EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Things jews and vampires have in common:

  • bloodlust / bloodlibel
  • hunched shoulders, hand rubbing
  • shapeshifting ability
  • aversion to crosses
  • aversion to sunlight (metaphorical)
  • forbidden from entering a church

Aside from this, I have a theory about garlic.

When jews were (allegedly) slaves in egypt, they were given garlic cloves as rations. After getting expelled from the land, perhaps seeing garlic reminded them of their time in bondage and they would be insulted by an offer of garlic, and maybe even repulsed by the mere sight of it.

satisfyinghump ago

Works best when shoved up their asses. If it doesnt kill them , at least it will warn you of their presence.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

I have a video on my computer of someone highlighting all the correlations between vampire lore and the Jews. It's pretty striking.

magic3383 ago

Upload and post please.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago


Re-watched the video. I did not remember it correctly. The whole video (4 mins and 25 seconds) is a rant about the jews. He only mentions the vampire thing at the end, and only rather briefly. Before hand he listed all the genetic disorders associated with jews, which my shoddy memory combined with the little vampire thing at the end.

theshopper ago

Crazy how people can be convicted of crimes based upon eye witness testimony lol.

Lifes a bitch.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Hey goy, we just want to kidnap your children and perform sex and good rituals on them, what's the matter there goy, are you anti - semitic?

Doglegwarrior ago

Hey goy cut the sex organ out of your sons dick because or religion says so.. get the media and doctors and thd goverment to fucking lie about it so male genital mutilations stays legal.. ohh nothing wrong its for health reasons... oh really jew fucking vampire parasite.. england, germany, france, spain, australia all say it is a barbaric practice with no medical purpose and call our pediatric board idiots for allowing this blood ritual to keep going.

rektumsempra ago

Women with circumcised partners have half the amount of orgasms. Thanks a lot fucking psychos. Can't wait for foregen

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont think they will ever be able to make it back the way it was.. but still they must pay for this bullshit. Our forefathers where fucking very stupid or media brainwashing is a lot more powerfull then i thought or even more powerfull back then.. in 100 years we were a country that despised jews to them literaly being our overlords.

scandalous-goat ago

Where's the book?

antiliberalsociety ago

Unfortunately that part wasn't included

scandalous-goat ago

AlbusRex ago

Another was posted recently maybe they are referring to it


MrThursday ago

I hope so, if for no other reason than I’d like to collect as many “forbidden” books as I can before SHTF