GasImmigrantPolacks ago


Similar, want to talk about similar? Do you know that about only 4% of users here are Canadian AND even a smaller percentage of those hate jews? Too much of a coincidence, isn't it Goering? Also, that's not your only alt, you have 4. But I don't really care, that's way too pathetic even for a loser redneck. Lastly, I hope you commit voter fraud in the US, get caught and get raped in jail. Maybe you'll be cell-mates with Trump. I'm done with this bullshit, fuck off.

GasImmigrantPolacks ago

TIL Voat has a scroll bar for really long comments.

I guess this proves that you are indeed too stupid to know how the internet and computers in general work. Or you are just very Canadian.

Also, nice Alt "Goering", this must be the old one you were talking about. LOL

GasImmigrantPolacks ago

Very hard to find? This is the internet son, only retards have a hard time finding stuff

And I always check the downvoated comments, that's where all the gold of pure stupidity is.

GasImmigrantPolacks ago

The worst of what? This post is about FPH being fat fetishists, and you bring her into this? I guess you are too stupid to read. Also, I don't see how her post was 'low quality' when you fucked you all guys up almost entirely on her own. And then you come to another sub to cry about the whipping you got. Sad.

Check out the salty tears, @smug_wendy-chan, LOL.

IDintDoNuthin ago

Im not bending the knee and begging to be unbanned from piece of shit fph

IDintDoNuthin ago

"Look at how fat that cunt hippo is!"

You've been banned for fat trolling

Neinlife ago

Are you hate shaming?

BlueDanube ago

Hell no, fuck fatties and the horse they killed trying to ride in on.

Neinlife ago

lol nice

IDintDoNuthin ago

Its not legit, I was banned from FPH for my comments that were always related to fatties and females in some form.

IDintDoNuthin ago

I was banned from FPH here on voat!! My comments are always related to fat fucks and will include leftist sarcasm, labeling fat fucks mentally disabled, and knocking females idiots fucks.

ginx2666 ago

fph - fat fetishists and niggerlovers. Truly our own little reddit corner.


Eh. A quick glance at that sub and I suddenly don't want that second slice of cake. It's a good motivator to be active so you don't look disgusting like those people.

So I prefer having it around when I need a kick in the ass.

everlastingphelps ago

"Fitness buffs" who jack off to bodybuilder magazines.

notaspy ago

No sense of humor either, really stupid nigger faggots. I like to pose as a 400 pounder sometimes and practice my satire. They got triggered and banned me. But if they are nigger lovers then I'm happy to be banished.

IheartSwimming ago

FPH is a touchy version v/Niggers.

EvilSeagull ago

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. To prove your point you should start a fat fetish sub and see if you get any subscribers. If you're right FPH will cease to exist when everyone uses the new sub instead.

xenoPsychologist ago

youre just finding this out now? theyre also racist against wypipo. anything else you need to know about them?

BlueDanube ago

I know, I'm retarded.

xenoPsychologist ago

we cant all learn the important things in life at the same times... but jeez, theyre so loud, how can you miss em?

Jaga ago

They use the same quips over and over to make fun of fatties, can't come up with anything new. They're just there to jerk their little ding dongs

Atkho ago

I heard them talking about fupas whatever the hell that is. Sounds Yiddish. They're a bunch of kike lovers I know it!

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Been saying it since day one. Its the exact same lust/disgust that vegans have for meat. Or when people pretend to be all moral.

zyklon_b ago

I stand firmly behind my the choices i made in 1990

Goat-Master-5000 ago

If you want to have fun, only post pictures and stories about fat blacks on FPH.....and see what happens.

Adminstrater ago

Sounds like someone is attempting to poison that well. Or it's doing exactly what it's intended for, who knows?

BlueDanube ago

It isnt poisoning the well if it's true.

Proxima ago

But its not true and you know it.

BlueDanube ago

Where are your proofs?

6gorillion ago

Check my most downvoated comments. It's literally a bunch of fat fetishists that troll facebook looking for fat people pictures to post.

BeefBourgignon ago

It's also one of the only nigger havens on the site. You know how them coons love their Big Beautiful White Women. Makes sense brohemes, good catch.

BentAxel ago

What took you so long. People incessantly talking about fat people? That's an issue. I don't like stinky fatties either but I don't give them an ounce of my time in the day.

EvilSeagull ago

You are one of the lucky ones, some people give quite a bit of their time to fatties. They consume a lot of healthcare.

BentAxel ago

So do the lonely, the drug addicted poor people and mental patients. I think healthy people use healthcare the least, yet we pay the most it seems.

EvilSeagull ago

Healthy people use it the least and pay the most, ironically because they are healthy and have the stamina and will to contribute. The groups you mentioned do use more healthcare than others, but generally no one hates the lonely, drug addicted poor, or the mentally ill. Fats are in a class all by themselves and have earned the hate heaped on them by FPH. As you said you don't give them an ounce of your time in a day, imagine how you might feel about them as a group if you did have to deal with them every day.

300_Black ago

FPH members are either

1) skinnyfats hating on even fatter fatties. By vilifying these fatter fatasses they can detract from the shame of their own fatness

2) emaciated walking skeletons who are subconsciously angry at fat people getting all the food (this one's a deep subconscious, primal hatred)

Approved ago

What you're missing is that FPH is probably the only sub-voat with a much much higher of women than men.

It had about a 80/20 female/male ratio before moving to Voat from Reddit, and is still probably around 70/30.

They aren't fetishing Becky-the-fatass, they're female-bonding over (figurative-ly) kneecapping thier sexual rivals.

IDintDoNuthin ago

All my negative female comments were disliked, I was eventually banned from fph for "trolling".

Proxima ago

This is spot on. Ive noticed its all women on there too.

everlastingphelps ago

2/3 of the women are M2F faggots.

Approved ago

No way. M2F are all "inclusive", "body positive", "anti-bullying", and fat as fuck.

FPH is real women.

BlueDanube ago

Good point, that is something I did not think of.

Atkho ago

Thin women are constantly told that they are too skinny and at the same time unrealistic. Fit people are the minority yet fatties still act spiteful and jealous. It's basically how white males are being treated buy the media. Also guess who is behind HAES.

billyvvinz ago

A good damned kike baked Linda Bacon!

Naught405 ago

you're just trying to stir up internal discord, nice try jidf

BlueDanube ago

You got me.

SweetChicken ago

BEWARE that place is infested with faggots!

SlawaAK ago

I just read the stories of people dealing with fatties. I work with quite a few obeasts and it helps me when I know that I'm not the only person dealing with the shit they do. Have thumbnails turned off.

BlueDanube ago

Smart man, don't get me wrong fatties suck, which is why I don't want to see them

Reverse-Flash ago

It sounds like you're saying you just realized you have a fat fetish and now you plan to harvest FPH. Go easy, fatty, you don't want to have a heart attack. Try one page per day for a few weeks until you build up your stamina.

BlueDanube ago

Haha we got one! Can't read either.

Reverse-Flash ago

I'm the local comedian. Get over yourself.

Proxima ago

Youre now the local faggot

Reverse-Flash ago

I can't wait to see your next scheduled post on Sept. 17th. I hope it's a follow-up to this gem.

BlueDanube ago


scoopadoop ago

I have long suspected this as well

C_Corax ago

FPH is made for people with very little going for them in their life, so they cling on to "at least I'm not fat" as if it is some sort of achievement. I looked up a couple of random users a little while back and it was very obvious some of them lead some pretty fucked up lives. One of their mods is a former heroine addict for fucks suck!

But as long as they don't leak into the rest of voat I'm fine by them having their little corner of the interweb.

EvilSeagull ago

No, no, that's all wrong fatty, an achievement is eating an entire bag of Doritos while you sit on the couch and watch TV.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


C_Corax ago

I would say "found the retard" but that is a low hanging fruit along these parts.

EarlPoncho ago

one of the mods has a v/FUCKYOUDAD future.

cool tattoos, faggot

Rotteuxx ago

Free speech is for everyone, even degenerates. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they should censor themselves by staying in their fat fetish sub.

C_Corax ago

Fine. As long as they keep that specific content within FPH I have no problem with them. Unless of course it's the occasional troll post meant to piss of our resident autists. Then I approve of it! Bonus points if it is cleverly timed.

That covers it well enough for you or is further elaboration required?

sbt2160p ago

“free speech is cool as long as they behave LIKE THIS...”

C_Corax ago

I'm just pragmatic about things. Post shit where it belongs and I have no issues with it.

GoodGodKirk ago

Sure, segregate ideas because “muh feelz”.

I think you’re on the wrong site goat.

Rotteuxx ago

Not really, you've done a good job of stating that you're pro censorship when it comes to things that displease you.

C_Corax ago

Nah, I'm just in favor of things being put in the boxes where they belong. I see you run 9 subs. Shall I test your stance on censorship? I'm thinking CanadaFirst walks hand in hand with tranny porn.

Rotteuxx ago

Why don't you look at the mod logs instead of making faggity threats of posting tranny porn ?

Quite the little attitude you have there.

Go right ahead and make an ass out of yourself faggot, post your sexually degenerate porn, I don't care if you jerk off to mentally ill deviants with fake boobs...

We'll just let the community handle it since I'm part of the SoapBoxBanHammer SRS Cabal. That means I have the admin on payroll, @9-11 & @Freshmeat can attest to that. They have proof that @Expertshitposter, @TrigglyPuff, @Zyklon_B and I own @PuttitOut, it's a shared account.

ExpertShitposter ago

I will kill them with a gun.

Rotteuxx ago

Don't waste ammo, a baseball bat with 12" nails is reusable & effective.

C_Corax ago

Hit a nerve did I?:)

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, I'm hungover and bored... it's been a while since I made fun of @freshmeat & @9-11.

I also don't ping @TrigglyPuff as often as I used to, she has a ginger bush shaved like a 4 leaf clover don't ya know. I heard @Clamhurt_LegBeard's single testi is nicknamed "The Lucky One"... shit I wonder if Triggly is her gf.

C_Corax ago

You know you were doing so well until you went with the standard insults(faggot, degeneracy, whatever). I'm not insulted by any of those words, but it tells me you have an extra chromosome over the rest of us if you can't even come up with a proper insult on your own.

Rotteuxx ago

They aren't insults, they're qualifying adjectives. Someone who enjoys tranny porn is a degenerate, a tranny is a mentally ill deviant, where's the insult ?

Every goat is a faggot btw.

Interesting how you chose to comment on my incapacity to come up with a proper insult when the best you can muster up is saying I must have down syndrome.

For fuck's sake Timmy, put some god damn effort into it !

C_Corax ago

Now what made you come to the conclusion that just because I will put five table spoons of salt in your lunchbox, I would like to eat something similar?

You just proved my point and you didn't prove yours!

Rotteuxx ago

Alright Timmy ! If you say so

C_Corax ago

I'll let you off with a warning this time. Don't be useless in the future though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im not sure

my testicle rudely slapped her in the face a while ago and we havent gone out since

srs cabal confirmed admin on payroll

Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they should censor themselves by staying in their fat fetish sub.

and yet most do

a significant number of usernames arent used outside of fph

people here dont make alts to post anti jew messages

but they still dont want people to catch them hating on fats

its worse a label than antisemitic

check my profile

my top submission and top two comments are from fph

the rest are other subs

almost nobody else does that

Rotteuxx ago

I always thought the reason they stayed segregated was because they're still reddit fags.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

maybe that perception is why they hide whenever theyre not heiling hitler

Rotteuxx ago

Well then that means they're alt account faggots :/

clamhurt_legbeard ago

true stuff

i made an alt /u/artistic_renditions when i drew fph stories

but that was so people could easily browse them

i made all comments with this name

and i made /u/goathole200racer as a test on getting ccp quickly

neither is used anymore or for ever was any real posting

Rotteuxx ago

I've only made alts to troll people.

@SaveTheChildrenswife... which I co-hosted with a Traditional Gal until it became irrelevant.

And in honor of @ExpertshitPoster I made @ExpertCockPoster, @ExpertDickPoster & @ExpertSchlongPoster for when @I-am-me created /v/SoapBoxFemnaziHammer.

I miss that little spitfuck :/

clamhurt_legbeard ago

shes around

she just never posts

spitfuck sounds fun lol

Rotteuxx ago

Well.... a spitfuck ain't the smoothest thing in the world but all in all, it's always fun.

zyklon_b ago

Looks like a fight

Rotteuxx ago

I've got Chen set up in the basement, she's ready

zyklon_b ago

Power level tree fiddy

C_Corax ago

I'm just trolling. Rotteuxx insisted on nitpicking on a tiny little detail of what I said and I just went with it.

zyklon_b ago

Carry on

GoodGodKirk ago

But it does! Because Justin, right?!?

C_Corax ago

On the account that I may be slightly inebriate, we'll go with Justin yes. I just don't have the time or desire to list everything wrong with Canada right now.

But should things change I know exactly where to post it living up to both Rotteuxx and my own guidelines of appropriate internet conduct:D

GoodGodKirk ago

LoL, carry on trooper.

magic3383 ago

There used to be a girl that would post a pic of a fattie wearing something, and her wearing a similar outfit. That was fun.

BlueDanube ago

I remember that too, that was a pretty regular occurance. Some fat just told me I better watch it or I'll get a ban. What a bunch of queefs.

Samsquamch ago

Exactly, for a group that hates them so much they keep returning to the many photos they have stockpiled of fats. They also like to laugh at people who get triggered, yet they get triggered more easily than any other community on Voat.

drj2 ago

It’s a dumb ass community which is why I blocked the sub on the first day. There’s better things to do.

NoBS ago

Is divide and conquer a fetish? If you consider diversions and misdirection as a fetish, then my definitions could be out dated a few decades.

Or I choose not to be diverted from the real issues that affect my community with sexual/racial hangups of the mob mentality. Much better to let the slaves have FPH so we can find useful idiots who are active.

looking4truth ago

i sometimes visit the sub for a few laughs but they are a bunch of weirdo freaks. they are as pathetic as fat people

BlueDanube ago

I swear it used to be funnier, I don't get it.

GoodGodKirk ago

The stories can be funny, the images can cause blindness.

goyphobic ago

Call one of them a nigger. They're super touchy about "racism" over there.

dias17se ago

yap, all sjw redditers

nobslob ago

Danube is my favorite river in Germany. In German it's Donau.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

I don't filter myself when posting there. I've gotten mixed results, but more positive than anything else. Maybe back in the day FPH was soft on race, but I think those who couldn't handle voat have left already.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I always sprinkle my posts with nigger, spic or kike simply because I need to make sure this place stays free and to avoid the censorship creep that so many of us fell for on Eddit.

IDintDoNuthin ago

Me too, but I got banned from fph wtf

obvious-throwaway- ago

Send us a screenshot of the banned message/post.

IDintDoNuthin ago

I cant point out any post, Im just voating how bad could it be really

Artofchoke ago

Look at you, doing the Lord's work. ♡

glassuser ago

You're my nigger.

TheTrigger ago

I've done the same. My guess is BlueDanube is (not so) secretly a salty ham. And also a nigger.

BlueDanube ago

I fucking hate fatties, I was nicknamed the fat guy strangler for fighting a fatty in highschool.

Artofchoke ago

The Chubby Checker (tm)

Artofchoke ago


xenoPsychologist ago

one of my favorite basic instructions.

DeadFox ago

"eww look at this fat disgusting whale!" +42

"She looks more like a gorilla" -12

TeddyJackson ago

It mostly shows white people being fat. And they hate 'racism'. So who really runs that place if they hate whites and cry 'racism'?

everlastingphelps ago

Faggots and fatties.

GutterTrash ago

Makes sense. There was a post a while back accusing that site of being cucked and compromised. I thought nothing of it at first since the content seemed seemingly the same. Now that I think about it, it does make sense, when it was at its peak it was full of actual genuine content. Now it is just a shard of its former self.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Sadly I'm ok with this. I hope the nigger sows overeat themselves to death but I think white women need to get off the Jew diet so they quit settling for subhuman niggers and spewing little welfare recipient turds from their fat rolls.

BlueDanube ago

I noticed that, before the election it was chill. Then all the sudden it was trump is fat and any fat photo of Hillary is just bad angle.

BackAsswards ago

Gotta admit Trump's Taylor is probably the best in the world. That guy can make a suit!

enginedriver13 ago

Yep. And heaven forbid if you point out in that sub that blacks are the fattest & laziest American demographic, everyone's panties immediately get into a wad...

TheBuddha ago

The idea of someone rubbing one out to FPH...

BentAxel ago


TheBuddha ago

Yeah, just try to spend a full 60 seconds picturing that... I dare you.

geese ago

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... So, I'm still to sober to give that much thought.

BlueDanube ago

Just to think, there are a ton of users

GoodGodKirk ago

a ton of users

I see what you did there...

Surfer ago

Sounds like you just found out you’ve got a fat-fetish.

BlueDanube ago

Sounds like you're a faggot.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure if I'm too intoxicated to think of this, or if I'm not intoxicated enough. In my current state, I kind of don't really want to. I've got a pretty vivid imagination.

BlueDanube ago

Tread carefully brother.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I had a show last night and then a bunch of people in hotel rooms. So, I'm probably going to go well beyond careful. I even made someone else drive.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

not drunk driving ftw

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... I used to do it all the time, and then I had a pretty good night.

Somehow, not one of us got an OUI. I have no idea how, considering the duration and number of vehicles involved.

So, I figured I'd better quit drinking, or quit driving. I like driving, so I stopped getting drunk for quite a while. These days, I drink so seldom that it's pretty easy to make sure that I don't need to drive anywhere.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

good stuff man

dont die

and also dont make someone else die

TheBuddha ago

Die? I drive a BMW. I can wreck that fucker straight into a tree, at 120, and walk away from it. I'm surrounded by airbags and crumple zones, as well as the body acting like a safety cage. Seatbelts are mandatory! It's not like there are people to bump into, I live in Maine! Many trips, I see more furry woodland creatures than I see people.

But, no... I've given up my drunk driving ways.

Sakusha ago

drunk driving

owns a BMW

Of course you do.

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! If you could afford one, and appreciated driving, you'd drive one too.

Sakusha ago

If I could afford a BMW, I'd have a Tesla.

TheBuddha ago

Probably not in the mountains of Maine. The cold makes the range too short and everything is quite a drive from here.

Still, it a Tesla is a pretty good choice for some folks.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i always thought the small mid 90s cars like the 325i were cool

what do you have

TheBuddha ago

I have a 650i. ;-)

HateCumbuckets ago

The model that comes without indicators as standard...

TheBuddha ago

I'm actually pretty good about using them. I did drive drunk, for years. If you don't use your blinkers, they pull you over. I'm good about dimming my lights, etc...

My only major offense is that I speed, though I usually reserve that for old back roads, mountain passes, and things like that. The rest of the time, I drive pretty close to lawfully.

TheAntiZealot ago

Old BMW, loves speed, likes to drink and drive, has a sense of responsibility about it, follows every not-speed related road law... we might be brothers.

TheBuddha ago

Right? I have a 2015 650i. Of course I speed. That's pretty much why I bought it.

I slow down for residential areas, or when there are pedestrians. My vehicle is immaculately maintained. I use the various drive assists, unless I'm out playing. I've got traction control and stability control enabled during normal driving. If I want, it even warns me about animals and pedestrians. It does kind of suck at spotting moose at night. I'm not sure why.

My next car might be an AMG. I'm not really sure if I want to leave the BMW brand, but some of them are damned sexy.

CryptoBard ago

It's encouragement to exercise for me. Makes me want to do pushups/pull-ups/sit-ups.

BlueDanube ago

That's good then, I remember when there were more stories of shitty fat family members. And pictures of bow legged scooterkin at walmart. Stay fit my friend.

Plavonica ago



RedditIsTheBest111 ago

I have heard this theory before. I don't really go there but someone said "for hating fat people so much, they don't talk about fit life that much" or something like that. fat people are disgusting to me, if you can't take care of yourself, how can I trust you? the fat people I know are a mess physically, mentally, and socially.

Proxima ago

Lol the sub is called FAT PPL HATE not 'fit people love"

BlueDanube ago

I'm disappointed, I wanted a place to hate fatties. Looking at them without clothes on doesn't constitute hate to me.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

maybe your are the answer the sub is looking for. Bring your brand of hate there and light those fatsos up!

BlueDanube ago

I'm afraid that may not be the case. I just got downvoated to shit arguing with a fetishist over there. They are tribal, I'll give them that.