divine_human ago

from my pov, the voting system is designed to manipulate visibility and opinion.

while i like it that voat sets 10 CCP for post permission and 100 CCP for downvote permission, in order to decrease shill and bot abuse, its extremely annoying for genuine new goats, esp. as their 10 CCP has to come from another sub than the new sub they came for.

if it was for me, they voting system could go away altogether. a post is good when it has many comments. isnt that a much simpler and more truthful standard when it comes to post significance?

TheAmerican ago

I think I would tend to agree with you

Marou ago

That's only true if the sub is set up as a private place (like that stupid TheAwakening sub). See Putt's post on the topic.


NorthernMan ago

To give people the sensation of power and importance

Upvoating or downvoating this comment means nothing and changes nothing

zyklon_b ago

ima upvote em all too

FrozenFire74 ago

It would seem like you're a relatively new user. A long time back when Reddit was a little more purge happy, Voat was being inundated with spammers that would open subverses and use bots to raise their CCP so that they could spam the site with Anything (trojan links, free advertisement links, political pages, etc.). Not only was this annoying, but the financial costs on the Admins was going through the roof. To save the site, and to save their wallets, the admins put in place restrictions on new users (at one point it would take 50 or 100 CCP before you could make a Submission to any Subverse). This tactic has proven effective at deterring spam bots, reducing the costs on the site, and making Voat a more pleasurable experience. While the Submission restriction has been reduced to 10 CCP, it's still an effictive technique to keep the peace per se on this site. Once you hit 100 CCP, you get the ability to downvoat people, and users who get that ability utilize it to help protect Voat from Spammers, or users who try to circumvent the site rules by starting upvote farms. This is why the Voat community came at odds with the recent Redditfugees.

TheAmerican ago

Thanks for explaining that to me, it makes a little more sense to me now.

FrozenFire74 ago

Do you still plan on upvoting everything now?

otislarryderby ago


wgtt911 ago

reddit faggots care voaters don't give a fuck...

LostandFound ago


cmon man just hit that button, dont hold out on me my brother tyrone gotta make it through the day somehow!