TsuTsu ago

pwdwp ago

pwdwp ago

to be civil or not to be civil?


pwdwp ago

srayzie ago

I know who I would!

pwdwp ago


pwdwp ago

pwdwp ago

Pepe: soon it will be lunch time


pwdwp ago

E_W86 ago

Sorry if this isn't new (and I'm not a talented meme maker) but I saw a hysterical one somewhere within the past week - something about this symbol meaning "pound" to most people over the age of 30 or so: # and the idiocy of the fascist left using #metoo as one of their tags.

Please, please don't #metoo!!!!!

pwdwp ago

CEE11 ago

Jeff Besos Meme: https://imgur.com/a/UkIe2d9

Making Walmart Great Again

CEE11 ago

I made a meme. Can I upload it? If yes, how do I upload it to here?

srayzie ago

Yes! You can upload it here...

It will give you a link and you just post the link here.

werone9975 ago

can you fix 'frustrated'?

pwdwp ago

Done, thanks for letting me know!

Lolomin ago

Thanx. saved comment. I'm always wondering where to get them and which to post!

amarQ144 ago

good stuff...I'd give a like but it's on 144...can't touch that! ;)

Mysteryposter ago

Justice is coming - q


SeekNTruth ago

How can I upload a meme?? New to this board.

pwdwp ago

Atrugiel ago

bjantigua ago

This is a great idea! very user friendly too. I wish some of the "brsnd names" on YT and FB and T would talk about these great resources more and more consistently. Dropping memes is one of only a couple requests by Q from us. Its the least we can do.

Jigsy17 ago

Love this one!!! Thanks!

Rubieroo ago

Awesome - ty srayzie :D

cholofrost2 ago

Sessions ready to go. https://i.imgflip.com/2jkf20.jpg

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This is a good one to show how out of hand their nonsense has gotten. . .an "everything goes" philosophy which simply Reeks of their idol Aliester Crowley and his saying they all resonate with, "Do as thou wilt." Not On Our Watch!

What happens when you Dare to build a snowman in la la land

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I like this one because it puts all the Virtue Signaling in perspective! Jesus wasn't about "religions" and False propriety.
Jesus up against the garbage the sling

He took a Whip to those tables because of the Elitist Money changers. That's why they hate us. . .Qarmy and all Patriots are Sick of their Virtue Signaling just as Jesus was Disgusted by the Pharisees and Sadducees. . .pompous, arrogant, progressive. . .pretending like they have a leg to stand on when they are Predatory. . . feigning good works. Their self serving works are Rags! Bring on the Tribunals! #Qanon, #Qarmy, #Justice

Mysteryposter ago

I could be a sheep or wake up - easy choice


KKOH ago

https://files.catbox.moe/nyvety.jpg That feeling you get when Mom and Dad say, "We are Winning!"

MidnightDStroyer ago

Let's see...Current situations are:

Recent Pence speech that draws narrative more towards China threat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc Judge Kavanaugh is now officially Justice Kavanaugh (Q confirmed half-hour before I post here) http://my.evilmilk.com/go/1zy-tjnqr.htm Feintein now under FBI investigation for her part in the circus over that http://my.evilmilk.com/go/1zy-tdhda.htm

Walk Away movement still needs support for the Midterms http://my.evilmilk.com/go/1zy-tm617.htm Q posted about a specific VIP guest at a recent rally that talked directly to POTUS which appears on Twitter (he directly asks Trump about Q) https://twitter.com/Q_ANONBaby/status/1048079911813107713

Let's keep 'em coming, Patriots! WWG1WGA

WeirdSceince ago

Dear Lord, I kneel before you suffering and in need. In order for me to fulfill my divine path, I require but one thing...

VOAT hack skills to get my 10 upvotes so I can meme this b*tch. I wanna carpet bomb this mofo with my ~100 memes! haha... Why does that number keep growing!?!

HistoryQuest ago

This is such an awesome photo; someone more clever than I should make it an awesome dem killin' meme.


werone9975 ago

Very nice!

pwdwp ago

Akcoldrobot ago


srayzie ago

I love!! You should make a submission post of this one!

pwdwp ago

Another meme on freedon:


pwdwp ago

Another variation of my latest meme:


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pwdwp ago

Here's the one I just made about the upcoming red wave:


srayzie ago


eclipsed2112 ago

i havent made any memes, im just posting the ones i especially liked this past year and there may a picture with no words thrown in here and there, its just evidence.

Type-o-Negative ago

These are friggin awesome!

srayzie ago

Wow! You had a big collection. You should post these links in the sub I made that hardly anyone uses...

You could just put the links to these comments you made.


CEE11 ago

Meme makers are clever, clever, clever.

TrishaUK ago

LOVE this one!

srayzie ago

Omg I love the one of Trump crying. That is so genuine. You couldn’t convince me that this man doesn’t love his country.

Did you see what I made?

i’m Gonna tweet a bunch of memes now

srayzie ago

I love these types...


That’s perfect. Take what they are saying and demand an investigation lol.

These are awesome

Type-o-Negative ago

I make memes like that too, drops a seed like, “see, I knew it, wait until I show those fakebook right winger friends this!” And then the plant grows once it sees what really this whole thing is about.

srayzie ago

Lol show us your skills

srayzie ago

You made that??

Type-o-Negative ago

Yes I did, hopefully it wasnt too crappy.

srayzie ago

It was awesome haha

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, I got more but lost some when I inadvertlly compromised my pc a few months back. It wasnt a big loss as I had an offline backup drive in place, but i did lose quite a few memes i created in powerpoint.

F_Scott ago

One of my favorite moments of the past three years: Two MAGA hats wading into a Dallas protest outside of a Trump rally, in 2016, during the campaign. Surely there would be trouble. I, myself, thought they were looking for a fight. And then they ended up having a conversation with this protestor.

These people shook hands and had a short hug by the end of this. Probably the single most pronounced thing for me, since all this rally chaos first started.

srayzie ago

I love stories like that

eclipsed2112 ago

i have tons of older ones..this one of jeff sessions is my current favorite: https://imgur.com/a/lloLqzN

ANC3 ago

Thats my all time favorite Sessions Meme!

srayzie ago

Oh that’s a good one lol

YoikesandAway ago


You get to go to jail And you get to go to jail

WeirdSceince ago

I cant wait til i can meme!

srayzie ago

I know!

voir-dire ago

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

Meme Forest, meme!

12814 ago

NEWBIES what did Q say on 17th Sep 2018???

QPOST 2191: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 17 Sep 2018 - 11:55:09 PM Attention on deck. Memes at the ready. Lock on target. Fire at will. Q

We have 4 and half weeks time to meme the hell out of Facebook, Twitter and other Social Platforms until election day.

Anons: Fight Fight Fight.


lvbuckeye27 ago

HASHTAGS are more important than memes. I have a pretty decent sized following on Twatter. If I just post, maybe 50 people see my tweet. If I use popular hashtags (#MAGA #KAG, #QAnon #RedOctober #RedWave, #WWG1WGA), my views jump jump into the thousands.

12814 ago

How about the Combo of HASHTAGS and MEMES?

lvbuckeye27 ago

There you have it. Post the memes. They are very effective. But use hashtags in order to make sure that people see the memes.

12814 ago

How about using popular democratic hashtags as well???

lvbuckeye27 ago

it makes me feel icky lol. how about using top trending as a compromise?

people search #Cubs and get memed to the face.

12814 ago

top trending is also a good idea.

my thought on popular democratic hashtags is about redpilling democratic sheeps specially those who still do not know about Q. We need to expose the demonrats to their sheeps.

lvbuckeye27 ago

what better way than by clicking on a sports thread? they're distracted by the bread and circuses. distract them from the distraction by spreading truth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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bulrush ago

He loved the Ricin. http://magaimg.net/img/6ce0.jpg

4GaaT ago


ANC3 ago

I've been laughing for an hour over this one! Kudos.

srayzie ago


Mysteryposter ago

Trump flying the Twitter bird meme


Akcoldrobot ago

I love this.

Mysteryposter ago

herestothefuture ago


srayzie ago


manifestation ago

Hello my fellow Patriots..!! Everyone is more than welcome to share my memes.. You can check them out at @AskTheMarketMan.. Enjoy..!!

srayzie ago

Here are some gifs/memes I made that are Q related

Landwhaleonline ago

What about what YOU want? Is Q your new god?

srayzie ago

I want to help save our country. If I didn’t want to do any of this, I wouldn’t. No! Q is not my God. But they are going what’s right and so people follow.

mwoew8t5cs ago

My ISP, which is a large regional monopoly, is now censoring the memes that I try to email to friends. A single image, sent to a single recipient, gets bounced back as spam. But they only block right leaning political memes. I can send stupid jokey cat pictures all day long, to as many people as I want ,with no problem.

ANC3 ago

Document it if you can. And make a free account somewhere to send them.

srayzie ago

My gosh. Even email?

srayzie ago


Double_D ago

"It's not victim blaming if there isn't a victim"


TheTurd1911 ago

You all still should be hitting Reddit now and then , just settling in here ? What good does taking shelter do when the battle is out there . Finding each other is great , but ya still need to do stuff where we came from . God Speed Patriots

Double_D ago

"I don't always employ Chinese spies but when I do it's for 20 years"


OldDirtyPiper ago

Why are we being lead like sheep to q just a thought are we sheep I believe we are all being set up for something bigger

viperx3791 ago

/Users/Ascension/Documents/Q/Meme Warfare/proper-fucked-memesaway.jpg

Ronin3000 ago

I really appreciate your simple explanations.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Double_D ago

Indelible in the hippocampus is the perjury


F_Scott ago

Geez, thanks a lot. Now I clean up this coffee that I just spit all over the place.

srayzie ago

Your first? Good job!

InAVanDownByTheRiver ago

I used Wordswag app. Easier than I expected.

srayzie ago

I’m gonna bust some gifs/memes out tonight. That's my specialty. I trolled Jerome Corsi with them 😂

ANC3 ago

I love the "Jeff, what do the brackets mean?" one, lol.

PackersPatriot ago

Grr. I was instantly suspended after tweeting a few memes, unlocked my account, and now i'm shadow banned. The hashtags will get us censored? I'm a Twitter newb, so any suggestions appreciated!

JL0331 ago

should start using their hashtags with our memes. they cant ban every pound metoo hashtag.

Phreatic ago

Arch-Stanton ago




PlainOldRoad ago

[Throwing ICE] (https://imgflip.com/i/2j7d54)

Wheatstone ago

Their narcissistic tactics all in one image! The ultimate red pill!!


CEE11 ago

This is so clever!!!


Wheatstone ago

I wish I had come up with this.

srayzie ago

Oh another great one!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Sounds about right! Good one!

bulrush ago

Hm. Image didn't appear on Voat. I got the "missing image" image.

Letter-17 ago

Odd. It loads fine for me.

srayzie ago

Oh I love! Perfect! Haha

12814 ago

Good Idea, but we also need a official post where we gather and share videos.

here is the Official Trump @War: Full Movie.


get your popcorn and enjoy the movie.

Anon787 ago

Watched the whole thing, shared it and it was burried by Facebook instantly.

JL0331 ago

that movie gets me angry, in a good way

srayzie ago

That’s a good idea. I have a collection thread.

We can do that but make it a much improved version.

12814 ago


Dessie999 ago

Thank you!

bethers67 ago

I have been meme in the HELL OUT OF ALL THE DEMON-CRATS TWITTER FEEDS AND ON FACEBOOKalso. Facebook Blocked me But I cussed them and told them my Brother was a high Profile Attorney and it must have worked cause I can MEME on Facen=book again today lol I have laid at least 300 memes today baa haa EVERYDAY TILL WE WIN THIS EVIL VERSUS GOOD BATTLE AMEN WWG1WGA

Truth_B_Known ago

Thank you for this thread. It helps!

srayzie ago

Thank you! I’m glad

srayzie ago


FLmom ago

I'm shadow - banned. Any suggestions to go around that?

lvbuckeye27 ago

Make a burner account. My main account was locked for "suspicious activity." I had 161 followers lol. My burner account has 1800+.

Get on a Trump Train. Everyone follows, retweets, and follows back.

FanofQ ago

Thank you!

the_Green_Chain ago

Done! I chose the topic of "honest women" - NOT.

73s ago

Thanks! BUT How do I personally MAKE a meme... find the pic and put words to it and then post it as above?

lvbuckeye27 ago

I use PicSay Pro on Android. Got it for 25 cents lol

Guccijacuzzi ago

There are apps for that

Brenteagle60 ago

Did anyone catch. In the Rod Rosenstien and General Kelly meeting the day of regination or firing that Kelly turned and shook Ed O’Callaghan’s hand. I think Ed was witness or next in command

73s ago

I'm all for it but... would love to be able to create them.... links to how and necessary programs would be appreciated

jbakers1 ago

Ohhhh That has to hurt the Ford Lovers, Great meme I stole it and am sharing with the few Ford friends i have. LMAO

Hoaxbuster ago


Fred-Reich ago

Screen name checks out

PeachyPatriot ago

This one got me 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂

srayzie ago

Wow. 😂

WillGreeley ago

Qanons are at a huge disadvantage now because so many former Twitter users have already been 'locked out'. Good Luck to all of you! 'Hit them hard'!!!

lvbuckeye27 ago

Is it really that hard to make a new account? I have tons of email addresses. 3 FB accounts just so I could send myself stuff in Mafia Wars. 3 different Clash of Clans accounts. Use burner email. It's easy.

Qswaganon ago

Can we post Q logo clothing links here? Not to spam, just spreading the 'Good News'. Freedom is at hand. I'm using Amazon to fulfill but that domain is disallowed. Just thinking clothing and bumper stickers are valuable QSwaganon to the movement. But I am open to other viewpoints ;-)

srayzie ago

No. Unfortunately last time that happened, people flipped out. I buy clothes too. You will get hell for it.

Qswaganon ago

unfortunate. uniforms and branding are critical for meme uptake. Thx for the Kindly reply. cheers

srayzie ago

I’m actually one that did post a link before and people flipped out on me. But, I think it’s good to buy them.

Type-o-Negative ago

Playing devil’s advocate here, I think having a meme depot will not work. Reason being is once a meme is used, it will have a SHA or MD-5 hash attached to them. These hashes are very useful on determining whether a file has been altered even to the slightest degree such as a period added. In other words, it provides integrity that a file has not neen tampered with.

I picked this site as it explains in plain English to the common person who is exactly a Computer Science Major. I didnt add a SHA link because sha and md5 are flavors of the same concept


Why is this a big deal someone might ask? Most likely these memes will be assigned a sha or md5 hash that will be on a already established shadow ban list on the social media servers.

I never reuse any memes and make mine on the fly in PowerPoint where I can use the same pic, but edit the text on the fly to make a new meme therefore changing the sha and/or md5 hashes. If one doesnt have PowerPoint, Paintbrush or whatever the default Apple paintbrush like application would be best to use.

Just my .02 cents on this.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Do a screen shot and crop or use an image capture app on PC. You get a new file name for the image with this method. Also you could just download and rename your file.

Type-o-Negative ago

Snippet is my friend. 👍

JL0331 ago

if you tweet on a mobile, sceenshot the meme and send from your photos. its a unique image.... right?

Type-o-Negative ago

Yes it would be unique but what are you going to do about the metadata? I am sure your phone model and maybe the serial number will be in that.

idkididkidk ago

Change any single byte and the hash is completely different. Edit 1 pixel, or edit a small piece of non-viewable image meta data is all it takes to get a completely new hash.

GoodGodKirk ago

Wouldn’t a meme generator be easier and alter the md5 hash once you’ve added text to it?

Thinking about that, the EU may have certain domains banned due to recent laws.

Type-o-Negative ago

I suppose that would work, but how would one know if the meme generator isnt owned by the same social media companies one is battling against? Paranoia aside, how often have we run into controlled opposition in the past?

GoodGodKirk ago

In meme generators being taken down or img hosting sites taken down?

73s ago

What if we don't link, but download and upload, will it still be marked? Sorry I'm rather a nerd on some things computer.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yes it would be the same, the file has be altered in some way.

SeeSomethingSaySome ago

Once saved as is, if you rename the file, will it be still marked ?

Light_Guard ago

Most of us are already shadowbanned anyway so it doesn't matter.

Type-o-Negative ago

There are free sites that you can use an SMS temp phone to get around the phone issue.

Light_Guard ago

I don't use a phone

Light_Guard ago

This is the link to the 8ch QResearch library of 2700+ memes. There are memes for virtually every relevant topic here: https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

Light_Guard ago

This is an 8ch MEME stash along with a MEME tutorial: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3038190.html#3038190

srayzie ago

Oh awesome. I wasn’t able to today. I feel bad. So tomorrow I’ll be a tweetin fool.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BelleDJour ago

Fukkme hahahaaa

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Awe man... I'm not eating that Monsanto monstrosity.

rickki6 ago

lol !

srayzie ago

You go ladies!

GodsAngell ago








👍👍 READY!!

srayzie ago

Your link isn’t working because yiu have “png” twice :)

medbob ago

I LIKE png! He'll do. Sign here.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bigZ1fmwD-Q