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I haven’t seen anyone refer to Q as God, nor have I seen him referred to as “the great Q”, nor have I seen anyone say “obey Q”. To my knowledge, you’re the only person I know of who said those things. The greater question would be: why do you perceive it the way you do?

Bobtheviolent ago

Your right Not direct quotes, it's the way they talk. Look at the titles


I’m not seeing what you’re seeing in those. I would say they view it in much the same manner as people would view a professor or similar dispensary of information. I’m curious as to what other groups you apply this logic to.

Bobtheviolent ago

"Q wants us to meme" and "Q told us..." the same sentiment or tone is used over and over it would be weird when talking about Jordan Peterson, trump or any person at all. The only other time that tone is used is when referencing jesus or allah, or if your a cult. .


How much do you know about Q? Not hyperbole or impressions from others, but how much do you know about it?

Bobtheviolent ago

So little that I only heard about it from voat. My lack of knowledge of "Q" makes no difference in the appearance of its/his followers, in fact the more I learn the more the following look like cultists or iPhone fanboys

Landwhaleonline ago
