freedumbz ago

Q is real but full of shit imo.

NoisyCricket ago

TheAmerican ago

It looks like he was essentially pointing at the group of people. It look like you was making a q or anyting?

NoisyCricket ago

There are several different angles. He draws a Q with his hand while stating it is the "Calm before the storm." Which is a Q expression, predating Trump's statement.

TheAmerican ago

Can you provide me a link with Q saying that on several occasions prior to Trump saying it?

NoisyCricket ago

The movement started as The Great Awakening and changed to The Calm Before The Storm.

@TheAmerican The point of this is to stir your interests enough so that you don't outright dismiss it as dishonest people want you to do. The point is to encourage you so you can begin researching on your own. It's not really fair to ask me to do your research. Will point out that many people in /v/GreatAwakening and even /v/TheAwakening have different areas which speak to them. Which is why the community is so powerful. If you have questions, bring it to the community to help you.

Look, feel free to disagree on everything I've told you. The fact remains it makes a lot of sense. If everything is fake, why are the powers that be so scared, why is MSM rabidly attacking Q and the movement, and why is change happening as Q has stated?

Feel free to prove me wrong. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

TheAmerican ago

I haven't disagreed with anything you said. I'm just asking questions that's all.

NoisyCricket ago

I understand and appreciate that. I'm just saying don't accept my word for it. Go investigate for yourself. I believe I've provided a good push to set you off on your own journey. Now is time to set sail. ;)

It might seem like I'm blowing you off, but I promise I'm not. You will never believe more than if you discover your own truths (look up the Backfire Effect study). This is why Q uses the Socratic Method. It's time we all start thinking for ourselves.

Good luck.

TheAmerican ago

I dont get it my friend. This is a old clip.

scoopadoop ago

I think Q is multiple people

NoisyCricket ago

I see you asked for some proofs below. So as to improve visibility, I'm replying here.

Q told us a peace deal with NK was a done deal. MSM was screaming that Trump was going to start nuclear war with them. Q provided unique pictures from AF1 flying over Korea. Q surveillance provided pictures of a building. Months later, after the peace talks were underway additional surveillance photos were provided with Kim on top of the building. The building was a hotel where the talks were held. Kim was enjoying the infinity pool on the top of the hotel.

An anon asked Q to have Trump say, "Tippy top shape." Q also makes many Alice in Wonderland references and especially white rabbits. He frequently has said, "follow the white rabbit."

Q has provided surveillance photos of Page and Strzok, while they were employed by the FBI, while they were romancing it up in the UK. They met with other, as of yet, unidentified people.

Q told us exactly 30 days, to the minute, when John McCain would be executed or suicided. What privileged is frequently provided to military officers as an honorable death? Historically it's a gun with one bullet. McCain had a closed coffin funeral.

McCain got "cancer" has he wore his boot. His boot jumped foot. Hillary also got the same boot. It's believed these were to hide GPS trackers. Suddenly the claim of arrests make more sense?

"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons." "I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law." - January 1, 2019

When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief

US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

It's pretty obvious by now: Trump is facing a coup

Every president since Reagan has been part of a Deep State cabal

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I challenge you to investigate on your own in earnest. If you are honest, I am absolutely confident you will believe.

Read the comments here:

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Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Newcomer to Q. Supportive of this movement but still not sure whether to believe in his legitimacy or not.' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13961604:

For a quick primer:

To dig deeper, join the community, lurk, read, ask questions. There is also qproof and other resources available.

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TheAmerican ago

Thanks for the information and links. If you can provide me with the link to where Q predicted John McCain's death 30 days in advance i'd appreciate it

the_art_collector ago

Q posted "Every dog has its day" in reference to McCain and later McCain died on National Dog Day.

doofface99 ago

*the weekend of national dog day.

NoisyCricket ago

This is probably what you're looking for. I did a quick search of and I don't recall the phrasing to search to find the right message. You can go to /v/GreatAwakening and politely ask and I'm sure people will be happy for continue to help you along.

You got to admit, if it's a LARP, it sure does have a ton of bad people scared...

TheAmerican ago

So the Great Awakening I keep hearing referenced is about Q? I'm still trying to figure out what's going on over there that is the Talk of the Town.

NoisyCricket ago

Yes. It started out as The Great Awakening. It's a psyop to educate everyone as to the powers which manipulate and control our perceptions of how everything works. You can't get people to change if they are not educated on how the strings are pulled.

Past Presidents tried to warn us. Eisenhower warned us. JFK warned us. Reagan was the last President to try to fight them. He lived only because a SS agent tripped and caught the bullet which would have killed him. Trump is now trying to do what everyone has failed to do.

What was done to mitigate Eisenhower's warning?


What was done to mitigate JFK's warning?


What was done to mitigate Reagan's warning? Was his message prophetic?


Did you listen to them? What has changed to invalidate their message? Is their message as valid today as then?

Are you absolutely sure you understand what has been going on in this country?

NoisyCricket ago


It is a psyop. That doesn't mean it's fake or that it's negative. Trump has repeatedly, indirectly, confirmed it's real. Much of what has been provided has been confirmed. One of the oldest forms of psychological warfare is simply telling the truth to people who have been mislead. The truth is a powerful tool for psyops.

People who claim it's fake are low IQ, ignorant, or purposely attempting to mislead. Some have implied it's a cult. Cult's don't demand that you think for yourself and reach your own conclusions. People making this claim are low IQ, ignorant, or purposely attempting to mislead.

I challenge you to honestly investigate it for yourself. I'm confident you'll walk away a believer.

TheAmerican ago

Thanks for the response and information. The video was interesting and answered a lot of my questions. I will take you up on your challenge and investigate it further, sounds pretty interesting.

13861178? ago

I've said this before, I don't know whether Q is legit or not. All I do know is that all the major MSM outlets all collectively (at the same time) worked in a disinformation campaign against a supposed larp.

right_now ago

this is nothing but an irl tv show that fags think is super serious when it's.... something like street theater but much much bigger. all politics is fake bs and all politicians are satanic tranny liars. see past them.

Kill-Commies ago

The very first Q posts were full of fake ass bullshit like podesta getting arrested, so your guess is as good as mine

TheAmerican ago

I've always wondered if the whole Flat Earth thing is just a big troll operation.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Yes flat earth is a psyop dating back thousands of years. It's been in for the long run but it's finally paying off.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I believe Q is real enough - that is pretty much proven - where I hesitate is on promises and analysis of the situation - promises that have not, and perhaps can not be delivered on, analysis that is at times accidentally mistaken, or deliberately misdirecting.

Good people are not the only people reading Q - so when Q makes a statement you cannot be sure he means it.

Nonetheless, for me that matters not - I do find it very interesting, and the Q army becomes a sizable force in it's own right.

I don't need Trump to tell me the truth about everything, or even anything. I need Trump to do the right thing - and in that final analysis I am quite satisfied with his progress to date. I prefer to count chickens when they hatch.

TheAmerican ago

What kind of information has Q provided that couldn't be found online? Can you give me some specific examples of things he's accomplished or things he has said that have come to be true?

the_art_collector ago mentioned "March Madness" and later a Jordan Klepper show featured the first MSM anti-Q segment in their "March Madness" episode.

TheAmerican ago

You realize that video is making fun of the Q phenomenon right?

the_art_collector ago

Yes, that's pretty obvious. The point is that there had not been any anti-Q segments up to that point, and Q seemed to be able to point out the first time where would be an anti-Q segment.

TheAmerican ago


the_art_collector ago mentioned "John Perry Barlow" and "NOBODY IS SAFE", and John Perry Barlow unexpectedly died a few days later on February 7, 2018.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Yeah, there's plenty of all of that there - but I'm not up for digging right now - I'm tired as fuck.

Do I believe Q is real? Yes, I do. Very real indeed.

TheAmerican ago

Can you think of one example off the top of your head?

qwasx ago


oddlike777 ago

It doesn't matter if Q is the Queen of England trolling us. The fact is, sex preditors and trafficking rings should be scared. Black market human organ dealers should be scared. Anyone denying Q wants the atrocities to continue.

TheAmerican ago

What kind of information has he put out that wasn't readily available online if a person were to do some digging? What has he accomplished? Can you give me a few specific examples? I'm just trying to understand.

oddlike777 ago

Mcstain squeeled on his "deathbed". What Q does is definitely a psyop, but in such a way to inject Mcstain's damaging testimony into a legitimate conversation. Q's only point is to get people researching. Asking why. Using critical thinking. And to get them to vote in the midterms. I'm still a Q skeptic, but my own research backs up many of the posts I've seen.

alalzia ago

People want to believe in something , if you are familiar with the Rosicrucian LARP it is not the first time .

TheAmerican ago

I'll have to look that up. To be honest I don't even know what LARP means, I'm new to this internet lingo.