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kneo24 ago

One thing i want to point out about the q larp. Early q stuff stayed far, far away from the jew stuff. It's only recently they're getting on board with it. This is how you manufacture playing both sides. They expect you to memory hole stuff like that.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Do you reckon the Q people would want members saying things like this?

I'm actually going to contact them and bring awareness to them about @srayzie and friends. My goal is to get them to publically disavow the great awakening. I'm going to spam trump and q's twitter with it

kneo24 ago

Man, that's some delusional shit on their part. If you're a nigger, what does that make their pet chimp?

CheeseboogersGhost ago


thisistotallynotme ago

It's creepy as fuck watching you reply to yourself like this for a second day.

kneo24 ago

I'll have you know this is my only account. Just because you're too obvious and apparent doesn't mean everyone else on Voat is like you.

thisistotallynotme ago



kneo24 ago

Except I called you out earlier to another user before you made your post to @Cheesebooger.

You're projecting, like a jew. Again, you're too obvious and transparent. I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell every other jew here. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot pretend that his link wasn't evidence of SBBH alt accounts talking to themselves.

I certainly fucking hope you're not white. You're making the rest of us look bad.

kneo24 ago

Jew, do the white race a favor and kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process. Everyone can see I posted my comment before yours. It's clear your "NO U" comment is just one of your many Jewish projections.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot write novels defending his kikery.

kneo24 ago

I take back calling you a jew. You think 3 sentences is anything resembling a novel. You must be one of their pet niggers. In any case, niggers should be lynched and are a blight on white society. Kill yourself, nigger, don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot REEEEEEE when called on his kikery.

kneo24 ago

I'm not a jew, you 85 IQ nigger, but nice try. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this butt-hurt faggot post the highest number he can count to.

kneo24 ago

I see like the pet nigger you are, you're good at following instructions as long as you get your "gibs".

Do white society a favor and kill yourself. Don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try to get the last word in an argument he lost 6 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Did the jews teach you the tactic of projection, you nigger? Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 7 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Wow, jewish pet nigger, you're really trying to earn your keep today! Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 8 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Keep earning your keep, some jews pet nigger. When you get tired of it, kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 9 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

How much money do you make per post, nigger? 10 cents?

Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 10 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this jewished own nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 11 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 12 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself nigger and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 13 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 14 posts and 16 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 15 posts and 24 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 16 posts and 25 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 17 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 18 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 19 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot volunteer (unprompted!) to participating in a jewish money-making scheme while continuing to try not to lose 20 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

You both make very good points and your debate skills are remarkable. This will be a tough call.