Inaminit ago

Piss on jootube also... Voat with your feet.


Depending upon what mood my work WIFI is in, I damn near have to use the redditgur link to get the pics.

nament ago

Technically oldfags are more likely to post to sites that they're used to and have been using for years. I'd rather see an imgur link than see hundreds of broken image thumbs that were posted to dodgy sites that crash or go under in the space of months. At least suggest a viable alternative.

WhiteSquall ago

Two Questions: 1. What options are there for imgur? 2. How do we know VOAT is not owned, run or monitored by the Clowns in America?


I post straight from where I find the image, hot linking. which is really bad lol. I should know better.

NiggadermCQ ago

Found the kike

Bangarang76 ago

No problem here. I don't even know what the fuck imgur is. Not really a refugee tho. I never got on reddit. Either way, you won't see me bitching about running out of Nutella. For the record.

Durm ago

Should explain why in your post comment I think.

1moar ago

Perhaps, but mostly I want to bring attention to it again. I'm not the most verbose, but yeah I agree. It's a team effort maybe?

Durm ago

When I first saw a post like this, like during the election times, I wasn't sure if it was someone just having a cow or a real thing. Might be helpful I was thinking. I definitely lost a few good memes that got removed at imgur not knowing any better at the time, including one pasting young Castro's face over his supposed real dads face with Canadian flags behind him, saying "I should have pulled out". :(

The imgoat and the other seem much faster and better anyway.

ParsedOutput ago

Just someone write a bot to call out these retards.

8_billion_eaters ago

Dude.................. imgoat is fucked. WTF is the standard?

You cocksuckers know this is the third or fourth iteration of an image hosting site. Why doesn't VOAT have a stable platform?

BTW....Child Porn is available and accessible on Google and Bing search engines if you search for an image hosting site. How is that legal?

GDCommieUSA ago

I can't upload to imgoat since two weeks ago it gives me an internal error after processing

AndNowTheOther8 ago

Yeah, but I'm not posting kidde porn or revenge porn. catbox seems to always be the site that hosts the pics of little girls on the creepy voataverses. I choose not to give them my patronage because I disagree with their policies.

I know I'm not supposed to trust r***** but they said you got your pics removed because you posted them to the community, which is subject to the be nice rules, but regular image hosting isn't. and imgtc I use for anything political.

sbt2160p ago automatically keeps your images stored on backup hosts.

Voopin__Voopin ago

I've talked to the guy that runs that one. He was on here a while back.

@picman is his username

MaunaLoona ago

Fuck off I'll keep using it.

fluhthreeex ago

catbox dies with

BentAxel ago

Fuck off, you SHOULD Know better.shall we do the list of failed fucking image hosts.

Until you prove a solid solution, how about you take your kike pissing and whining to another subject.

MyDrunkAccount ago

It's the price of resistance Bent, it's not cheap and it's not as nice, but I still think it's better than contributing to the bigger problem by giving imgur those clicks.

BentAxel ago

You're not wrong, great way of putting it. It's frustrating because all contributors used slimgur, then it died, imggoat it died. Kek had issues. From this side of the fence, it costs imgur to host or images. Following that logic, I'm not so broken up about it. I wish there was another choice

Hand_of_Node ago

Looks like imgoat just died too. Possibly from that cp problem.

BentAxel ago

I hate it. I'd love to use another choice, but we keep losing them.

BentAxel ago


Hand_of_Node ago

When the goat owner was on the front page a month or few ago, he said he was trying to keep it off. I scrolled through the uploads a couple times and found some pretty blatant adult/child sex with the kids probably being around age 8. That can't be good for an image host.

BentAxel ago

Yeah, I remember when that was done. Thanks to shareblue and the other shills.

captainpixystick ago

Yeah, so the weird ass image hosts you faggots use can go belly up and lose all images. No thanks.

Yes imgur is redditfag tier, but I can pull threads going back many years that have imgur links STILL going strong.

Use an adblocker should be the message here. Imgur works.


its a cia nsa fbi image board. with swj's and shit. why support the enemy. traitor.

Fibbideh ago

I'd rather not freely give page views (and thusly, ad money) to SJWs. No thanks. Get a backup hard drive. Trust no one with your data but yourself.

Gyrados_Devolved ago

I'd rather not freely give page views (and thusly, ad money) to SJWs.

I still remember when FPH posted Imgur's publicly available image of the people who run that shitshow.

"Harassment! REEEEEE!"

Mittermeyer ago

Also Imgur already does delete stuff, that was a part of The Fattening and the FPH migration to Voat

HateCumbuckets ago

Never forget. Even their dog was fat.

Neskuaxa ago

I like using for image hosting. Light weight and easy to use.

sbt2160p ago

how's that working out for you?

Neskuaxa ago

Not bad. But sometimes uploads fail. Haven't had to use it in a while though.

sbt2160p ago died a couple of months ago. They don't host images anymore.

ChessFailure ago

Found a bug on this site. Not sure what the dilly is, but if someone is no show at the bottom and they have some post above that is also hidden, you can't open up the bottom one, it just flips the upper one.

Example, try to open "TheAmerican" at the bottom, he has two low comments ... side note, fuck that user.

Hand_of_Node ago

Possibly the same bug I reported a while back. Your comment and the replies are replicated below , but I can't reply to that one. Voting affects both of them. Putt said at the time he knew what caused it. Something to do with handling the visible screen area?

ChessFailure ago

That makes sense. I am on desktop though. Still could be the problem.

OuterSpaceIsHomo ago

@theamerican admitted to me its an ftm tranny who abuses hormones

ChessFailure ago

He admitted to everyone a week or so ago that he was a shill and part of a collective. He would not go further into details. At least I did not see it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Different account, and not as openly degenerate/weird as TheAmerican. Think the other one has a dash between. There's probably a bunch of them in a "degrade voat" campaign, as if we need that on top of the Qcumbers.

HateCumbuckets ago

Are you sure about that?

Hand_of_Node ago

Well, no. I seem to be completely wrong about that. I could swear there's another one with a similar name lurking around here somewhere.

HateCumbuckets ago

Good chance there is. I have only seen the one account myself though.

ChessFailure ago

andrew_white_forever ago

I can't use imgoat with tor, does anyone know an image service that you can access and upload to with to?

OuterSpaceIsHomo ago is what ive been using recently and I like it. I dont know if it works with tor but you could try.

RollinDaGrassTyson ago

Imgur albums require javascript just to view. Why does an image need to run javascript in your browser? Would could imgur possibly be doing in the background?

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


revfelix ago

Fuck skittles?

WitnesstheSalt ago

Slim pickings at the moment, though. Toast. Imgoat? Toast. Imgtc seems to be the least bad option right now.

AlbitEinstein ago

I don't want to use imgay but none of the other sites are working for me

DANKGHIDORAH ago and imgoat give me issues. I think catbox is the only good one left at the moment?

DietCokehead1 ago

There's and imgtc. Also and

TheAmerican ago

We arre Q, we are one and Voat is ours now.

fluhthreeex ago

lol 10/10

VoutGuy ago

Put me on your list, bucko.

Drain0 ago

So why the fuck would you tell newfags to stop using something they're used to using and not tell them why? Get YOUR shit together OPfag

1moar ago

Figure it out. Not here to hold fucking hands and sing nigger shit.

RustyEquipment ago

kum bah ya.....

kum bah yahhhh

Drain0 ago

Way to sound exactly like a snowflake SJW... *Golfclap

Reddit_traitor ago

i'm seeing old fags post to imgur too

but every time we have good image host they go belly up randomly RIP

also don't trust the imgtc

devvo ago

I used to sysadmin for one of these smaller image hosts. Our competition would regularly upload CP & report it to the authorities in a given location, who would on some occasions seize our servers. Hosting arbitrary content is tough.

QXQ ago

What is stopping competitors from doing that to Imgur?

Just curious. Seems like a massive clusterfuck.

devvo ago

Surely they do. They probably have a review queue. I guess they have some smart algorighms to filter out images similar to already reviewed images and enough manpower to review the rest within reasonable time.

QXQ ago

Ah ok. Figured as much.

Sucks that they use CP to take down competition.

Reddit_traitor ago

i'm tempted to start one myself but that is the only thing that would stop me . i don't wan't to deal with that shit.

wps9d0 ago

You don't want that kind of Pizza delivered to your place!!!

Reddit_traitor ago

Hold the walnut sauce

SkullsAndBones ago

Ive been using and have no complaints

kalgon ago

This is used by voat's bot > @derram

ratsmack ago

What's the problem with imgtc?

Reddit_traitor ago

the guy who ran it was active here. he started a site called type place0 and that site got hacked and just let the hackers take it.

i just don't trust the guy who ran it.

6gorillion ago

He was/is 100% a douchebag.

1moar ago

Yeah, it's tough all around. Just feel the need to toss it out there now and then; especially after boats of refugees show up from Afrireddit.

Hand_of_Node ago "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."

Used goat a week or two before the invasion, but it's been down. Maybe they got it with that cp.

1moar ago

Maybe, I've been off the wire a minute. Appreciate the regs that can stay frosty.

LostandFound ago

Just remind the Q's that imgur contains prism tracking data, they appropriately lose their shit. Most end up thanking me.

Theres extremely legit reasons to not use imgur