I_Always_Lie ago

Calling @Crensch and @KosherHiveKicker

Between them, they have the most comprehensive set of redpill links to thoroughly discredit the holohoax.

baneofretail ago

Doesn't @Rotteuxx have some good links too

Rotteuxx ago

I_Always_Lie ago

Well done. Adding you to my list of master welders who are holohoax aware. So far, you're the only one.

Rotteuxx ago

I run a shop full of red pilled welders :)

Just doing my part with the staff

Rotteuxx ago

Hold my beer !

HoubovyTomas ago

Don't send them links.

Rhetorical questions and talking points are the best, especially if your family is conservative.

Just say, "any time the government will throw you in jail for saying something didn't happen, it's because it didn't happen."

middle_path ago

Why not just enjoy a nice day with your family instead of divisive conversation?

midnightblue1335 ago

I confess, I'm joking, I'm not actually going to be talking to my family about this at Thanksgiving Dinner. Not this year...

I'm actually gathering sources for an acquaintance whose curiosity I stoked, they want to know more, so I hoped you goats would help me out with the best stuff that even a normie from the UK would believe.

I_Always_Lie ago


ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

The Holocaust Deprogramming Course might do reasonably well

Crensch ago

middle_path ago

No worries mate. I'm not someone who really gives a shit about all this, but @crensch does. He's your best bet.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the ping, faggot. Hope your home grown turkey marinates well in your home-grown herbs. Hope your home grown vegetables go well with it. Going to stop there before I start getting mean.

middle_path ago

Lol. Hope you have an awesome Turkey day as well, surrounded by people you love and love being around.

I'm thankful for faggots like you.

15173071? ago

Why not both?

middle_path ago

Because it stops being a good time when people get pissed off.

SyriansFuckGoats ago

It's better to be pissed off than pissed on

middle_path ago

Maybe for you.

Monteblanc ago

Our race is marked for genocide. We shouldn't pretend that it's not happening. Turkey and festivity is fun but awakened family is to die for.

middle_path ago

I'm not saying don't redpill them, I'm saying don't ruin the holiday. You'll end up doing more damage in the long run.

ArcAngel ago

but, youll probly save alot of $$$ on xmas presents.. so go for it.

middle_path ago

Well, when you put it that way.

Monteblanc ago

Stormfront is a virtual library.

midnightblue1335 ago

I'm afraid that if I show them a link from SF, they'll dismiss it immediately. Conditioning and all that.

Monteblanc ago

Just use the source material. A document published by the Red Cross should be more creditable to normies than a pop magazine.