LA6661 ago

Voat means you can do both, fucker. Get over it and move on. Block aww if you don't want to see it and stop demanding that other people conform to your standards of internet. This isn't reddit so you don't get to do that.

Shizy ago

Why do you care? Just Ignore it, and block users and subs that you don't like.

Eualos ago

Go fuck yourself. I don't plan on ever going to reddit. I should be able to view whatever I want. Just downvoat and move on if you don't like it

klobos ago

There are many subverses on voat. I like the variety of posts. As long as the site stays free speech im not going to ban what someone else likes. I don't want this to become like reddit where only some speech is tolerated.

Justsomeone ago

Fuck you, nigger.

Wasn't it free speech?

I used to post gun pictures, why can't someone else post animals?

MethaneZepher ago

We can haz free speech. Unless you want to use that free speech to post animals of cute pictures. Then you need to gtfo.

Artofchoke ago

No, you're wrong, and you're a dumb cunt. We come to Voat to speak freely, not to adhere to your gay agenda.

I will continue to post cute shit, and I don't give a fuck how you feel about it. Avert your eyes if floof bothers you, cunt.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Does the JIDF have you working double shifts or do multiple people there use the same accounts?

Either way, tell us again why that sub shouldn't be made anonymous so people don't attempt to use it to vote farm?

Artofchoke ago

Have you bothered to look at my history before making your loony accusations "Obvious throwaway"? Do you honestly think anyone who doesn't want gore in a sub for cute animals is subversive?

Your projection is astounding. Grow up and follow the fucking rules. Voat farming, who the fuck needs points? Not me.

You know better. And you won't be allowed to do this.

obvious-throwaway- ago

blocked but feel free to waste more time on your reply

Artofchoke ago

You aren't a waste of time. I'm here, Sir. If you want to talk.

langoleer ago

They are like a virus. They just go from one site to the next infecting until saturation occurs, then move the the next one. It’s annoying me as well. I don’t browse Voat for cute, but for honest, uncensored discussions.