dunklederf ago

he cleared NOTHING

notmyselftoday ago

He didn't clear shit. He made a video in which he admits to misappropriating money collected through his gofundme to purchase a rifle, and gave $500 to a "friend". These are clear violations of gofundme's terms, ie: not using the money for the purposes stated in his campaign, and constitute fraud.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh, you mean the video in which he cherry picked comments and debunked my proof that he wouldn't show? The video where he said he contacted the FBI to investigate a Voat user? That video?

antiliberalsociety ago

He didn't give any context to my comments, nor did he show the proof I provided. MSM subversion 101

notmyselftoday ago

A Jew will always tell you what was done to him, but never tell you why.

SuperMonkeyBall ago

Not sure what to think. @TexasVet was a total psycho to my original account. And that reply doesn't placate me.

TexasVet ago

This bullshit again? I have debunked EVERY accusation against me time and time again.

The bottom line is that I survived my hard times with the help of some good people. I have a great job now and am living a happy life. So fuck all of you supporting this witch hunt that has yet to produce and evidence against me.

Take for example the accusation that I had to have been employed at the time of the gofundme because I covered my face in a video so I wouldn't get fired. These retards have no sense of time or do not care because it is truly nothing more than a witch hunt. The gofundme was on Feb 24th the video was May 4th. Plenty of time had passed for me to have found a job no?

I can debunk everything they have thrown at me, but the witch hunt never stops. They have been doing this shit for over a year now.

notmyselftoday ago

You didn't debunk any part of my claims about you or your fraud. In fact, you responded to them by making a video that confirmed EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF MY ACCUSATIONS. It's not a witch hunt, because you are not innocent.

Do you need a reminder of how things went down?

antiliberalsociety ago

Except you didn't debunk shit, you admitted to it. You just deny it was wrong.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

You've ruffled some feathers. This is to be expected, keep fighting the good fight.

SuperMonkeyBall ago

Do you have a link to it?

Norseman ago

And I just found a new awesome sub.

I wonder how @texasvet feels now that his full name, life, address, work location, etc are all known to this community and many others. That's a lot of pissed off people who already deeply hate him and now feel taken advantage of, some of which might even act out and confront him.

antiliberalsociety ago

He shouldn't have put his whole life out there then

14529306? ago

You haven't been around long enough to remember how old this is.

totes_magotes ago

This guy again?