alalzia ago

There are varying timelines defining the start and the end of this cohort; demographers and researchers typically use birth years starting from the early- to mid-1940s and ending anywhere from 1960 to 1964.

Fucking hell , i just called my mother (born in 1945) a niggerfaggot

xenoPsychologist ago

you now have comprehensive possession of my entire wat supply. every bit of it. i wasnt sure somalians lived to become grandmothers before being stabbed to death by other somalians. but here we are. who knew?

qsentmebitcoin ago

Tea Party 2.0 funny hats and everything

Triceratography ago

Did tea party also have a mysterious leader that talks to ghosts?

Triceratography ago

I saw someone describe it as a "psyop that's super-potent against boomers for some reason" and they really nailed it.

I'm still trying to figure out why they fall for it though.

GasRite ago

Boomers are the most psychologically defenseless group when it comes to mass media.

Their unearned sense of moral superiority, bottomless egocentrism, and lifelong economic luck makes them perfectly naive consumers.

Megachurches, the NFL, daytime television, fanatical consumer brand loyalty, minion memes. The Jews trained them from birth to be one gigantic school of fish consuming everything the authority figures tell them to.

Q is using cold-reading techniques and simple dot-connecting to establish authority and short-circuit that knee-jerk submissive response boomers have. The authority would not be credible to them without serious flattery, which he employs through the use of intentionally cryptic language and broad appeals to vanity and unity.

You're smart enough to solve this puzzle.

You're special enough to know the plan.

Once they step into his frame, they become extremely emotionally invested in his narrative and their own vain self-perception of "specialness" becomes intertwined with Q's credibility. This is why they defend him so vehemently- they are subconsciously protecting the fragile veneer of uniqueness that's been erected to protect them from perceiving the screeching nihilistic void inside them- and the banality of their impending deaths.

The 60's were about them, the 70's were about them, the 80's were about them, and the 90's were about them (through their children). They lived all the way up to that point in a media bubble. As the most profitable demographic, the media nurtured their worst traits and encouraged them to further distance themselves from their own humanity.

After you make enough dehumanizing choices (fucking their country over, fucking their kids over, letting the mexicans in, etc.), the cost of admitting to your mistakes becomes too high. At this point, seeing the reality of their own bleak existences would utterly destroy them. So they are continually forced to double down, sliding further and further into solipsism and escapism.

The 00's and the subsequent real estate collapse: The first time cold reality breathed down the neck of the boomer. Scared to the bone but unable to acknowledge the truth of their complicity in the collapse that threatened their precious retirements, they seek a new form of rebellious escapism. One last chance to STICK IT TO THE MAN before the grave calls their name.

I was at Woodstock, you know

Enter Q.

You're special, says Q.

You're unique. History really has been your story all along, and this is the final act. You not-racist American, you can SAVE THE WORLD without ever breaking a sweat or facing an uncomfortable truth.





Who's with me?!?!

kevinstonge ago

I follow Q and I'm in my 30s. I can definitely tell there are lots of seniors in the Q community and it's pretty strange to me.

Currently I'm intrigued more than anything; these are people who were probably labeled as racists by their friends and family members for being among the first handful of people to think that Obama was not black Jesus. For years they have watched the mainstream media fellate Obama and have seen the media's bias with greater clarity. Perhaps they had their eyes opened earlier than the younger generation because the younger generation has been more indoctrinated by the public education system, hollywood, and the media.

While my analysis is kind of shitty and off the cuff, my point is I think there are some interesting demographic variables involved.

Skeeterdo ago

you would think with 8chan having that late 90's look it would help them some.