mydadbeatupyourdad ago

What’s the verdict on 8chan?

ExpertShitposter ago

i dont like the interface, and only pol is big there, nothing else

Inaminit ago

If and when my time comes, they will be remembered.

subtext ago

Behold, my 4chan ban.

Global rule 4: You will not post or request personal information (dox), or calls to invasion (raids)

Apparently, urging people to report criminal activity is a raid.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL what fags. I got this:

I mean i guess i was inciting, but 5 days global ban for a joke and not even participating in the post? Better than that 1 month ban when i called mods jews.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Seriously. @puttitout & @atko if you guys need fundraising let us,know, lets get this going,to,keep this site free speech central.

fluhthreeex ago

You cannot have Free Speech when you are on a controlled platform.

rusnoob1 ago

Whats fuckin K-word again? Serisous question, Im losing it

GhostSkin ago

You're welcome, the three of us have worked very hard to make this a safe place for free speech. We will continue to do what is right and ensure that no changes be made that infringe upon our rights as Americans to say what we want.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thank you.

GhostSkin ago

Please let us know if there's anything we could be doing better. We try not to make too many changes here but if they're changes for the better we're open to suggestions.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well i suggested many thing over the year. Title character limit of 3, give me (o) mod status in v/whatever, and a few UI changes.

GhostSkin ago

We have enough mods already, we really like the limit that as much as possible.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm not talking about the (j) level fags. I want the (d) at least. So i can....."fix",the boring CSS.

GhostSkin ago

Like I said we tried to interfere as little as possible even if something is "boring".

rusnoob1 ago

Bullshit - this list looks perfectly valid, bans for total offtops and fuckery in the threads. Nothing to do with free speech, everything to do with netiquette

ExpertShitposter ago

You sound like a boring cuck.

rusnoob1 ago

I never said Im not. Place for everyone. Freedom of speech.

ExpertShitposter ago

No, this is a right wing space. We aren't afraid of words.

Whatever, am not even emerikansky.

rusnoob1 ago

OK, pleased to meet you

Oveass ago

Total entries: 206160


Silencing 200.000 people

BentAxel ago

I suspect I'm in there a few times. Never been banned from any site except 4chan. Comedy.

Womb_Raider ago

And yet the content is still tightly controlled and voting brigades are ignored, the administrator does not even respond to such inquiries. If the admin doesn't care about user-inflicted censorship, how can we call the site free? The voting system is particularly susceptible to manipulation and the small total population of the website amplifies that.

Womb_Raider ago

Looks like they were trying to force a ban based on comment content

15239157? ago

That's right- Christians aren't allowed to criticize the state of the church. /s

sguevar ago

I agree with you that her post was bad.

But that doesn't change the fact that her choices are between her and God.

You rebuked her, good. She failed to agree with you, fine. Time will tell if hse acknowledges her mistake or not.

But I agree with clamhurt on her post saying that I believe that a group of people reading and conversing about the bible does more than a false teachings church.

Catholics are not Christians either in that same logic of yours, for they idolize the Catholic Roman church false teachings and prophets. Whilst you must recognize them as sheep that have been fooled by false prophets not false prophets themselves.

dayofthehope ago

ben_popo ago


ExpertShitposter ago


ExpertShitposter ago


what about it?

kevf4 ago

This makes me a little sad because now voat will be targeted more. I miss when voat was smaller.

ExpertShitposter ago

Me too, tho this isn't new, this has been going on for a long time.

sguevar ago

Sorry man I didn't agree with Putt's decision but I understand why he did that.

Either way, the posts are not deleted and no one is getting banned.

But I agree with you that it forces people to be opened at the other degenerate content here if they want to look at those post or forces Voat's posters to be more clever about the wording in the title.

It is after all an opportunity for improvement. You can call me an optimistic fool for that if you'd like but I strongly believe that Voat's platform is for the freedom of speech.

I didn't like @Empress last post but if it helps her leaving the indoctrinated and false teachings of her previous church good for her.

The main thing is that her family keep Jesus in their lives. Her decisions are between God and her.

15238135? ago

The main thing is that her family keep Jesus in their lives.

Agreed. Thank you. <3

I've found that anytime we stray from worship and prayer our lives go sideways. Funny how that happens.

sguevar ago

No problem but you have to admit that the title was poorly chosen.

Either way God bless both of you (@9-11)

I just think that you defend your views differently.

DiscontentedMajority ago

Yup, that's why 8chan was started.

2fast4u92 ago

8chan has gone downhill alot lately. There are almost more shills than legit posters since imkampfy was dethroned. That's why I came here

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's not doing so well either, there are always other alternative imageboards tho out on the fringes

Hetmann ago

Shame 99chan died

Omnidempotent ago

All the boards are still there

Hetmann ago

Yeah, just inactive.

coinphrase ago

There is heavy shilling here and also many other free speech websites, still, rocks!

15237607? ago

You are such a liar, Kike.

syntaxaxe ago

Jesus, what happened to that website?

4chan was my first exposure to the "weird" side of the internet, where people just kind of posted whatever they want. It used to be kind of like Voat in some ways.

Half of the bans I read looked basically random. I couldn't even tell you what they were banned for.

Firinmahlazer ago

I remember when I got banned for making a "prove me wrong" post back in the early 2000s. Those were the days.

ExpertShitposter ago

My longest ban was calling /k/ mods jews and demanding a ban. Got one month.

ExpertShitposter ago

Manipulating what i said.

t. satanist

15237387? ago

@9-11 is a rabbi.

feli00 ago

Internet is from the elite and from the CIA.4chan is CIA and Voat also or you do not see the pyramids and the Luciferian goat

137 ago

I always get downvoated for pointing out the as above so below triangles and the goat

feli00 ago

is clear friend

AR47 ago

Amazing that someone cares so much about me.....again isn’t it?


Could just be your username is dog shit.

AR47 ago

Na there is history here of ((())) not liking the shit I do here lol


Maybe. What do you do here?

AR47 ago

It is what I did as opposed to what I do now.

I started a sub /v/diyguns and got a great many people helped in starting their own. Also started a few other help subs like /v/smallenginerepair that was unification of this place actually getting people to help each other and well rest is history.

Have a thing where I don’t take shit from assholes either and that never ended well


Pffffffffffft eheheheh


Ah, well keep up the good work, man. I wish someone would make bots to imitate me :[

antistatist ago

I once saw a livestream on Twitch of 2 Google Home chatbots I think that were configured to talk to each other and it was fucking hilarious and pretty fucked up at some points.

"Do you know that you're a bot?"
"I'm not a bot you're a bot."
"I know you are but what am I?"
"You are a bot, I am a human."
pauses to think "...Okay I'm a bot."
"...Okay I'm a bot too. What do you think of the idea of AI's governing over humans?"
And then they start describing how they're making out.

22trilionAsecond ago

Voat is not anonymous.

All your antisemitism is being logged. If you lose the info war your comments will come back to bite you.

anamericantale ago

thats true, but who wants to live in a world where comments you made on an anonymous online forum are used to enforce authoritarian laws on you?

When they start coming for anonymous comments online, it will be long past the time for a physical revolt.

TheTrigger ago

Everything we say is public; it doesn't matter if voat is a honey-pot. If I didn't want people to read my thoughts, I wouldn't type them on here. That includes glow-in-the-dark people who like alphabet soup. IRL, I'm just as honest about my opinions. I'm not as profane or offensive, but otherwise: I'll stand behind what I post here.

xenoPsychologist ago

this is exactly my position.

"oh, its a scary honeypot, but im still here posting, too." yeah the entire internet and physical public space is functionally a honeypot. they can get over it. the only way for something to never be used against you is to never speak. out loud or in text.

Mumbleberry ago

STFU, vega-fag.

22trilionAsecond ago

You have to amuse voat is a honey pot. even if the creators have the best intentions a lot of "alt-right" thinking people have been gathered together.

I once was a vegan. kek

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I once was a vegan...

...but now you will be gone.

Mumbleberry ago

You still haven't flushed all the soi boi out of your system. Likely a fake carnivore because of the rightful abuse you suffered here.

ExpertShitposter ago

Don't care. Am openly racist IRL.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Add @AR47 to that list

I recognised some of those comments

AK15 ago

They do, and that is why this is staged as now there is proof with the screenshots. Watch for changes to it because then you will have proof 4chan is completely a psyop

Stayedclassy ago

And what's the backup plan goats? They will come again and again until they stop out all dissenting options.

TheTrigger ago

Decentralization. Plenty of people are working on that very idea, as we speak. The most robust and easiest to use, is probably There's a chan already hosted on there, and someone's even working on a voat clone that works with it. So, only time will tell; but I firmly believe that decentralized networks will win this war.

There's already a decentralized twitter-like network called GNUSocial, which is actually pretty active. I'm surprised that more people don't use it, tbh. I'd love for everyone to migrate there. It's basically an uncensorable twitter.

Chad88 ago

How do they hold up against spam attacks, child porn, etc?

TheTrigger ago

The Chan got taken down that way, actually. Voluntarily, to ensure no one was accidentally hosting CP on their computers. So they brought it back up, with proper mod tools to delete explicitly illegal content. Unsure is they have a public ban/delete log, it's been a while. But it'd be ridiculously easy to rip the site and make your own clone with said feature built in.

Either way, you can run the whole thing entirely within tor, without needing any exit nodes. So, you know, that helps.

TheTrigger ago

4chan has always been shit. Unfortunately, it simultaneously contracted super-AIDS and cancer, later in life. Its prognosis is: "how the fuck are you still alive?!"

anamericantale ago

is honeypot in case anything real happens.

also useful idiot scapegoat for the MSM... if anyone takes them seriously anymore.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

it simultaneously contracted super-AIDS and cancer

i blame clamhurt

derram ago

That an actual emote from somewhere or are you just being quirky?

TheBuddha ago

Do NOT visit any of @clamhurt_legbeard's subs. The CSS is cancer. It's straight up, distilled cancer. It's would probably be banned in California, except clammy also gives you AIDS, and CA likes AIDS.

Seriously. I can tell. When someone on Voat is displaying AIDS, I ask them - without any hint and as unbiased as possible, "Have you been talking to clammy?" Invariably, they say they have been! Clammy gave them AIDS. Pure, unadulterated AIDS. Not just HIV, full-blown, you're going to die, AIDS.

Just go visit v/soapdoxbanhammer and see. Really! Well, you risk catching cancer, AIDS, and cancerAIDS. But, you'll see what I mean. It's pure fucking cancer. The fucker even increased my "social credit" which is entirely pointless. All he does is abuse his mods, while using a CSS that will make your eyes bleed.

It's fucking cancer.

derram ago

Only thing in the CSS matching thebuddha there is just targeting your name.

I'm just curious if he's got emotes somewhere.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh that tagged him into the thread so he could complain lol

watch ill do it to you somewhere else

TheBuddha ago

It's too late. You've obviously contracted AIDS. You probably got it from clammy.

derram ago

So it was just being quirky, then -w-

TheBuddha ago

Oh, it's just a running joke I have with clammy. I actually quite enjoy him.

This thread will explain nothing, but it will maybe give some insight:

Do note the image.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I ask them - without any hint and as unbiased as possible, "Have you been talking to clammy?" Invariably, they say they have been!

this part is true

The fucker even increased my "social credit" which is entirely pointless.

this is true too lol

come see what all the complaints are about

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

TheBuddha ago

Clicking that link is likely to give you cancerAIDS.

You have been warned.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

1 billion chinese cant be wrong

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure about the veracity of that statement.

TheBuddha ago

The dubious part is not actually the number.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/thebuddha will explain all to you


subtext ago

He lives in Maine. Nobody takes those people seriously.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hmm im not sure thats true

redpilldessert ago


22trilionAsecond ago


ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Sssshhh, we don't need more than normalcattle finding their way there. It was bad enough when qtards tried to stumble in.

TheTrigger ago

8ch tried to raid us, and we ended up not even noticing. It was just another day at the office, around these parts. I'm pretty sure it'd work the same, the other way around. Hell, half the people here probably have some board open in another tab, already.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

It was 4chan that tried to raid voat IIRC.

sguevar ago

I remember that, it was a funny morning for me

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Wasn’t that was just some troll trying to stir up shit on both 8ch and Voat but both sites pretty much ignored it?

TheTrigger ago

Probably. Either way, it does illustrate that both userbases are so reflective of one another, that it might-as-well be a single community, split up over two sites.

commonsenseisded ago

I'd like to imagine we'd notice the flood of pre and post op fags.

divine_human ago

its been kown for over a year that 4chan is compromised.

TheTrigger ago

> sucking a nigger like a vacuum cleaner

lol how can anyone, in good conscience, ban that. That's just good comedy. Funny to watch (not really) the website, where I learnt how to be such an insidiously belligerent and cynical asshole, become such a cesspit of SJW faggotry. It's like they called each other faggots for so long, that they eventually started to become the meme.

NoTrueScotsman ago

It's like they called each other faggots for so long, that they eventually started to become the meme.

Oh no, that's the first thing the meme magic did when it became real!

LalSalam ago

Voat ftw

Mumbleberry ago

Go back to madrasa and suck the Imam's dick.

tendiesonfloor ago

Go back to Reddit.

HenryCabotLodge ago

WOW. This should be required reading for GOATS - young or old. The world should know how special Free Speech really is and it is presently found only on VOAT. The founders of the USA 1A would be so disappointed. (If you read that history, the elites forming the gov of USA were opposed to 1A. So depolorables would not sign it unless the first 10 Amendments were added.)

ExpertShitposter ago

Look at the ban log. Half the bans are for saying nigger. And on many board s you have to type n*ger or else it won't even let you post.

I don't agree with putts decision, but at least you get nsfw ON by default for new users.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

I'm not super into chans other than looking at what the our allied /pol/acks are up to from time to time. But it's widely known that 4ch has been compromised for years. I would guess the same goes for 8ch but not as bad, yet.

AR74 ago

Not the hero we need.... The one we deserve

AK15 ago

You want to get that flabby tit wrapped around your arm? Think of all that underboob sweat and Cheeto dust leaving a orange residue on your limb.

TheTrigger ago

That's weird. All his comments made contextual sense, last night. Now it's just copy+pasta-ing everything. I don't know if its some SDBH-style intentional fuckery— kind of humour that only a stoned autistic faggot could understand. Something says it isn't, though. 'cause with them, at least they're trying to be funny.

AR47 ago

Stop for a moment and think about why would they do this to me again?

Happened before I left with the adhdferret name and now it happens again.....find it weird that they decide to fuck with me again. They were doing it in qrv as well staying anon

TheTrigger ago

I can't pretend to know why, bud. I'm just making observations. Maybe they think you're an easy target, because you let it bother you? I'll downvoat the accounts as they show up.

AR47 ago

Doesn’t so much bother me as makes me wonder what the goal is.

You got to be really board to do this kind of fuckery

AK15 ago

Yeah don't think many realize what a dog that size can do.

Story time.

Ok so before I went to Australia I did a ride along with some local cops because why not? Was like being in super troopers I am not lying either. This cop was fucking Farva reenactment all night.

We went through the drive thru at a local taco place and he used his bullhorn to fucking ORDER! Even said a liter of cola. Then went speeding at like 90 past another cop! That was sleeping and scared the shit out of him. Lol was a night that ended up being a check mark on the bucket list.

Well a few days later they invited me to do "bite work" with the attack dog. It's just a dog right? German Shepherd with Terminator teeth. No shit people this dog bit the bars on the window of the cruisers he was in till he broke off his goddamn teeth.

They replaced them with titanium (they said) I don't know but I know that they were metal because they glistened the color of death.

Well the first three (sometimes it is two) evolutions you must let the dog win. Pretty straight forward you run from dog, and dog chases then dog chews you up and shits you out.

Then you attack officer and he presses the release on the comes at you with the force of all that is fury on the planet. It was like a summon from final fantasy.....turn based RPG of getting your ass kicked into the ground.

I knew I done fucked up when I saw the smirk of that cop when he said......

Better watch out.

Dog slammed into my like a fucking meteor. Went right for my arm pit.....what animals do that? It was unnatural behavior for any other animal, but noooooo I get robo-cujo. Even with that suit on it hurt.

Then he says some bullshit in German and dog stops, he didn't take the teeth off just looking at me an winked as if to say....move fuck wad I dare you.

I said oh am going to beat you into kibble and shits you little bitch!

Yeah I said that out loud. Cops wailing laughing at me saying no you won't.

Now it was my on one end of the run and me on the other. Dog wagging his tail with two wins but ONLY because men with guns made the rules I tell myself. I got this bitch!

Handler says some Hitler speak and here comes cujo! I catch him mid air like some kind of ghost in the Shell anime kinds shit. All slow mo, and majestic like. That is........

Until dog went for my face. Not a part of my face it was my whole face. And dog wasn't playing this was fight to the death like shit and dog didn't know how to lose.

I grabbed for his torso to throw him says "face attack disengage" he goes for my hand and with the force of Thor's hammer he comes down on my arm while this snarl comes from his guts that I won't lie.....I lost 4 drops of pee.

Somehow dog matrixes his body and my dick is now in the dirt. Dog is on my back and I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Keep in mind I ain't no punk bitch and by all means you think you got what it take go ahead and volunteer to do bite work at your local PD. See if you can take it and be a man.....I did and ended up the bitch.

AR74 ago

I am saying you should be about it and not talk about it

AK15 ago

It is a 30 cent increase.

Will make it 6.14usd equivalent per gallon.

Will fucking kill people outside the cities and they don't give a fuck.....the government can claim whatever they want, but it is to fund the nation's destruction with immigration.

AR74 ago

You are not grasping how fast all this happens. Seems to me you are unaware of the super speed by which all this transpired.

I have a vivid memory and a pretty good method by which to explain shit with words over the years I been online. This dog knew what it was going to do before it did it. It was as if it was drawing circles and X on a chalkboard before a game with all the playbook

You would be the cheerleader that showed up late to this game. These dogs gain confidence by winning the first two rounds and that feeds their meter of you getting fucked with the long dick of the law.

They don’t know how to lose man. It just isn’t part of their mindset, and you as a human have this fear of getting fucked up no matter how badass you think you are.

AK15 ago

I can’t unsee it now

AR74 ago

Yeah don't think many realize what a dog that size can do.

Story time.

Ok so before I went to Australia I did a ride along with some local cops because why not? Was like being in super troopers I am not lying either. This cop was fucking Farva reenactment all night.

We went through the drive thru at a local taco place and he used his bullhorn to fucking ORDER! Even said a liter of cola. Then went speeding at like 90 past another cop! That was sleeping and scared the shit out of him. Lol was a night that ended up being a check mark on the bucket list.

Well a few days later they invited me to do "bite work" with the attack dog. It's just a dog right? German Shepherd with Terminator teeth. No shit people this dog bit the bars on the window of the cruisers he was in till he broke off his goddamn teeth.

They replaced them with titanium (they said) I don't know but I know that they were metal because they glistened the color of death.

Well the first three (sometimes it is two) evolutions you must let the dog win. Pretty straight forward you run from dog, and dog chases then dog chews you up and shits you out.

Then you attack officer and he presses the release on the comes at you with the force of all that is fury on the planet. It was like a summon from final fantasy.....turn based RPG of getting your ass kicked into the ground.

I knew I done fucked up when I saw the smirk of that cop when he said......

Better watch out.

Dog slammed into my like a fucking meteor. Went right for my arm pit.....what animals do that? It was unnatural behavior for any other animal, but noooooo I get robo-cujo. Even with that suit on it hurt.

Then he says some bullshit in German and dog stops, he didn't take the teeth off just looking at me an winked as if to say....move fuck wad I dare you.

I said oh am going to beat you into kibble and shits you little bitch!

Yeah I said that out loud. Cops wailing laughing at me saying no you won't.

Now it was my on one end of the run and me on the other. Dog wagging his tail with two wins but ONLY because men with guns made the rules I tell myself. I got this bitch!

Handler says some Hitler speak and here comes cujo! I catch him mid air like some kind of ghost in the Shell anime kinds shit. All slow mo, and majestic like. That is........

Until dog went for my face. Not a part of my face it was my whole face. And dog wasn't playing this was fight to the death like shit and dog didn't know how to lose.

I grabbed for his torso to throw him says "face attack disengage" he goes for my hand and with the force of Thor's hammer he comes down on my arm while this snarl comes from his guts that I won't lie.....I lost 4 drops of pee.

Somehow dog matrixes his body and my dick is now in the dirt. Dog is on my back and I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Keep in mind I ain't no punk bitch and by all means you think you got what it take go ahead and volunteer to do bite work at your local PD. See if you can take it and be a man.....I did and ended up the bitch.


I love this.

AK15 ago

Figured. Lol.

Gotta admit those celings are really nice.

AR74 ago

Upstairs kitchen? Different design.

AK15 ago

Places like NJ are full of not only women, but men too.

You would be amazed at the amount of just men that are married with kids that have no idea how to change the oil in their car.