RemoteViewer1 ago

Open Israel Borders :) Because ,. The Goyim Knows Where The Evil Lurks ;)

dunklederf ago

you're retarded, 'theamerican' is a parody/troll account

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, I have a life therefor I'm not caught up on every troll account like losers that are on here 24/7

dunklederf ago


DakotaJane ago

The guy is a shitposter. He doesn’t own shit and most of his posts make no fucking sense. Ignore him and hope he goes away.

sguevar ago

I am quite sure sure that he is schizophrenic. Multiple personalities, erratic behavior, pathological liar.

He sure is a spammer.

Rotteuxx ago

Fair deduction, upon further lurking he stands out more like a bored attention whore than a shill.

Unless he's...

sguevar ago


RevDrStrangelove ago

The 'special' forces.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Obvious kike is obvious

ACatIsFineToo ago

Pretty sure this is a case of mental illness rather than enemy action. I remember seeing a comment from him that he has multiple personality disorder, and different personalities post different things.


SearchVoatBot ago

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TheAmerican ago

I am co-owner, I am for open borders for Israel. I hope this helps clarify.

Rotteuxx ago

Prove it

TheAmerican ago

I've already suspended two accounts today. This has already been verified, so whether you choose to believe it or not is irrelevant to me.

Mumbleberry ago

You are a lying fucktard attention whore.

iamthecircus ago

Get fuck back to Israel you little Jew boy. The time of letting kikes control the narrative and control America are over. Nobody needs you or your kike websites. Ban everyone that is sick of your kike shit and see how that goes.

TheAmerican ago

Big changes are coming, we are going to try to move away from a hate oriented platform

bill_the_dog ago

You're the lowest form of retarded attention whoring faggot with sensibilities of a teen age slut.

TheAmerican ago

Thank you sincerely, that means a lot coming from you

ThoseFeels ago

Chump. Fuckin nigger

Rotteuxx ago

Did you forget that Voat has public logs ?

GoBackToReddit ago

Glad someone saved me the time of linking it.

slevin_kelevra ago

So did he actually ban or suspend anyone?

Rotteuxx ago

Only @Cynabuns can assist Putt in that department

slevin_kelevra ago

Is the american claiming to be cynabuns then?

GoBackToReddit ago

Atko as well.

Rotteuxx ago


Globglogabgalab ago

Suspend me.

Rotteuxx ago

Prove it kike

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I thought you already knew he was an israeli jew

Rotteuxx ago

I've had doubts but never interacted directly with it before.

Rotteuxx ago

Typical shill, he answered this after claiming to do more for free speech on Voat in a day than I ever have. Redirecting the conversation at every turn and avoiding answering very simple questions.

After asking him twice "How about open borders for Israel ? Do you have anything against that ?" Which he couldn't answer due to contractual obligations and the need to protect his online persona.

This is how you smoke out a jew shill.

@Trigglypuff @Kevdude @Crensch @expertshitposter @mumbleberry

TheAmerican ago

Did I not answer your question? I really don't understand what the problem is here. This sub is about to be locked, it's pointless.

Rellik88 ago

This thread is about to be locked, it's pointless.

Oh this boy be touched in da head.

EndTheFed2 ago

Fuck you, kike

iDontShift ago

answer it now you fuckwit. it is obvious to everyone here you are avoiding talking about it.

you could have answered it here and now.

but no.

TheAmerican ago

I am for open borders

ThoseFeels ago

Hey at least you answered. The honesty is appreciated.

Now choke on a bag of bloody dicks you Bolshevik clown. If I could kill without consequence Id curb stomp every person that pushes open borders. You're a parasite. I fucking hate you and hope you die very soon, very painfully.

GoBackToReddit ago

This thread is about to be locked

That would be a neat trick. I have never seen that happen on Voat...

Rotteuxx ago

He originally said the sub would be locked then edited his comment to say thread

GoBackToReddit ago

Never seen anything locked on Voat. I'd love to see how a B account can do it.

slevin_kelevra ago

What does locking this thread do for free exchange of information/ideas?

Mumbleberry ago

Rotteuxx ago

/v/whatever is about to be locked ?

Please tell us more !

No you didn't, you ignored the question twice in a row and only answered when you got called out as a shill.

Mumbleberry ago

Shill? maybe so. Moron? 100%.