SearchVoatBot ago

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L3D ago

What turkey? Oh, mobile version of Voat doesn't show it.

YugeDick ago

Where is this setting?

gabara ago


@freshmeat 0
@trigglypuff 1

gabara ago

Do you realize how much work it is solo upvote brigading this post? He has to make it look like people like him.

gabara ago

@freshmeat has been using accounts like that one and obvious-throwaway- to post truisms (like a Jews do) to try an desperately become a legitimate user. All the while Putt can tell it's him and is having a good laugh. I guess posting gore and cp didn't make him any friends.

ExpertShitposter ago

Great info, will makes sure to distribute that as well.

ExpertShitposter ago

Machine God doesn't even let us tech priests celebrate Christmas. Its just heresy this, heresy that..

ExpertShitposter ago

No IRC. My plan is sinister. I wish to stir some shit up with US and UK govt. Make them a bit mad by distributing plans in a centralized location, accessible to all.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yo ADHD! What brings you back to voat? You seem to have left detesting everyone here.

Tell me about the raid. What did that look like? About a month ago i was contemplating starting the kind of sub that you ran, so i specifically asked putt about it, what kind of info he keeps on the website, and could the fuzz pressure him into giving it up.

He said that website records IP, and that its possible to receive a court order to give up the IP. He also said that so far, no agency has attempted to obtain any information from him. After that, they would need another court order to make the ISP reveal who's IP that is. So his advice was to always post under VPN.

So that means that he didn't rat you out. The fact that they told you that the tip came from Voat probably simply means that they received screenshots of what you posted to voat. That leaves the question how did they link your account to your real name. If putt says he was never asked for the IP info, the someone must have doxxed you, or somehow connected 2 and two.

Do you have social media? Do you have any places where you might have talked too much, because you do talk a lot about stuff from where you live, and you did post videos of your self on youtube. Probably that's how they found you. That face bulge effect that you think hides your face doesn't hide shit. There is software that can revert that, even amateurs can do it. Super easy for the cops.

Asking because i'm planing on continuing where you left off. Unless you are full of shit about the raid ever happening.

AR47 ago

Ok why the hell hasn't he said this?

Always someone else that talks to him and relays a message. This was almost 9 months ago and seems that he is unavailable for comment to this day.

Far as it being a raid I have already said that it wasn't. They showed up knocked at the door and I answered. Stop making it sound like it was a fucking armed escort and shit that showed up.

At the time I had used discord a few times and spoken of it as well as linked the sub. I don't know shit about all this crap. I know I wanted to help people and I tried.

I got to close to the sun and got burned so I learned my lesson. Fuck other people and their defense. Honestly don't get why all this is needed for trying to do the right thing and help someone.

ll0O-O0ll ago

You helped people by making illegal weapons? Are you Antifa? You sound like a liberal larping as one of us.

AR47 ago

No.....I didn't and no I am not.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Well you would deny it though..

Youre comments are incomprehensible and rambling like a SJW.

AR47 ago

Explain to me what you think is or makes a weapon illegal and how I could fucking order that online?

ExpertShitposter ago

He is overworked and doesn't talk to anyone unless he completes a development milestone, and then relaxes for a while. Also, 90% of all pings he ever got was from sanegoat or freshfag harassing him so when someone asks something like "did you rat me out to the feds putt?" he assumes its another shill fucking with him, trying to waste his time.

I asked politely, in the appropriate place, and don't have a reputation of being association with voat destroyers such as sane, fresh, and other rPV faggots. And thus, i was given an answer after a few days of waiting.

What kind of questions did they ask you, and what did you tell them?

Discord is known for being IP hacking central. However, you IP reveals nothing other than the city you are in.

Only the internet service provider can give your exact name and location. Maybe the feds have their game on point, keeping this place watched, and the ISP's possibly give info to cops at any request and without demanding a court order because they don't really give a shit about the individual user.

Next time, use a good and respectable VPN from the start, and make a new alt. Use that combo ONLY for gun posting and nothing else.

Its needed because the ZOG doesn't want you, or anyone else to be armed.

AR47 ago

First thing they asked was my name, and to see my computer's. Gave them my name as it was on the mailbox anyways. I told them that a search of my computer's or other personal devices would require a warrant.

His demeanor changed quickly and stated why he and his partner was there to investigate a claim made online of my involvement with the manufacturing of firearms for sale online without a license to do so. I laughed and said it was a baseless claim that I have an idea where it came from.

He asked if I would be open to him and just him coming in and seeing my set up as well as my weapons.

Told him he can see my set up, but no way would he see my firearms as we don't need a Waco incident within central PA. Took him in the basement and showed him the drill press and other stuff. While he was with me the other agent questioned my neighbors and they told them that while I let them use my drill press I did NOT do it for them, but I walked them through the process. Which is legal.

I showed him the email and my reply to it, and he immediately lost interest with it all. Asked me to forward it to him which I did and only heard from them one other time. That I won't go into because it isn't related to this event.

heygeorge ago

Trigs, it’s a holiday over here.

Maybe I’m a bit sentimental, but it doesn’t seem like the most apropos day to shit in @AR47’s cornflakes. Maybe save it for Christmas. ;D

I’m thankful for both of you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

ExpertShitposter ago

@trigglypuff is eurofag, she is not permitted to eat turkey. She is however, permitted to nuke turkey. Much better option IMHO.

AR47 ago

Still wish we could have met up, but I had to leave that fucking place.

I am getting accupunture now once a month and the settlement pays for it forever. Haven't taken any of the Flexeril in 6 months. Got a job out here as well doing maintenance again. Being paid more too.

Shit really worked out.

I blocked that fuck anyways. I didn't come back here to fight people. Came here to try and help someone if I could.

heygeorge ago

Glad to hear you’re doing well! Happy Thanksgiving!

AR47 ago

As I said before

The FBI hasn't arrested a terrorist they didn't create.

AR47 ago

Got better things to do than repeat myself over and over because you have the mental capacity of a nigger.

Conversation is over.

AR47 ago

I forwarded it to the agents when they were interviewing me.

From the exchanges they questioned me about they found out quickly it was fabricated. Think they just said fuck it.

AR47 ago

So I was right. You were involved in some shit on phuks.

No but you wanna CNN some shit don't you David Hogg? I already laid it all out before and you copied it before you threw out an accusation.

Check what? I’m not the one gaslighting

Yeah what I thought that won't fit your needs to persecute me will it?

Not really relevant. Unless you feel like the need to justify something

Again with how fucking lazy you are lol.

So it’s okay for you to call Putt on shit, but I can’t call you on shit. Fuck off cunt.

No you can and I have answered everything to great extent over and over again......never got shit from @puttitout

Anyways you keep going and get the crew in here........if they want to do some character assassin shit too because honestly you do need some help.

AR47 ago

Look at how little effort you put into your troll.....just look.

Simple no description or depth to any statement just jabs and adolescent insults. You laugh as the ATF showing up on my door for absolutely nothing? Shows how much of a piece of shit you really are. And before you mention Beatle he threatened my wife with murder and my son for rape.

I had proof and still do somewhere. With each fucking image host that you suggest going offline without warning shit gets harder to find you know? Or is that you and your buddies plans?

Your posting behavior is that of a JDIF shill. You offer nothing but personal insults without tangible facts to back them up, but you pick key words to hone in on so that you can discredit the person you are attacking.

And stand up for yourself? Bitch please you don't even know standard law with relation to firearms so my thoughts are that you could do shit without your handler giving you permission.

I never threatened you.....not once I didn't even insinuate it,but you sure David Hogg the fuck out of it didn't you? Your handlers would be proud.

I am stating the fact that step one didn't work......either did the others you have tried.

So go ahead....copy all that I said so you can tyoe out your 3 to 5 words below and twist it into whatever you want so the masters will be happy.

gabara ago

Rent free.

AR47 ago

Lol you got visited by the ATF? Hmmm.. not dodgy at all

Yeah I did and was in relation to something I didn't do which they concluded and left. Not in jail and still making lowers.

Then why make a post like this? Especially after what you said about Voat and Putt

Because I can and so what I called him on some shit? Is he above question? No he isn't.

If you say so.

Go check since you have doubts. Or don't because you will spin a narrative like CNN anyways won't ya?

Why? This is You trying to justify some shit that you got up to. I had nothing to do with your gun sales. I just remember some shit went down. Sounds a lot like an excuse really.

Look at you starting that narrative......"gun sales" there never was and never has been any sales as you are not permitted to sell an 80% lower once it has been completed past 80% which is outlined within the ATF website. Keep digging your hole because the userbase may forget but I won't so say something that I can use later.

Not a problem, just makes you a hypocrite.

Lol I see you are the internet cop? I need to have justification to come here because I was here long before you were and honestly needed a break because of shit like you that has nothing better to do than just start shit and make up shit when confronted with proof.

I don’t think yo know what white Knight means?

Means what you are doing here trying to save the honor of a person with virtue signalling.

Lynch_Tree ago

What a brown-noser.

AR47 ago

No it is something admin has never done before.

Looks like something cynabuns would do honestly.

AR47 ago

You know what....

Fuck you and your merry band of infiltration pieces of shit that can't stand to see anyone actually try and help others with something as I significant as knowledge.

As for shitting on Voat I asked him in messages and never got a response and yeah that was bullshit because all he had to do was say no and I would have given him all the contact information for the investigation agent. I NEVER circumvented or broke the law and YOU and your band of whatever you are decided let's send him some agents and possibly get him SWAT team to break in his home if we can.

That is what you are with your methods because you can't stand anyone ever to learn something or hey.....just let someone else help out, and God forbid you don't try to start shit in the post were people donated to me, because you had to talk all the shit there as well.

I know what you are and frankly I just don't care what you do, because I know you can't do it to me again. Luckly I live within a stand your ground and open carry state now.

That is what I see you better than antifia or a fucking nigger for what you did.

gabara ago

Dude, Protonmail was just outted as Mossad. LOL!!!

AR47 ago

As is the remainder of the internet apparently

gabara ago

No seriously, it was hacked and exposed within the past week. Was big news on Voat: Just passing on what I've heard.

AR47 ago

I saw that. Used it just for receipts to orders online and Voat correspondence.

ll0O-O0ll ago

Used it just for receipts to orders online and Voat correspondence.

Orders for illegal weapons? @trigglypuff @expertshitposter @gabara @kevdude

gabara ago

Assault Niggers

ll0O-O0ll ago

80% lowers IQ

fuckmyreddit ago

Stop fighting kids. Grandma will be here soon.

AR47 ago

Want to see some of the awsome emails that were sent to me after you mentioned it within anon? Don't say it wasn't you either because you always had a hard on for me.

I can really fuck up your entire narrative with the shit in those emails because it is full of shit breaking the law by solicitation to manufacture a firearm without a license. Or we can just it go. You can end your shit throwing and I don't have to make you look like a complete asshole

Pulverizor ago

Enjoy your bread and circus day.

AR47 ago

You have lots of shit wrong there Skippy.

I said that the only way the ATF got my info for a house visit was through this site and the agent who did the interview said it was an online tip that they were here. Put never changed the Canary, but I know my neighbors didn't say shit.

I said I was sick of the perpetuating hate and double speak of fucks like yourself and others for example.

I don't need SCP and I haven't hidden who I am either. So don't see why that matters. There isn't any virtue signal in my post because honestly this is the first time I have noticed it ever. If I cared about SCP I could get it with ease.

And no I didn't do anything illegally. What I did was ask pembo if I could give away a jig to finish an 80% lower to someone within DIYguns on phuks, but he said no and that was that.

You should really brush up upon legality I are prior service and these things are common knowledge for anyone really that can read.

No they didn't kick me out I was asked by many people to come back with messages so I did. Which funny enough seems to be a problem on a free speech site?

Do you have anymore questions, or do you want to play white Knight some more?

ChiComs ago

No Canary needed, voat server lets Cloudflare decrypt ALL data sent over https to CloudFlare FIRST and CloudFlare (not voat) partners with US LEA and also buys google info paired to your IP address. all data , yes ALL DATA , is in the feds hands for years.

fuckmyreddit ago

You too, AR, knock it off. Your grandparents have flown across the country to be here. They won't send you anything this Christmas if you and Puff are fighting all the time.

You boys keep quiet until my Valium starts working. You know how I feel about family and holidays.

AR47 ago

Na fuck that.

This dick has wanted to start some shit with me for a looooong time. I destroyed his fucking first comment and he thinks that he or she can discredit me with some virtue signal shit about shitting on Voat.....guess what we all can and many do because it is pieces of shit like this one here that makes this place a honey pot.

Doing nothing but glorifies Nazi and killing others.

I learned something a long time ago.

FBI hasn't arrested one fucking terrorist they didn't create.

fuckmyreddit ago

Yes, dear. I understand and I believe you because I'm your mom, but we don't need our dirty laundry out in public. Can you two go to your rooms and play computer games or watch porn like you usually do on holidays?

PS Don't trust people you meet online. Even your brother.

AR47 ago

No this shit needs to have a record of fact that others can look on and sure I get everything is a joke to you because you don't care.

Sure sometimes it is funny I admit, but when you get ATF knocking at your door and emails trying to entrap you with a felony things stop being funny.

EdSnowden ago

TIL some people don’t actually disable custom CSS

ExpertShitposter ago

Literally nobody disables it but you and a handful of others.

GoBackToReddit ago

I have mine off and the Voat logo is all fancy.

crazy_eyes ago

turkey day?

it really is the small things


ChiComs ago

THATS christian Propaganda!

thousands of letters, biographies, newspapers from the founding of the USA, the Federalist Papers, etc etc show that the people that founded the USA (the founding fathers) were Deists.

Deists were christian leaning but really opposed to believing in magic , even biblical magic. They were Atheism-Light. All of them.

Similar to the the 100% atheist membership of the 2017 National Academy of Science members (, a very exclusive high IQ club.'s only representative stated non-atheist is a rare non scientist member... a mathematician they let in.

TL/DR : The highest IQ people in a society, for whatever reason, lean atheist, INCLUDING the founding fathers.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Because the US was founded by Masons who wanted to smash throne and altar. They weren't smarter, they just had money and political influence to push their ideas.

And 2,000 years of Christian thinkers proves you're full of shit. John of Damascus, Augustine, Aquinas, Albert the Great, Gregory the Great, John Chrysostoam, Justinian, etc... etc...

Hurr durr muh Dawkins...

middle_path ago

Yeah, but he also said this

When acquiring workmen for Mount Vernon, he wrote to his agent, "If they be good workmen, they may be from Asia, Africa, or Europe; they may be Mohammedans [Muslims], Jews, or Christians of any sect, or they may be Atheists."

Given that the majority of the other founding fathers were Deists, I'm not sure what you're insisting our roots are here.

AR47 ago

Glad you brought up some history.

I see this talk about how American Indians are so inferior to the white race when it was a slave from England that learned English to get the tribes to help what remaining colonists that remained after winter hit to show them how to fish for eel and then on the day of harvest (Thanksgiving) the Indians went out and got deer for them.

Subsequently soon after the colonists decided to kill them and relocate because of safety.

Love compassion and get rewarded.

BrimstoneBrute ago

Glad you brought up some history. Let's talk about King Philip's War in 1678.

American Indian tribes weren't just compassionate hosts for guests from overseas. They had a history of wars between tribes before the white man ever arrived and developed traditions of raping, torturing, scalping, and disfiguring their enemies. The colonists were getting a little upset about a bunch of recent murders by the local tribe. So they hung the murderers and ordered the tribe they came from to surrender their guns. That tribe and several others responded by raiding New England for six months.

By the time they succeeded in defeating that tribe, more than half of New England's towns had been attacked. The economy was ruined, the population decimated.

Subsequently, many of the surviving Indians fled to other tribes where they could continue to attack Europeans for years to come.

Or you could believe the Jewish textbooks about how all the Indians were good little dindu nuffins and whitey was so racist they made no efforts to co-exist on a continent that was already mostly unpopulated because of smallpox. Remember, if you're white you can't be a victim.

AR47 ago

History is written by the victorious.

Don't matter if you belived what the Jews say or not really.

The early settlers of the new world were scared out of their minds and damn near half died upon landing. Add to that they were starved because they were not ready in the slightest far as provisions.

We won't really know much, but what we are told. Who really knows for sure if the Indians even helped them because Thanksgiving wasn't recognized as a national holiday until the civil war as it was forbidden to fight on holidays back then. Wars were fought differently than they are today.

We can point fingers all fucking day at this or that, but I am only putting words from somewhere else because historical fact is sadly questionable today.

You can admit the same or keep the argument going.

BrimstoneBrute ago

If King Philip's War is rendered invalid because "Who really knows for sure", then by this logic all history is rendered pointless and compassion for the "poor indians" is also rendered invalid because "who really knows for sure". You basically defeat your own original post. Were the early settlers really scared out of their minds and nearly died? Who really knows for sure? Did the colonists kill the Indians out of convenience as you originally suggested? Who really knows for sure?

Now that history is rendered invalid, let's forget about it and talk about the present. Indians get free money to live in a certain area and get offers from jews to have casinos built on their land. They also get a certain degree of sovereignty despite being landlocked and having no military to speak of. It's like having someone else pay your taxes for you and then some. Despite all this, anyone who has driven through a reservation can tell you all these benefits haven't enabled indians to innovate and create anything comparable to the accomplishments of whites. This is their legacy: mobile homes, easily forgotten gas stations and jew-funded casinos. Oh and maybe a gift store selling authentic indian trinkets made in China. What a rich heritage.

AR47 ago

Dude you don't have to preach to me about how dismal the rez is. I lived on one with my mother before my father got custody of me.

It is damn near as bad as Detroit. Just crippling poverty and humans that have become completely dependant upon others for their survival. My point about history is that we must question everything. We have accounts from one person far as I can tell about that first Thanksgiving and that's is it. Nothing to back it up either.

To some that may be enough because it makes them feel good inside, but I don't because I need a bit more so that we know a but more.

Think about all the history lost to the ages from conquest. We just know what we are told at this point and so many accept it because that is just easier.

BrimstoneBrute ago

crazy_eyes ago

imagine if the natives had left them starve, they may have lived another year

Schreiber ago

They were naive and gullible and were punished for it.

Now it seems that many whiteys are the naive and gullible ones.

Such is the way of natural selection.