Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Is he really back or is this a joke? Be serious please.

MadWorld ago

The Amish Village part is a joke. But yes he is back https://voat.co/v/whatever/2513380/12564055

cynicaloldfart ago

But yes he is back

I Want To Believe. All we know, or might ever know, is an account with that username posted those comments. I sincerely hope it is the person and vision we've come to believe and glad no ill will has befallen him (yes, him, if I'm gonna believe). I'm really looking forward to more than just a one-off post, scant on a lot of answers I think a lot of people want, and need, answered.

To be clear, I want to believe all that is supposed to be true about Putt, and will gladly support him again. But some damage has been done to the relationship. Those are supposed to be a two-way deal, and I realize I'm just a guest in his house (although I'd feel better if I could contribute financially, both for Voat and my own sense of integrity).

MadWorld ago

We can ask him some in-depth questions when he makes a post, after fixing something.

cynicaloldfart ago

I don't get a very good feeling already. After all that's happened and been said, what needs "fixing" that is so pressing? The site is running for now (thanks to Atko). One would think that repairing a relationship would be paramount. Maybe that's just how I roll. I guess I'm being silly and appear ungrateful, but my trust has been shaken. I hope my expectations aren't delusional and he will be forthcoming and actually answer at least the major concerns most have. History is not a good indication of that. Of course there will be a lot of users that will just give him shit, and ignoring them should be expected.

I'm surprised how emotionally involved I've let Voat become to me, but I regret nothing.

MadWorld ago

I'm surprised how emotionally involved I've let Voat become to me, but I regret nothing.

This place is truly remarkable! We get news unheard of from (((msm))). Besides that, there are also many quality users/contents with different levels of expertise! I have learned a lot here...

TheBuddha ago

It's not the real Putt. It's those SBBH assholes posting with his account. They took over Voat, long ago.

They're a bunch of degenerate paid criminal shills. They need to ban themselves. #DayOfTheRope

MadWorld ago

Haha! Sure thing they can evade the ban log!

TheBuddha ago

SBBH are the worst people on Voat! There's nothing to be done about it, because they took over the site. The police won't even do anything about these paid criminal shills!

MadWorld ago

XD Did you file the complaint with (((Sheriff Scott Israel))) of the Broward County?

TheBuddha ago

No. He's an alien. You can't trust aliens.

MadWorld ago

Hmmmm... How to get rid of them...

TheBuddha ago

Day of the rope!

MadWorld ago

Summer is coming, I am going to spread it with t-shirts!

TheBuddha ago

I'd wear a shirt that said SBBH is Horrible.

I'd wear it with pride, even.

RecluS ago

Can I get a rundown on SBBH? I hear it mentioned so much but I don't really want to partake in the drama.

TheBuddha ago

We just shitpost, literally bad jokes and anime. People somehow think this means we are taking over voat. They've accused us for years and yet we still just post bad jokes, laugh, stupid memes, and anime. Well I don't get anime, but they post it.

We get blamed for everything. If we post, we're forum sliding, if we don't post, we're hiding something. No matter what we post, we get bitched at.

We, of course, love the attention. We goad the crazy people who accuse us and they make more accusations. We goad them some more and the cycle continues. This is all, of course, great fun. They are not sane people and they go ballistic when we antagonize them. But, they keep accusing us of the strangest of things.

We've been accused of being government agents, SJWs, leftists LARPing as the right, Jews, Mossad, Russians, and more. We've been accused of controlling voat, owning voat, buying voat, and stealing voat.

We're actually innocent of all those things. We are guilty of bad jokes, meme misuse, banning random people for anywhere from an hour to a day, and antagonizing the more insane users who keep accusing us of shit we didn't actually do.

Also, @grifter42 is a pedophile. Watch out for him.

RecluS ago

"We've been accused of controlling voat, owning voat, buying voat, and stealing voat."

But have you tried to Voat on a boat?

RecluS ago

So your the house jews of Voat. Got it.

TheBuddha ago

Pretty much. We didn't actually do most of what we are accused of.

MadWorld ago

XD Yeah you are horrible...

TheBuddha ago

That's true. The good news is we're also inept. All this time and we still haven't taken over Voat, despite the many complaints of our success and motives.

Wait... Not we... Scratch that... I mean THEY.

They are horrible!

MadWorld ago

Wait... Not we... Scratch that... I mean THEY.

XD You are horrible too because you are part of the army of "shills"...

TheBuddha ago

That is true. I shill for Big Math and the Classical Guitar Cabal.

We've infiltrated everywhere.

MadWorld ago

XD Missed that one!