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Triceratography ago

Posts pictures of little kids

"Don't do things that get sites shut down"

Right, he's the problem.

Most people either don't mind crensch or like him. He will make an effort to have an honest debate with people, though he does have a bad tendency to make 6 million different points in one post. Maybe that's an exaggeration and he only makes 275,000 points in one post, either way it is too many to completely address all of them.

You, on the other hand, are probably competing with henrycorp for the title of "most likely to be mentioned as voat cancer"

Also, I was never banned at another board.

ExpertShitposter ago

I've skimmed through 10% of it and I'll give you a quick answer in a few sentences:

Not all jews and niggers are bad, but most of them are. So many, that its not worth taking on the damage that these people can create, just to hold on to some principle of individualism. And you don't have to be a rich 1%er banker jew to be a self serving prick that breaks the cohesion of society.

Not all whites are good, but mos't of them are. And many of the bad ones can be "red pilled", not so the case with others. Niggers are too dumb, and jews know exactly what is good and what is bad, and what works and what doesn't, they just don't care about the damage unless it affects them personally. Whites are like the annoying uncle for who you sometimes wish he wouldn't show up at the family gathering, but you still love him because he is your blood.

White 1%ers are the same scum, but take a look at how many of those people are jewish, and then compare that to their tiny population. And behind every white 1%er, there are jewish backers. And no, its not the "ashkenazi IQ". It was proven that their IQ, while higher that the average for whites, was not as high as they claim. Where don't the Asians own all the banks and media? Why don't the Asians have 3000% overrepresenation in the US government?

But finally and ultimately...............:::::::::::::::::


I find it MIND BOGGLING that it is illegal to enact a white ethnostate. If a particular US country that is say, 90% white, had a referendum to enact a white only policy, and it passed with 90% in favor, 10% would still be ILLEGAL to do it. Whites are the only people on the planet that have no place they can declare a white only zone.

You can build a house, and say that no blacks can enter your house, and that is ok, but if you then convert a single room to an office and start a one man company, it is suddenly ILLEGAL for you to refuse hiring a black person. That is MIND BOGGLING. And it is in fact one step away from being illegal to refuse to date a black woman and make mud babies. And yes, those kind of laws have already been suggested by various SJW's.


FrozenFire74 ago

We agree on most of what you say here, but I would state that some blacks have proven their worth to humanity and should be respected for it.

I also agree that there are a disproportionate number of Jews that are a part of the problem in this world, and these Jews have caused far more harm than what the Nazis were ever accused of doing. I will say that Jews that call bullshit on the kiniving Ashkenazi are an ally in my book. People who value the human race over their religious creed are not the threat we face right now. The control the Cabal has over this planet is a threat to everyone, and will require more than red pulled whites to overthrow.

And I also agree that if whites want an ethno state, they should have it. Forced integration was never the solution to Race issues. Malcom X respected David Duke for stating that people of the respective races should have the right to live with their own people.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes but.....meritocracy it self is under attack even when it comes to respecting all laws and hiring "the best" people regardless of color. It is now openly claimed that meritocracy is fascist because women aren't as strong as men, and African migrants didn't get a chance to go to college, and that you should in fact hire these people knowing full well they will do a worst job. Because otherwise, you are CIS scum that perpetuates inequality.

So with that kind of mentality garbing a foothold, where are we from having a standard of immigration where it would be legally and openly acceptable to declare that "all blacks without an IQ of at least "x" can't immigrate". And IQ is the only factor you can easily measure, and its the least important one. How will you measure who is lazy and who is a hard worker? How will you measure who will become violent down the road? How will you measure general societal cohesiveness?

Further more, if you had a magical scanner that can determine all these factors, every time you take in a smart and moral person into your country, you leave Africa dumber and dumber. All those who could fix the just steal away, leaving the place to be landfill for defective humans who can't improve anything.

Sure, all the shadow governments are the problem. But what is the solution then? Freedom oriented, anti government sentiment, drilled into peoples heads? Well you have one problem with that. Anti-establishment rebellion is kind of a white thing. Because non whites just keep voting for more big government and more socialist rule-set witch they abuse. If you haven't red pilled them on that issue in the last 100 years, then i don't know why anyone thinks it can be done any time soon. They are simply 300 years behind us in evolution. And i don't think we owe it to them to sacrifice our selves until they figure it out. And since they beat you in the womb can see how badly democracy fails in such non-cohesive society.

One more note on the ethno state. The ethno state is NOT a state for ALL white people. Its only for whites who would chose to live in it. Obviously it would be stupid to force whites who think racemixing is cool, into what they would see as prison state, and no white nationalist would want to live with white SJW's ether. And while its not a simple thing to implement peacefully from a logistical standpoint, it's far from impossible. And the a new set of problems such a state would create are far from unsolvable. We are after all, driving little cars on the surface of mars.

FrozenFire74 ago

I'm assuming you're white, so forgive me if I got that wrong about you. I have a feeling you know what real meritocracy is, and can determine who the good blacks are that actually see what's happening to this world and are resisting it just as much as you. As for any laws that could be passed, I suspect open conflict will occur before we start to turn towards the route of an ethnostate, and if we do get to take that route, then we will start to put in place merit based Visa systems for non whites that want to come to our communities. Of course, that's only if we ever get to have ethnostates the ways that most races have their chances. Whitey will have ites day again I suspect, unless we all roll over for the Jews that are trying to destroy us.

If we ever do get our ethnostate, it will come from an open revolt with many of the established European governments as well as the United States, unless we're all going to defect to Russia that is.

On an anecdotal side note, one of my best friends is a redditor pulled black dude who loves to red pill everyone on the Jewish problem and believes that people should have the right to live in ethnostates. Forced Integration was a blight on this country in his eyes, and hurt his people just as much as it did whites. Black communities that were actually integrating where accepted before the CRA of 64 had blacks who were proud to be Americans long before the government told them to move into the deep south. Of course all that history teaches us is that the US was raysis and no white person treated blacks as decent human beings until MLK came along. Also, he hates MLK interesting enough.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread from @Crensch refers to this:

That makes a valid case for low potential of these humans, but they're humans regardless and I doubt any amount of evidence will change your mind on that subject. What are your thoughts on minorities that have higher IQs than the average white man?

The nips are decent, but still for some reason don't accomplish what white men accomplish. They're welcome to live out their lives peacefully in their own ethnostate as far as I'm concerned.

Your entire problem is in this comment.

"Muh not all X".

Who gets to draw the line between a "good Jew" and a Jew? A "good nigger" and a nigger? These things breed, you know.

And this:

The control the Cabal has over this planet is a threat to everyone, and will require more than red pulled whites to overthrow.

Prove that complete crock of horseshit. Show me that we need some "muh based nigger" or "muh based Jew" to destroy anything that gets in our way.

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