TheGingerSnap ago

oh, one other question, the box to 'follow' someone is dithered out. Is that a function one must earn with upvotes too? Or is Block/Send message the only options?

TheGingerSnap ago

thanks so much for this micro tutorial. I've already been hearing the complaints that EVERYONE is already banned and now unbanned. I think the mods are figuring it all out. Is there a way to share this post with a subvoat? Also.. might be wrong place to ask, but I had some messages in the box that wouldn't open and now the message box is empty. Not sure how that happened.

TurdLord5000 ago

The Voat message system is designed very strangely. After clicking on the messages envelope icon, the alerts disappear, and if you dont read them right away you'll have to hunt for them. Check out the buttons below the "Submission replies" header on that page, and check Inbox, comment replies, etc to see what people are trying to send you. I don't know anything about the follow feature, it must be new, or about to be implemented, or I'm just retarded and never saw it.

What did you think if the brief Troll war? Things are going to calm down a lot here now that almost everyone is moving to 8chan. Did you decide to keep Voat, or migrate?

TheGingerSnap ago

thank you for the explanation. Its getting easier to navigate. I'll probably utilize both sites. Seems clowns, shills and trolls love to torment on the chans too. Free speech terrifies the tyrant.

227722cynthiaa ago

Thanks, this is a great reference for me, a newbie!!! Hope I get some upvotes soon. It certainly wasn’t clear to this old lady that I couldn’t get CCP points in the awakening. Found introductions just by chance.

xenoPsychologist ago

its oven time for them, you might as well not bother.

TurdLord5000 ago

Trying to inform the well-intentioned users. Not the mods. The mods there are caricatures of fictional supervillains. They're taking so many hormones it's nuts.

xenoPsychologist ago

theyre no better than the somalians in europe, but do what ya gotta do.

TurdLord5000 ago


xenoPsychologist ago

bows back you might be a little more forgiving than i when it comes to the nonsense theyve been pulling.

TurdLord5000 ago

Oh, check this shit out, it's hilarious:

xenoPsychologist ago

makes me think of that "look at me, we are the ____ now" meme. i might just make one special for this situation later.

TurdLord5000 ago

I'm enjoying the Chaos. I'll also enjoy seducing @SGM11Z's mom.

digitalentity1497 ago

Nice work!

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Very thorough. But you forgot to mention that the jews planned and funded 9/11 as well as the sinking of the titanic

CosmicV1001 ago

I think they're known as Zionists, who maybe hijacked the "Jewish" religion.

TurdLord5000 ago

Let's be gentle. When the time's right, they'll ask to be skull-fucked by all the red-pills.

Enok-Stroth ago

Thanks for the run down.

srgmpdns ago

You are free to do whatever you want with your own subverse, of course, but if you operate it in a manner inconsistent with the spirit of free speech, you'll pay for it by getting a LOT of free speech showing up at your subvoat's doorstep.

Well put.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I've never heard of it put that way. OP did a great job summing up how bans work and the pushback you'll get for unwarranted banning of people