange ago

you're assuming the answer gazillions.

And here I thought better of you.

16460368? ago

Re-read what I wrote, I'm on your side.

Another exposure means being exposed to someone who is contagious, like you get it when you're a child, you've got immunity until late adulthood, but if your kid gets it when you're in young-mid adulthood, and you are with your sick kid, you get a boost to your immunity lasting the rest of your life.

Walk1 ago

Its all due to the fact that saying such a thing about third-worlders would be considered racist and its better to go after those people who do not accord with the system and the government's desires. In the end it kind of proves why the system and government needs an overhaul and third-worlders need to get kicked out of the country.

16458506? ago

That's true I suppose. Just my reading emphasises those two as going from very mild to very dangerous.

My point was mainly don't be complacent if you got one as a kid, you need another exposure in adulthood for full immunity into old age.

made-you-look ago

Human suffering has become a commodity.

pass it on.

phenomenaldouche ago

I'm all for personal liberty but the logic behind the herd immunity concept of immunization is not only obvious but the outcome has proven highly effective in stomping out diseases in herds that have been immunized.

I can get on board with most of the wingnut conspiracy theory, but the anti-vax thing is simply, obviously, painfully clearly stupid and wrong.

Since I support personal liberties, though, I suggest we don't force people to take any vaccine even if it's important for the herd--instead just throw them out of the country. Also, since we can't be sure the illegals have been immunized they'll need to go as well.

skidder ago

I'm 61. When I was 6 years old EVERY kid got the measles, mumps and chicken pox, everyone of them. In fact, if you didn't get the measles your parents would worry that you'd get it when you were older as it can leave you sterile if contracted at an older age. The world didn't end, schools didn't even note the outbreaks, they were no big deal. This is all about Vaccines and big pharma.

the_one_you_see_last ago

But that required actual humanoid beings capable of nurturing offspring that is not living on a smartphone screen.

3dk ago

Because being anti-vac means challenging the status quo, it shows that you have the ability to think critically and dont just drink the koolaid when you are told to. Governments and normie NPCs hate this, hence the "stoopid anti-vac" meme...

Whether they are correct in their views or not is beside the point.

Rangan451 ago

No it's not, being able to think critically also includes arriving at the correct conclusion, just challenging the norm for the sake of the challenge is being contrarian, which is really fucking stupid when it comes to public health.

mqrmqr ago

The anti vax scare was astroturfed for this.

Ps4Freedom ago

Interesting isn't it. When the ones getting it are illegals and the previously vaccinated.

Inaminit ago

Measles. Mumps. Chicken Pox... Personally, I believe a person is better off developing their own antibodies.

CapitalPurifier ago

problem reaction solution

or rather, whatever happens, whatever reaction happens, turn it to your advantage.


but sometimes, make what you need to happen to get something else mwaahahahahaha

AbyormenitePiranha ago

Here's a good rule-of-thumb: whatever the NPC's on TV say is wrong, take the opposite position.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Strangely, alot of meme pages all are doing the anti-vax thing. Its a shame, theres a ton of promise in the the meme page users. They all at least try to reject the programming.

On a side note, The use of welfare and the government can be compared to medicine and drug companies.

FatFreddiesCat ago

I'm glad someone brought this up. I remember the measles well! I am 60 years old and when I was young I had the measles three times! What I remember from my mother is there is "3-day measles" which you can get more than once before your immune and then German measles which you can only get once but is more dangerous. Most everybody in my midwestern school got them as well as mumps, chicken pox and every little cold. Anyway, my mother never seemed to concerned about 3-day but she was for the German. Don't remember ever going to the doctor for it, just stayed home and good old mom took care of me. So I told my wife "Nobody dies from measles!", then googled it to find 2.6 million people died of it in 1990 although it is down to about 100,000 they say right now because of vaccines. BUT, further research reveals that they don't die from the measles at all but rather pneumonia (not that the manner of death is any consolation) I'm just pointing out that it's children in 3rd world countries (or here of course) that are malnourished and low immune system. Children (and adults) like us in the 60's and and now who are healthy,strong and have good immune system not only will be just fine but in my opinion will be better off in the long run because you let your body do the job it was designed to do and built your immunity naturally.

TheWheelofTime ago

Well numerous immigrants come in and spread the diseases then they'll find one American kid that wasn't vaccinated and blame it on that while ignoring the herd immunity that was supposed to prevent this kind of thing. Hell, now they don't even bother with doing their research half the time on who was vaccinated or who wasn't. They certainly don't bother verifying the outbreak of these diseases was brought on by an illegal immigrant. All they do is just assume and blame it on the anti-vaccination groups. No real research is done because even at a basic level, they'd find that the vaccinated, in many cases, aren't protected. They'd find out illegal immigrants brought it into the country.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Well numerous immigrants come in and spread the diseases then they'll find one American kid that wasn't vaccinated and blame it on that while ignoring the herd immunity that was supposed to prevent this kind of thing.

By letting in the vaccinated sand&taconiggers you fucking compromise the herd immunity.

Rangan451 ago

Did you ever think about the amount of people that'd be needed to offset herd immunity? Let's say in the caravans there are 50k people all unvaccinated, which is btw. highly unlikely since mexico has higher vaccination rates than the U.S., but let's be the devils advocate here ;) , this is such a small drop that a caravan on itself can't make a significant dent in herd immunity. Also what I did not metion yet is the migration that preceeded this debacle never infact caused a similar outbreak, yet after 5 years of constant stupidity and anti-vax movements we actually do get an outbreak. To blame are the stupid cunts who don't vaccinate, be it the American or the Mexican.

Bfwilley ago

bagano1 ago

You do realize these people will have to be vaccinated when they enter, right? Also, believe it or not, they do get vaccinated by their own doctors and aid groups overseas, moron.

Patriotic-Canadian ago

Why all the fucking fuss?

When I was a kid, I got measels: everybody got measels.

Nobody died.

dwhipwhipplez ago

I think its because both issues are nearly equal in representation. I've heard something like 30 mil illegal immigrants are here. Looking at the stats for people getting waivers from their gov so they dont get vaccines are higher than you realize. I don't want to link any specific news source for this, but they all seem to be in agreement. You have anywhere from at a minimum 3% to 6% of each states population getting these exemptions. These are the people that in the system and have gotten the exemption. How many are illegals and likely not counted in the system of exemptions. Also not to mention the HB-1 visa guys, but im ignorant of any rules surrounding those visas.

coucou ago

Spread diseases via 3rd world forced migrations, part of Agenda 21. Talking about holocausts! The cabal will be on the world book of records! And I agree with Warnos, it is mostly conservatives who are anti vax. And yes, anti poison is better said. In Italy, Salvini fired the whole vax board and nominated new people, who found straight away there are no antigenes in vax, only rubbish destroying human health.

MrShekelstein ago

its an obvious misdirection.

flapjack_charlie ago

They aren't. The media is because its pushing the agenda that you have no right to your own body. The people jumping on this are just idiots who think what they're told.

captainstrange ago

idiots and bots.

Which ironically is what they accuse us of being.

NotHereForPizza ago

They're deflecting and using it to fork the blame to people they're trying to control.

bfriend13 ago

Because that would make sense.

Bananazz ago

Medical industry requires sick people to stay in business.

L3D ago

Even if there wouldn't be any illegals, anti-vaccers could still get infected when they travel somewhere and then can cause an epidemic back home. Last two epidemics in Finland were like that, anti-vaccers traveled somewhere and caught something and spread that around in their cooky religious events first and then in hospitals.

Maybe would be the best to deny anti-vaccers from traveling anywhere where they could catch something. And vaccinate migrants with everything as soon as they come ...forcing migrants to take vaccines might even cause those migrants not trusting western medicine not coming at all. Anti-vaccination is a big hit on Somali communities apparently.

figgernaggot1488 ago

You can tell it's actually third-world savages infecting everybody because there's not one fucking mention of WHO fucking has it. They dance around the issue, carefully piecing together every word to avoid even the faintest hint that might make "white supremacists" appear correct. They say things like "in an area where vaccination rates are low" instead of "in an area with a lot of anti-vaccination activity." Not one fucking victim is identified by photo or name anywhere I can see. I wonder why.

2fast4u92 ago

As much as I agree with keeping spics out, isn't a little ironic to say "it's not the recent anti vaxxers its the damn lifetime anti vaxxers" Now, I don't get flu shots, they are a roll of the dice anyways. But mumps, measles, hepatitis, polio, etc. We don't need that shit floating around.

Suzyboots ago

I couldn't agree more!

Ken_bingo2 ago

Because it is not "everone", it is just narrative enforcers and their useful idiots.

basedmangod2015 ago

and thats where we are, there are now measles apologists

Bacon219 ago

Good hypothesis. Although I looked up some of the known locations and they seem like nicer neighborhoods.

enginedriver13 ago

"Nicer neighborhoods" here in Shitlib USA are full of illegals that get employed by rich people as gardeners and nannies and housecleaners--HUGE vector of infection to have some illegal from bumfuck, mexico in your house and around your children.

satisfyinghump ago

I've thought of the same thing.

So this is what I dont get about the people claiming parents who domt vaccinate their kids, are to blame.

If you have 10, 100 or even 1000 kids that are not vaccinated, all in school, they're not going to spontaneously get measles, right!?

But if you have people coming to our country from countries which dont have a measles vaccination program (God bless BillyGates, boy does he and his non-profit try their hardest... they put chemicals in their vaccinations that they administer in Africa, which prevent the person from either having viable sperm or able to get pregnant!), you will have measles being reported!!!

I'd love to know, they can strip any personal info, the analytics on these people. Do they work in some capacity, near or in the same facilities/areas/buildings as these measles infected illegal criminals???

This may be a new method that I.C.E. uses to hunt down large populations of illegals!!! Hah, well only 1/2 joking... but they could ask hospitals and clinics to report to them when they receive above a certain threshold, patients that have measles... although these types of facilities often times have liberal execs so theyd probably hide their numbers from them... theyd need to request the info through an intermediary, like a non-profit or some innocent non-immigretion/deportation focused government agency...

con77 ago


16450090? ago

Once you get it- it’s done. You’re immune. That’s it- it’s over.

Well, technically no. You need a booster as adult - so parents taking care of their children with measles or chicken pox got a booster (without getting sick) and then there was life-long immunity. Both viruses are so much worse as one ages that they are considered a different disease (shingles?).

SearchVoatBot ago

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Warnos44 ago

Not only that but isn't it likely to be deadly if you get it when you're older?

john-from-wisconsin ago

You already know the answers to the question.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Whaaat, are you some kind of conspiracy nut?

Oy gevalt, next thing you'll be telling me you doubt they had floors made of spinning knives in Auschwitz.

I was there!

GutterTrash ago


They always do this.

I just noticed that if you go to that other site you will see a noticeably higher uptake of memes that shit all over anti vaxxers, deservedly so obviously.

Mockingbird social media is once again demonstrating its efficacy in shifting the blame and all the sheep are lapping it up.

Malagant ago

Feels > facts

wt1984yb ago

Because they're a bunch of NPC retards that can't think for themselves and believe anything the government or media tells them to believe.

dudelol ago

Vaxxines are causing this.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

Pay attention goats. This is a good example of a liberal talking point, where in either case, vaccinations are the answer.

DeadFox ago

Because they're a different colour then you

Doing any less then grovelling at their feet is racism

phuk_hugh_hall ago

Is it weird that I noticed there were a couple of anti-vaxxer posts on the front page of reddit, and then when I came back to voat there was an anti-vaxxer post on the front page?

probably just a coincidence, right? Nothing to see here, goyim...

Warnos44 ago

No, many goats go to both sites.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

and we all "organically" happen to upvote the same/similar content? Your right, probably just a coincidence...Nothing to see here, goyim.

Warnos44 ago

How does it equate to the same when here it's defending it, and there it's against it.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

If you agree that the target audience of both websites are extremely different, and you ignore the fact that "votes" can be artificially generated to give the appearance of popularity, how would two different audiences "organically" promote the same discussion? The question is, who benefits from getting the Internet (which is not computers but really people) to argue about vaccinations and not something else. It's not the topic of the fight that I care about, but the fact that it seems to be coordinated across platforms.

Warnos44 ago

I see.

Truly nothing that anyone is fighting about right now matters anyway. Trump is a Zionists puppet and Q is their brilliant psyop to keep those who would do something from doing anything.

All the people everyone wants arrested/dead will just be replaced by more of the same if we fail to purge the Rothschild/Zionist/Chabad influences.

I say this and I get labeled jidf.

Anyway I actually think it does good for people to be aware of the history and events of vaccines. Hell of a lot more productive than gnawing on fingers hoping this time they'll be locked up.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

Trump is a Zionists puppet and Q is their brilliant psyop to keep those who would do something from doing anything.

Probably. It's hard to argue he isn't when he aligns himself so hard with Isreal. Q got boring so I quit watching that show. I'm more of a South Park fan...

Dogbuttimmunity ago

Top 10 facts about the vaccine industry that the dishonest, child-murdering media refuses to report

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Really? We're linking NaturalNews now?

This is like linking CNN to prove that Orange man is being impeached any day now!

captainstrange ago

You're not wrong Laurentius.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Yeah but people see a headline they agree with and never read beyond it.

Someone ITT was trying to pass off a article that self-identified as an opinion piece as if it was a scientific study.

captainstrange ago

Yeah but people see a headline they agree with and never read beyond it.

Thats always been true though. I'm frequently guilty of the same thing.

Someone ITT was trying to pass off a article that self-identified as an opinion piece as if it was a scientific study.

Call it as you see it. Don't let it fly.

slevin_kelevra ago

both have blame.

Fred8850 ago

Bill Gates and the World’s Elite DO NOT VACCINATE their own children… and for good reason

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Literally one of the few sites with less credibility than CNN

Fred8850 ago

What you basis for that summation. Was the link I posted to a natural news article inaccurate? Are you also anti health ranger. Do you still believe there is a two party system in the USA?

Rangan451 ago

Jup totally inaccurate, with no actual sources. Also did you know the Zucc did vaccinate his child?

BumFightChamp ago

Don't worry, he is a moron

big_fat_dangus ago

L2immunology, brainlet. Retards like you are why the right has a reputation for being dumb hicks.

riffwraff ago

Immunology is legit. Mystery chemicals in vaccines are not, and big pharma refuses to change this.

Rangan451 ago

You really are a shit for brains, huh? That article, and many others on "naturalnews", is made up bs. How does it feel to fall for such an obvious hoax article?

draaaak ago

^^Obvious shill.

Rangan451 ago

Nah, med student and just curious about the people here, some don't seem to be braindead, but it's pretty bad.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

You made an account just so you be salty at a random stranger? weird...probably just a coincidence...

Rangan451 ago

Jup, I always want to know how people come to support clearly false and/or idiotic stances with no supporting evidence from actual, reputable scientists.

Rangan451 ago

Nah just curious about the people here, some don't seem to be braindead, but it's pretty bad.

englishwebster ago

one makes money for big pharma, the other wakes people up to their own destruction.

Fred8850 ago

Herd Immunity: A False Rationale for Vaccine Mandates

CowWithBeef ago

The media is just flexing their outrage engineering assets. They need to prove they're still in control. It's important to use this engineered hysteria against them. Ask sheep(how they see us) to compare deaths and chronic conditions from measles vs. deaths and chronic conditions from MMR vaccination in the past ten years. Don't even look it up. Just have them do it. They'll learn that vaccine courts exist. No one can justify vaccine courts if they think vaccines are safe. If they can think independently at all, the seed will be planted.

tendiesonfloor ago

how come

I bet you breath through your mouth.

Le_Squish ago

Add another one: vaccine now has greatly diminished efficacy. Had outbreak in my community last year. Half of those that contracted it were previously vaccinated. Health department shut the fuck up about it real fast.

kneo24 ago

How big is your community? What are the demographics of them? When were people previously vaccinated?

Le_Squish ago

Island has 200k permanent residents with transients in the millions with mandatory vaccination required for all immigrants. Outbreak burnt out on it's own. No clustering in schools so original infection was probably in the retail/ tourism sector.

kneo24 ago

That's actually pretty interesting information. Diseases can mutate over time, changing the effectiveness of a vaccine, assuming the vaccine worked in the first place. The tourism industry is going to expose people to all sorts of weird things.

Le_Squish ago

We have outbreaks related to tourism all the time but it's heavily suppressed (like all the tourist drowning deaths). 2 years ago there was an unpublicized norovirus outbreak. Entire neighborhoods crippled. We also have an oral syphillis problem here because tourist think buying BJ's in safer than penetrative sex and have an extra flu season because of southern hemisphere folks.

LlamaMan ago


Le_Squish ago

Yes. You like beef?

LlamaMan ago

More of a venison man.

Was just there, reading up on drowning deaths was pretty surprising tbh. I can see it being pretty common with older folks thinking they can suddenly swim a mile to see some fish.

Le_Squish ago

People underestimate the power in the waves.

There are also the full face snorkel mask that is suspected to be killing people as well.

NoTrueScotsman ago

This has been true for every whooping cough/pertussis outbreak I've heard about, as well. The outbreaks happen among school age kids (just like you'd expect) who have had all their booster shots for it, but they've all worn off.

Le_Squish ago

Pertussis last 10-12 years. It's the only vaccine besides tetanus that I know to be safe and not suspiciously adulterated.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I got 2 years from discussions on pregnancy forums about current recommendations for people who will be in contact with newborns, so the standards are probably higher than in the general population. People in that group are recommended to get the vaccine every 2 years, though, because immunity wanes after that point. Here's a CDC link.

Le_Squish ago

It's probably best to have blood test when immunity is in doubt.

myvoicefromhell ago

Remember when you were taken over to your friend's house as a kid when he had the measles so that you could get it, too? That was the only measles vaccine any kid ever needed.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

That's basically the same thing as inoculation which is the forefather to vaccines.

GreyAlien ago

ahhh the ol chicken pox parties that thought was memory holed well

TruthWithPrevail ago

Even the Rugrats cartoon in the 90s had the kids get the pox on purpose. I'm not sure what today's cartoons would say though, it would probably be some kinda vax propaganda.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

What if it's both?

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

Isn't that why dupes get vaccinated? To protect themselves? Yet, they fear vaccinations are useless against others who choose not to vaccinate?

Redenz ago

agenda driven media?

captainstrange ago

"Dupes", I like it.

Toroidal ago

Because the ones getting sick are the children of anti-vaxxers.

Waffle_ninja ago

Because the truth is “insensitive”

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Vaccines have mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde

figgernaggot1488 ago

And salt has chlorine and sodium. Oh noes!!! Someone think of the children. Water has hydroxide ions. That's caustic, man!

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Spotted the Kike!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

What did he say that was a lie?

I'm waiting.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Fucking idiots

Salt water is full of sodium chloride molecules. are not poisonous and reactive like sodium metal and chlorine gas because they are electrically charged atoms called "ions." ... The chlorine has one extra electron and its outer electron shell is complete, so like sodium it too cannot bond with other atoms.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

So you're agreeing with him?

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

no kike, Vaccines cause Autism

Vaccines have harmful mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde

Unlike fucking idiot shills who say water and table salt are harmful, schlomo

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

So I guess the whole explanation when't over your head then, if you even bothered to read it.

Also nice work mr. 4 month old account calling people shills.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Fuck off kike, not going to read SHILL pseudoscience posts about why heavy metals are not harmful to the body

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

admits to not even reading opposing arguments

using SCP to measure contribution instead of CCP

Jew confirmed.

VicariousJambi ago

member for 3.7 hours

figgernaggot1488 ago

I create a new account every day.

captainstrange ago

and thats why no one trusts you faggot.

draaaak ago

^^3.5hr old account, shilling for vaccines... weird...

kneo24 ago

Dihydrogen monoxide is some scary shit. It breaks down everything!

Mikel777 ago

so you are equating mercury and aluminum with water now? dumbass. obviously you must have had tons of shots.

kneo24 ago

Perhaps you need to read more books on science, and just in general, so you can properly follow this conversation.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No he's comparing equating thimerosal with Mercury is like equating salt and chlorine or water and hydroxide.

A molecule does not necessarily have the same properties as it's component elements or else water (Hydrogen and oxygen) would be explosive like it's component atoms.

hamman365 ago

Thimerosal is a compound that contains mercury. Mercury is a metal found naturally in the environment.

Why is thimerosal used in some vaccines? Because it prevents the growth of dangerous microbes, thimerosal is used as a preservative in multi-dose vials of flu vaccines, and in two other childhood vaccines, it is used in the manufacturing process. When each new needle is inserted into the multi-dose vial, it is possible for microbes to get into the vial. The preservative, thimerosal, prevents contamination in the multi-dose vial when individual doses are drawn from it. Receiving a vaccine contaminated with bacteria can be deadly. For two childhood vaccines, thimerosal is used to prevent the growth of microbes during the manufacturing process. When thimerosal is used this way, it is removed later in the process. Only trace (very tiny) amounts remain. The only childhood vaccines today that have trace amounts of thimerosal are one DTaP and one DTaP-Hib combination vaccine.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

The kikes are coming out of the woodwork to defend Big Pharma!

hamman365 ago

fuck off Schlomo - not jewish at all just anti dipshit.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Hey schlomo

Yes Schlomo Kikes did 9/11

hamman365 ago

nope, but you keep spreading your diseased bullshit.

angryspin ago

Because everyone here trusts Government Organisations you fucking brainlet.

hamman365 ago

dont trust them much at all, but i sure as shit don't trust you - Soro's send your check yet?

angryspin ago

It's spelled cheque you fucking brainlet

hamman365 ago

for you maybe, because you are obviously a Soros troll. For me it's spelled check, as in did angryspin get his check from soros yet? or Soros just told angryspin his check is in the mail and to keep up the good work.

Warnos44 ago

Plus cells from animals that cause cancerous cells to begin growing when injected in humans.

Mr_Wolf ago

anti vaxxers are loud and obnoxious, but outbreaks have been quietly going on for years anywhere theres a high concentration of illegals.

being loud and obnoxious gets you noticed and blamed. they may have also been created so the media can avoid blaming illegals

dv1155 ago

"I'm not sure if I should pump dozens of unproven substances that may or may not actually contain what big pharma claims into my children" "STOP BEING LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS!! NOW LET ME INJECT YOUR KID OR GO TO JAIL!!"

geekpuk2 ago

Because anti vaxxers are dumb as shit

Living in a developed country with access to quality healthcare and rejecting vaccines out of ignorance

LampshadeMaker ago

Go fight futile, pointless wars with nature using your own spawn as cannon fodder, fuckface.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Blindly accepting a drug from a company who only cares about money = smart

Pwning4Ever ago

Which is true, but these infections didn't come back in a vacuum. Anti-vaxxers are not a threat because everyone around them is vaccinated. But it changes if you import people that do have the virus.

LampshadeMaker ago

The infections never went away, dipshit. Go fight futile, pointless wars with nature using your own spawn as cannon fodder, fuckface.

OhGoodLord2 ago

Shhh it's totally Becky! White women who stay at home with their kids, swim laps at the Y and have the audacity to buy lattes are a huge threat to national stability. It's definitely not the people pushing their 3 year old over a wall to sneak into the USA. They're noble heroes who should be celebrated! But Whitey? Whitey gots to go!

SRS-Airbag ago

It's easier to blame white people then answer for their retarded policies.

99887766 ago

Because had they got vaccinated they wouldn't have had the measles. You're a moron if you're against vaccinations.

myvoicefromhell ago

Oh, really? This guy thought he was pretty smart, too...

99887766 ago

Of course there's going to be a tiny percentage of people that have problems. Do you really expect something to be 100% safe for everybody? For 99 percent of people vaccinations are safe and the fact that people are vaccinated saves millions of lives. If people were to go unvaccinated the death toll from disease spreading would be astronomical in comparison to the few people who have problems with their vaccinations. try to think things through fully in the future

myvoicefromhell ago

Um, no. The reality is that only a tiny percentage of cases who have problems ever see the light of day in world media because of a concerted effort to hide the facts. You can continue to deny this all you want, but it doesn't make it less true.

When you say that 99% of people are safe, do you mean 99% of people who are vaccinated live through the vaccination process? Have you considered purity of vaccines because that seems to be the problem with them right now. In fact, a scientist recently did a study himself on many vaccines and what he found was that vaccine suspensions are contaminated. He did many studies on many vaccines from many pharmaceutical companies just last year. How many studies did you do?

99887766 ago

I don't think you understand the positive impact these vaccines has had on Humanity. They have and do save millions of lives. Are you saying that these vaccines causes more death than the diseases would?

Warnos44 ago

I'm sure sanitation has nothing to do with it.

myvoicefromhell ago

To do with what, exactly?

Warnos44 ago

You don't even have to read the article. Scroll until you see the charts.

myvoicefromhell ago

Let me get this straight; did you just say a known carcinogen saves lives?

basedmangod2015 ago

why not both? personally i think anti vaxxers are worse because they had the chance to NOT have measles and said "yeah thats fine for me, but not my kids" the third worlders never had that chance

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because the government wants to replace white people with foreigners.

Get your shots.

Crackrocknigga ago

Anything that can possibly be blamed on white people is blamed on white people.. Anything that can't be blamed on white people, is spun to be blamed on white people. When a darkie does something, it was so they'd know that behavior was "wrong" and whitey made them do it.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Not to mention these third worlders are incapable of basic sanitation and bring in active infections of diseases that we had eradicated.

The1stLantern ago

You fucking know why

HillBoulder ago

Tell me (((why)))?

GreyAlien ago


Bananazz ago

Medical industry requires sick people to stay in business. It's that simple.

SIayfire122 ago

'nervously sheckeling'

hamman365 ago

absolutely spot on

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

If vaccines worked, those vaccinated have absolutely nothing to worry about

Fred ago

Beyond what multiple others have mentioned: There are people who cannot get vaccinated due to actual medical issues, (and not retarded soccer moms who think autism is caused months or years after birth) who rely on herd immunity to get by.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Vaccines Cause Autism

Fred ago

Vaccines cause adulthood.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Autistic Adults

Fred ago

You're living proof.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Kikes did 9/11

Fred ago

Not relevant.

xberb ago

Herd immunity is a thing

figgernaggot1488 ago

That's not how it works. Immunity isn't absolute. Your exposure to pathogens can overwhelm your immune system even if you have immunity. You can only have so many WBCs in your blood.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Hey Vax Kike Shill!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"anyone who disagrees with me is a shill"


Tekedo ago

Vaccines have a ~95% effectiveness due to how our immune systems function. The white blood cells don't know how to stop a threat until they are aware of it. They go into mutate mode to see what fights the disease and when something works, BAM it's deployed and the invasion is stopped.

Some times, the immune system doesn't quite mutate enough in time to kill the weakened/dead disease in the vaccine. That means that even if you were vaccinated, you could still be vulnerable.

That's why group immunity is so important, and why vaccines have to be deployed in mass numbers to be effective.

NoRoyalty ago

Complety fabricated efficacy rate. By Big Pharma.

HillBoulder ago

Somebody is missing the point.

Biggerpotato ago

The flu vaccine is reportedly between 5-30% effective in any given year. Go and get your dose of heavy metals, fluouride, and animal bits.

NoRoyalty ago

Vitamin D3 studies show much much higher effectiveness rates against flu.

Tekedo ago

Ok, when I say Vaccine, I'm generally referring to long-lasting, one and done shots for measles or TB. I didn't grow up in a time where flu shots were such a common thing. I would never get a flu shot.

"Get a shot every year and don't ask questions" is obviously fucked. Also, with flu vaccines, one of the reasons they are so infective is because different strains of flu are spread in different years, and the vaccine labs have to guess which strain will be around 5 months in advance. Also, flu vaccines are generally shit anyway, with a lot of flus being pretty resistant. 2 years ago, I got H3N2, which is a very resistant strain of flu. The sickest I've ever been in my life. Went to the doctor, had to use an inhaler for a week, and I can't cough the same way anymore. Nothing would have changed if I had gotten the flu shot, as everyone who got the flu shot around me got sick anyway!

In short: stopping measles, mumps, and TB: Good - Getting yearly injections of a VIRUS (Can't be killed, they aren't alive) to make you less sick maybe: Bad.

sbt2160p ago

a VIRUS (Can't be killed, they aren't alive)

lol, you make it sound like some undefeatable super-force. Of course it can die. Like a Jew with no gentiles to leech off of.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No he's just going into the debate that makes biologists throw chairs at each other.

Basically there are several requirements for a thing to be considered alive, Viruses fail some but not all of them, most notably that they do not reproduce on their own but reprogram other organism's cells to create more viruses. Therefore viruses are not alive, and therefore cannot be killed as he said, just like you cannot kill a stone or a corpse.

Now there are other definitions of life where Viruses CAN be considered alive. It's really just arguing over specifics of definitions.

slwsnowman40 ago

When I would get the flu shot, I'd get sick. I haven't gotten a shot of any kind in the last 6 years. Got sick last week for the first time in a few years and I'm already over the worse of that cold. Haven't been to a doctor in 10 years or so.

xberb ago

Haven't been to a doctor in 10 years or so.

This is why males tend to die earlier from completely fixable/catchable things

slwsnowman40 ago

I don't have time to go, and when I have time, I don't have money. If they were more like McDonald's, I'd probably go on a schedule. And by more like McDonald's, I mean there should be a menu that I pick and chose why I'm there with clear prices and I have the option of using my healthcare or not.

lordvain2 ago

The science is one thing, sure we get it. What you and others like you refuse to get is that we don't trust the industry any more. You always refuse to address that point. The industry is criminal, and has been made immune to the rule of law. They have caused the deaths and injury of millions and are not held accountable. You would have to be some kind of idiot to trust any company like that. They admit their product kills people. We should never HAVE to trust them.

DrugAddict ago

If you know they work then what does trust have to do with anything?

elitch2 ago

There is no science. Not one double blind study has ever been conducted on vaccines.

Motoko ago

They test vaccines on aborted babies

Tekedo ago

Yeah I get you with the industry stuff. Who is getting the masses addicted to opium?

Exactly as you said, as a Science it's one thing, as a business it's totally different. Totally agree.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

The debate, then, needs to move away from effectiveness of the concept of immunisation and into a debate of execution. Limitations of ingredients and function. Removal of liability protection for manufacturers. And never legal mandates for medical procedures.

lordvain2 ago

Every article, TV spot always frames this as some unqualified parents don't trust vaccine science, as if our pharma industry was a paragon of virtue and beyond reproach. The pharma industry is profit driven and equally if not more corrupt than any other profit driven industry. Numerous cover-ups have been exposed and have never been prosecuted. They experiment with the public and have Vaccine Courts that cover their crimes. No we are not talking about the science, we are talking about complete bastardization of the science for profit. Trust my ass.

hamman365 ago

for the most part vaccines do work, but only as long as the whole herd is innoculated. I'm of the let me decide what to do crowd and not the do as you are told crowd.

stray502 ago

lol so in other words you agree vaccines dont work. If you are vaccinated then there is no worry about someone who is not because there fore you should not be getting the disease. So no thanks none of the poison for me they can go ahead and kill the sheep.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

lol so in other words you agree vaccines dont work. If you are vaccinated then there is no worry about someone who is not

Jesus fucking Christ stop with this retarded "gotcha" to a claim that nobody makes.

This is only a valid "gotcha" if vaccines are claimed to be 100% effective for 100% of the population which nobody seriously claims. if a vaccine is say 95% effective then those 5% remaining people are only protected by herd Immunity, effectively a vaccine reducing the total amount of people infected then reduces the amount of person to person infection which protects the people who the vaccine didn't work on.

hamman365 ago

i do believe vaccines work - but you have to have herd immunity to make them effective. If you only give 1% the vaccine, its not going to work well

elitch2 ago

Really? Could you please point me to the scientific, double-blind study that proves the efficacy of vaccines?

kneo24 ago

Question, if Vaccines didn't work, why are these out breaks a more recent phenomenon? You're asking people to try and find studies of every single vaccine when people are refusing to address this basic premise.

elitch2 ago

I'm asking for one single scientific study proving the efficacy of vaccination.

Don't put words in my mouth.

Your question doesn't make any fucking sense, either.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Would you prefer a scientific study or a history book/lesson?

Trick question: You get both.

Vaccination has been known to be effective for a couple hundred years, and it was forefathered by inoculation, which has been known to be effective for several centuries longer. So long, in fact, that you probably know what "Pox parties" are, but you don't know where they came from. "Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems..."

I'm asking for one single scientific study proving the efficacy of vaccination.

Okay, since you didn't technically ask for any side of history, here:

elitch2 ago

Okay, buddy. good luck with your bullshit.

Still waiting for that scientific study.

Perhaps you don't know what science is?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

ah the classic, "keep repeating yourself like a retard and ignore all evidence strategy", I hope it works out for you.

kneo24 ago

I'm asking for one single scientific study proving the efficacy of vaccination.

And I will be more clear. Choose a vaccine. Your position seems to be that none work. How do you which do and do not work? I don't know which ones you've looked at, or even if you know the names of any vaccines. Tell me, which ones don't work.

Don't put words in my mouth.

I didn't, but it's clear you're retarded given your next statement.

Your question doesn't make any fucking sense, either.

That's because you're fucking stupid, apparently.

Now, to placate you, finding a study was easy. Here's one detailing the efficacy of herd of immunity, which directly correlates to the efficacy of vaccinations working. It also discusses which vaccines didn't work. This is why it's important you define your criteria instead of leaving it so open ended. If you feel none of the vaccines worked, it should have been trivial for you to name one. Just one. You failed, like a dumb nigger.

elitch2 ago

Apparently you don't know the difference between a speculative paper and a scientific study.

"Herd immunity" is some huge bullshit, just ask a rancher.

You are clearly following the shill manual, and I'm not wasting my time on you.

kneo24 ago

You have absolutely refused to name one, just one vaccine that doesn't work. You have clearly shown to not understand basic questions in relation to the topic when asked. You also just equated animal biology to human biology as if a direct correlation matters, without proving it does. Had I actually put words in your mouth that you didn't imply or say, you would have pointed it out.

The paper I linked, had you bothered to read it at all, bypasses your need for a direct link to any scientific study (beyond the fact that you absolutely refuse to give one example, and you easily could, of a vaccine that doesn't work for actual discussion).

Let me make it real simple for you. If the vaccines didn't work, due to population growth, we'd see more cases per year of these diseases since the inception of these vaccine programs. We're only seeing that very recently, and for whatever reason you're not even asking why, but would rather throw the baby out with the bat water.

If vaccines didn't work and herd immunity was bullshit, the paper I linked wouldn't have been able to make a correlation between infection ratess of those vaccinated, and those around them who haven't been vaccinated.

Lastly, if you're going to lob the shill accusation at someone, at least have a fucking clue and don't engage in the very tactics you're decrying (note, I'm not calling you a shill here, I just find the hypocrisy amusing). I'm not even saying all vaccines work, or that they're all good. Perhaps this is due to your inability to read and comprehend. I've read NPC's sometimes have that problem. Are you one?

elitch2 ago

No, I'm just not dancing to your tune, retard.

So, you go ahead and find a double blind scientific study proving the efficacy of any vaccine, and I'll address your bullshit.

Until then, have fun sperging out at your monitor. And don't forget to get your flu shot!

kneo24 ago

Yeah, heaven forbid if someone asks you for specifics. And while you're at it, keep engaging in shill tactics while crying at others for doing so, hypocrite.

hamman365 ago

naw not going to get into that, its my belief and i think anti vaxxers are some of the most selfish, stupid fuckers around - you want to get polio? well that's how you get polio.

talmoridor-x ago

naw I'm not going to

Because you can't

hamman365 ago

i dont need to - i think anti vaxxers are retards - don't have to prove it to you - just like im not asking you to prove to me that not vaccinating is not dangerous

elitch2 ago

Yeah, who needs scientific verification when you have propaganda and feels, eh?

Polio never existed. It's a statistical manipulation.

You are a sheep.


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Polio never existed. It's a statistical manipulation.

That's the most retarded thing I've read all day.

elitch2 ago

Yet it is 100% fact.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It is 100% not fact.

You believing that 2 +2 = 5 doesn't make it a fact.

elitch2 ago


VicariousJambi ago

Polio never existed. It's a statistical manipulation.

Could you source or explain how?

hamman365 ago

no he can't - polio, rubella, mumps, TB are not statistical manipulation. Its retards like this that give true skeptics a bad name.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You do realize that is an opinion piece as seen at the top of the page if you bothered to actually read the link? It's not a scientific study at all.

Just linking to a "source" doesn't automatically make someone correct.

elitch2 ago

There's more if you search it out.

"Polio" as people think about it (paralysis, iron lungs, etc) was most likely extreme DDT poisoning, and was only a fraction of a percent of all "polio" cases. During the time frame of the "polio" epidemic, people would literally feed their children DDT. They would spay the children from head to toe in, and directly apply DDT to foodstuffs.

Polio was known as "the Summer disease", coincidentally. Summer, when you're eating fresh fruit and playing outside, covered in DDT.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Why exactly are you presenting an opinion piece as if it was an actual source?

Unless you're just hoping people see you linked something and assume you're correct without clicking the link and seeing that it's labeled as opinion.

elitch2 ago

I don't give a fuck. Go get your flu shot, fuck head.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I don't get flu shots.

VicariousJambi ago

Nice, thanks for the info!

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

naw not going to get into that

VicariousJambi ago

I'll wait to see what the person I'm actually asking says.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

i mean that logic only works if Vaccines are effective on 100% of the population, which we know they aren't.

Fred8850 ago

Herd Immunity: A False Rationale for Vaccine Mandates You must be pro vaccine.

sparts ago

They think anti vaxxers are conservatives whereas third world savages are vibrant, beneficial diversity.

flapjack_charlie ago

Ironically, anti vaxxers tend to be college educated liberals.


ironically 'vaccines" are fake dirty-gypsy-jew "science"...

DrugAddict ago

Lol, no, ignorant Facebook moms are the anti vaxxers

flapjack_charlie ago

Most of whom went to college and call themselves liberal

DrugAddict ago

Maybe went for 1 year, got knocked up by some nigger, then dropped out. Would hardly call those bitches college educated

flapjack_charlie ago

No, most of them are white, have white kids and husbands, and graduated from college, although probably not an elite one. That's the irony, they try to paint this as a right wing thing and it isnt.

Sunnybrooke ago

Can I have generalizations for 200, Alex?

flapjack_charlie ago

Yeah, that's what the "tend to" implies. Also, generalizations are usually how one describes a group given that its rarely possible to describe specifics of a disparate group of individuals.

FridayJones ago

I thought most anti-vaxxers were New Age crystal-hugger broads who believe that we'd be immortal were it not for "toxins."

riffwraff ago

No. Anti-vaxxers are just slandered as such. No one except a handful of retards believes that hippy crap. Most anti-vaxxers are parents who don't want to pump their infant children full of mystery chemicals, the contents and effects of which are largely unknown. When big pharma is called out on this they slander these people as crazy. If some kike hands you a syringe and refuses to tell you what it is, but says it will make your baby not get sick, you'd be suspicious too

DrugAddict ago

Is there proof of this conspiracy?

Rangan451 ago

Nope there isn't but these people will belive anything as long as it agrees with their world view, echo chamber and naivity, that's probably how you get to that point.

riffwraff ago

Ask a pharmaceutical company what they put in vaccines. They won't give you a straight answer but still expect you to put it in your child. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a matter of big pharma Jews refusing to disclose what they want you to put in your child's body.

Rangan451 ago

Damn boy antisemitism much? It's hilarious how you can be so wrong and just so idiotic in so few sentences, just wow! It is so easy to find out what is in vaccines, it's just your laziness or ignorance preventing you from being informed.

riffwraff ago

Jews run big pharma. Am I wrong?

phuk_hugh_hall ago

So this is why you are here. You are a kike shill! I really need to know...Why does the rabbi have to suck your dick after he cuts the tip off? Is it like, "Sorry little, Uncle Schlomo will make it better...mmmm...nomnomnom". Is that why you h8 yt?

Rangan451 ago

Ahh damn I fed the troll

phuk_hugh_hall ago

Hitler was right. The Black Sun will rise.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

From my perspective, most anti-vaxxers are lefties, and conservatives worship doctors.

Futt_Buckinton ago

Am anti vaxx... Am major conservative

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

Me, too, but are you kidding yourself in believing most anti-vaxxers are conservative, or do you acknowledge we are the minority? Same goes for eating organic, and trusting allopathic medicine.

NoRoyalty ago

Very close family member who is a liberal does not like forced vaccines. Just anecdotal, I know.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

The Israelis don't vaccinate, I wonder why?

frenulum_fondler ago

That's not quite true; vaccinations are not required by law in Israel, but they do vaccinate there:

Mikel777 ago

"If your child is born in Israel, you will receive a Pinkas Chisunim (vaccination booklet) when the baby is born, before you leave the hospital. If your child is born abroad, a Pinkas Chisunim will be issued at your first Tipat Chalav visit."

lol. so i you are born abroad you get the shots, born in israel, you get a little pamphlet....


"Vaccinating your child is not required by law in Israel."

and there you have it. on your very own link. Btw, that pic of a jewish woman with a sneer giving a shot to a blonde child really sinks the message in.

wholesomechoking ago

I think people associate the anti-vaxxers with leftists because of the skepticism towards government on both ends. Just, one of us retarded and the other is skeptical.

Warnos44 ago

Anti vaxxer is a poor choice of a word. Anti poison is a better choice.

The MSM has done a great job painting a picture of irrational people being completely anti vaccines in order to keep the majority of the population from starting to question to.

I'm sure there are some who are liberal leaning who are anti vaccines, but just think about that. A person who begins to question the fabric of the reality they've been painted tends to wake up and see other things they didn't know were there before.

It's generally conservatives who are anti vaccines/poison. It's not the vaccines we have problems with, it's what they chose to make them out of and refusal to find better alternatives when they know what is in them is harmful, but it's cost effective.

The IDF has nothing on big pharma when it comes to damage control, goys.

Mikel777 ago

Vaccine, etmologically speaking, literally means "empty of nature" vac, being the same root as evacuate or vacate, and ine meaning nature.

So these vaccines are chemical lobotomy weapons, designed to remove a persons nature.

innoculate is a similar word. If you look up the roots, you'll learn it literally means "remove or negate seeing"

So it is right in your face what these chemicals/toxins are used for right there in the words used to depict them.

Warnos44 ago

Gee wonder why we stopped learning latin.

Mikel777 ago

there are lots of words like that in English with hidden meanings. You really have to look at them closely. then you have amagram words, with reaaranged letters, or maybe they sound like another word with a negative connotation. All kinds of tricks for hiding real meanings.

Warnos44 ago

Also flagrant use of terms for names.

foxyfux ago

i was pretty surprised when i looked this up. i thought they were anti vaccines too of course. its not the case. theyre against getting 100+ weird stuff inject ed for no reason other than making money in thr fear of being infected which can also in fact make you sick. then you need more pills. the perfect plan.

xberb ago

anti vaccines/poison

Fuckin nutjob

Warnos44 ago

Totally right. Identifying ingredients known to poison people is insane.

Phantom42 ago

He still probably believes in the Holocaust too.

Give him some time.

Mylon ago

Vaccines are sound science. I just wish we'd spend some effort modernizing their delivery.

Phantom42 ago

A pill is better than a shot.

Mylon ago

Not every kind of medicine/treatment can survive the digestive track.

Phantom42 ago

Good point....



Warnos44 ago

So much this. Every "anti vaxxer" has been asking for this from the beginning.

Warnos44 ago

So much this. Every "anti vaxxer" has been asking for this from the beginning.

figgernaggot1488 ago

Anti vaxxer is a poor choice of a word. Anti poison is a better choice.

Depends on who you ask.

The MSM has done a great job painting a picture of irrational people being completely anti vaccines in order to keep the majority of the population from starting to question to.

The facts are the facts. Even if vaccines are a poison, the fact remains that they save far more lives than they cost. Botulism is a poison too, and you can build immunity by microdosing it. That's how vaccines work.

PatriotLady1 ago

The hell you say. I'm sitting here with a damaged heart from a polio vaccine. They can shove vaxs up their ass.

lucidjoe ago

Or instead of saying “anti-vaxxer” say you’re “pro-choice” on the issue.

lissencarak ago

There is something to what you say.

The problem is that putting new adjuvants in a vaccine requires another round of testing with the government

And nobody's going to pay for that

And the mercury/aluminum is mostly almost harmless for most people.

UberAngler ago

If that’s the case let them test it on your kids.

lissencarak ago

they are vaccinated

still not showing a lot of interest in anime, though, so we'll have to do another round

Sunnybrooke ago

They have never conclusively tested the effects of injected aluminum and they have no plans to do so according to my pharma friend...for "reasons".

lissencarak ago

It's pretty well tested in some sense. But it is a mild poison. That's basically what an "adjuvant" is. Poisons you a little bit so your immune system kicks into gear.

Sunnybrooke ago

I was under the impression that aluminum was being used as a preservative and not as one of the immune system irritants that they use to increase profits.

lissencarak ago

aluminum is the adjuvant

a mercury-based compound is used as a preservative in multi-dose vaccines (they don't use it in single-shot since those can be just made in single sterile doses)

Warnos44 ago

You say this as if they test it at all.

Have you seen the recent studies on "quality control" on these things?

Even more, have you seen those who push for vaccines talk about how they're going to limit the population?

lissencarak ago

Well, limiting the population didn't work, so they will just replace you now.

I wouldn't worry about vaccines too much.

And with all the diseased niggers coming, I would be getting some shots.

Warnos44 ago

I don't know if you have children. But many children are very susceptible to vaccine ingredients. Many of them are damaged because of it. There is even a test that wouldn't harm anyone to find out of a vaccine is likely to cause the damage, but they don't use it.

Doctor's are supposed to minimize the harm. A simple test... But they don't do it.

The only reason I am where I am today on the pizzagate, JQ, understanding both parties are two sides of the same coin, is because of this very topic.

You have a child who is vaccine injured, and you find out how many others are, and then you see they still do nothing... Take a look at agenda 21... See what the people in control say in their conferences that no one pays attention to...

Well. It's enough to wake anyone up.

lissencarak ago

Well, no, you just have paranoid thinking. Not really a bad thing (helps with critical thinking).

Some people are sensitive to vaccination, sure. The absolute number probably is in the "many", but as a fraction of the population, the number is not that great.

I am not aware of a test, unless they have figured out a way to check for genetic problems with aluminum elimination (there was a paper on that a few months back, but it's very recent).

The big problem with this is that if you have white kids, borders are not closing and these old diseases are coming back. And kids don't do well with dangerous diseases. Research what vaccines you get for your kids, and space them out as needed just in case. If you have $ you can make the doctor do any additional tests you want - as long as those are available.

MrDarkWater ago

Or we can fix the (((real))) problem. Kill infinite birds with one stone.

Get right with God, shlomo

lissencarak ago

Well until you can somehow (???) wrestle control of the media from Shlomo and close the borders, I will be vaccinating mine and acting as if expecting living standards to be rapidly deteriorating, especially in the cities.

MrDarkWater ago

Working on that.

Meanwhile, us out in the sticks are homeschooling and not vaccinating. You all in the city so you're thing. We'll be out here living with God.

lissencarak ago

ah well once kamala harris is in office, they will be building a section 8 right by your house

or government might just start buying rural houses and giving them to niggers and spics for free

Remember: white genocide is the official policy and law of the US government

edit: which is why you should vaccinate while you still can

MrDarkWater ago

then we will end its power, kike

lissencarak ago

you produced any white kids or just larping?

MrDarkWater ago

no. why do you jews seem to want your own genocide?

you lose whites, you lose your protection. Satan is using you for your own destruction. and you're proving Paul right

fucking inbred retards

polkadottedhero ago

Not the case in Oregon. But then again, all the lefties here worship the almighty government and the healthcare it provides.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Not the case in Oregon, you say?

I remembered a story a few years back about some island in Oregon that was vax-free and kids were like dying or getting critically injured by pertussis. Made me chuckle.

polkadottedhero ago

Interesting that Mississippi has no data since vaccines are mandatory there. I am betting a lot has changed since 2014

Sunnybrooke ago

Tell us more about this fictitious island in Oregon. Also, linking Mother Jones..what are you on?

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Sand Island, Russian Island, Tenasilhee Island... it was some little hippy commune type place. But you may be right; it could have been Washington. It was a few years ago and I just remember Pacific NW... looking at it now I think it might have been Seattle I was thinking of - either way a bunch of NW hyper liberal faggots weren't getting basic immunizations for their kids and so their kids were dying or getting critically injured as a result. We've known about immunization technology for literally centuries yet people still refuse to believe.

And fuck off with the ad hominem - save that shit for fagbook. "Der her MotherJones dumb!" The source of the data is the CDC and if you weren't a dumb fuck drooling mouth breathing cunt who was capable of mounting more meaningful statement than "I don't like your source therefore your point is invalid" then you'd notice important details like that. Fuck.

slwsnowman40 ago

It like that in Commiefornia.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

It's all about Kike profits at big pharma, plus killing goy

22trilionAsecond ago

killing you slowly so we can sill pay for medical care