bluebeardsghost ago

sbbh 4 eva fuck you trolls

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

[3.7 years, SCP 1.4, CCP 7.9]

Yeah, his sub ownerships are just for whining and he isn't very active.

heygeorge ago

I just wanted to do some reading up on what it’s like to be @freshmeat.

15202293? ago

Yeah! SBBH is full of little dick ass holes.

maxoverdrive ago

I've been here nearly four years...and apart from Empress and the Needle-girl I haven't paid any attention whatsoever to any of you, much less bothered to remember your names. I mean, why should I? Most of you cunts act like redditors, trying to score SCP and CCP like there's no fucking tomorrow, as if any of that shit really fucking matters. And if that's your goal in life, then so far as I'm concerned, you're nothing more than a bunch of basement-dwelling fucking losers, fat filthy soy-boy cunts who stick their tiny little three-inch-puds into a fleshlight while they pretend their raping an 11-year-old girl.

In other words, just typical fucking redditors, who happened to migrate to Voat and not get scared off by all the "niggerfaggots".

Up until now, I've completely ignored SBBH and all the drama that surrounds it. Doesn't matter, don't care, I have nearly 8,000 of that precious CCP that everyone chases after as if it were gold - why should I give a shit about a bunch of cunt-stains on some esoteric /v/ that virtually no one gives a fuck about? These assholes can't do shit to me so why should I care?\

Even so, these cock-gobblers on SBBH have been mentioned a lot lately, for reasons I don't comprehend but which mildly irritate me nonetheless, because I wonder: why the fuck do these manginas matter to anyone, anywhere? Are they SRS of Voat? Fuck if I know, I've never payed attention to them before.

Please, enlighten me: who are these fucking faggots, and why the fuck does anyone give a shit about them? Some of you talk about SBBH as if it's your fucking life-blood, or your mortal enemy, as if a bunch of fuck-wads on the internet actually mattered. Why? Not that I give much of a shit, I just want to know why SBBH is beloved/pisses you off so much for context. If you won't bother to enlighten me, that's fine; I'll treat anyone who talks about, or who peruses SBBH, as nothing more than a version of the internet Flat-Earther.

european ago

Is this from /r/copypasta

thisistotallynotme ago

SBBH was originally some ShitRedditSays literal women that came to Voat about a year and a half ago on a permanant raid. Eventually, they were contracted by the UK's GCHQ internet task force to run their disinformation campaign on this website.

If you look at the users who are moderators (subverse owners are most often jokes/dunce caps) of the various SoapBoxBanHammer domains, you can see the cross-pollination with other subverses here. They run v/RidersofTheReich and v/Feminism. They even run one of the Q subs (v/GreatAwakening), even though they're trolling the other two.

Remember back when everyone wasn't assumed to be a Kike shill? SBBH fighting with the stormfront migrants changed that one. Remember when PuttItOut used to post here? SBBH changed that by @'ing him every time someone did something they didn't like.

All the shit you've been annoyed at Voat becoming? SBBH is the reason it's happening. And they wrap themselves in the blanket of "protecting Voat's culture" when they do it, because so far, it's worked real good for them. We need more oldfags like us to state how they've changed the culture here for the worse.

maxoverdrive ago

Honestly, I'm too drunk to make sense of any of the shit you're saying. So, please break it down for me: is SBBH a bunch of Jew-loving redditor pansy-ass faggots trying to destroy Voat from within, a la "le 6 million, you fucking goyim!". Are they SRS of Voat? Make it simple, because otherwise I won't understand fuck-all of what you're saying, because I love me some beer, and generally only post on here when I've downed a six-pack or more....

thisistotallynotme ago

The short answer is yes, but they got foreign government funding to do it.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

lol I can believe it. It also sounds like a great job opportunity. Who knew GCHQ came with its own sexual benefits, The circle jerking buddy systemTM.

heygeorge ago

want to know why SBBH is beloved/pisses you off so much for context

SBBH is a subverse for friendly users with a similar taste in humour including surrealism and anti-humour.

Users who blame v/SoapboxBanhammer for the world’s woes? They suffer from mental illness.

maxoverdrive ago

Sounds like you're a bunch of SRS faggots to me....

heygeorge ago

Sounds like you’re full of shit! :D

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Amen Brother, HH

Skeeterdo ago

Top 20 comments ever made on Voat.

AR47 ago

Oh you know me by another name, and I have done quite a lot for this site over the years.

Check out the subs I created




And a few I helped grow such as /v/magicmemes but all that aside I am just fucking around playing with them as they do the same with me at times. All just banter back and fourth. I don't think they are a threat to the site per say.....I think it is just a lighter side of the seriousness of this place.

You want to be real with each other?

What exactly is it you think this site will do save harbor each cast away of Reddit that is too goddamn lazy to mobilize anyways? Ain't many of us that would actually gather to do a fucking thing.....we try and we get law on us. I know I did which is why I killed my old name. My comment history was obliterated, but you can still find my submissions.

So I don't feel being so serious will help anything anyways.

You can throw around your edge Lord comparisons and sound like more of a faggot over time or you can realize the same as I did and just try to help a few here and there while just being funny and enjoying the small things.

Hand_of_Node ago

You mean that ferret with attention issues?

maxoverdrive ago

Just how many fucking drugs are you on??? Nothing you say makes any sense whatsoever; is SBBH simply a haven for meth-heads?

Oh, and by the way, it's "forth", not "fourth". You should ramp down the pills, my friend, if you can't figure out something as simple as that; hell, don't you have fucking spell-check?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Spell check is not going to catch "fourth".

AR47 ago

Exactly who is the redditor with the spell check bullshit?

You asked I answered and you didn't understand a word of it just because it doesn't fit your narrative of being negative.

Conversation is concluded.

maxoverdrive ago

Seriously, go to NA; you need it. No one, including me, has any clue what you're yammering on about. All I got from your posts is that "SBBH is the home of drug addicts and acid-fiends". That's pretty much it. If you're the spokes-person for this sub, I want nothing to do with you addicted sub-humans cum-stains....

AR47 ago

No one asked you too.

In closing I would like to tell you a story.

Somewhere on this planet is a tree with huge branches, and in the spring it has leaves that are so green and lush. It has been there for well over 100 years.

Survived storms, floods, and even fires because it is so strong. All day and night it makes oxygen for all life on this planet....and this tree.

You owe it an apology for wasting it's time.

maxoverdrive ago

Yep, you're a drug-addled loser. Good to know. Also, I'm done with you; and when Maxpublic says he's done with you, he means it. I mean, what the fuck are you going to do about it??? Get whatever drug-addled friends you have together and downvoat me 5 points? OOOOh, AAAAAH, like I care.

Really, though, you need to take a trip to NA. You're absolutely and utterly seriously fucked up. You need help, and you need help now. Check into a rehab center ASAP, before you try to fly by jumping off a skyscraper or what-not.....

AR47 ago

Na that isn't what I am going to do at all.....ever as I don't have a problem.

See I don't diagnose or attempt to diagnose a complete stranger off so little as words from a few interactions online without so much as even knowing their background.

You know who does do that? Leftist with a superiority complex that feels the need to control something outside of their tiny world. What I will do is make my way to the gun range with my wife and son. We will likely expend around 2500 rounds, but maybe more.

Then we will take the puppy dog out to the dog park and play fetch with his tennis ball.

This is the kinds of things I do when I am off work and want to enjoy it

All that shit you said......don't do that as it doesn't apply to me.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

sbbh is a group of friends who have fun

all are welcome

but there are no shortcuts

others use sbbh as a bogeyman to deflect from what they are doing

maxoverdrive ago

Well, that explains a lot - if you're stoned off your gourd. Sweet fucking Jesus, are you all a bunch of fucking pot-heads????

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ive never used pot in any form

then again im from soapdox

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

maxoverdrive ago

Well, then, try talking like you aren't a fucking drug-addled loser. Either than, or shut the fuck up.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol ouch thats pretty rude

i like how you edited your post and still cant spell

maxoverdrive ago

I was falling-down drunk. What's your excuse: fetal-alcohol syndrome???

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude this is from four days ago

how long did you need to sober up

whats your question

Trish_Pantscotti ago

Looks like he's packin a huge hog.

VicariousJambi ago

I still dont know how to feel about you peeps.

I just enjoy the laffs sometimes.

AR47 ago

Lol don't feel is easier. Sometimes I am serious....sometimes not, and I don't like to indicate which is which.

If I am out of line by all means call me on it and usually I will respond.

0cra_tr0per ago

the heck is sbbh

AR47 ago


Group of socially inept adolescent females that makes it a point to everyday slither over Voat and leave a trail of their caustic slit syrup across each subverse to cause drama and strife.

Or could be some people that just wanna have fun and don't take shit serious.

european ago

Is /u/mick transexual?

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you say that, and then there's my inbox...

I'd love to show you. But fuck I'm feeling pretty lazy right now

AR47 ago

Eats my gingerbread cookies while wearing my Batman yoga pants,sipping my peppermint mocha waiting in anticipation for this screenshot of your inbox.

heygeorge ago

@NotHereForPizza raped and murdered an infant girl in 1990 with an illegal gun you made.

NotHereForPizza ago

All you have is empty accusations.

I can smell the scared on you from miles away. Literally.

heygeorge ago

Scared of what? What were we talking about? I’m not bothering to hit the context button for your bullshit. Frequently, I don’t even press it for people I like!

TheTrigger ago

Yeah, that's... nail on the head, rofl. We all know THAT feel +1

CrustyBeaver52 ago

That's funny:)

Sharkballs ago


zyklon_b ago



SeanBox ago

1990 confirmed

AR47 ago

I got more that I am waiting to post....

zyklon_b ago

good I put n a request to get you modded I usually have that power myself but in this case its gonna be up to putt just so nobody can start shit with u

AR47 ago

Na no mod scene for me. Just a normal fag.

HateCumbuckets ago

One of us, one of us, one of us

keeps chanting

zyklon_b ago

are you sure

AR47 ago

Yeah otherwise I would have made a few subs already lol.

zyklon_b ago

ok bud