Eisregen ago

Unfortunately, there's still an overabundance of fat sows getting pumped successfully by ugly pigfuckers. I hope SJWism does the trick to turn ugly fat cunts into unloved lonely cat ladies. The amount of childless intersectional Tumblr feminists must be close to 100%

Lurkerontheroof ago

HAES will cleans all ethnic gene pools of idiots that think that walking around with gallons of extra lard runs in the family.3

I'm down with that.

hellno ago

Bang. Kill them by making them overeat. The strong will prevail but for what?? Money. Stay skinny fam.

LordoftheBeetus ago

Yeah.... Eugenics doesn't work like that though. For every death, there will be 2 births and at least one of those people will also grow up to be fat. If eugenics worked the way they want it to, most of us would be dead by now and they'd be at their goal of 500,000,000 people on the planet. I think they are probably gathering our DNA to find a better way of thinning the herd.

TantricPanniculus7 ago

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be 500,000 ppl.

wanderingblade ago

Big if true

NotYourDoctor ago

...I could support this if it wipes out enough fatties quickly enough. The societal impacts of a few generations of ultrafattties can be absorbed, but I don’t think the environment can handle the strain at this point.

blackdovespeaks ago


derram ago

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