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notmyselftoday ago

All I see is confirmation of pretty much every, if not every, accusation I made about you.

  • Oil man - check

  • Gofundme for groceries using illness to gain sympathy - check

  • Pulled in more than $5000 because you didn't shut down collections after goal was reached - check

  • Originally claimed illness, but then you tell people that you're "fine now really" - check

  • 13:16 - "If you guys want to talk to me about whether or not it was right or wrong for me to take and eventually spend some of that money that was given to me, above and beyond what I originally asked for, on a rifle, instead of on groceries..." So, you admit to spending the gofundme money on a rifle. Thanks for confirming exactly the accusation that was made. - CHECK LOL

I absolutely love that you think I'm @antiliberalsociety, so funny. Many belly laughs were had today as you tried to claim I was someone that I'm not, but even better, that I was slandering you... and then you post this video confirming everything!!!!! So, uhhhhh, not slander, not even close. For something to be slander, it has to be a lie. Instead, it looks like I nailed it.

I have saved your video, just in case you try to delete it. You have confessed to fraud. Good job.

Thanks for being such a whiny faggot, this has been so much fun! Let's do it again soon!

@ThoseFeels - If you still haven't watched the video, I suggest you do, or at least the part I linked to above, where he admits to spending the money on a rifle. And, immediately after this confession, he also states that he gave $500 of the money he collected to a friend, which also violates gofundme's terms, and constitutes fraud.

You can hate the meme all you want, I don't care one way of the other, but just because someone is a vet, does not mean he is exempt from ridicule for faggot-level virtue signaling, but more importantly, from accusations of fraud.... especially when the faggot straight up admits to it in his own video. The gofundme rules are very clear: "Not using funds for their stated purpose" is a violation of their terms. FRAUD

ThoseFeels ago

He called the FBI, I'm not defending him anymore. The meme is still exactly as bad.

notmyselftoday ago

The meme is still exactly as bad.

Fair enough.

He called the FBI

Faggot status confirmed.