13964685? ago

Whether I believe or not is secondary to my understanding of the intention behind it in relation to my own. Getting educated and aware. Identify and expose issues as well as what's working. Root out corruption and seek justice. A shift back to the citizen. Etc. Even if it's a larp or psyop we should be doing this either way, I believe.

13963999? ago

Look here to start out https://www.qproofs.com/

13961604? ago

For a quick primer: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2722852/13861693

To dig deeper, join the community, lurk, read, ask questions. There is also qproof and other resources available.

13961597? ago

I am highest ranking anon from 8Chan. I can confirm Q is legit.

13961282? ago

This is the ultimate Q proof. This is the official Twitter link. Look at th filename. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg

13965035? ago

Dude.... im mindblown.

Do you have a link to the actual tweet that he posted this picture with?

13974860? ago

Aight. Question, did Q ever post the link to/reference this tweet?

13986713? ago

I don't believe so and I didn't see a Q post about it.

13963920? ago

Also if you trace all the thumbs in the photo it makes a capital Q!

13961040? ago

I knew about this in the 1970s and 80s it is all true. No one wood believe me then

13960945? ago

It's a larp.

13961920? ago


13965608? ago


13960907? ago

You have to do your own research and decide for yourself if you believe Q is legit. If you have not been red pilled yet, you need to keep searching.

13960899? ago

Believe? This isnt about belief, bud. This is fact. Go read the drops. There are like 1000 confirmations of the legitimacy. Its so past that now. Good news is, you tuned in right before the previews ended, so enjoy the show.

13962241? ago

...there was a time that I had my doubts (I'm conspiracy minded at heart) ...but when you see rock solid proofs ie zero delta. You must realize that it's more probable to win back to back lottery's, than to have a zero delta with the president! #2246

13965588? ago


Found the qdrop but can't seem to understand the photo. What should I be seeing?

13966006? ago

read #2139

13960875? ago

How many times must the Q group prove themselves? I too was skeptical at first.. been following since Nov. last year and Q has proven themselves over and over... and over... Hardest part is everything just takes time. It doesn't happen overnight! Glad to have you!

13960854? ago




Please note dates of publication.

13960806? ago

I didn't believe in the beginning either. Hang around long enough and you'll be dropping red pill bombs on others left and right.


13965660? ago

Where would you recommend staying updated? All of this is so cryptic and hard to understand.

13996881? ago

On this board. Also Qmao.pub

13960746? ago

Convinve yourself! Why would you belive anyone else!?

13960735? ago

ride the fence, wait and see.

13960727? ago

WWG1WGA, the energy and momentum is building uniting PATRIOTS from around the world and renewing that Spirit of Freedom and Justice! You're in the right place Patriot.

13960723? ago

Look at posts last night with original photo from Las Vegas & accompanying tweet by POTUS 17 seconds apart

13965068? ago

What's the significance of 17?

13960708? ago

What part are you hung up on?