15214151? ago

What? Who the hell would buy a weapon on VOAT?


If you're considering buying a weapon on VOAT recognise that you're too ignorant to own a weapon.

15213695? ago

So I can't buy a gun here? What's the point of this post then?

15213663? ago

They forget we remember Randy Weaver.

15212250? ago

Who needs to buy them, we can just make them for ourselves for our own use legally. Basic machining.

15211815? ago

Report to atf , fbi

15210907? ago

@Trigglypuff made this thread.
Who is SBBH?
Who is @Trigglypuff?
How many of THEM? (40 MAX)
How many of US? (70,000 MINIMUM)

Scared? They should be.

15210291? ago

i was offered an AK-47 for $75 when i was 15yo

15209947? ago

So stupid made me smile.

15209903? ago

@ar47 look

this post is a lie and not true


15209647? ago

Nope. I have nothing to do with SBBH. I've been an old goat for years and a racist too. Fuck the niggers and the Jews.

15228055? ago

You are correct , I do lump the people I don't like into one group , I call that group "The people I don't like"

15209938? ago

Your language and casual racism mark you as an SJW shill. Go back Reddit shill

15210454? ago

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

15209834? ago

"You guys always try to lump the people you don't like into one big group. It's way more complex than that."

" Fuck the niggers and the Jews:"

Choose one .

15209915? ago

These people are maroons.

15213713? ago

So they're a reddish hue?

15213907? ago

It's a bugs bunny joke.

15215553? ago

Oh, I see!

15210953? ago

You don't have to be smart to be a GCHQ operative. Just willing to do the dirt.

15209608? ago

He should be arrested for solicitation of the sale interstate weapons.

15210040? ago

actually yes the FBI should be raiding him...

15210165? ago

They definately would be monitoring QVR. That OP may be a clown

15209905? ago

He should know that this place is monitored.

15209997? ago

Yes, they are trying to catch stupid people that take the bait. It could be a fishing scam to get anons on a watch list. They may be trying to get some impressional retarded qanut to serup or reprogram them to carry out a ff

15211147? ago
