Another day, another 3-day old Reddit faggot trying to re-define freedom while the native response leaves his poor fifi's as bloody as his vag-rag. (
submitted 6.4 years ago by obvious_throwaway1
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Durm 6.4 years ago
Same jackass who posted this and confused all of his "own people":
OK. Now my eyes are open. theawakening wants us divided, submitted: 9/17/2018 11:53:52 PM, 272 points (+278|-6)
Just another idiot. Clickbait, inflammatory, etc... Just ignore him her Xe Xir whatever.
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Durm ago
Same jackass who posted this and confused all of his "own people":
Just another idiot. Clickbait, inflammatory, etc... Just ignore him her Xe Xir whatever.