Crayonall9t ago

The victims were mostly just ridiculed, not murdered. Just read the previous sentences.

usernameisnotthis ago

good stuff, thank you.

2_scoops_vanilla ago

Hitler wasn't Christian. Germany cared about her people, she did not care about Christianity.

Pluviou5 ago

The gulags were worse than the concentration camps - end of story.

Crackrocknigga ago

Let this be a lesson to us: the Jews may kill 20 million of us, and it is brushed off as "not real socialism."

250k Jews die under unfortunate circumstances, the white race gets shamed for 70 years and the number is inflated to 6 million to fit talmudic prophecy.

Blutfahne ago

I know the left so well that I can already hear the questions they would ask:

"How do you know those bodies were Christian children? What do those people all being Jewish have to do with anything? Can't that be a coincidence? They weren't fighting to make those places Jewish. Christians have done a lot of religious persecution over the years, why aren't you mad about that?"


And you know what these questions all have in common? The only ones they would ask? They're all "benefit of the doubt" questions. It's always true, when you criticize them it's everyone else who automatically comes and defends them because that's what they were trained to do. Better go watch Private Ryan again.

xobodox ago

The Jews aren't even Semites. It's just another lie created by the Synagogue of Satan that people blindly repeat.

eggsbenedict94 ago

I thought sephardic jews were semites and ashkenazis(the ones that cause the biggest problems) were just khazars masquerading as jews.

Blutfahne ago

But that's Christian, so that's also racist and hate-filled. Not valid fodder for conversational meanderings with leftists! No way to win depending on who you're talking to.

xobodox ago

Forbidden Bible truth about the Jews. . .

gazillions ago

Guns, guns and more guns.

You can't have too much ammunition.

mightnotbearobot ago

The Nazi's had an army and they lost to the Soviets.

gazillions ago

The Soviets killed tons of jews for being jewish.

GoyimDefenseLeague ago

It wasn't the Soviet soldiers that killed the Nazis. It was the notorious Russian winter that killed them. It just so happened that Russia had a record-breaking winter in 1944 when the National Socialist tried to invade them.

mightnotbearobot ago

And because Hitler was a lunatic that decided you can attack a country that can constantly retreat. And then the Nazi's got rightfully arsefucked by the Soviets while giving head to the Allies.

All in all a very good end to the war.

GoyimDefenseLeague ago

I will agree that Hitler made a huge strategic error when he tried to get his soldiers to invade Russia during the winter. The Nazi generals knew it would be a bad idea to do this and they advised against it. Unfortunately, Hitler's orders had more authority than that of his lower ranked subordinates.

mightnotbearobot ago

Good. The Nazi's were/are scum. Kill them all, I say.

GoyimDefenseLeague ago

Fuck off Kike lover. It's too bad the Holocaust never actually happened.

mightnotbearobot ago

Hitler killed himself like a soyboy, did you know that? And then the Soviets poured petrol on him and lit him up. Haha.

The Germans tried twice against the UK and lost both times. Serves them right, eh? Turns out Nazi's are pussies like the neo-nazi's of today!

And if you think the Holocaust didn't happen, does that mean the Krauts were so incompetent they couldn't even kill unarmed civilians? Well, I am not surprised.

Boax ago

Hi JIDF! Gas thyself plz

Conway ago

They might have won if it wasn't for the US air campaign and a harsh winter. Hard to wage war when your factories are being bombed and supply lines shredded.

SIayfire122 ago

Just picked up another couple hundred rounds yesterday, as well as more magazines. Extra rounds aren't any good if you don't have enough mags to last you.

obsecro-morietur ago

Bolsheviks? Am I missing something or is it as blatant as it seems to be

Conway ago

But, you don't get to the truth of it until.

Before the famine, all sides in the Russian Civil Wars of 1918–21—the Bolsheviks, the Whites, the Anarchists, the seceding nationalities—had provisioned themselves by seizing food from those who grew it, giving it to their armies and supporters, and denying it to their enemies. The Bolshevik government had requisitioned supplies from the peasantry for little or nothing in exchange. This led peasants to drastically reduce their crop production.

The government caused it.

Although no official request for aid was issued

Didn't want any help solving it.

In Lenin's secret letter to the Politburo, Lenin explains that the famine provides an opportunity against the church.[22] Richard Pipes argued that the famine was used politically as an excuse for the Bolshevik leadership to persecute the Orthodox Church, which held significant sway over much of the peasant populace.[23]

Then used it to take down the church.

obsecro-morietur ago

Beautifully written. Thankyou.

So the ‘Revolutionists’ intended on giving power to Soviets - how / why did they fail?

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, this isn't even an alternative history or anything. This is mainstream history. You could talk about it openly until like the 1970's or something.

obsecro-morietur ago

In what country could I be arrested in for mentioning them? I know it’s illegal to seig heil in Germany..

andrew_jackson ago

I wasn't looking at it that way. For example, the TV Show Archie Bunker's Place ran on television until 1983, which to me wasn't really all that long ago. Within my lifetime.
The show in case you're not familiar with it featured a likeable bigot.
By the late 1990's, you could only feature comedic racism in a TV Show (such as Southpark) if the show were being deliberately edgy.
That probably seems really subtle, but I would be genuinely concerned to go to work and make racists statements, even as jokes. I mean that's probably a good thing, but my point is that you can't criticize Jews openly in the United States.

obsecro-morietur ago

Of course you can openly criticise them. If you believe you can’t, they’ve already won.

You can criticise anyone in the world - just always have your facts straight before you get yourself into a debate.

Part of me thinks that these people don’t want to debate, and will unjustly crush their opposition every chance they get.

aLegoInYourShoe ago


AR74 ago

You want to get that flabby tit wrapped around your arm? Think of all that underboob sweat and Cheeto dust leaving a orange residue on your limb.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AR74 ago

Let me tell you what religion gave me.

It gave me a reminder of exactly how wicked man can be.

Here is a little story for you to read that isn't for the upvotes or sympathy. It is just for you to understand something.

Growing up I had it pretty bad. Now I didn't know this at the time because I was never permitted to socialize with other kids. The reason for this was that I was abused. Now abuse comes in many forms. Mine was physical. Mom and dad separated because she liked to cheat.

Well being that it was the 80s courts always sided with the woman. Well she remarried and this guy didn't like the idea of another man's son in his home. He made sure to remind me everyday too.

One day......I was to take out the trash, and it was during a blizzard. Well they locked me out. I banged on the door and looked in the window to see them smoking from a pipe. They left me out there. After a while I got really cold and my dog. Sandie a chow was whining and I went into her dog house.

She curled up with me and kept me alive that night. Well daddy dearest came out to go to work the next day and saw me in the dog house.

He went back inside and I stayed still as I could. When he came back he grabbed Sandie by the chain pulled her out and shot her in the head. He let me hold her till she stopped moving and I watched my only friend die in my arms.

He said no words and left.

I was 4 when this happened.

When I was 18 I went to see my mother father as he is a preacher in a penacostal church. I asked him why he would let these things happen to a child because he knew all the shit they did to me.

Know what he said.

That it was God's will to allow it as he prayed about it often and was told not to if that is true then fuck god and fuck men that allow shit like that to happen.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Ahhh, Protestants.

Sounds like they really have their shit together...

How about this? God allows everything to happen because if He did anything else, we would not have free will. God's will is not that anyone suffers, He wants everyone to be with Him. He allows people, like your parents, to sin, which inadvertently hurts you. Your "pastor" should have called the police.

Fortunately, God was there in your story. He created your Dog and made it loyal to you. Your dog saved your life because of the nature God instilled in that animal.

AR74 ago

Na there is history here of ((())) not liking the shit I do here lol

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Glass half full or glass half empty?

AR74 ago

This thread @empress

truthwoke33 ago

5 downvotes no replies, probably from pastors. I've met "Christians" who watch children get beaten and do nothing because "it must be God's will". It's why Qtards are the way they are. These people are literally retarded.

ExceIsior ago

Kike alert

THSenior ago

Kike alert

mightnotbearobot ago

Classic NPC response. You need the new DLC, I think.

THSenior ago

happy hanukkah.

AR74 ago

I have given you enough information for now and I am done typing

N3DM ago

That is pretty funny

15237005? ago

Gotta save all that hand energy for wringing?