RacistJew ago

Laser weapons powered by solar. Automated. No ammo cost, limited upkeep.

AndNowTheOther8 ago

I've wanted this for years. :(

KnightFalcon ago

too expensive, not precise, and you'd need too much ammo. Why not make flamethrowers using simple car gas?

KryptoKoins ago

They found over 100 Isis terrorist along with this group. An invasion is an invasion we need to act. Fuck a wall put up signs that say deadly force will be used if you cross this line. Then just let our military snipers do their job.

RacistJew ago

Just build a wall of bones and rotting boddies like the spartans.

KryptoKoins ago

I said a few well-placed drone strikes white turn the m************ around

160065002 ago

Like this?

barely_not_a_sheep ago

Sorry, but I do not agree. Napalm is so much better at cleaning the mess. Disinfects too.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Start with the source, Soros. Work your way down through his Open Borders Society. That'll solve problems for US and Western Europe.

Mathurin1911 ago

No, that's a terrible idea.

A-10s have a 30mm cannon for tank killing. That is way overkill for troop formations. Some attack helicopters would be a much more efficient way to deal with this issue. Overkill can be fun, but this would wasteful.

ironnickel ago

Cheaper than welfare for 4,000 and their anchor crotchfruit by a huge margin.

Sparky159 ago

Yes and no. I would actually prefer a support helicopter like the UH-60 Black Hawk for that kind of stuff than I would an attack helicopter like that AH-64 Apache or the AH-1 Cobra. Attack helicopters can hold things like missiles, sure. But if efficiency is what we're going for, then a door gunner on each side of the UH-60 would be better

videocodec ago

There is a reason why landmines were invented. To stop an invading force as the big one.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

The other day I had 8 a-10s fly over my house at a low enough altitude that I could see the pilots. Could have plowed my field with the hard on I had. My oldest asked me if those were the planes that went brrrt and then hooked him up to the horse and plowed the field with his hard on.

theshopper ago

You guys know the real enemy is in Washinton D.C. right? Killing pawns doesn't stop the king...

wellpaidrichguy ago

Why don’t we make Mexico build a wall on its border I’d rather have Most migrants stopped than none.

pppkkppp ago

Weird. another call to violence by somebody with intercaps in their name.

wonder if it has anything to do with this

RumpRangerRick ago

Oh no.

It's retarded.

Brownsuspenders ago

any chance on a couple of Rambo jeeps and a ton of 50 cal ammo? give me a call

Sparky159 ago

Why .50cal? Slap a M240 on that bad boy instead so you don't have to worry about headspace and timing

jokersmild ago

Why would you waste so much ammo? A couple of concerned citizens with rifles would put that border dispute to be real quick.

Honestly I would offer the chance to shoot a beaner as a "South American Safari". For the nominal fee of $500 we will truck you out on Day trip to the border from your hotel so that you can feel alive when you put one between the eyes of a fucking shitskin that doesn't know the difference between "cover" and "concealment". Hotel and air fare not included.

Landrictree ago

Wwg1wga1972 ago

I disagree, prefer AC-130 Spooky.

heywoodnj ago

Came to say this. Just a couple flying a racetrack around these shitheads would change their minds.

baneofretail ago

Why not napalm first?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Anyone who is paid to defend a nation and has a flame thrower and does not use said flame thrower to defend said nation is a traitor.

greenflare45 ago

It'd be pretty interesting to field test it in dry heat. If all else fails, line the Rio Grande with Davy Crockett's.

gazillions ago

I do.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

I support your support.

8_billion_eaters ago

Wouldn't even need an A-10.

Been saying this for years. We have 100 year old technology in the form of a Sopwith Camel w/ a Lewis gun that could end all African and ME invasions on the Mediterranean Sea within a few hours. A squadron of a dozen planes could sweep the waters clean. We have Claymores that could be planted along our southern borders for the price of a few miles of wall. Cross at your own risk.

Always remember:

Whatever happens.

We have got.

The Maxim Gun.

And they have not.

Keep those schematics handy, boys. We may have to gear up real soon.

Wowbagger ago

Indeed, an A10 would be a waste of a valuable resource. I think this would actually be a perfect chance to field test the Embraer A29 Super Tucano.

Xmarduk ago

The Warthog was the first and only plane ever to have actually been built AROUND a canon/gun...

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I'm ok with it.

Syndicalism ago

The cannon on the nose of that machine will always amaze me. It shoots bullets, but they hit with such force you'd think they were high speed bombs. It only needs to get close to obliterate a soft target.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Live fire experimental weapons testing works for me. Anyone that makes it through gets to stay because they are clearly bad-ass, plus we can figure out what went wrong and make weapons system corrections to prevent the next mother fucker from getting through.

moarzor ago

No. No mercy for those that get through. Also: turn around and target the ones already here.