When we have these special envoys and groups protecting jews and collecting anti-Semitic stuff, and we are spending real tax dollars on it - where is there Christian protection?
Jews have lots in place to protect them and advance their agenda, do Christians?
IheartSwimming ago
sguevar ago
XSS1337 ago
When my Father chooses to let me I Protect Christians. And a bloody cleric I become. My one pet peeve for this life is a faggot bully harassing another person when the victim had sworn to not fight back. Only a fucking nutless bastard picks on a Christian that can't fight back.
hangry ago
Newfag fanaticism 2.0.
pcdude ago
Jesus does, of course
Tee1020 ago
I saw this a week or so ago. Thought you might want to see it too since it is pretty much exactly what you are referring to. https://youtu.be/wvRPxcY6dOA
ReAwakened ago
Why would anyone protect Christians? Having a common enemy is the only thing that unites the jews.
actually ago
the blood of Jesus Christ the Messiah protects christians. we don't need anything else. Jesus is coming back soon and this trashed, transfag-infested gay ass world is gonna burn and we go on to everlasting life in glorified bodies to a new earth where there is NO SATANISM.
Kekalicious ago
With faith behind you, you can't fail. The Jews and Muslims believe this too. Do you know the number of profits that also existed in the time of Jesus? Do you know how many others had divine power besides him? It is easy to put faith in your god with your blinders on. The church omitted the bible as they saw necessary. Nothing to see here people. Now move along. Do you mean Jesus or Ceaser Borgia?
BearDolphin1488 ago
oy vey, that weird looking cesair means that the metaphorical teachings of the bible are obviously false, i mean gays are just like us!! fuck off, fedora faggot. go suck dawkins dick and babbble into each others ears about how 'intelligent' you both are while the world burns around you.
Kekalicious ago
What is chaos to the fly is normal to the spider. If belief gives you enlightenment so be it. Worship your toddler god, and close your brain off to anything different than the book tells you to see the world. I believe in God, just not your god.
hangry ago
You're trying too hard.
BearDolphin1488 ago
youre probably right. i probably should just wait until the current babylon fails and then go after your kind.. are you white?
Mumbleberry ago
https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2725184 this is what you are talking to.
YeetDiscreetly ago
The kikes probably know.
Kekalicious ago
Shut it down!!!
hangry ago
Newfag fanaticism.
BearDolphin1488 ago
well see how big the talk comes out of the mouths of those who are about to be strung up from a rope by said fanatics. see ya soon!
hangry ago
And so you prove my point. A rope is not "the blood of Jesus."
BearDolphin1488 ago
your logic is infallible, by golly, how could i ever have thought i could contend with such a planned out and irrefutable mind. touche, good sir.
did you downvoat me because you didnt 'like' my resonse.. go back to facebook ya faggot.
Fuck off nutless life punk. Did mommy hurt you? Did daddy? Go live life asswipe. LOL if you don't believe in anything then don't down the folks that have the balls TO Believe ok?
hangry ago
You get an "A" for projection. I said nothing about my beliefs, but that the OP is presenting newfag fanaticism. 1. He/she is a newfag. 2. It is fanaticism to believe that only belief will protect anyone. "Believers" who will not fight always rely on those who will, even if they claim that the man with the gun protecting them is "the blood of Jesus."
Mumbleberry ago
Aww, you made a new acct. @isol8 and @and_also are the two others.
Pulverizor ago
/u/right_now is another.
Mumbleberry ago
Add them here if you find any more; https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2725184
Mumbleberry ago
Thanks, I missed that one.
SearchVoat ago
Someone's talking about this!
'Valenti Vitell' was posted in v/babes by @Pulverizor and includes this reply from @larryhuston:
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WhiteMan ago
Nope. And this is why they are getting exterminated. ‘Armenian holocaust’, Russian christians. And what is happening in Africa right now...no-one is protecting them at all...