Shitapple_samsquamsh ago

Fuck you and your shitposting friends. Fucking sick of this bullshit faggot fight between you and v/aww.

toobaditworks ago

First off I don't have any shitposting friends. Aww cunts are trying to take over Voat default subs. Sorry you don't care enough to help out. Go back to bullshit faggot Reddit if you want to see that shit.

toobaditworks ago

Sure... I'm getting downvoats from the frontpage aww brigade. I only call them as they are.

15349324? ago

So it is true - kikes really aren't all that smart.


Read all those comments, they deserve the downvotes. They're low effort trash, crying about not being able to post off topic shit that fucks with your head in a default sub dedicated to the exact opposite of what's being posted. Defend gore being posted in aww. You can't.

Because you can't defend gore being posted, you paint those who want to see it allowed there as victims. How absolutely fucking retarded could you be? Only nonwhites think gore is funny.

gabara ago

The @toobaditworks account was posting gay porn to v/aww:

Their arguments go into the trash.

toobaditworks ago

@puttitout These guys are brigading the frontpage and now are attacking me with pings. What does one do with these trolls... amelek, debate 101, she? Do your job bruh.

gabara ago

You're a troll and @puttitout knows it.

toobaditworks ago

He can look at my posts. And he can see yours and your brigade friends. I only post now to combat your trolling the frontpage with aww. You're not fooling anyone.

gabara ago

Everything you don't like is Gabara. Rent free.

toobaditworks ago

@gabara and his tranny friends was and still is brigading the frontpage. You act like a reddit faggot you get faggot links. Change my mind.

gabara ago

You keep making baseless claims. You went back in time and sabotaged the Germans in WWII you filthy space Jew!


The Prophet of Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, PJW, and Mark Dice. I question whether this is an obvious attempt to slander them or if the Jews really are that two dimensional

gabara ago

Aren't those all Jewish appointed "gate-keepers" as Ben Garrison labeled them. They're there as astro turf controlled opposition or something. I don't know I just know Alex Jones sells water and water accessories.


They are. They are Zionists, they dance around the issues of the world and refuse to address that it's always Jews. Alex Jones has admitted on video he is Jewish and doesn't give one flying fuck if America is 80% brown. OP's behavior falls in line with their perversion of reality.

gabara ago

Are you paying attention, @toobaditworks?



You cannot escape my waifu, Leliel, the Jaws of God.

gabara ago



I digest all.

gabara ago

She'd be good on a Bagel.


Page 108 is really the only part worth reading if all of it is too much to bother with. It's all parables and fairy tales talking about this biological power the Jews inbred for. That little eye in the brain is what separates humans from beasts.


Written in (((English)))

I've pierced the veil before, I know how the one verse manifests, I will use linguistic aikido against the liars just like Leliel does.

Bagels are circles just like Leliel and the whirled.

toobaditworks ago

That is not what they say at all. Most are saying that rules are already in place that work. Even if they say that and talk about adding a new rule they are being brigaded by the same people. It's very likely the same people who brigaded the frontpage recently. Same people who are now getting people to come to their defense and ask them to become mods.

toobaditworks ago

@puttitout : Don't allow these brigaders to keep brigading.

15349262? ago

It's brigadiers. Learn to spell.


"Cute animals are stopping my Zionist propaganda! How can we have democracy without gore and porn?!"

toobaditworks ago

@puttitout Voat manipulator DANKGHIDORAH and his aww brigade need the ban.


Look at all my imaginary internet points! Too bad this retarded faggot is upside down.

gabara ago

What an obvious low empathy Jew. Who desn't like cute animals?

Artofchoke ago

He's afraid of a slippery slope, he's no doubt been silenced somewhere previously. I'm trying to have some compassion for that. It's not a brigade to ping people in who are concerned with this topic.

gabara ago

Ah. @toobaditworks It's probably not brigading, v/aww is a system sub and it's a current known bug that you can't block it. It's been logged and @peaceseeker and I are documenting it for Putt. What this means is that it's getting the FULL Voat audience same as a post like this to v/whatever which means you have to deal with the spooks over on v/pizzagate who are cops by day so they profile every post. Or it might be FPH because reasons. Oh, and the Boomers over on the Queer Anon subs send each other puppies all day long via email. Don't you @TheBuddha.

TheBuddha ago

No, I still use postal mail for my memes.

gabara ago

You're the real MVP!


I literally fucking read them you Zionist faggot. "Same people," who? Name them instead of using a broad ignorant stroke.

toobaditworks ago

I don't name the jews.


No shit, why would a Zionist do that?

Fucking @crensch too because I hear he has a new light bulb in need of a shade to test it out with.

middle_path ago

But the difference is that the comments are simply minimized and not deleted.

toobaditworks ago

If these people are allowed in as mods or able to change rules it won't be long.

middle_path ago

No, not with the community we have here. It's the one thing that unites us all.


Bet this kike will ban anyone who posts off-topic shit in his Zionist subs.

Would test myself, have work to do today though.

"Today our democracy (my Zionist subs) was under siege by an unnamed group I will call Jews to gaslight patriots..."

toobaditworks ago


All the people who don't want new rules and new mods in the default channels are being brigaded by the reddit cucks who are trying to takeover voat.

Monteblanc ago

I have never seen gore posted to v/awe. I figured this was astro-turfed drama to achieve a shakeup of some sort.

toobaditworks ago

I believe so also. They clearly want control over the default subs.

Monteblanc ago

I'm reading the bottom comments now, all hidden comments are in line with the original spirit of Voat.

toobaditworks ago

Exactly. Thank you. There's a group manipulating voats not only in /v/aww but also on the posts that go along with voats true spirit. They want new rules and want to be power mods in default subs.

gabara ago

Here's one of their posts. Don't let the Rabbi fool you:


Notice the spirit of Voat is not with any of the subs he owns.