Whitemail ago

Hate speech is whatever the ruling class doesn't want you to say.


Ay ay, Faggot.

Chimaira92 ago

What has happened always and everywhere, in every kind of struggle, happened also in the language fight which was carried on in the old Austria. There were three groups - the fighters, the hedgers and the traitors. Even in the schools this sifting already began to take place. And it is worth noting that the struggle for the language was waged perhaps in its bitterest form around the school; because this was the nursery where the seeds had to be watered which were to spring up and form the future generation. The tactical objective of the fight was the winning over of the child, and it was to the child that the first rallying cry was addressed:

"German youth, do not forget that you are a German," and "Remember, little girl, that one day you must be a German mother."

Mein Kampf ~ Chapter 1

kalgon ago

If one can't get past the nigger faggot, how is he going to be able to shit on the jew?

"Oh the jews yes, the jews... Our lovely jews they suffered so much, we love jews evidently.... Why idk, it's just that jews are good because I'm not antisemite evidenlty, good guys aren't antisemite by definition, only nazis sympathizers are and they are evidently the bad guys..."

Fuck that train of thoughts with a bagger 288!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEvfD4C6ow

ARsandOutdoors ago

OMG. I forgot all about this video. ty

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Well said faggot kike!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Ive never heard such language in my hole life.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Your an F-Hole!

MrPim ago

It goes further than that even. The language has multiple purposes. it has its specific role during the migration filter system for example.

We also use the extreme language to rob it of its power. When a word is taboo, like all taboo things, it gains a dark power. When the word nigger is commonplace it has no power. Whites invented the word nigger, blacks 'took it back' and turned it into nigga. We are actually taking it back now and destroying it's power through complete over usage.

Also I'd like to say that if you have some self esteem being called nigger should mean nothing to you. If you believe in yourself my word has no power over you.

AmericanJew2 ago

The problem is the word nigger still has power because the majority of Sub-Saharan black people in the world are in fact niggers. They are dumb, lazy, ignorant, illiterate, id-driven, ape baby people who can't think two days ahead, fuck anything that isn't nailed down to the floor, commit crimes if given the opportunity, and generally chimp out in packs like wild hyenas.

That is not to say there aren't outliers on the bell curve, mostly nigs that miscegenated with whites and have white genetics, but on average their median intellect is what we consider retarded to whites and east asians and jews.

The word hurts and continues to hurt because it is true, a nigger is a pavement ape is a nigger.

Vic_V ago

The ultimate goal of banning "hate speech" is to ban all criticism of those in power.

QualityShitposter ago

Consider the phrase African American: African comes first and emphasizes the divide from regular Americans. (((PC language))) is designed to divide us, and should not be used by patriots.

Calling them niggers, negroes, jigaboos, or just fellow citizens is the patriotic thing to do.

ACatIsFineToo ago

Porch monkeys, back-door abortions, the unflushed, spearchuckers, pavement apes, nighttime multicam, People of Color, inmate #254234, dindu, kangs.

There's so much variety, why limit yourself.

AmericanJew2 ago

the unflushed, kek

notenoughstuff ago

I prefer Bantu/Congoid if it is one of those. It is them the vast majority of the time, since supposedly the Bantus exterminated almost fully the khoi-san as well as the pygmies (which might have been much, much more widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past), by using farming and weapon technologies gotten from others, through mass murder, rape, and cannibalism. The Bantus are to this day, at least in some areas, still eating others at large scale, including pygmies:

http://archive.is/cHeeY (see the section on enslavement on genocide which also contains information on cannibalism).

http://archive.is/e2jN4 (even the (((UN))) is admitting the cannibalism, at least in this case. I have heard of instances where some international groups (or (((groups))) ) hide or censor their findings reg. cannibalism in order to not lose aid, funding and shekels).

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo (classic modern-day documentary, I recommend it very much, share it around, especially with mudsharks. Note that it is the left-wing media company VICE that made it, which makes it even better as a source).

mrfetus ago

They are a biological weapon and must be exterminated.

notenoughstuff ago

Ehhhh... maybe instead just let them stay in Sub-Saharan Africa and not let them spread elsewhere, and let them seek to change deeply, fundamentally and robustly?... Furthermore, they are neither organized evil nor anywhere near the ludicrous level of evil and wretchedness of the kikes, despite definitely being extremely evil and wretched overall.

mrfetus ago

They are the kudgel of the kikes.

notenoughstuff ago

So the kikes are the problem?

mrfetus ago


shlomoshekelberg1488 ago

guess what? kike != semite. look it up. example, syrians. so just because i hate kikes doesn't mean i hate semites (i don't). therefore i am not anti-semitic. just anti-filthy-lying-thieving-hooknosed-oven-dodging-scheming-hand-rubbing-lucifer-worshipping-nigger-faggot-merchants-of-degeneracy. the holocaust was fake but we'll set that right! so, tell me. how's that for language effectively? :^)

Butterbread ago

Who invented "anti-semetic" anyway? I'm guessing this was just a way to try to prevent people to call out Jews directly, a way to make anti-Jew sound more "special", a way to control.

shlomoshekelberg1488 ago

close. it was coined by a kike in a dispute with a german re: semitic races vs aryan races. the kikes almost immediately seized upon this (as they always do being professional victims and all that) and turned the phrase into both a shield and a weapon against anyone who calls them out on their bullshit.


Butterbread ago

Some portion are good people, I would like to think.

But who exactly do we blame, and what do we do?





shlomoshekelberg1488 ago

just gas them all and let god sort it out.

notenoughstuff ago

Good post.


Why not anti-Jewish?

paid actors

For (((Hollywood))), I think it is more accurate to say paid propagandists and manipulators, but otherwise agree. They do seek to undermine and twist and warp people's view and understanding of the world among other things.


Virgins - right? Are you living in Mommy's basement???

SanchezSucio ago

You're in my world now faggot and we don't like nigger-loving jew fore-skin goblins like yourself to feel comfortable. at all. gas yourself you fucking kike.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Looks like we got some faggots begging for upvoats' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Jaegerjaques:


This is the shit you were talking about right? It's rampant with the new users. @BEER4DINNER, why censor yourself. You can say what you want here. Words have no power here, you are not going to get banned because you say a nasty word like on Reddit or Facebook. You will however get constantly ridiculed for cucked behavior such as self-censorship.

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Metanoiac ago

What the fuck is this and why am I watching it?

AmericanJew2 ago

That is legit the worse film ever created. Like bad porn dialogue with no sex, and also gay and niggers.

glassuser ago

It's classic horrible college film material. Kind of like playing gay chicken in groups, but with movies instead of kissing your bros.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'There are way too many posts lately, where OP is just jerking himself off about being woke, and then belittling everyone else on the website' was posted in v/anon and includes this reply from @14010419:


This shit right here

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obvious-throwaway- ago



Res_Publica ago

Fucking 4d reptilians.

jhaluska ago

They ban speech cause then they can turn anything into hate speech. If they can turn anything into hate speech, they can effectively silence you for anything you say. Despite me disagreeing with all the hatred here, I dislike the government overreach is worse.

GoySauce ago

flapjack_charlie ago

Or nuggers, like chicken nuggers.

kneo24 ago

KittenCat ago

This is the reason why my brother and I call each other 'nagger'. It will forever be hilarious.

GoySauce ago

The first time I saw that I really didn't know where it was going. "People who annoy you", lol.

ThoseFeels ago

Nice username, Matt.


Man this bit is genius

hangry ago

Newfaggots like @Gold_Finger_, @Mariposa328, @3dayfreedom, @TruthSeeker777, who shill for upvotes and still think they're on reddit think they're redpilled, but they keep their Facebook accounts and puppy pictures and grandchild pictures online. You cannot be a goat and a Q Cultist at the same time.

UKD ago

I think reddit is doing us a favor by slowing evicting their truth tellers a little at a time. That way the trickle of noobs can join us without changing the culture too much.

Neongreen ago

That’s the harsh reality. When all the real content creators are gone. Who is left? The drugged out masses.

LibCucks ago

I've never seen a finer bunch of niggers in all my fagging years.

I can't wait till we get freedom of speech back in the real world.