antiliberalsociety ago

Go back to plebbit then

antiliberalsociety ago

I like the resulting saltfest. Let's you know who the blind followers are.

notmyselftoday ago

Been lmao all damn day XD

DeadFox ago

Yeah you're a fucking faggot dude. Added to the list.

notmyselftoday ago


TheKobold ago

I see a bunch of well known accounts outing themselves as the shills they have oft been suspected of being.

notmyselftoday ago

Isn't it interesting how little bait it takes?

(hope you're not referring to little ol' me... lol)

TheKobold ago

I am referring to you and your little cohorts

notmyselftoday ago

lol, my "little cohorts". You're so silly.

TheKobold ago


ThoseFeels ago

@notmyselftoday is catagorically @antiliberalsociety.

Same exact faggot bundle.

notmyselftoday ago

Nope, but I'm enjoying this amusing case of mistaken identity.

antiliberalsociety ago

@ThoseFeels is categorically @TexasVet.

Same exact faggot bundle

See how retardedly easy it is to be a redditor?

ThoseFeels ago

It doesn't work that way man. Texas vet is only semi literate, and in fact I openly stated he is weak and gay for calling the FBI on you. If he was my alt we sure don't work very well together.

You are an alt of OP. All the diction, opinions, cadence and homosexuality of each account are in perfect tandem. You're probably not an actual Jew because you're really bad at being crafty. What you are is a virgin gliding into his twenties and you're finding a strange way of dealing with it.

antiliberalsociety ago

Well when you grow out of reddifaggotry, adults will be Voating. Toodles, 2 monther.

ninjajunkie ago

So is that what you'd call the well-lit American flag in front of my house?

wt1984yb ago

OP is a faggot

W0d2n ago

Virtue *Shilling

TexasVet ago

Notmyselftoday is an alt of antiliberalsociety. thats why he is not his self today see. He has made baseless slanderous accusations against me for many months now. Here is a video wherein I debunk most of his accusations...

antiliberalsociety ago

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You projecting faggot you just ratted yourself out lol

ThoseFeels ago

Dude you are so OP's alt, it's pathetic you think you're pulling over the wool.

It turns out that Vet is incredibly gay, apparently having called the FBI...

But that doesn't negate you being a virgin with no influence in the real world.

Your meme sucks and you're gay as fuck.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @antiliberalsociety.

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antiliberalsociety ago

You are pretty obvious backup from plebbit. Keep sucking that thiefs dick, I'm sure he'll save you from illegal caravans with his stolen guns. Try not to catch his skin cancers I hear they're flaring up again

ThoseFeels ago

Can you anymore like OP?

antiliberalsociety ago

Russian bots....

notmyselftoday ago

It's not his meme you stupid faggot. It's mine.

ThoseFeels ago

You're the same faggot.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Love the @TexasVet

truth_s33ker ago

So according to you someone who supports America, the constitution,and the 2nd amendment is suddenly lumped in with cross dressers, fag leader of Canada, self hating brain washed whites, and all other leftest wackos? Fuck you man. Are you a little Jewish? I will gladly stand up for guy with the gun in this image.

TexasVet ago

it is all slander with zero evidence. I think it is the Jews attacking me because I am gaining a bit of popularity on social media for calling them out. Happens ALL the time to pro white people. Here is a video I made debunking the claims against me.

antiliberalsociety ago

There's that narcissism again. Problem is in order to debunk, you have to present the evidence against you which you have shown none. The Jew trick of telling people what I say, instead of showing them. Not one link was shown, not one screencap against you, it was all just you crying about me.

And now you look even more weak. How are Americans supposed to trust a vet that can't even handle words on the internet? You display signs of a mental illness, and history of drug use. You appear highly unstable and I fear for anyone that's around you when you're carrying.

hindu_dindu ago

So did you or did you not ask for money since you were unemployed and then spend said money on a rifle?

TexasVet ago

I did not buy the rifle until 2 months later when I was not unemployed anymore. I only asked for 500 dollars and got 5000. I spent more than 500 dollars on groceries before I found the job. So if he would have stayed focused on that topic and that topic alone I would have no problem with debating him. He instead started accusing of many other things like never being in the army. Lying about ever needing the money to begin with etc etc. All of these additional accusations were made with zero evidence. Also this harassment has gone on for many months. So I have responded in video this time instead of having type out the same shit over and over again like you are making me do right now. Why dont you just watch the video.

antiliberalsociety ago

Short answer is yes

Awisegrasshopper ago

@TexasVet you should just own it brother. You fucked up. Not the end of the world, in a perfect world you would have passed the extra money on to someone who could use it. Do I care what you did? No! I like you pic.

6gorillion ago

He didn't do anything wrong and he did not fuck up. Are you missing a chromosome or something?

antiliberalsociety ago

Tell that to gofundme

6gorillion ago

He asked for $500 and got $5000. It's not him you should be mad at and going after it's the people who donated to him. Maybe after spending the 500 on groceries he figured he could buy a rifle and hunt to get more food. I don't know or care if that was the case I am just saying you are being a total faggot. You have no say on how he spends the money that other people gave him, period...

antiliberalsociety ago

Calling out a thief is being a faggot? He asked for money to buy food. Instead uses it to buy non necessities. That is fraud. I'll waste no more time on you.

6gorillion ago

He didn't steal, people GAVE it to him. Get a grip on reality you dumb fuck...

antiliberalsociety ago

He lied to them to get them to donate, he wasn't unemployed and never told them about buying the rifle with it. You aren't sucking him off, are you?

notmyselftoday ago

He also gave $500 of the money he collected to a friend. Double fraud?

antiliberalsociety ago

No proof said friend existed. I'll bet tax evasion can be worked into his charges. What say you, @TexasVet?

TexasVet ago

That good man I helped is innocent. I will not drag him intot his bullshit. Proof? I gave him cash. You are the one that must provide proof because you are the accuser. You won't though. All you do is accuse because I pissed you off by showing how stupid your accusations are. Hell I even proved your claims that I was not ex military as blatantly unfounded and false. If you care so much about exposing me stop flinging baseless accusations around everyday and make a video finally SHOWING some actual proof of ANY of your claims against me. Until then you're just some nigger faggot on the internet talking shit and telling lies.

notmyselftoday ago

No one has to provide proof, because you've already admitted to it, in the video you posted, and in this comment.

I gave him cash.

TexasVet ago

He was saying that I did not do it you dense motherfucker.

antiliberalsociety ago

Incorrect, you gave him $500 which is subject to taxation.

TexasVet ago

So you are going to go after some guy you dont even know. That has nothing do with the beef between me and you for 500 dollars of tax money? Holy shit you are one evil motherfucker. Bottom line is that I had the right to spend all the money over the initial 500 I asked for for anything I wanted to spend it on. You've got nothing. You are just some spiteful little prick on the internet. Fuck off.

kneo24 ago

While you had the legal right to do whatever the fuck you want with that money, one would assume you wouldn't spend it so frivously due to being unemployed and having issues with money. Your response is equally jewy and niggerish.

antiliberalsociety ago

He actually didn't have the legal right

TexasVet ago

Didn't spend it hardly at all until AFTER 2 months later when I had found a job. You know this, but God forbid you miss a chance to ridicule a man that was having hard times right?

kneo24 ago

And you were so hard up for money, as you claimed, because you were jobless for 5? 6? years? Are you telling me you didn't accrue any debt over that time?

TexasVet ago

I am telling you to fuck off. Its none of your god damned business you fucking Jew.

kneo24 ago

I am telling you, again, that your responses are equally jewy and niggerish. Every time someone brings up a valid point, you act spastic and give off the appearance of projecting. Your story never adds up and you always take forever to actually explain it, and when you do explain it, it's done haphazardly.

Essentially telling me, "no u" isn't a proper response.

notmyselftoday ago

Keen observation.

hindu_dindu ago

Do you not understand that if I'm unemployed and ask for $1000 for rent and i get $3000 and then buy some new Jordans and get my balls waxed with the surplus people might not think I'm exactly on the level no matter how furiously I wave the stars and bars?

antiliberalsociety ago

What he did is against gofundme rules and illegal

ThoseFeels ago

Bitchute has never -not once- loaded for me.

TexasVet ago

Here is the youtube one instead then...

ThoseFeels ago

I can't believe you called the FBI on a virgin troll.

ThoseFeels ago

Op claims he's a 'fraud'

I'm not even going to chase down the reason for that but if a meme is supposed to speak for itself...this one says loud and clearly that American pride is the same as being a tranny.

I'm really taken back by the support for this post.

Hydrocephalus ago

I have a couch you could faint on, but you'll need to bring your own pearls to clutch.

ThoseFeels ago

Upvote. Funny is funny.

notmyselftoday ago

Virtue signaling faggots come in all shapes, sizes, and colours.

Norseman ago

@TexasVet, this is Voat. This is not reddit. This is what happens when you be a complete nigger faggot.

Gas yourself immediately.

fritz_maurentod ago

Is Dr. Peterstein that drag queen?

TheAntiZealot ago

I need answers.

notmyselftoday ago

If a guy sucks one dick, is he a fag?

Hydrocephalus ago

Olaf and Sven were out fishing. Olaf turns to Sven and says "If I jumped in the lake and went swimming do you think people would called me Olaf the Lakeswimmer?" Sven goes "No, I supposed they wouldn't." "If I were to build a fire on the shore, do you think people would call me Olaf the Firebulider?" Sven answers "No Olaf, I don't think they would." Then Olaf yells "But after I sucked just one dick!...."

notmyselftoday ago


fritz_maurentod ago

not unless the balls touch.

Le_Squish ago

That's a nice burn there OP. You glorious asshole.

LDIP ago

Lmao the last picture, genius

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Aren't you virtue signalling by making this post?

notmyselftoday ago


Marval559 ago

Yeah you are

notmyselftoday ago

Am not.

14488068? ago

Sure are, fag.

notmyselftoday ago

Still not.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

I appreciate you giving equal space to mindless """right wing""" virtue signaling

Rotteuxx ago

Meme gold

mattsixteen24 ago

That's cold. You included that guy's post on here from the other day, lol.

censorthesenutz ago

There's a difference between virtue signaling and truth-telling. The goal of virtue signaling is to weaken one side whereas the goal of truth-telling is to examine all sides.

notmyselftoday ago

That's nice, except @TexasVet is a fraud.

ThoseFeels ago


notmyselftoday ago

Oil man feigns illness/unemployment for a gofundme campaign. Uses proceeds to buy guns.


It wouldn't be a shock if he also turned out to not even be a veteran.

antiliberalsociety ago

Why didn't you show any of my links in that video? You just cherry picked my comments like the MSM does.

ThoseFeels ago

Alright ...well. I know nothing about what you've said, so I'll just stay out of this from here.

But unless he's an actual Jew who has worked to undermine this community, it pains me to see this shit.

Communism4Israel ago

Whoever downvoted @censorthesenutz's comment is afraid of the truth.

Norseman ago

shut the fuck up 15 day old reddit qtard nigger faggot.

Communism4Israel ago

Allow me to state that I left Reddit on my own terms (mostly due to the censorship) and I am a not a Qfag. Seems to me you're the one who needs to gas themselves since you seem to love jumping to conclusions. Alas, gas yourself, kike.

Norseman ago

Why are you inboxing me threats and telling me to kill myself? Are you too fucking scared to threaten me here in public?

Your actions prove that you are indeed a reddit Qfag.

notmyselftoday ago

You mean, @TexasVet? Why yes, yes I did.


yah, that one didnt fit in. that not a virtue signal. its more of a gang sign. a signifier of allegiance. you faggot.

notmyselftoday ago

How does any of that make me a shill?

its more of a gang sign. a signifier of allegiance

Those sound a lot like forms of virtue signaling. Especially when considering the context.

ThoseFeels ago

If a meme is supposed to speak for itself....what does this meme say to someone who isn't following this drama?

It says that having American pride is the same as being a tranny faggot.

You should apologize to the community for this garbage, OP.

notmyselftoday ago

You should apologize for not being able to recognize obvious virtue signaling when you see it.

ThoseFeels ago

It's disappointing that you made this American vet into a meme equating him to trannies and Bolsheviks.

You've done nothing here but further the purity spiral.

The support for what you've done here truly surprises me. I might need some time away from Voat I guess.

kreepyasskraker ago

OP is fag

notmyselftoday ago

Am I really? Looks to me like @TexasVet has confirmed every single part of my accusation, and then some. He also called the FBI to whine about the mean man on the internet. Max faggotry achieved lol


do you know what Virtue means

notmyselftoday ago

I know pride is not a virtue, while humility is.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Why? Do you know what a virtue even is? lol

mattsixteen24 ago

yep. Did you two have a quarrel or something?

ThoseFeels ago

Probably no specific quarrel.... it's just important that whites attack each other and stay divided on the pettiest issues so we never mount a successful counter movement agaisnt the zionists.


YugeDick ago

Nah dood. It's important that we call each other out on faggoty shit so we don't remain as weak as they'd like us to be.

ThoseFeels ago

What you call 'faggoty shit' is just a vet trying to make friends with people he could very well help and protect.

You're shitting on good people because they don't know how to be a worthless edgelord yet.

notmyselftoday ago

He crowdfunded $5000+ under false pretenses. That's some pretty "faggoty shit".

ThoseFeels ago

What turned out to be false?

Did he do it here?

TexasVet ago

His allegations and accusations are bullshit. He has zero proof, but he doesn't care. He just wants to discredit me because he is mad at me. And I guarantee you that notmyselftoday is indeed antiliberalsociety. That's why he is not his self today see. Here is my video response to his bullshit accusations....

notmyselftoday ago

You're stupid faggot video just confirmed all of my accusations, and added another layer of fraud to the mix: giving your friend $500 from the money you collected on gofundme.

TexasVet ago

I have confirmed nothing. You are the accuser that must provide proof. Otherwise I am innocent until proven guilty. Compile your evidence and present it or shut up.

notmyselftoday ago

Here's my compilation of evidence you dumb dicklicking faggot.

You probably shouldn't have posted a video of you admitting to spending the donated funds on a rifle and giving $500 to a friend. Those are both violations of Gofundme's terms, and constitute fraud. Call the FBI again you little faggot bitch. Do it. I hear they love investigating false accusations made by actual criminals.

PS: I saved the video and archived your gofundme :)

TexasVet ago

As long as I spent the asked for amount on what it was intended for there is nothing you can do. I spent a lot more than 500 on food rent and utilities. I could have spent the rest on hookers and blow. Fuck off.

antiliberalsociety ago

You lied about being unemployed, that is where the fraud began. It completed when you failed to shut it down and you misappropriated the donations.

TexasVet ago

You are the liar. You have no proof of my employment. Fuck off you Jew.

antiliberalsociety ago

You provided the jobs on linkedin, do you mean to tell me you falsified that too?

TexasVet ago

Get a fucking life you loser.

ThoseFeels ago

Because I don't follow you and don't know what this drama is really about, I'm not going to weigh in anymore other than to say ...

My problem is with the meme. It equates proponents of Americana with trannies and Bolshevism

Aside from of a thin slice of goats who are privy to its origin, everyone whoever sees this meme in the future will be influenced at some level to see patriotic whites as just another brand of poisonous Jew.

OP has created anti-white propaganda and doesn't even know it (or does he?).

PS Bitchute has never worked for me

TexasVet ago

Yeah the fact that I was lumped in with those types of people in a meme is disturbing. But there are some fucked up people on both sides.

antiliberalsociety ago

They are atheists just like you

ThoseFeels ago

If you're going to use Alts, you should try to sound like a different person. This is the same exact tone and style as OP. You're shitty at shapeshifting

antiliberalsociety ago

The irony of that coming from a 2 month old account 😂

ThoseFeels ago

Work on changing the opinions and cadence of each account. You're not trying hard enough

antiliberalsociety ago

Teach me the ways, oh alt master

TheWorstImaginable ago

What browser are you using? Bitchute has never not worked for me.

mattsixteen24 ago

but what about thosefeels? haha

ThoseFeels ago

what does a 2A excercising American white veteran even bring to the table? I see no difference between @texasvet and a lowlife rapper or Jew.

End sarcasm.

Guy posts a picture that basically equates to 'it's ok to be white' and gets treated like a nigger.

mattsixteen24 ago

I think he went too far as well. Seems more like a personal issue.

Treated like a nigger? but niggers get treated very well.

ThoseFeels ago

I don't what 'too far' is, but the support for this post is sick. Do the Jews even need to do more to kill us off when we demean our own soldiers who come here seeking a like-minded tribe?

Schlomo might as well have posted this. Same result.

antiliberalsociety ago

I wonder why a 2 monther is so concerned over a thief's feefees....

ThoseFeels ago

Your meme sucks.

antiliberalsociety ago

How do you know, or is this some faggot ploy "see how do U leik it bitch!" vengeance for the washed out soldier who pan handles online?

ThoseFeels ago

Same style, same opinions, same cadence, same focus, always chiming in one after the other.


notmyselftoday ago

Nope. I have a very low tolerance for his special brand of shill faggotry.

N3DM ago

And what have you done to better the country?

notmyselftoday ago

Just today, I called out a shill faggot. You?

N3DM ago

I posted some memes, so I'd say we're both useless compared to TV.

notmyselftoday ago

TV wins again.

70times7 ago

Glad someone else sees it.

Fuckyounigger ago

No no that’s anti liberal society... did Texas vet get pushed that far?

TheWorstImaginable ago

I was there and saw it. Saying something like that is so gay, it just shows weakness. If someone here (there are a lot of autists, bitter angry people and actual shills here) decides to follow you around harassing you, just quietly block them and move on.

Fuckyounigger ago

pretty sure sanegoatiswear used to do that and weve been on a watchlist for a long time

TheWorstImaginable ago

People like to say there isn't enough manpower to watch us, or people here aren't prone to violence enough to bother, or whatever...

But I've seen what bot farms look like and how they operate, and I know how the 3 letter agencies like to recruit their pawns. It doesn't take much manpower to scan through here, and if you find a way to harness autism without being obvious you can get other people with nothing better to do to do the work for you. It's not like you even need to be a member to run a spider through the 'new' section of Voat every hour and pick out keywords and highlight a few interesting users.

notmyselftoday ago

I am not @antiliberalsociety, but I appreciate his work.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Isn't he the guy the supports the guy who doxed Ricky Vaughn?