watts2db ago

Great job, but a college course? Hell this should be an entire disciplinary study with it's own departments at Universities

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Cool, what an autistic faggot you must be.

Bolux ago

Well summed up, pretty sure Dresden was firebombed later on it was Berlin that was bombed from which Hitler retaliated [after many warnings] and the Blitz began.Hope you don't think I'm nitpicking .I would also tell people the photos of the bodies being bulldozed around died from starvation and disease due to relentlless allied bombing..

Rawrination ago

It actually should be a college program. Maybe if we survive this flirtation with freedom long enough to take back a portion of our schools it will become one.

Nellis ago

I gotta agree with @gazillions this needs to be a book. At least an ebook. I red pill when I can but fuck I don't know everything, I genuinely had to look up Rosa Luxemberg when you mentioned her.

You sound very well informed and goats like myself and others would benefit from a handy manual/book to reference from.

Please let us know if you compile an ebook!

Keep red pilling bro!

drstrangegov ago

Me too. And my mother. And it took. But I'm emotionally exhausted.

kneo24 ago

It's spiel, not schpeal. I think being a "grammar nazi" is quite fitting here.

antiliberalsociety ago

It was in German

kneo24 ago

I know, and I'm telling you the correct spelling, German or English, is "spiel".

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Well, there should be WW1 and WW2 college courses that talk about this stuff. Strangely, I've never seen subtitles on TV for what Hitler actually said in his speeches.

watts2db ago

For a while after being red pilled on the JQ I started to notice this as well.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MadWorld ago

Good work OP! Now continue to redpill others!

I_Always_Lie ago

Codoh.com for good honest holocaust analysis.

antiliberalsociety ago

THANK YOU! I've been looking for this guy from the Greatest Story Never Told, he speaks at the 49 minute mark but I couldn't find who he was

historicity ago

Hitler was neither all bad, nor all good. He also did plenty wrong. He lost for one, and the mythos he employed surrounding race was wrought with inaccuracies and reaching, even for its time.

tastelessinvective ago

Rosa Luxemburg

What did she do? Wikipedia didn't really help.

enginedriver13 ago

A prominent communist and a jew leader of the 1919 Communist "Spartacist" uprising in Germany--Germany was absolutely impoverished and destroyed after WW1 because of onerous punishments and payments demanded by the UK/US/France. German leftist leaders (nearly all of course jews), encouraged by the example of their political and racial brethren in Russia attempted in do the same in Germany and have a Soviet-style revolution. It is usually claimed she was killed by anti-communists but considering how much infighting there was/is amongst the "revolutionaries" (Socialists hated anarchists hated commies etc etc and were always attacking each other), it is just as likely she was offed by some one(s) on the same political side.

jodieann ago

Wow, had to take a break after reading your post. Still trying to let this sink in. My quest for truth has led to so many different rabbit holes that it's difficult to know how deep to go into each one. This one is relatively new to me. Other than The Greatest Story Never Told, can you recommend a good place to begin researching the truth about the Jews and Hitler?

Hand_of_Node ago


Try this film. "Marching to Zion"

jodieann ago

Thanks! I'll watch it tonight.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're lucky. My brother is fat and soft.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

It's amazing how people will say "history is written by victors" or "there's two sides to every story", but they don't even bother to find out what the nazi side of the story is; they only want to hear the jew's side. It takes two to tango...so there's a side that's being completely unheard

tally-ho ago

That's a great point.

"So the Germans scapegoated the Jews for their economic hardships... how would that be a believable scapegoat? What had actually been done, that would have been bad enough for a majority of Germans to jump on board and agree?"

PapShamir ago

I was expecting obnoxious and delusional false pride, then patting yourself on the bum again before calling normies idiots.

Then you brought up a bunch of facts! This is how you do it. Respect!

This was the best kind of clickbait possible. Keep it up, brother!

To be clear: For every one of you there's 50 grandstanding low lives poisoning the well for us later.

Mikel777 ago

My own feeling Hitler was a KGB agent which is why he sabotaged the war by not securing the western front when he had great opportunity to do so, which led to Germany's defeat. He disappeared after the war and end up living a comfortable life in Argentina after. The elite goal, of course, was to destroy Germany while pitting them against Stalin.

Hussite ago

My family went through both WW's in Czechoslovakia and you're partially right but Hitler wasn't a good guy at all. There was no reason for him to want to take over part of Czechoslovakia except that there were Germans living in what was called Sudetenland. He was just another socialist fuck. The whole problem with Germanic people is they're not level headed. This includes English speaking people as they are also of Germanic blood. I respect them but they constantly swing from one extreme to the other. Now these Germanic fucks are allowing their countries to be over run by savages and endangering Europe, again! Look at Slavic countries like Poland or Czech we may also have our own problems but we don't involve the rest of Europe. So fuck Hitler, he made the Jews even more powerful than they ever were before.

Taiaha ago

The fuckwit encouraged the Nips too.

Drakgan ago

Post voat is a normal day for my family.

Suzo ago


JopharVorin ago

Crazy ass honkeys

con77 ago

Loving the plantation

AshleyWilliams ago

Yeah. I totally revealed my power level over thanksgiving and my sister remarked that I was just like hitler. I laughed and said,” no I’m different. I’d actually do something about them”

Timmy2 ago

Don't forget the Juden declares war on Germany in 1933 when American Jews pushed all kinds of shit, just like they do today.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh I didn't forget, I sent that to him.

Hand_of_Node ago

'Marching to Zion' Official Full Film - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=typ2pl2L47k

A bit under 2 hours, and it goes into detail. Very well made.

antiliberalsociety ago

Seems pretty good but it's in contrast to a former Jew's testimony that they were Khazars from Asia. In fact he calls their claim to Israel a lie.

Hand_of_Node ago

The bottom article is much more recent, and seems to have filled in the gaps missing in the first two much older articles.

I've heard that theory before, but have finally looked into it a little this morning. I'm by no means a geneticist or historian, but am just looking for supporting or counter claims. One result is by this guy https://forward.com/author/alexander-beider/, who makes a plausible debunking claim in the below article. Can't verify, and site is jewish, but it's a competing narrative...


The below article proposes a European connection, but also gives some other points of view, including that Eran Elhaik guy who promotes his "Khazarian contribution" theory.


Here's a very recent article by Eran Elhaik, who is now saying real jews lived in "Persia (modern-day Iran)", where "they also acquired unique Asian mutations on their Y chromosome." There's some more tribal movement, but the core claim appears to be that it was real jews who lived in the “Khazar Khaganate”.


antiliberalsociety ago

I found it always helps to follow the KISS rule. And ask questions that make them think.

TheAntiZealot ago

It takes discipline but it is worth it. Thanks for sharing. I've saved your post and your "I covered this here" link. This is a fascinating subject matter. I only wish that I could learn it and explain it as well as you have.

ProgNaziGator ago

That is so damm true, they never show subtitles of what Hitler is saying.

TheTrigger ago

I remember bringing that up in class, as a kid. The teacher's reaction was pretty much exactly what you'd imagine.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

The real question is - was the Matrix actually a movie intended to wake up the world to the Jewish reality? Is it really a (((coincidence))) the city was called Zion, and that it's so easy to use the entire process of waking up in the Matrix as an end-to-end analogy to waking up from Jewish Mafia lies?

watts2db ago

Actually I think even some jews have wanted to stand up to the evil and support the truth but it's probably even more dangerous for them than the rest of us. Isn't Brother Nathaniel born a jew?

JohnGoodman ago

I will remind you that that movie was made by two trannies, so.....

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Getting MKUltra'd after producing the movie, maybe.

Thegreatstoneddragon ago

They Live was better

TheTrigger ago

Yup. OP linked to a good copypasta, that sums it up well. I fully believe that the Wachowskis were punished and reprogrammed, for daring to pull a fast-one on the kikes, and get their movie released without them realizing its impact, until it was too late. Those two faggots might have single-handedly saved Western civilization, by giving us the perfect vehicle to drive our memes forward.

neogag ago

I fully believe that the Wachowskis were punished and reprogrammed

Had the same impression. It's ridiculous for both of them to suddenly start identifying as the opposite sex.

TheTrigger ago


obvious_throwaway1 ago

I still remember coming home from watching The Matrix. It changed my entire world and opened me up to far more ideas than the movie itself presented. To date it's the only movie I've ever seen in Theaters multiple times.

Say what you want about the twins, I owe them more than I can ever repay for successfully freeing my mind.

TheTrigger ago

Same. It is hard to reconcile. I almost hope they were brainwashed, in order for myself to maintain my respect for them. It's probably the best movie I'll have watched, in my entire life— in terms of impact. That's a pretty huge fucking honor: I've watched a shitload of movies.

antiliberalsociety ago

I covered this here

I always said it wasn't sci-fi it was a documentary based on the shit they actually do.

MDEneverdies1488 ago


^the original OP. I knew I read this somewhere before

Cat-hax ago

I need to watch the movies again

sn00tyfr00T ago

HFS! Perfect

jnola2 ago

Good for you. It's nice to have your family able to listen to what you have to say.

gazillions ago

I'm going to guess that because he's your brother he's very easy to talk to and streamlining your points was an easy & fluid event.

While it's still in that form in your head, write it down and turn it into a short book.

An easy to read book.

antiliberalsociety ago

You are correct, my dad was not an easy flip. I have typed up several quickie pills for cuck sites, but a book like that can't be published because (((reasons))).

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Make a PDF Book. Post it on 8chan. Be safe.

BlowjaySimpson ago

There are plenty of small printers who will print any book.

watts2db ago

The voat community would probably be super grateful if you where willing to post a list of recommendations.

gazillions ago

You have more ability to disseminate your book than any human in history. (Book was autochanged to hooknose, what idly spellcheck trying to tell me about you???)

You aren't really expecting a book publisher to do something for your book.

Of course.you don't use your name. You shouldn't have a named presence on the internet anyway unless it'sfir work.

MrDarkWater ago

I'm planning to build a computer with no wifi strictly for writing offline, away from (((eyes))).

By build, I mean buy an old computer with no wifi. Windows XP or earlier.

watts2db ago

Raspberry Pi with some Linux variant might be a good cheap option. Also I bought a reconditioned Toughbook a while back with XP on it that I use for stuff like that.

antiliberalsociety ago

I don't fear that, I still use kikebook just to redpill. I just don't put anything personal on it. I try to follow Rockwell's advice as much as I can, suppression was his greatest challenge. He said that on the whole people want you to play on their emotions, and they need things sugarcoated. In order to win political power, you have to appeal to their emotions. Case in point; how LBJ won over Goldwater. Johnson went up to Appalachia to talk to the commoners, and patted the poor widow's kid, and assured things will be all right, we're going to take care of you! (Welfare program).

Of course it's lying garbage, you can't give anything without taking from someone else, but that didn't matter. They LOVED the idea that he "cared".

So in light of that, I work on short stories that are sugarcoated and easy to swallow redpills.

watts2db ago

Ah yes (((LBJ))) vs. (((Goldwater)))

MrDarkWater ago

I feel their will be a vacuum in publishing and entertainment real soon. Get your stuff ready. If not that, than there is always crowd funding and self-publishing/promotion

zyklon_b ago

Good work. I was raised by jew haters so our holidays are great

Keefin ago


zyklon_b ago

the rest of nation says we are backwards and hicks and hillbillys but we are proud of it

GasChamber ago

Again, love your username lol

zyklon_b ago


we make a good team.

together we can have a final solution to this jew problem

come and post in v/shitpostlitterbox and v/soapboxbanhammer

JopharVorin ago

hahaha I also was raised on truth about jews, blacks and other fish fuckers

HungryCrow ago

I envy you fuckers so fucking much. I could have had a family.

Yanx ago

Reeeeee I had to break decades of psychological conditioning to learn the truth and you just grow up with it? >:( The world ain't fair

Waking up was a very painful process for me and you privileged gen Zyklon kids will never know what it's like to be lied to your whole lives reeeeeeee


watts2db ago

It's true though I freakin believed this shit my whole life. I view things (and by that I mean pretty much everything ) different now.

zyklon_b ago


ThoseFeels ago

That's an interesting tid bit about you.

If only we were all so fortunate.

zyklon_b ago

raised in klan country, my dad used take us to klan rallys on town square in rural Arkansas. The klan rallys were like what I picture a county fair be like in other places.

bb22 ago

I was raised around "klan country" too and had some cousins in it, but all they did was have barbecues, fly rebel flags, and make racist jokes, as far as I know. We basically already live in a 95+% white ethnostate in the Appalachians. There is just little manufacturing in the mountains or anything like that obviously, but it kept the ghetto slums away too.

squishysquid ago

The Appalachians may do well in the next century, va recently got rid of the hydro electric dam system that was blockading the Potomac which means it may be possible to get barges down there again.

zyklon_b ago

mountain life is good life

NeoGoat ago

Depends on what you're mount'n.

zyklon_b ago

a tranny named christine

NeoGoat ago

There was a movie about "Christine", if memory serves.... a force of destruction.

NeoGoat ago


zyklon_b ago

I went to fl to meet a girl and it was a tranny. I didn't know! his name is gothamgirl

bb22 ago

Yep, I doubt I'll ever be moving. Gradually working on providing my own food, so I can tell the rest of the world to go to hell.

zyklon_b ago

my bestin real life buddy already killed 4 deer

bb22 ago

Yeah my neighbor has already killed and strung up three or four of them since hunting season started. I let him use my dehydrator and he gives me a bag of deer jerky.

zyklon_b ago

very cool. I run a little crew here and my buddies give me meat as i cannot hunt due to being "a violent criminal" aka I stabbed some bullies and went to prison

bb22 ago

Lol you truly are one of us. Same thing happened to one of my uncles in a bar fight. 😆

zyklon_b ago

lol i stabbed him in one side of his face and knife poked out the other side!! lmao it was hilarious and exhilerating

bb22 ago

Damn, it’s over for him. He’s Scarface now.

zyklon_b ago

yeah he lived and i was charged with attempted murder due to fact i had already been to prison and convicted of 2 previous stabbings. plea bargained and got charges lessend to 2nd degree battery

Sarevok ago

Where'd you get that scar from, eating a knife?

zyklon_b ago

If he don't wanna die then the bitch best not fuck with me!!!

ThoseFeels ago

No way, serious? You are fucking cool!

I Vote Zyklon_b for board of Voat governors.

zyklon_b ago

Yes 100% serious. See being raider here I thought all whites were like us then I get to college and could not cope with culture shock. funny story my ma was driving us down road and we saw the 1st interacial couple any of had ever seen and ma stopped in middle of road and honked and yell "leave town nigger" and honked her horn. Well my uncle jumped out of car and smashed the nigger and slapped the nigger lover in the face. Never will forget that.

MrDarkWater ago

I went hunting in Arkansas down the road from a klan meeting house, and we passed this old truck that had "COON HUNTER" printed on the bugflector. Can't say they were good people though, the klan guys cut their neighbors fence and stole their big hogs. Sufficiently hated niggers though

zyklon_b ago

They was more to the hog story cause stealing is strictly forbidden and punishable by being kicked out I think

MrDarkWater ago

Or we could've been paying a liar who was giving us an excuse as to why he only had small hogs. Had fun anyway.

zyklon_b ago

what state you stay in now? yeah its probably a lie about hogs cause stealing livestock is a very very serious crime that people still get killed for

MrDarkWater ago

Texas, in the part with the most klan activity, coincidentally it's the area with the most niggers/crime per capita. Lots of spics too.

zyklon_b ago

cool. if you ever passing through Arkansas hit me up and we kick it

PapShamir ago

Man, I wish I could find a place with that kind of decency anymore. It's insufferable surrounded by cucks, and a solo community doesn't work except to give its sole member a heart attack. Good reminder there hope it there, albeit elsewhere.

zyklon_b ago

move to Ozark mountains of arknasas

PapShamir ago

I might literally do that. I'm beastly self-sufficient.

I'd be an outsider though. Standard stuff I guess.

Hand_of_Node ago

I would be that damned Californian, and I'm in the same position as zyklon vis-à-vis hunting and all.

PapShamir ago

Haha, it's a problematic affiliation. Immediately my inner voice shouted, "You fuckers drove me out of my home town!"

zyklon_b ago

lets be friends

come and post in my subs v/soapboxbanhammer and v/shitpostlitterbox

also feel free to pm anytime komrade

PapShamir ago

Hah, will do brother! I'm subbed there already, don't think I've posted though.

zyklon_b ago

awesome !!!

antiliberalsociety ago

I remember watching Springer as a kid and they did a Klan Christmas special. They baked gingerbread gas chambers and swastika cookies, I remember laughing histerically and wanting to try it. We played a game where you had to draw the word and your partner had to guess. I got "afro" and "lips", guess what I drew?

zyklon_b ago

haha simpler times