The Ultimate Red Pill on the Holocaust. Get it while it's still up. (
submitted 6.4 years ago by VicariousJambi
derram 6.4 years ago :
This has been an automated message.
Gabaras_rectum 6.4 years ago
"The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to (((some audiences)))."
You don't say?
Pluviou5 6.4 years ago
Verify (((controversy)))
VicariousJambi 6.4 years ago
I thank @ifuckdolphinseverday for showing me this video. I'm still digesting all of the info in the post.
ifuckdolphinseverday 6.4 years ago
Thank you for this excellent post.
27BC-14AD First Roman Emperor Augustus Octavious 66AD-Rome Burns Second Temple
700AD-1400AD Sand niggers conquer southern meridian and all of Spain. Whites are enslaved and Jews controlled trade.
1897 - First Zionist Convention Basel Switzerland. -Israel plan (Switzerland is HQ)
1914-1918 WW1 started for the purpose of shifting sands and allow jewish takeover, "civil war" erupts across the globe.
1917 Russian takeover was a success, House of Suad supported by Jews collapse ottoman empire. (Balfour declaration)
1918-1919 German takeover was a success.
1947- Roswell, Creation of CIA/Airforce/NSC, United Nations Partition Plan, Communism in Poland, Iranian Military executes Kurd leaders.
1948- Israel kike war
1949- Communism In China (<-- This guy sucks bleeding kike baby dicks)
derram ago :
This has been an automated message.
Gabaras_rectum ago
"The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to (((some audiences)))."
You don't say?
Pluviou5 ago
Verify (((controversy)))
VicariousJambi ago
I thank @ifuckdolphinseverday for showing me this video. I'm still digesting all of the info in the post.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Thank you for this excellent post.
27BC-14AD First Roman Emperor Augustus Octavious 66AD-Rome Burns Second Temple
700AD-1400AD Sand niggers conquer southern meridian and all of Spain. Whites are enslaved and Jews controlled trade.
1897 - First Zionist Convention Basel Switzerland. -Israel plan (Switzerland is HQ)
1914-1918 WW1 started for the purpose of shifting sands and allow jewish takeover, "civil war" erupts across the globe.
1917 Russian takeover was a success, House of Suad supported by Jews collapse ottoman empire. (Balfour declaration)
1918-1919 German takeover was a success.
1947- Roswell, Creation of CIA/Airforce/NSC, United Nations Partition Plan, Communism in Poland, Iranian Military executes Kurd leaders.
1948- Israel kike war
1949- Communism In China (<-- This guy sucks bleeding kike baby dicks)