Contingency made.

SChalice ago

Unlike the rampant racism trying to tear people apart...

SChalice ago

After the DNC is suing Trump over the FB shit, PuttItOut is keeping a low profile....

tonsran ago

We need to build a decentralized version of voat that cannot be censored or manipulated. Don't trust corporations or individuals with your privacy or free speech. In the end their personal interest will always triumph the good of the masses.

cantaloupe6 ago

@PuttItout thought you'd been kidnapped by aliens. Hopefully you had vacation or something.

NoBS ago

So the FBI did not kill your family? It's not like the CIA would just replace anyone who does not toe the pedo line. Then again if you did tell us the truth your former family would be suicided in a heart beat. At least you are not in the FBI's new Seth Rich Protection department. Wink, wink.

magnora7 ago

backup at

pcdude ago

Ships of the damned don't need captains

boekanier ago

We're our own captain.

forbisjunkman ago

Us goats eat the grass and almost ate the farmers boots. The hell you doing to our heart man

mynewaccountagain ago

I'm not really sure about this

If Atko fixed the problem.

discoball ago

It took me a second to understand what you were getting at, so for those as confused as I was:

In this thread, Putt says only he has access to the backend (non-public areas) of Voat, which clearly isn't the case considering Atko fixed the recent downtime problem (something that isn't possible without admin access).

mynewaccountagain ago

Yes that's what I meant. Thank you.

Mortifera ago

We need to have a place to gather already in place when/if it goes down again. We had no contingencies this past time.

dooob ago

Shills creating drama between themselves. "Calling eachother shill = drama"

PuttItOut ago

Let's start a new Voat, with a new captain and a lot more Amaleks! So many Amaleks. /s

Sounds like things need some attention. I'll make a post after I fix a few things.

Grifter42 ago

"Everyone who calls me out on being a cheap Spez is Amalek/Sanegoat/Hitler."

Islamiscancer ago

why not just wipe the old database? the user base would remain and the site would remain. theres really no actual reason to hang onto a bunch of old posts and beta accounts.

it wouldnt be the first time something cleared a test server and started fresh.

Sound_Flames ago

Can you please make a Gab account. It would be helpful if we had a way to contact you if the site goes down again.

etzefeck ago

I miss Amalek...

tabularassa ago

Hey Putt. Did the port to .Net core and postgreSQL help reduce the site's operating costs?

wuzizname ago

How does it feel to be simultaneously the most hated and most loved guy on Voat on any given day? :D

ExpertShitposter ago

OG amalek is back as user The_tinamou

A bit less spammy, but just as truthful as he ever was. Long live amalek.

scrimmmy ago

Hey Putt, glad you're not dead. Anything I can do to help?

Hoonsuit ago

Welcome back, it's great to see ya !

MinorLeakage ago

Please never leave us again!

Gowdy ago

I'm not going anywhere. I'm just opening a second location for the pub :P Me and owl started it before you left.

KoKansei ago

Glad to see you are alive and kicking, man!

SparkS ago

dont fix anything... atko came and basicly wtfever he did he did it good... the site aint blocking anymore to give a host timeout sometimes... just stay where u are...

think- ago

@PuttItOut, would you consider giving @PeaceSeeker, or any other goats you trust, your contact information, so that he/they are able to get in touch with you in case Voat goes down again? This way issues might possibly get fixed earlier, and it would also reduce the panic among goats.

Thank you.

jcal22x ago

We were worried about you.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Welcome back Putt, we were worried about you.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Have you been replaced by a reptilian?

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Heil Putt!

Le_Squish ago

Oh God, Putt! You don't even know how worried we were about you. We've been trying to console ourselves imagining you just took a bit of vacation. I mean we always think, "putt is kill", when you've been gone a while but this time we were super cereal thought you had dirt on the Clinton foundation.

Hey, we also learned the voat is super awesome without shills. They took two days to figure out where we had dispersed too and it was glorious.

Okay, glad you no die. Stay safe.

Dark_Shroud ago

If Voat needs money please set up a donation page and possibly sell merchandise.

The_Tinamou ago

Glad you're back Putt.


12564710? ago

Hey Mister you!

Oh gee I am so happy to see you here! Praise the LORD, best day ever now!

CrimsonFuckr ago

i, for one, never lost faith

VeryOffended ago

Start a new voat?

recon_johnny ago

It's about fucking time.

RumpRangerRick ago

Good to hear from you. Looking forward to your upcoming post.

Let us know if there's any way we can help out !

Orfion ago

Please, for the love of God, give us some info. We've been stranded in the desert without water for days. And tell us what you need.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

So thirsty.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

How do we know this is the real Putt and not some jews using his account after they overthrew him?

BaneGhostiSwear ago

you don't. @puttitout has not once confirmed the identity behind the account. at all. no one can prove that some northwestern fatty named justin chastain is behind the @puttitout account. as far as you know, that's kevdude behind both the atko and @puttitout accounts.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

We'll have run some tests

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

We've been stranded in the desert without water for days.

So what you're saying is you are, in fact, an Amalekite, and mad at Moses for leading you into the desert.

Grifter42 ago

Go back to Reddit you fucking faggot.

Orfion ago

No, just no.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

I just realized: PuttItOut forced Amalek to quit Voat again for at least a few days. To the subverse!

The_Tinamou ago

No. I was actually one of the main people organizing contingencies.

etzefeck ago

If you truly are Amalek, I sincerely miss your red pill Blitzkriegs.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

...Amalek, at this point, you change your account and naming convention so often that even I can't keep track of you, and that is literally most of what I spent my time doing on Voat for several months whenever you were on your PMS cycle and decided to rage against whatever mod just happened to ban you after recognizing one of your alts from one of your rants.

I think that it is pretty obvious that no one on Voat is even paying enough attention to you anymore to care, let alone to track you down.

PuttsMum ago

I though I told you to go to bed? Naughty!

12564698? ago

Lololol... too much sugar in the cookies mah...

antiliberalsociety ago

I almost miss sanegoat trying to hijack his comment only to be downvoted into oblivion. Good to see you again Putt.

BlockMe ago

He's around using a stolen account.

Firevine ago

He's alive!

Mse ago


MadWorld ago

Shit... So good to see you here!

I think we need to prioritize donation options!

There is a ban evasion bug that needs to be fixed!

Then there is also a army of alts that are manipulating votes here; need to find a way to fix it!


BaneGhostiSwear ago

dude, those shills manipulating voat OWN AND OPERATE IT. a year ago they kicked out @atko and put paid criminal SJW shill account @puttitout in as the owner/main dev. then they had tranny autist SJW coder @fuzzywords code in massive levels of censorship (rivaling reddit, but more subversive), and had their cabal harass off most good long-time users, silence anyone going against the takeover (including ban 400+ user accounts for upvoting), manufacture drama to steal subs from good users to they could put shills in instead.... and more!

@puttitout is the worst thing to happen to voat.

ArcticDweller ago

Oh Captain my captain...where have you been?

dooob ago

Wtf, is this you?

srayzie ago

I loved this comment...

Please, for the love of God, give us some info. We've been stranded in the desert without water for days.


TendiesHitTheFloor ago

You thought he was seriously gone forever, like he just rode off in to the sunset or some faggy shit?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

The JIDF conference went a little longer than expected.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

It can be hard to tell sometimes. I mean, Seth Rich just randomly didn't come home from the bar one night, so anyone in his WoW guild or on his favorite BernieBro forum would have wondered where he went.

dooob ago

It is suspicious af, to say the least.

NoBS ago

Putt has joined the FBI's brand new protection gig. They call it the Seth Rich Protection Program. Non-compliance is an option for the successful suicides.

Pawn ago

I stay out of drama until it involves me. Which by gabara bringing voat down, drags me into his shithole nation mess.

Dontpanic ago

Let’s build a block chain based message board. I’m not kidding.

Wargasm ago

The block chain part is done.

Check out

I think someone set up a voat there a while ago, but they (the people that put it up) took it down.

chmod ago

If I don't see @Puttitout post this week, including a canary notice, then I'm a vapor trail. Will delete my account.

Samsquamch ago

I guess no vapor trail for you?

chmod ago

Apparently he has time to post one-liners but not to post a canary notice.

PuttItOut ago

Not so fast my friend.

guinness2 ago

So when are you gonna make an announcement to let us know what the fuck happened?

12566196? ago

Glad you're okay, Putt! <3

GabeVitoro ago

Oh. It that how this works?

If @Puttitout doesn’t post nudes, including a canary notice, then I will delete my account.

Crossing fingers! :-P

BlowjaySimpson ago

If they glow in the dark, blink once.

mynewaccountagain ago

Everyone said you are dead. I am scared that ghosts are posting on voat! Goddamn zombies.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Ima ghost. jew..I mean BOO!

dooob ago

What happend, I was scared man. Glad to hear you.

emtpayislow ago

G. Atko is Putt.

knightwarrior41 ago

yeah i have the same feeling.

discoball ago

I want to believe

Unfortunately, I doubt it's true considering both Putt and Atko's real identities are a mater of public record.

BaneGhostiSwear ago

except puttitout's real identity cannot be tied to voat, whereas atif's can. the fatty justin chastain claimed to be puttitout doesn't exist.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

Seems a lot of effort for a deception with no purpose ....

knightwarrior41 ago

Seems a lot of effort for a deception with no purpose ....

you will laugh but it happened to me. several years ago i starting blogging with two women that said that they were friends....after some time passed,before the blog was about to be closed the woman confessed that she was playing the role of the other person.that's why i think its possible to create a fake persona in today's digital world

Mytempacct20171001 ago

Good point.

yeah I don't get where the money is coming from for sure.

Well if he is a player I'll buy him a fuckin trophy lol

Love my Voat sweater btw I'd buy another one :)

knightwarrior41 ago

Love my Voat sweater btw I'd buy another one :)

glad that you like it :)

Fagtardicus ago

bitch please, the self is all that can be known to exist.

cantaloupe6 ago

Devs who were interested during the port should start a backup site. We had a lot of python devs. Voat is about 80k of C#. Using a service architecture many people could contribute in many prog languages. The original code can't be used due to licensing it seems. It could be about one thousand hours dev time depending on methodology it can be a lot less. The site could just stop working currently.

albatrosv15 ago


matt ago

Dude didn’t anyone tell you; when they tried to do away with assange and replace him with a body double and it didn’t work out, that body double, that is the new @atko.

TheKobold ago

Who are you. 1.3 years less than 600 so and less than 300 point ccp?

Some lurker account wants to organise us... lol.

etzefeck ago

At least someone is taking initiative

TheMatrix ago

Stop trying to create fear. Stop trying to place elephants in places. Not your problem to worry (((JIDFCLOWN))). You wrote an emotionally leading post for a reason. If you care enough about this site, go talk to real people and report back something interesting.

FireSauce ago

There is the 8ch/voat, but that doesn't really seem to be everyone's style. We do need to come up with something now, because it's only a matter of time before something happens again

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I had quite a wild ride these last few days, testing out both 4chan and 8chan.

I've found that even 8chan leans further left than voat. Not nearly as much as 4chan (4chan is filled with disgusting SJWs).

Can somebody offer up some alternative that's in line with voat's demographic? Stormfront maybe?

flyawayhigh ago

I just want to say for the record after what happened this week that my Reddit screen name is flyawayhigh. As you can see, I don't go there, but if something happens here, you will know for sure it's me there. Let's hope we never need to know.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

My reddit user name is yourmomsanus.

Chiefpacman ago

None of us can agree on a meeting place.

There’s reddit, 8chan, phuks, preview.voat, and gab. As long as we know where we are, we can communicate. It was nice to see everyone keeping every corner of the community informed.

I think r/voaters is where people go on reddit (r/voat hates voat). // on phuks (I own the sub, I don’t like phuks though). 8ch/ gab I’m not sure, maybe someone can reply with links?

We need a twitter..

YogSoggoth ago

Easy Peasy, the real Vladimir Putin. Hey Vlad could you route us to Duarte? Duarte says yes. PG continues.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Honestly I think 8chan is the majority and is our best bet. What about Stormfront? I tried that out over the last few days and it seems pretty badass.

etzefeck ago

Stormfront is an alphabet nigger honeypot

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

atko took care of it

SurfinMindWaves ago

Mutiny on the Bounty!!!!!! Grab your slave women and head for shore!

jesusmccheese ago

He was never real, the government has been tracking all the rEddit outcasts this whole time, weeding out the groups they want to track.

Cat-hax ago

Fuck em you only live once might aswell go practiceing true free speech.

crazy_eyes ago

Everybody is tracked. Makes no difference what website you visit. You are being tracked

Pawn ago

hey negroes and negresses. I'm the captain now. My first mate is @Tallest_Skil , @Tallest_Skil you have earned yourself a seat at the captain's table this evening.

IGiveZeroFucks ago


Pawn ago

Sir, I kindly request that you treat my first mate with the respect they deserve. I run a tight ship around here and @Tallest_Skil is the best jew-wrangler of them all. He grabs them by the noses and doesnt let go until the shekel fees are paid, hence why they are so long nosed cause they generally refuse to pay.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

gabara is that you?

Pawn ago

gabara has been trying to ruin my name for the longest this week. Never heard of the little stinker until this week when voat when down.

xortuna ago

A) He’s fine and on holiday/hasn’t noticed B) He’s fine and has given up of voat C) He’s been served a gag order D) He had information regarding Clinton E) He’s in a position where he’s unable to maintain the site (Jail etc) F) He never really existed at all

Optional A seems to be getting further away each passing day

jiews ago

J) we don't exist, he's the one

kalgon ago

G) Sent to gitmo with tucker by mossad operatives

lissencarak ago

The historical figure of Atko is actually seven different people, goy.

TheAntiZealot ago

In David Hayter's voice:


Chiefpacman ago

Option A shouldn’t be discounted yet.

He usually is gone for about a month anda half at a time. It’s been 25 days? There was a really long stretch before then.

Also, if he checks on us now, would he even know there was an issue? I wish atko had left that sticky up. Maybe we should have a post like this on the front page everyday..

That said I lean towards option B. He stopped being heavily involved here over 6 months ago. That’s when the sun requests stopped being answered, when he stopped popping in once a week.

firex726 ago

Not sure which but it does seem thr site has been more of a honeypot.

Have we ever got a solid reaaon for any outage that was not simply DDOS? And he hardly ever posts. And now development has pretty much halted after the big code port.

Sound_Flames ago

Yeah people have posted alternatives. There's the board on and

cc: @Atko @Puttitout

PuttsMum ago

He is around, he's just working in the background. Putt is more of a coder than a chatter.

YogSoggoth ago

Could you please tell Putt to put a small search engine in certain threads not accessible to other search engines. Name search/silliman/answer in past thread. I will share my secret ingredients to many recipes for this favor.

whatisbestinlife ago or something

Fagtardicus ago

@YogSoggoth whats your eleven herbs and spices nigger

YogSoggoth ago

Already posted on copycat recipes.

matt ago

Really? He was pretty chatty on sbbh a couple of years ago.

PuttsMum ago

He wasn't sick and tired of the "voat is a honeypot" conspiracy guys at that stage.

matt ago

Well vote is a honeypot. And a pretty interesting one at that. I don’t know what you quite mean with your conspiracy talk. Regarding puttt, perhaps it was back before he had full responsibility for the site. He was atKos assistant and was quite good at what he did. The youthful carefree days, if you will.

tendiesonfloor ago

Nah, he's dead. Suicide.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

Double-Tap Suicide.

voltronsdicks ago

You mean suicide by Clinton(tm)