mrgreenjeans9 ago

anyone know where you'd look for a link to an archive of the thread (if one exists)?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

holy shit, thanks man. christmas comes early!

TheAntiZealot ago

Good on your for asking!

Ask and ye shall receive, indeed.

iamthecircus ago

Christianity is a Jewish plot. While Jews and Christian's appear to be sperate religions, both religions are Jewish supremacists. Both were created to benefit Jews. Jesus wasn't real, but that doesn't matter bc the role Jesus plays in the folklore works to benefit the Jews. "The last person that spoke out against jews was murdered" The Bible constantly reminds us.

Also consider this. Islam and Christianity both prohibit usury. They don't ban their followers from talking out loans w interest from Jews only prohibits them from making money issuing loans.

So Christianity and Islam are both subservant religions to the Jews. All abrahamic religions are secretly jewish supremacist religions

TeddyJackson ago

When Rome adopted Christianity and banned other religions, Jews were allowed to keep their religion. Christianity was a Jew plot to get rid of the old true gods, create a subservient class who were told to give 10% of their money and that everything would be perfect after they died.

You should look into phantom time. The Jesuits destroyed all books in the 1500s and replaced them with newly printed books from the press. The mass burning and replacing of books combined with the new Gregorian Calendar changed the time line. They invented about 1000 years of history to give legitimacy to the Catholic Church and to Islam. There is lots of proof all over the place. From the coinage, to the repeating stories of 'dark ages', to zero inventions for nearly 1000 years, to Newton discovering that solar eclipses did not match up with what the church said, to Pompeii being destroyed in 1631 and thus nullifying carbon dating.

neogag ago

Worst Jewish plot ever, to call them out 2000 years ago and stand against everything Jews stand for. That modern Christian institutions have been co-opted is not evidence of it being a Jewish plot in the first place. That's such a reach.

Christian doctrine unambiguously opposes:

  • abortion

  • homosexuality

  • transexuals

  • promiscuity

  • gender theory

  • statism

  • materialism

  • females in power

You know who defeated the Christians on all these issues? Atheists and Jews. Every single time. Now when Christian groups have finally lost and gotten co-opted by people who don't believe in their own doctrine, you lay the blame for everything on them, not too unlike what the Jews did to Nazi Germany.

iamthecircus ago

Thank you for your write up. I hope you are right. If Christianity is actually being used to combat Jewish social subversion, then Christian's need to start speaking up and start naming the Jew

BearDolphin1488 ago

Or just don't take loans out like a retard. Why would you voluntarily be a jew slave to usury

BearDolphin1488 ago

Christianity is the rejection of Jewish ways and the adhereance to a path that leads to evolutionary success.

TheAntiZealot ago

That's exactly the conclusion that I , separately, arrived to.

AlbitEinstein ago

The fall of the Roman Empire corresponds with the rise of the Catholic Church.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Okay, why

obvious-throwaway- ago

And nordic and greek religions are taught only as myth. One has to wonder how many more of us have to suffer, die or live a life of slavery to these Jewish monsters before people start doing something about it. The Jews attacked New York, they attacked the Pentagon, they slaughtered us like cattle at a concert in Las Vegas, they drug up our kids to shoot up our schools, they import niggers into our cities knowing that many of us will suffer and die at their hands. They are giving drugs to our kids and mutilating their genitals so they never produce offspring. They do all this with zero remorse or care. Many of us can't even pay off our medical bills, but we send them billions of dollars a year for nothing.

BleedTheMachines ago

i am glad some are on the right track when it comes to the abrahamic religions.

yewotm8 ago

at least that was fun to read

GranimalSnake ago

Didn't both brothers who made The Matrix become transgender?

Wonder why...

EarlPoncho ago

it's almost like you didn't even read it. he addresses that

GranimalSnake ago

You're correct, I only skimmed it and agreed with it. My fault.

Triceratography ago

The writers both went tranny are you sure it's not a metaphor for cutting your dick off?

AlbitEinstein ago

Gnosticism seems to be at the heart of all these secret societies, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, etc... What it basically is, is the belief that we are living in some sort of alien prison, (built by the Grand architect), and that by turning everything into "one", one race, one gender, combining all dualistic opposites into one. Even life itself by combining it with death, yes, this means killing everyone. Only then, will we all be free from this alien prison

BleedTheMachines ago

think less "prison" more "cattle ranch"

Pluviou5 ago

Humans are being farmed by reptilians?

BleedTheMachines ago

i dont like to call them reptilians, i dont pretend to know what they are. beyond our current scientific understanding, id say.