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Qzenseeker ago

And stay AWAKE! and how can we help by not overloading the servers? I right-click and open a new tab for every link, and try not to refresh as much.

PuttItOut ago

This is the guy causing the problems! Get him!

Qzenseeker ago

lol.. seriously i really want to help.. and thanks for having this site after reddit going down!

Dark_Shroud ago

You'll have to buy BitCoin and send it to Voat's bitcoin address.

You can sign up for a free account through CoinBase. Use the free ACH method to buy coins with your bank account and when it clears send the amount to Voat.

Voat's BTC donation address: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k

We have to go through this BS thanks to Vista & Mastercard not allowing companies like Stripe to do business with alternative & free speech tech sites.

Qzenseeker ago

Sounds good. Will get this message out :)