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AR74 ago

Not the hero we need.... The one we deserve

AK15 ago

You want to get that flabby tit wrapped around your arm? Think of all that underboob sweat and Cheeto dust leaving a orange residue on your limb.

TheTrigger ago

That's weird. All his comments made contextual sense, last night. Now it's just copy+pasta-ing everything. I don't know if its some SDBH-style intentional fuckery— kind of humour that only a stoned autistic faggot could understand. Something says it isn't, though. 'cause with them, at least they're trying to be funny.

AR47 ago

Stop for a moment and think about why would they do this to me again?

Happened before I left with the adhdferret name and now it happens again.....find it weird that they decide to fuck with me again. They were doing it in qrv as well staying anon

TheTrigger ago

I can't pretend to know why, bud. I'm just making observations. Maybe they think you're an easy target, because you let it bother you? I'll downvoat the accounts as they show up.

AR47 ago

Doesn’t so much bother me as makes me wonder what the goal is.

You got to be really board to do this kind of fuckery

AK15 ago

Yeah don't think many realize what a dog that size can do.

Story time.

Ok so before I went to Australia I did a ride along with some local cops because why not? Was like being in super troopers I am not lying either. This cop was fucking Farva reenactment all night.

We went through the drive thru at a local taco place and he used his bullhorn to fucking ORDER! Even said a liter of cola. Then went speeding at like 90 past another cop! That was sleeping and scared the shit out of him. Lol was a night that ended up being a check mark on the bucket list.

Well a few days later they invited me to do "bite work" with the attack dog. It's just a dog right? German Shepherd with Terminator teeth. No shit people this dog bit the bars on the window of the cruisers he was in till he broke off his goddamn teeth.

They replaced them with titanium (they said) I don't know but I know that they were metal because they glistened the color of death.

Well the first three (sometimes it is two) evolutions you must let the dog win. Pretty straight forward you run from dog, and dog chases then dog chews you up and shits you out.

Then you attack officer and he presses the release on the comes at you with the force of all that is fury on the planet. It was like a summon from final fantasy.....turn based RPG of getting your ass kicked into the ground.

I knew I done fucked up when I saw the smirk of that cop when he said......

Better watch out.

Dog slammed into my like a fucking meteor. Went right for my arm pit.....what animals do that? It was unnatural behavior for any other animal, but noooooo I get robo-cujo. Even with that suit on it hurt.

Then he says some bullshit in German and dog stops, he didn't take the teeth off just looking at me an winked as if to say....move fuck wad I dare you.

I said oh am going to beat you into kibble and shits you little bitch!

Yeah I said that out loud. Cops wailing laughing at me saying no you won't.

Now it was my on one end of the run and me on the other. Dog wagging his tail with two wins but ONLY because men with guns made the rules I tell myself. I got this bitch!

Handler says some Hitler speak and here comes cujo! I catch him mid air like some kind of ghost in the Shell anime kinds shit. All slow mo, and majestic like. That is........

Until dog went for my face. Not a part of my face it was my whole face. And dog wasn't playing this was fight to the death like shit and dog didn't know how to lose.

I grabbed for his torso to throw him says "face attack disengage" he goes for my hand and with the force of Thor's hammer he comes down on my arm while this snarl comes from his guts that I won't lie.....I lost 4 drops of pee.

Somehow dog matrixes his body and my dick is now in the dirt. Dog is on my back and I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Keep in mind I ain't no punk bitch and by all means you think you got what it take go ahead and volunteer to do bite work at your local PD. See if you can take it and be a man.....I did and ended up the bitch.