no-hurry-no-pause ago

Got into an argument and I couldn't frikking find it.

That graphic is kind of worthless as a source, because you cant prove that the graphic isnt made up itself.

Evidence you need to redpill normies in a way they cant deny needs to be sufficiently credible, i.e. independently corroborated and widely available. You cant just say "most bolsheviks were jews, this anonymous jpg I found on voat is all the evidence you need".

0fsgivin ago

Ah that's a very good point thank you.

Acerphoon ago

Don't have a picture, but a website. Which includes a list of jews mentioned by Robert Wilton, the Russian correspondent of The Times in 1920.

0fsgivin ago


0fsgivin ago

Appreciate it.

0fsgivin ago

Oh shit that's fucking detailed lol. God damn. Thank you.