The Ultimate Red Pill on the Holocaust. Get it while it's still up. (
submitted 6.4 years ago by VicariousJambi
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VicariousJambi 6.4 years ago
I thank @ifuckdolphinseverday for showing me this video. I'm still digesting all of the info in the post.
ifuckdolphinseverday 6.4 years ago
Thank you for this excellent post.
27BC-14AD First Roman Emperor Augustus Octavious 66AD-Rome Burns Second Temple
700AD-1400AD Sand niggers conquer southern meridian and all of Spain. Whites are enslaved and Jews controlled trade.
1897 - First Zionist Convention Basel Switzerland. -Israel plan (Switzerland is HQ)
1914-1918 WW1 started for the purpose of shifting sands and allow jewish takeover, "civil war" erupts across the globe.
1917 Russian takeover was a success, House of Suad supported by Jews collapse ottoman empire. (Balfour declaration)
1918-1919 German takeover was a success.
1947- Roswell, Creation of CIA/Airforce/NSC, United Nations Partition Plan, Communism in Poland, Iranian Military executes Kurd leaders.
1948- Israel kike war
1949- Communism In China (<-- This guy sucks bleeding kike baby dicks)
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VicariousJambi ago
I thank @ifuckdolphinseverday for showing me this video. I'm still digesting all of the info in the post.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Thank you for this excellent post.
27BC-14AD First Roman Emperor Augustus Octavious 66AD-Rome Burns Second Temple
700AD-1400AD Sand niggers conquer southern meridian and all of Spain. Whites are enslaved and Jews controlled trade.
1897 - First Zionist Convention Basel Switzerland. -Israel plan (Switzerland is HQ)
1914-1918 WW1 started for the purpose of shifting sands and allow jewish takeover, "civil war" erupts across the globe.
1917 Russian takeover was a success, House of Suad supported by Jews collapse ottoman empire. (Balfour declaration)
1918-1919 German takeover was a success.
1947- Roswell, Creation of CIA/Airforce/NSC, United Nations Partition Plan, Communism in Poland, Iranian Military executes Kurd leaders.
1948- Israel kike war
1949- Communism In China (<-- This guy sucks bleeding kike baby dicks)