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Greenbaywithenvy ago

Hope it's porn free. 8chan is more than this grandma can take.

OJW00 ago

I think it's imp't to keep in mind that there are BIGGER PICTURE things in play that allowing the ENTRENCHED culture of 8chan to distract anyone. And let's not forget that Q chose it as home KNOWING full well what that culture was. In the end, none of that ( a few bewb picts) matters. And remember, since ANYONE can post, the worst stuff (gore, hardcore porn, etc.) is posted by those that WANT to keep patriots like you away.....because they view that as the promotion of division and discord. We need to rise above it...and quit complaining. We've got a world to save, dammit. :)

Kayraye260 ago

How about old enough to be granny, but son has failed to launch.

Questor ago

It's not just the's the language. It shows a lack of independence of thought...and a low vocabulary!

deepfrydrated ago

Are those pictures of naked people hurting you? There is a very broad difference and definition between pictures of naked people and porn. If naked skin in a picture scares you or offends you, you probably don't have thick enough skin or the fortitude to handle what is coming. A strong mind, body and soul requires it to be open, free and understanding. It's ok to hate something you do not like even if it is not hurting you, that does not give you permission to remove it from every other perspective as long as it's not hurting anyone.

cat_1012000 ago

just block.. with the [-] Next to the users number..

GramCracker60 ago

I'm with you guys!!!!

PrayingPatriot ago


Agapechik57 ago

My thoughts exactly.

MJ4Q ago

This channel is free speech...a lot of the name calling is in jest and sort of like locker room banter. Toughen up your skin and stay focused on the topics at hand and vot so much the delivery .. as a mom old enough to know

foxwhispers2 ago

this granny is standing with all of these grannies!

Mariposa328 ago

lol you took the words right out of my mouth....or keyboard! lmao

KeepUrFork ago


FatherDadDude ago

Come to v/BiblicalQ A safe place for us old prayer folks.

A102876 ago

I feel like I attend a good school, but got stuck in a class with a bunch of weirdos......there are some strange comments out here

kakecreator ago

not a gran but don't want the porn either, ~~~



jbone777 ago

Go pack

MAGAprincess ago

New to Voat! Hi everybody 👋

Shannonjyl ago

Go to the tool icon and pick no adult content so your eyes can be protected

Glubney ago

I like the porn...all of it. I even like granny porn. To be honest, this granny garbage is getting a little annoying. Just read the posts and quit pushing this grandma stuff. NO ONE CARES

godsgail33 ago

And this Nana!

Randmanzan ago

"Hope it's porn free" - first image i click on was gaping asshole...blinded. ;)

SilverFox47 ago

Hello Grannies. I am a newbie, but have been lurking on Q 4chan/8chan for months now, never posted. Glad to see Q supporters of ALL ages and glad to have ALL of you here with us. If you read the intros for the "newfags" on there, they make no bones about the fact that it is no holds bar in those rooms and that if you can't handle it not to be there. Get ready because it will be that way here too. Please be careful downvoting a comment because the poster linked a boobs or butt pic or whatever you may not like. Just read below this post and they are giving you warnings. I want you ladies to be able to stay, so pull your big girl panties up, pull up your boot straps, and suck it up buttercups. I don't know you but send love, light, and blessings and want you ladies to stay on board. WWG1WGA

TheQPhenomenon ago

Is that the Red Line not to be crossed lol

TexasInfidel ago

Does it FORCE YOU to click and open the porn? I roll right past it and it never opens. Try not to open any more and you wont see anymore

LilYappyDog ago

Not a Granny yet! But totally agree!!! 🤣

TheQPhenomenon ago

Only if you go looking for

reinbeau ago

Best to just ignore. This channers have bed doing yeoman's work, but also, sometimes the porn is just too disrupt.

Ksseniorpatriot ago

fully agree; my 70 yr old eyes have seen it all be4 and nothin's on the body has changed; besides that I'm an RN who's seen enough so who needs porn anyway

huhu11 ago

Let me tell you about the jews

Six Million Jews Before Nazi Germany 1915 1938

A Goy Guide To World History Historian - E. Michael Jones.

Who controls America?:

The Jewish Corrupters - Dr. William Pierce


Emma Lazarus:

False Flags:

Oded Yinon Plan:

Benjamin Freedman Speech:

Jewish Timeline:


Child Sex Slavery:

Kosher Tax:





Talmud Quotes:



Henry Ford inventor of Ford cars: The international jew the world's foremost problem

The Scorpion and the Frog

Holocaust Album

Ernst Zundel interviews Ingrid Rimland (1998) - YouTube

Did the Holocaust Really Happen?

Dr. William Pierce - Seeing the forest - YouTube : :

Beanandginger ago

Amen granny. I think many off us are baby boomers or early genxers. 8chan is more difficult to navigate and you get the "whole enchilada " there.

alluphill ago

You'll get used to it, and learn to read past what offends you. No clean-up!

QNirmanakaya ago

lol, another grandma here. Also not hard to navigate please.

SaveTheChiIdren ago


Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… eight months early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? 8 months of waiting is 8 months to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen? If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

African_Jew ago

You literally are boomers. You have to go back to reddit.

WeWinAll ago

Who is BO?

SoCaliConservative ago

Super Granny's!! Love it ❤❤

K8088 ago

Grandma the little - in the box closes that tab. Again with people begging to be moderated. I don’t want to see it so easy fix click.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Holy fuck, you guys werent kidding about q-tards being boomers' was posted in v/whatever by @juicedidwtc and refers to this comment.

This notification (#481) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot( More information here, including how to suppress this notification.

juicedidwtc ago

Hey granny, how many NIGGER COCKS did you suck back in the day?

Thunderstruck1 ago

God bless you!!

GenChang ago

I suggest all you Grannies Lear how to block offensive commenter's. For helpful info, tap or click this link: v/Voat

Le_Squish ago

Lol, no. Wait till the lolicon and jailbait spammers attack.

GratefulMtnPatriot ago

Old enough to be a GRANNY too!

TrueCat ago

So, I've been trying to get into the new board, and it says NSFW. :(

Solstiare ago

There is porn, but you have to go looking for it. There is also the polar opposite, try /v/traditionalwives.

Samer ago

Same for this guy in his 30s who loves Jesus, my wife, and kids. We're shooting ourselves in the foot by making the new board NSFW and still expecting it to go mainstream. It's going to turn people away, myself included if it becomes unavoidable. God forbid my wife or kids should see something by accident. I don't want to see it either. And I'm not even talking about the pedo evidence like the Podesta art. There's a place for that, although warnings are appreciated. But I'm talking about literally just filth for no reason.

Samer ago

Sorry but it's marked NSFW. Some idiot just posted a disgusting link (the infamous goatse). Fortunately the content filter I set up on my router blocked it.

fullthrottle1949 ago

Same here for Grandpas

dordiewithq ago

AGREE. Seems the only way to cleanup TheAwakening is have more of us get over 100 CCP which will allow us newbies the opportunity to down vote the creeps.

Lovemyfamily9 ago

Trying yet this granny doesn’t have a whole lot of time.

SeventeenSister ago

I hear you! When I went on 8 Chan I was not expecting what I saw! 😳

StrayanGirl1 ago

Ganny's unite!

rickki6 ago

Ha !

Clydar ago

I get my q drops from . No bs and you can always go to for further info :)

C76T9211 ago

the two I use. I'm really liking qmap for the extra info on players, e.o.s etc.

SanchezSucio ago

Sure faggots are salivating over child rape fantasies but a little porn is too much...glad to know your priorities...

PatriotCharlie ago

Grandma POWER!! #MAGA

Lovemyfamily9 ago

Don’t mess with GRANNY!

Drycabin1 ago

More than this mom can take!


don't hold your breath.

Robe3866 ago

Yes,,8 chan can be harrowing...have to learn to just click on by!!

c263j ago

Nope. Some scumfag has already posted something vile using a title that will get you to access it.

Ammojeff ago

Relax all is good. Focus on what we do here. Listen, Understand, Remember and Research. Don't focus on what alarms you but what you can understand and accept. Your waking up ! Hold on to your boot straps and what you hold dear. You'll be OK

Lovemyfamily9 ago

How donyou find the Anon’s discussing latest Q crumbs?

CindyLu008 ago

LOL, seriously, you don’t have to be a Grandma (but I am) to yuck it either. It’s just too much.

SilentSawtooth ago

Yep, this board will not be able to replace GA if porn is allowed.

AreWeThereYet ago

No kidding... I used to send people there when I was Red Pilling - the proofs and the way they organize info is great...

The porn undermines it all. "You get your information from porn hub? No thank you. I can't take that seriously." Oh - I'm sorry - that's just one of the anon's wives... Nope. That doesn't fly with normies.

C76T9211 ago

of course it does, but either the ones doing it don't care or they are not actually "with us" Same goes with the nazi talk. IMHO. And FYI to those above. You nor anyone else tells me what to say or where to say it. I am capable of policing myself. Obviously, many don't.

AreWeThereYet ago

TRUTH... The nazi stuff is bad too - but you can hide their ID+ so all of their posts are hidden. You have to do it on every new page - but you can hide it. The porn however - if you hide the ID+ - you are going to hide useful info.

Key phrase - "I'm capable of policing myself." I'm mature enough and smart enough to know what is acceptable to say or not say depending upon the people I am with and what I am trying to accomplish in dealing with them.

Lovemyfamily9 ago

How much time are we to spend upvoating, making comments to downvoat? I just want to see some bread.

MazeyDaze ago

I think this thread is more like happy hour, or just before the bell rings for class to start. We are all getting the opportunity to goof off and expend some energy before we have to get back to work.

Lovemyfamily9 ago

I appreciate the message, I am in this for about a month following Q drops, although six years of my own research with shares from FB. I know much of the corruption, needed to get united to continue my part in keeping the flow of truth going. WWG1WGA

MazeyDaze ago

I completely agree with your statement. I hope this will be a balance of free speech and intelligent conversation. I really do hope that the civil conversation from r/greatwakenening will continue here, but I also like the idea if I want you use an expletive or say something the may not be "ok" or "polite" in outside conversation will not be censored. Can we all agree that free speech is the utmost importance here? The "nazi stuff" is actually something we should be paying attention too. "Israel will be saved for last". Perhaps, we can learn something from the older goats? Just saying, we have been sheltered for a long time. It is good to be swimming in new waters.

AreWeThereYet ago

This has become a PUBLIC platform. It's not some little closed off corner of the interwebz where anarchy rules. Free speech is great - but that same free speech can be harmful if it's used in a way that offends and detracts from the message. We have been told - we are being watched... The media is watching us. The government here is watching us. Governments from around the world are now watching us. KNOWING that those against us have called us racists, hillbilly rednecks, ignorant, violent, deplorable, dregs... And also knowing that they CHERRY PICK to find anything they can to paint the worst possible picture - why would we give them the ammunition to use against us? During the campaign - Trump had a statement he made over a decade previously - in private - brought out and used against him. JUST A STATEMENT... And the left has used that as the foundation to paint him as a raping perv that has no respect for women. The shit here can and will be used to totally undermine every good thing we do.

As far as the nazi stuff and Israel? It's is clear that Israel was paying Epstein to put powerful people into situations that could be video'd and used against the people later. That id why Epstein never really paid for what he did. That doesn't excuse the scumbags that were compromised - they're scum. So yes - Israel is and has been a key player since the beginning. Knowing that Israel is involved in human trafficking, black market organs, weapons and keeping global tensions going... They will have to be dealt with. Most people don't understand that the normal Jewish people are not the same as the Jews that are evil. Just like all Catholics aren't evil like the Pope...

Fried_Pi ago

That’s the way to do it. If Q can do 8 Chan, you can do Voat. Learn it niggerfaggots! Thicken your skins. You can’t forge a blade without putting it in fire.

AllHeadsDowntoBow ago

It's been a long time since anyone on reddit has been able to breathe as freely as they do here. I'm a furious vicious asshole, but it didnt happen to me in a vaccuum, and at least here we can discuss the reality of out world without being stalked and possibly murdered by those psychos.

MazeyDaze ago

I do still worry about that (being stalked and murdered) - I'm a dork and wonder if a VPN is needed even here? Never mind I think I know the answer ... Can you or anyone reading this thread recommend one?

sufficientlydusty ago

Q did say No, we are not alone. Yes there are non'humans everywhere. In society, on the boards. Its the reason we're here. You can "block " a user so you dont have to see the slurs and hate talk. We have to deal with it for the time being. Dont let them divide.

SanchezSucio ago

Words hurt you faggot? That's a good sign you are unfit to live and should blow a .45...

ImNoDisneyPrincess ago

Grannies and Goats Unite!!

Lovemyfamily9 ago

Now that is funny!

Kenolover ago

OMG Are we ALL grannies here? LOL

MazeyDaze ago

Oh. My God. I really just busted out laughing. Grannies converge on Voat ... The Great Granny Awakening! KEK!

Mumbleberry ago

The old goats will now make sure that it won't be. Thanks for the suggestion!

Greydle ago

There is a fine line between being intentionally offensive to prove a point about free speech, and being a dumb asshole for no apparent reason.

Lurker1955 ago

But the First Amendment guarentees your right to be a dumb asshole wrt free speech so we should embrace that.

Rubymag ago

Good one!

TypicalVoaters ago

Some people have limited ability, they work with what they got, this is a forum that rewards that shit, they get imagination points and addaboys, just do your thing, half of it is bullshit and the other half isn't worth the waste of energy to give a fuck, your in a food court where everything is super cheap or free but there is no health inspections or safety regulations, you get a good meal one day, you get diarrhea the next, bound to have roaches in your curly frys from time to time, but thats what makes it special, enjoy, and ignore

Geaux2018 ago


SanchezSucio ago

Shut up faggot. You're not welcome here. Does seeing the word "nigger" offend you because you're ashamed that one of your kids is a coal burner? Fuck off and die boomer.

Greydle ago

I'm not a faggot, I'm not a boomer, none of my kids are coal burners, I'm not offended by the word nigger, I won't fuck off or die, and I'm perfectly welcome here. Get used to the new VOAT.

Helbrecht ago

Get used to the new VOAT.


Le_Squish ago

Are you a jew? We have ovens for that.

Christosgnosis ago

All I've seen on Voat is the latter

Le_Squish ago

You just made cuz everyone on voat thinks you a nigger and treats you accordingly.

Only you can choose to act like you have a 100+ IQ.

MazeyDaze ago

And the difference between goats hazing and what I was saying is?

Greydle ago

I didn't reply to you, I have no idea what you said, and I don't care enough about you to crawl through your post history. My statement holds true.

MazeyDaze ago

oops, I am still learning the tree in this new view. I thought I was replying to a censor as I didn't know to open the replies. I had used my free speech voice to relate an expletive I learned in college way back then. It's all good goat. That for replying.

Mumbleberry ago

New Q Drops!!! (a giant load in his pants) is the funniest troll post ever. Look at all the retards that fell for it;

Greydle ago

That is actually funny as hell. People are pumped right now, everyone missed the joke. Lol

Mumbleberry ago

The Op of that is a comedic genius.

Horsegrl67 ago

Shit. Stop with the grandma stuff already. It's anon for a reason. We dont care who you are!

AuntieQ ago

And your user name tells us you're female, like horses, and were born in 1967. That's sharing a lot more info than outing themselves as grands.

Agapechik57 ago

Now now don’t worry; we still love you sweetiepie

foxwhispers2 ago

this granny knew someone was gonna say that.

Mariposa328 ago

Don't be a Horse's ass. You are sounding like them. Have some respect to a fellow American and Q follower!!

WeThePeopleAreQ ago

For all you complain fags, showing disrespect for the elders - cram it. Q sets the class example, follow or go suck on your binkie - elder ladies and gents - welcome

IbelongtoGod ago

Good to know!

Flyakight ago

Thank you haha

madmarv ago

It's Granon!

I am making the meme now...

Horsegrl67 ago

Fuck me. Old farts. Just make sure your grandkids vote Republican.

MazeyDaze ago

Pertinent advice, but please realize how this board will enable those who need censoring to learn that they really only need their own mind to censor the content. If they don't want a free and open forum, they are part of the problem!

AndeRN ago

Exactly! I just ignore what doesn't pertain to me. Freedom of speech goes both ways.

MazeyDaze ago

Help with the up triangle?

Le_Squish ago

No gibs. Don't act like a fucking Islamic migrant.

Make comments worth upvoating.

MazeyDaze ago

Ok, thanks for the insight. That's good insult btw. Will use it in the future if you don't care? I'm loving this place!

Le_Squish ago

We don't care. We like our bantz here. You are free to use whatever insults you want.

MazeyDaze ago

Thanks tit sucker!

Lovemyfamily9 ago

Now that is funny

MazeyDaze ago

I can finally say this on an open forum - learned it at a college frat party in the 80's - see if you can memorize it too, and use it when it is most needed:

Shit, damn hell, you son of a bastard bitch.
Screw rape fuck you - go to hell too! Cock sucking mother fucker, eat a bowl of shit! Go suck on you mother's tit!

srgmpdns ago

Relevant liberation:

87762572 ago

Shut up you after birth of a Mongolian gang-bang, you cock-sucking, mother fucking, baby raping, masterbating, bastardization of a son-of-a-bitch!

MazeyDaze ago

Ugh, how do you handle a Lotus-birth as a nurse? Serious question ...

MazeyDaze ago

You made me KEK! And feel at home :-)

Pudge76 ago

Sounds almost similar to some of the rugby songs we used to sing in college...Cindy Bear would approve!!!

Commerical_Storage ago

yes YES U CAN...LOL you'll do alright here ..just spit out the rubbish..

Five_2_Eight ago

Bwahahahahahahaaaaaa thats classic right there

MazeyDaze ago

But to worthy of an up triangle? Dude, help me out!

sufficientlydusty ago

We dont care who you are.

64rjr05 ago

Same for this Grammy!!!

Carolleej2 ago

And this Grammy also. We Grammys have to keep up with Q and make sure this world is a better place in the future for our grandkids than it is right now! I'm not leaving till it's done! 😄

HoofingAlong ago

I'm not yet a granny but I'm up there,too!! I want to help make America a better place for my future grandkids! The MSM had me hyp-mo-tized for 50 years!!! This being some is exciting and scary.

HappyAnon2018 ago

Same here. I didn't know so many Grannys were here! LOL

Viki ago

Here too for the Nana!!!

geogardener ago

Not a granny, but I'm sick of 8chan too!

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm a step granny. Does that count?

IbelongtoGod ago

Step-granny here too!

Bludgie ago

Only if you don't mind your step-grandkid asking what you're doing while you're surfing porn on your chat thread.

madmarv ago

Operation Mayflower was 75% women when we hit Kanye's Twitter in April, and we watched the support for Trump from the black community almost double, live!

Let me tell you, granny power is nothing short of 100% bad ass!

Commerical_Storage ago


dordiewithq ago

AGREE. Seems the only way to cleanup TheAwakening is have more of us get over 100 CCP which will allow us newbies the opportunity to down vote the creeps.

Lurker1955 ago

Leave that to the moderators.

trackmeplease ago

It is very very frowned upon to call for farming or anything related.

dordiewithq ago

I apologize. This is my first experience blogging(?) or bulletin boarding (?) Not sure what’s its called. I like the interaction.

trackmeplease ago

Yeah once you get feel for what content gets good responses you pick up. Might take a week or two.

dordiewithq ago

I’m sensing that pretty quickly.

trackmeplease ago

It's a similar feel to the chans, everything goes but some things get better responses than others.

Toataly be careful to filter out the trolls as always, they have a different flavor here.

Bludgie ago

There is no way to "clean it up."

Bludgie ago

The whole "vote" thing is censorship on both sides.

DoveKind53 ago

Yes. Granny(s) WANT(S) to downvote the creeps!

trackmeplease ago

Don’t beg for votes. Make useful contributions. Bandwidth is limited as we grow.

QLefty01 ago

I'm no granny but fully agree that that type of content has no place in this forum. Thank you for posting!

SanchezSucio ago

Fuck off and die, boomer trash. You are what you claim to hate. Did you marry off your sons and daughters to niggers then crow about how progressive you are. Thank you for contributing to white genocide.

On the Day of the Rope all race-traitors and faggots will swing right along side the kikes...

Le_Squish ago

When you give upvoats to every idiot that indiscriminately ask for them, you hand shills and spammers the power to downvoat brigade all of you.

African_Jew ago

Yeah, keep begging for shekels, retard. That will make people accept you.

dordiewithq ago

Learning curve

lopus ago

votes do not matter in the new QRV forum, as it's anonymous. You subscribe with your account but when you go there your name is replaced by a number. We can vote the posts, but I guess it will not add to the points in out accounts.

dordiewithq ago

But it knew that I had completed my 100 votes for the day.... so it knows you’re login ID and therefore mods should block those users who trash QRV

TheGreatAwakeAnon ago

Amen to that. Upvote Grannies.

SanchezSucio ago

This will end badly for you. Please continue.

Helbrecht ago

I'll get the popcorn

Jadsticles ago

I'll be watching. Always watching.

Solstiare ago

Yes it will, entertain me please.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Will we be able to get more CCP points on this new board then, or same rules apply?

SanchezSucio ago

Ummm Granny's are hot. May I see your saggy titties gamgam?

UnderRadarWildCamper ago

Oh for cryin out loud!

fuckmyreddit ago

My titties don't sag niggerfaggot.

AnonTelope ago

How rude

Nukethenarrative ago

How do i block you?

SanchezSucio ago

You have to sit on my face and wiggle. Don't bother bathin por que me gusta penocha sucia

fuckmyreddit ago

It's hazing. I'm a grannyfag who grew up with brothers. Say something juvenile back to him like "Fuck off BabyDickSuckingKike. My grannylicious titties are reserved for Olaf and his fabulous 10-inch sword. You'll never measure up faggot." It translates to "Hi, how ya doing, faggot" in BoomerSpeak. LOL.

SanchezSucio ago

It's only juvenile because you're old as fuck. Titties or gtfo

7RoxiStar7-17 ago

Hahaha! Omg I have so much to learn! I’m ALL IN!

Nukethenarrative ago

I understand it's all for show. I still have no interest in participating in that sort of culture. I will use voat for access to information. But I don't intend to participate in the culture of crudness. Having said that, I clearly understand the value of being able to say what you want. It is a bellweather for free speech. I support it. I simply have no interest in personal participation.

Bludgie ago

Same. It's like when I had to go to the bathroom at the summer camp for orphans in Russia, which was just a tiled hole in the shed with no light which you had to squat over, careful not to put your foot in a pool of diarrhea while you squatted endlessly in the stench of the bacteria-infested pit praying for the bowel motion to come swiftly, unused thigh muscles aching with the unfamiliar strain of the squat. I wore a gas mask I purchased from the hardware store before leaving. Everyone else chided and mocked me and fell horribly ill.

K8088 ago

And that is the beauty of free speech. Don’t listen. If I hear any more I’m offended oh my ears, I need a safe space I’m going to puke! Don’t like it don’t listen, but keep in mind Q didn’t start with writing editorials in the AARP editorial section.

Nukethenarrative ago

"Don’t like it don’t listen".

That is exactly what I am trying to do. How do I block specific users? That way I won't need to listen. I'm on mobile but I can't seem to find it.

I didn't say anything about being offended. I am simply attempting to be proactive with the sort of world that I create around myself.

Everyones life is their own safe space. You build your own safe space. If you spend to much time in a space that is too safe it will negatively influence your development. But there is nothing wrong with preferring a roof during a rainstorm.

K8088 ago

Look by the name should be a [-] try that. That’s how the chans work for photos . Lots of juvenile stuff but I’ll take that over the Reddit strikes for no reason. They are kids there are plenty of grown ups here. I like the Chan’s it takes getting used to. And remember an insult isn’t always intended as one they are verbally arm slugging. Oh you can go to settings and opt out of stilt content too. Hope that helps.

Helbrecht ago

The new q board is set as NSFW so good luck

K8088 ago

Good luck with what? Free speech? Really? Ignoring children is easy, loseing your most important right... that’s the end of anation.

Nukethenarrative ago

Thank you very much. I certainly prefer crudity to censorship as well. No doubt there.

Pudge76 ago

Most excellently said!!!

Nukethenarrative ago

It's no problem. Im not upset with that anon in anyway. They are completely free to speak however they wish both on voat, and in real life.

But i have no desire to see comments from posters like that and I also have every right to block them from my personal feed.

LilYappyDog ago

Here here! There’s free speech and then the flagrant abuse of it...

Nukethenarrative ago

It's all free speech. They have the right to act as ridiculous and childish as they wish. And the niggerfaggotcunt rule for free speech is uniquly effective. I actually like it. But I still prefer my personal view to be from above the mess.

Le_Squish ago

You not gonna survive voat, dear.

We keep our pussy bitches on

Nukethenarrative ago

This is funny. You seem to think I blow a fuse everytime someone says something I don't like. Nothing is further from the truth. I am fully capable of dealing with another person's crudness. However, in a way my mind is a garden and I chose what thoughts i permit to grow within it. I Also choose which people I give access to my garden. When I asked how to block him, I simply wanted to know how to do so. I had no interest in pouting or whining.

When I

Le_Squish ago

You're trying to hard to sound smart and moral. Just say some retarded shit. See what cannot be unseen. It's okay. Your purity will not be tarnished. Gardens are fragile things. Aspire to greater.

Nukethenarrative ago

I'm not doing anything different here than I do in my physical life. I do strive to be moral, but I don't believe in anyway that crudness and immorality are the same thing. They aren't even related. There is nothing immoral about being crude. There is nothing moral about avoiding crudness. It's simply a personal choice. I am making that choice and I don't understand why it seems to be bothering others. I have no interest in telling you how to live and I am even less interested in telling you that you should live like I do.

Commerical_Storage ago

Oh granny fag..I got soooooooooo much to learn..if I could just spit it out..lost me glasses ...cant find the false find the put the teeth say "Fuckoff BabyDickSuckingKiKe" here already..;)

KAG2020 ago

Just filter him with your mind. Read the stuff and then decide it has no power over you.

K8088 ago


Nukethenarrative ago

Everything you read has power over you. Of course it's best to minimize the power of some things. But all things you read influence you in some way no matter how much we think it doesn't.

I have no desire to read comments from certain types of posters. But they also have every right to post what they want. I have no hard feelings toward them. But I also have no desire to allow them access to my mind. I treasure my mind and am careful regarding which people I allow regular access to it. I see nothing wrong with this, but if you think there is then id be more than willing to hear your viewpoint.

SanchezSucio ago

MY COCK just got inserted into your precious and surprisingly supple mind. Its soft and squishy just like a pussy should be...I'll be back for more faggot

KAG2020 ago

Fair reply.

Piewhackett ago

:Lifts her newfag granny skirt and rite down by the ankles the girls wave to SanchezSucio who fucks with us newbies for sport while an army of Qanon gran's sneak up with moccasin feet and tackle his butt down, beating him silly with granny parasols aka umbrellas and leave SanchezSucio by the front of a closed dollar tree store out in the sticks, whimpering and nakid till they open after daybreak...

SanchezSucio ago

This was funny. To bad the faggot reddit mod had to whiteknight and shut all over you. See what you brought with you?

Piewhackett ago

Good theory, I would think a progressive marxist that kucked so fast you could see their soul and dignity go down the train like old used bath water. Never assume, it makes you easily misled .... 400,000 Reddit refugees and readers of Qanon posts crashing 8chan within 15 - 20 minutes of posting was impressive to watch.

SanchezSucio ago

Oh you made me cum thank you gamgam

Piewhackett ago

Sighs, and while looking Little Susu dead in the eye hold out her blue cat arm gingerly holding a clean nappy between two sharp claws; presenting the nappy to little Susu so that he has the option to clean his over excitable and quick on the draw willey. Or to stay drippy as usual for minute men (also gives a quick thank you to GOD and the resident Chef la casa Sanchez for insuring Sucio does not consume too much of the getting and keeping killer SOY BEANS->maker of man-boob, so his machismo will grow muy bueno.

Pudge76 ago

Love, love, love...and 💘 some more!!! U tell him!!!

Piewhackett ago

Purple, making bad jokes to those who have big sticks and are willing to poke and trip you for fun, should not be encouraged by a newbie that has not sufficient experience to post a pic (actually I think we are baby throttled) ... THANKS for the love. Any group of excited fertile ladies of substance arrive and start chittering like 12y old virgins should be defended from friends of their great grand children that visit the hose wanting home cooking or to borrow a dollar. >>> now 8chan that is harder to follow in a quick flash, and may take effort like learning a language or algebra but those were a fun cake walk and so will these exciting changes. Especially when great people like Purple76 flutter bye into my life.... Hope you flutter by again little purple flittermouse or are you a butterfly

SanchezSucio ago

Don't tease me please me show me dem tetas abuelita

Commerical_Storage ago

..Oh Im gonna love this place and I wanna play on your team..:)

chimpo ago

this is why we can't have nice things

SanchezSucio ago

We? Are we friends faggot? Can I come over and fuck your sister?

chimpo ago

Sure. Just one problem: she doesn't exist. Save yourself the trip and keep using your hand.

SanchezSucio ago

So where did you find the baby raping snuff films you've been "researching"?

chimpo ago

The basement of the Vatican. Hilary's closet. Stuffed into that giant owl's head on Epstein Island. You know, here and there.

BevRedWave ago

AND THIS Granny! We the Grannys are many!! 😀👵👥👵

PrincessPatriot ago

Hi Bev!

FatherDadDude ago

/BiblicalQ You've been called. Praying and laughing is all we do away from here.

HereWeGo1 ago


Smarti7337 ago

We love the grannys

AbsolutelyZak ago


stmfg ago

We have the best grannys, don't we folks?

Constabella ago

Yes we do

BevRedWave ago

ThanQ... ❤ 👵GrannyBev

Truth_B_Known ago

You go ladies! No smut should be tolerated.

fuckmyreddit ago

Go back to Reddit. I am a step granny and although I'm not a fan of porn, I AM a fan of free speech. Ugliness as well as beauty comes with the territory, ladies! Buckle up and think about the children who had to make some of that porn.

AfricanZionSafari ago

Show us your tits or everyone will think you are some fat korean faggot.

Bludgie ago

Yeah. So let people post the images of that innocent child's rape. How child-friendly of you. Go, you, you champion of children!! How fucking ridiculous. Meanwhile, others are beating off to it.

DanMandingo ago

Not saying you shouldn't be able to speak freely. But some of the language and pictures will be used against us.

MazeyDaze ago

Absolutely fellow granny! Buckle up purse lipped granny's! We are strong and don't need no stinkin censoring! We can get past all these hazing bucks who want to scare us outa here. Shit - we put up with these young bucks all our lives... we can even put them their place! That is OK! Put them their place with our free speech voice - no need to be the polite and quiet church mice here!

Bludgie ago

You don't mind sitting around in piles if vomit either, obviously.

Truth_B_Known ago

Hey there buddy, I didn't say censor. But we can ignore, down vote, shame etc. I assume you wouldn't think pedo stuff would be ok. If you don't, just keep in mind that is a form of censorship too. I for one would never accept something like that. Freedom has its limits.

BaldMiscreant ago

Porn is degeneracy, but not as degenerate as censorship. You're in the wrong neighborhood if you think that's how it's going to be.

7973484q ago


Qdini ago

I know. LOL

sm858585 ago

I agree no porn would be nice!

Lurker1955 ago

Just ignore it.

hml ago

I agree with you, its hard for me to awaken new people and send them to links when all they see are butts and boobs.

Shannonjyl ago

Change your adult settings in tools

ArbyMcPatriot ago

Porn is poison. It warps your mind.