Aleeder ago

Maybe not.

freshmeat ago


Limpfronthole ago

I don’t see how moving Muslims to Christian cultures could be a problem. Unless you think about the fact Christians and Muslims have been killing each other since...always.

Aleeder ago

Diversity is a great thing if there is tolerance and understanding that everyone's different and that's okay. But when there is diversity and putting everyone in a box or separation of some sort like they're different from, you or if you have that mindset then it can be a very bad thing.

recon_johnny ago

Those fucking hook nosed mother fucking degenerates.

Import refugees to Israel. ALL the refugees. (Yes, it's because I hate Israel and the Jews)

Workman ago

"Why do you hate whites?" is one correct response, there are several.

"If I ever find you I'll personally bake you to a golden crisp, you subhuman oven dodger" is another one.

AuthorUnknown ago

As if the white man wasn't diversifying America at the time. great point.

Churlish_Rogue ago

I don't know much about Q, it's all a recent discovery for me, as is Voat. But I do know that you tend to take a lot of flak when you're over the target, and all things Q are taking a LOT of censorship flak from Big Tech/MSM right now. More than it seems like it should, at normie face value. So the curious nature of that keeps QRV/TA/GA in my general attention sphere.

That said, fuck the Jews. Glass Israel and purge the West of every last soldier of demographic replacement they've ever let in. And fuck the goys who've helped them do it, while we're at it. They can hang too.

While Q followers in general don't seem to be as concerned with the JQ as I would certainly prefer, that cuck you were talking to is by no means indicative of most my (admittedly limited) interactions with Q followers. I'm still have my suspicions about it all. But it does seem like more than just a LARP.

It is kind of annoying having it dominate v/all constantly though.

hfkmfn ago

You sound fake and gay.

Churlish_Rogue ago

Cool. Thanks for taking the time, faggot.

Fagtardicus ago

thats a very telling username that kike has decided to use read

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

Tell me this is not real ...

A kike that fucking dubmb... he aswered his own q?? da fuck

Laserchalk ago

I've seen them do this before in an interview. They support multiculturalism and immigration when it comes to the west but suddenly don't like it when it comes to Israel.

Aleeder ago

Well Lucifer Satan is a God because in the Bible God says so. God says Satan is the God of the world. Not God as in the creater but that's what ot says so makes since why so many worship him as one. Satan agrees he is not a God because in his Bible he says basically in the end when he wins he will be as Elohim. Meaning He is not a God but wants be as one.

Aleeder ago

kill Native Americans with smallpox my ass. That was only one of the small things that occurred they killed Native Americans with guns and swords. Murders, rape, burning them alive that's what the fuck they killed the Indians with.

Dsciexterminationist ago

It was a war and they did us and each other the same way

Gorillion ago

The natives who traded with whites loved the horses and guns they brought and used them to btfo their neighbor tribes.

Stop treating non-developed peoples as innocent nature babies. They had agency. They made their own decisions. Some of them really short-sighted and dumb. Human beings have both nobility and folly in them. If you deny this, then you're the "racist" here.

Aleeder ago

Obviously you're not native and don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Dsciexterminationist ago

I've been around Indian country enough to know you're worse than a nigger

Aleeder ago

I call BULLSHIT the people who came to visit the Native Americans first we're from Egypt and China and if you've been around enough natives like you say you would have known this fucking idiot not white people Natives traded with the Egyptians and Chinese long before white people came so being around them and actually being one is very different which may be why you don't know our actual history dumbass

Dsciexterminationist ago

I know you guys huff paint and stab each other, and we had to build boarding schools to raise your children so you'd stop fucking and beating them

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Feather niggers had it coming.

MrDarkWater ago

Well, we tried just teasing with them, but when the French paid then to fight against us in the revolutionary war and other battles, it kinda drive a wedge in our relationship ... and all their sacred mountains were full of gold. What'd you expect us to do?

ExpertShitposter ago

PV Version 2.0

100% more guitar riffs

200% more racist

400% more anti_Semitic

Fagtardicus ago


PyroJoe ago

I follow Q and hate the kikes, but, you asked a dude with a fucking Israel flag in his name...

Laserchalk ago

Now do you finally understand that the Jews want to destroy white nations while they create a Jewish nation of their own?

PyroJoe ago

Trust me I know all about the kikes and their evil ways.

Fagtardicus ago

"Our Greatest Ally®" is ironically our greatest ally in the fight for common sense

vladtep ago

That's all bullshit.

It's called the Synagogue of Satan for a reason and there's a reason these Hollywood types are all into Kaballah. Why don't read that instead of bullshit Alex Jones conspiracies? lol

Q said that Jones is a Mossad agent and you're saying exactly what Jones says. What a faggot.

Womb_Raider ago

Mature reply.

freshmeat ago

dude the only people replying to you here are Kev and the rest of the SBBH shills lol

Womb_Raider ago

Oh, I know. Don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. Voaters will be able to see the patterns in their verbiage and tone. The more you make them talk, the more they incriminate themselves. Why do you think I comment so often?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You didn't question his accuracy though.

Womb_Raider ago

I have in the past. Tired attempt. You're not addressing the threat you people pose to freedom of speech and expression.

vladtep ago

Yeah "Synagogue", they're Satan worshipping jews, dumbass.

But I repeat myself. lol

vladtep ago

Q is real, there is almost no doubt about that at this point.

However, there is a serious problem if this thinking reflects the values of the Trump administration.

We're going to butt heads over this at some point.

How can they enforce these views without censorship? They can't or they become the next problem to be solved.

Samchay6 ago

So what form do you think the final solution to this problem will resemble?

Fagtardicus ago

the original GW has the correct answer

vladtep ago

Your mom's ass.

Monogon ago

The world is run by genetically Jewish cultists. Q has yet to touch upon the Jew aspect at all, I've read all q posts and the only one I remember being close was "Saving Israel for last, specific reason not mentioned once". Q could be a psyop, I have no freaking clue, every time Q posts something i re evaluate my gamble on the legitimacy of it. The reason I point out that I'm a "Q supporter" is so you guys don't think im some newfag trying to join in the rest of you shitting on the Qfags

Monogon ago

That being said... wtf is a jidf

Samchay6 ago

wtf is a jidf

Welcome to Voat, the best place to learn...

Stick around a while.

SexMachine ago

Jewish Internet Defence Force

It's real, but it's not actually called that. It consists of many small cells of Israelis in college working independently of each other defending the Jewish race online. They infiltrate mod positions on large websites like reddit and squash any dissent against Israel. Any bad news about Israel being posted on r//worldnews? fucking deleted!

green_man ago

MARRY ME Eliah_R! As long as you're not fat.

Monogon ago

As a q supporter myeslf, idk why that person in particular has a problem with Israel becoming a non jewish state. It's a contradiction of what they said right before it..? If Israel were to become non jewish but had the same exact events and situations, I don't see why that could matter one way OR the other?? I mean if tomorrow we all woke up with amphibious frog skin instead of human skin, but everything stayed the same otherwise, who the fuck would care?

vladtep ago

Because Europeans have a right to exist as a distinct people.

And if you don't respect that, we'll have a serious problem, nigger/kike loving faggot.

Monogon ago

I respect it, I guess I just don't empathize with it. Distinction for distinctions sake. If you had to swap either skin or behavior with someone of another race, what would you choose?

StainlessSteelRatt ago

Asian... Cause then I'd be smart enough to figure out how to change myself back.

vladtep ago

I don't have to and I won't.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

Because jews want to inflict multiculturalism on the west but Israel needs to stay pure. “Why...?” You might ask, because infecting the west with men of fighting age infected with aids, whose favorite past time is raping white children and collecting as much welfare as possible only weakens the goyim.

Monogon ago

Ok so my personal opinion is that race within a state probably matters, and that complete multiculturalism is stupid because cultures serve a purpose and not all cultures are created equal. My confusion is with the Q guy that this post is about, I don't understand how THAT PERSON can believe that multiculturalism is good for everywhere except Israel, I'm saying it's illogical.

Aleeder ago

It doesn't even matter what anyone thinks Israel will stay pure till the end. It's already in thier plans.

WhoreOfBabylon ago

Jews have perfected the art of deception and cognitive dissonance.

PDR111 ago

The only way to tell if a man is white is to fondle his nut sack.

Womb_Raider ago

ProtectVoat is just as dangerous a problem if not the same problem.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im very surprised there have not been the usualy list of why the world hates jews after the last comment.. voat is getting weaker. I dont feel like making a list right now.

Jaegerjaques ago

I dont feel like making a list right now.

Lazy bum. Wait, me neither. Guess that makes two of us.

idk ago

Eh, maybe later...

1True_Morty ago

The Jews aren't going anywhere. Maybe tomorrow.

Jaegerjaques ago



Every fucking time

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots!' was posted in v/AnonTalk and includes this reply from @14018057: Every fucking time

This notification (#856) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Spoiler alert: 3rd World Multiculturalism is not a strength.

jewsbadnews ago

Needs to be speed up just a bit.

massiveprivilege ago

burn the coal pay the toll

Damn i love a happy ending

Gorillion ago

Extra Note for those that don't read the second link:

She was a well known race-mixing evangelist. Starring in a "get out there and fuck a black guy" campaign where she addresses the camera while literally sitting on a black guy's cock.

She was followed off a tram by one of her beloved black guys (with a criminal record a mile long) and brutally raped and murdered in a park. He then concealed her contorted body under heavy rocks and stuffed leaves and debris in her snatch.

Used, crumpled up and thrown away in a matter of minutes. A literal cumrag.

Mos_Did_911 ago

Yep. America is a nation of european immigrants. A hybrid monster of european cultures, preselected from people crazy enough to spend 3 months in a wooden boat to cross the atlantic.

It wasn’t until the 1950’s that non-western immigration was even legal. We’re seeing how well that worked out...

Fagtardicus ago

one mans crazy is another mans sane

Gorillion ago

Short term pain for long term gain.

Mos_Did_911 ago

Imagine how bad 1700’s england must have been, that getting on a leaky wooden boat for 3 months across the 2nd widest ocean seemed like a good idea.

Fagtardicus ago

i imagine it was much like south africa; but instead of whites it was protestants, and instead of bantus you had catholics.

vladtep ago

Even eastern European immigration was tightly regulated for a long time.

Womb_Raider ago

It's now a high-value target of the likes of CIA, JIDF, X Intel agency, ShareBlue, CTR-types, SBBH, or et cetera. I'm sure we're going to see a lot more forum sliding and CCP manipulation sadly...

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

CIA, JIDF, X Intel agency, ShareBlue, CTR-types, SBBH

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong...

Womb_Raider ago

Ah, but I think they may. I'd wager Soros funds are involved.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuck with the CABAL = eat lead.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Sooner than most would think.

Womb_Raider ago

Your empty threats are both amusing and pathetic.

ExpertShitposter ago


Glad i could help out.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Probably, yeah.

MrPim ago

Yeah things have just gotten very interesting here. This is unprecedented in the migrations.

Womb_Raider ago

I was surprised

Mos_Did_911 ago

I’ve got my popcorn ready.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Which one is qrv the jew lover or the based cartoon?

Laserchalk ago

Obviously the Jew lover.

Gypsynurse ago


ExpertShitposter ago


Jaegerjaques ago

Glad somebody is willing to ask the hard questions.

videocodec ago

How do I block QRV? It's spamming the /all page

13992878? ago

It takes the block awhile - took me loading into my cellphone browser to get it to get into effect or something... However, you can subscribe and block - essentially blocking from v/all but allowing it on your front page. If you want to keep tabs on them...

videocodec ago

I don't want to keep track of them. I hate cucks.

13993510? ago

Then what I would do is go to their sub and directly block there and maybe relog into voat if it ain't working.

hungir_strike ago

Underneath each submission is a "block subverse" button. Click that and it won't show up on v/all.