YugeDick ago

Great work my dood! Can't applaud your effort here enough.

I got myself a new name but still a little disappointed to not get a ping though. Just teasing. But a little bit. ;p

srayzie ago

This is the one time I hope your faggot ass is right. Good post btw. You’ll never read me say that to you again so cherish it. 🙄

Crensch ago

Saw something posted by you the other day that wasn't half bad, too; I could hardly believe it was the same username as before. Meant to say something but got distracted before doing so.

I may, indeed, tell you so again for another good post because that's all that really matters here.

Cheers, niggerfaggot.

srayzie ago

I think I’m gonna faint! 😮 Thank you Nigger Faggot

SolarBaby ago

The government loves to use threats and violence to make other people do their dirty work.

For instance, a driver's license is a legal ID that proves your age. You must be of a certain age to enter establishments such as bars. Around the turn of the century they started fining bars $5k for letting a person in whose ID had "expired". It matters not if the license "expired" because "expiration" means nothing other than the government demanding you come in and pay them an extortion fee to change the expiration date to sometime in the future. Bars of course didn't care about the expiration date because all they needed to do was make sure someone had reached the legal drinking age and the government issued ID proved that. The artificial expiration didn't change the date of someone's birth. After they started passing out some of those $5k with undercover officers the bars stopped letting anyone in whose license expired. Therefore the DMV has ever since been guaranteed that people even who never drive must keep coming in every couple of years to pay those pointless fees for a new date stamp. Bar bouncers and bartenders essentially unpaid agents of government enforcement.

Now they are going to threaten fines and imprisonment to web site owners for whatever people post that the government or some corporation paying off the government doesn't like. The government will send in fake people to post things that flagrantly violate the law as written and then will make an example of the innocent web site operators. Web site owners across the internet will then be compelled to act like censoring nazis to save their own hide. The ones who don't like it will simply shut down their sites or sell them and the rest will be nazis. Given the governments love of entrapment and the nature of the internet itself this bill will be the end of the internet as we know it. Remember when the government got caught with thousand of computers of kiddie porn, and it came out they were actually producing and distributing it just to throw people in prison for it?

Nothing on the internet is real. It is all just ones and zeros. All that "happens" on the internet is the expression of thought. The government has declared the land of thought and imagination to be under their jurisdiction. Any law governing the content of the internet is a law creating "thought crime".

People found a way to live out all their fantasies and vent all their thoughts, creativity and frustrations in a medium that in and of itself has no presence in the real world. A place of total mental freedom, and they are even taking that away.

Womb_Raider ago

Sounds like a bad piece of legislation waiting to be abused to destroy voat et al.

RKG ago

Thanks, @crensch. Will have time for this tomorrow. Sort of in the weeds atm

shill343 ago

So most of the Senators and Representatives that are supporting this stupid law are getting most of their money from Securities and Investment groups with some telecom and pro Israel thrown in there. The Representative who introduced the bill get most of her campaign money from insurance and financial companies.

Who would profit the most if this bill is passed?

NotHereForPizza ago

This is good work, Crensch.

Stick to stuff like this.

OhBlindOne ago

Incredible work OP. Huge respect. Thank you for taking the time to write this up.

MinorLeakage ago

Thank you for furthering actual discussion about this. Great post.

Goathole ago

All of that is irrelevant.

The government, it's judicial system, decides who knew what and when. The government, it's enforcement branch, has unlimited access to money, time and technology to create and wait for it's desired results.

Let me give you an example. The IRS didn't always have the ability to freeze your assets with merely an accusation but they do now and has on several occasions done so to innocent people in the name of protecting the innocent.

Imagine going to the bank one day and being told your accounts are inaccessible. Think about it. How do you pay your mortgage? How do you buy groceries? Do you even bother going to work knowing that your paycheck will be seized before you get it?

Then think about their accusation and offer. Do you even bother fighting it or do you just pay whatever they want to get your life back?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

It would be best to remove the term from 2) Policy c) 2) a) "whether or not such material is constitutionally protected;"

The rest of this entire law might as well not exist - as it falls within existing law for the most part, and appears otherwise of little consequence.

The 2) Policy c) 2) a) & b) can be interpreted as trying to give legal cover for the highly illegal recent crimes of Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc. by making these illegal acts now legal.

If the law passes it may, (and most likely will,) prove to be unconstitutional when tested in a courtroom - however, it will provide temporary legal cover for these crimes to continue for now, until this new issue can be decided. That may be the intent of passing this law.

Crensch ago

That may be the intent of passing this law.

I think you may be right.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Thanks - good work by the way:)

Crensch ago

You're welcome. Made a second edit above linking to this.

What highly illegal crimes are you referring to that would be covered there?

Also, the bill specifically is not retroactive, so is it likely they'll just ramp up the illegal activities after this?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I'm not sure what will happen after this - there are already lawsuits started and incoming based on the violations that have already occurred. These will largely be vrs individuals and will likely settle financially, eventually. As far as their open opposition to the government, the government has not acted on any of this so far as I am aware of - but they are certainly well within their legal authority to do so at any time. I'm pretty sure the Federal agencies have wide jurisdiction over corporations regarding this sort of thing.

Trump generally walks softly and carries out enforcement through others - as a good leader should - but I also think they need to draw the line - there is more than enough activity to warrant a more thorough investigation of these recent censorship activities, before others also think they can just walk all over the law.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The highly illegal crimes are the deliberate censorship of the user's constitutionally protected political speech. These companies all have lawyers who have told them the speech is protected, and these companies have all decided to deliberately violate this law anyways - in open defiance of the state. This actually puts their corporate charters at risk as well - incorporation is a privilege, not a right, and said corporations are not allowed to deliberately violate the laws of the state - which is exactly what they are doing - never mind the potential shareholder liability.

This action is not only a deliberate challenge to the legal authority of the duly democratically elected state government, (see treason,) it is also a deliberate interference in a basic constitutional pillar of the democratic society itself, (see treason.) It can, and should, be seen as nothing less than an attempt to overthrow the United States of America.

whatisbestinlife ago

who are you? jesus?

Crensch ago

I'm not sure I understand the question(s).

whatisbestinlife ago

just praising you for doing so much work. glasses up to you

Crensch ago

Cheers, brother goat!

xenoPsychologist ago

this is very good to know.

also, i like the use of that markdown.

BrowardSheriff ago

Thank you for weighing in on this important issue.

bdmthrfkr ago

Keep the enemy on their back foot, it's how my father did it, it's how Trump is doing it and it's how we will continue the tradition.

Crensch ago

Not 100% picking up what you're laying down, sir.

bdmthrfkr ago

I'm sorry Crensch, it's late where I live and I spent most of my day answering just about every single goat who had an opinion about the proposed law that wants to give the clowns an opportunity to shut us down and I'm beat. The most typing I think that I have ever done in one day, but well worth it. This is a fight that we must fight.

As far as your post goes, let me read it tomorrow after I've had a chance to get some sleep, unlike some of these faggots around here I always look forward to your posts. Your new stuff is really sticking a needle in their sides.

Crensch ago

No problem at all, buddy. Get some sleep.

Vigilance is the price of freedom; you did good bringing it here. Even if it might be a false alarm, the sentry's duty is to report threats to others.

bdmthrfkr ago

So after a bit of sleep and a full day to think your post over (i read it this time) I have to agree with you 100% that they couldn't shut down Voat in a court of law. That being said I am still as alarmed about this law as I was yesterday, if I was to make a guess I would place your age somewhere in your 20s simply because you don't seem to have had that altruistic edge brutally scrubbed away by day after day and year after year of seeing the way that good laws are used by bad actors to punish good people.

This law, in my opinion, is a further step in the suppression of the fundamental right of people to freely express their opinions, to gather and exchange information and to make their society a better place without (well, I'll just say it) kike influence. While Putt (and every other owner of any site which goes against the will of the kikes) may have a LEGAL leg to stand on they will NEVER have the resources to keep fighting against repeated prosecutions. Endless prosecutions. Never ending criminal lawsuits that if you fuck up just once will put you in prison for 20 years.

NOBODY wants to fight that fight, it is pointless to even try; the State has unlimited resources and small site owners do not. Even worse, small site owners can't even argue about being re-prosecuted under the laws of double jeopardy since each FF attack will be a new crime.

This proposed law is EVIL incarnate and must be stopped otherwise our ability to communicate and form a consensus will be seriously curtailed; being threatened with a civil lawsuit is bad enough but being constantly prosecuted for criminal acts by the might of the Federal Government is a completely different story.

Our sites will close down and our movement will grind to a halt. This is what they want, need and must have; they have been dealt a seriously bloody nose over the last year and this is the instrument that they are going to use to fight back.

Fuck the kikes, Hitler did nothing wrong, 1488!!!

Crensch ago

Edit 3

bdmthrfkr ago

Enjoy your afternoon and I will be off to bed. BTW, it's not a false alarm this shit is real, that's why it got a sticky:


Crensch ago

Oh, I realize that it's real. I think the viable applications of the wording are benign for this site. Both for us and for putt.

I'm prepared to be proved wrong if there's some kind of vicious wording there, but the wording still requires the base-level proving intent which is historically difficult to prove. We have rules against it, and I'm almost certain putt has a record of removing that content and/or alerting the authorities on the matter.

If he has those things documented and his legal counsel is provided a copy of those incidents, the only way to get rid of Voat is to GITMO the place, and that was already an option for those with power to do so.

bdmthrfkr ago

I first heard about this in the morning (Euro time) from full chan and then sat on it for a few hours until the goats in America had their first cup of coffee. In the meantime I took one of my boys to the park, he likes the zip-line there. The problem arises from the original post:


The red text says it all, as soon as you codify an end-run around the 1st Amendment the dam will break and eventually most forms of free thought will be curtailed. This is not a black pill, this is a call to arms, we can win this fight, we just need all hands on deck.

middle_path ago

The 2nd protects the 1st. No wonder they're doing this the same time they're going after what may be arguably the best gun for a civilian uprising.

Crensch ago

Pinging users that have responded:

@middle_path @Rotteuxx @ZardoZ2017 @BentAxel

I'm currently of the mind that this still doesn't change much. False flags are becoming very public PR abortions that don't accomplish anything the perpetrators want.

Mulling it over a bit, and putting an edit at the top of my submission.

middle_path ago

Thanks. I'm not really convinced this will affect us either.

Crensch ago

Hrm... I'll mull this over a bit. Thanks!

Diggernicks ago

ANYTHING that stifles free speech is bad. Censorship is one of the first steps every time.

Schreiber ago

Not really.

We fucking need to stifle leftist free speech and ban leftist ideology at all cost.

Commies and cultural marxists don't deserve free speech.

Crensch ago

What free speech is this amendment bill stifling?

Breivik ago

Great work comping the info, but they still deserve to die for many prior infringements.

Crensch ago

but they still deserve to die for many prior infringements.

Truest statement I've ever seen on Voat, I think. Cheers to that.

voltronsdicks ago

These are all stopgap measures designed by stopgap leaders. This is all Gladiator legislation designed for the spectacle of moral hand-wringing and will accomplish nothing in the long run.

If we really wanted to end sex trafficking, we'd start at the source not the symptoms, which of course would bring to light the real problem that no politician wants to deal with: shitty fucking unaccountable parenting. because shitty fucking unaccountable parenting eventually produces shitty fucking unaccountable leadership aka "politicians". In other words, the politicians (parents) are busy blaming the citizens (children) to draw attention away from their poor leadership.

As far as making this into a censorship issue, libtards have already demonstrated that they will go to any lengths and use any law already on the books to legally restrict free speech. As previously stated, if we continue to run around like chickens with our heads cut off, trying to play whack-a-mole with every new version of a censorship bill that rears its ugly head, we will eventually wear ourselves out through cynicism and apathy. Our energy is better spent actively championing the type of free speech we desire instead of passively waiting around for it to be restricted. Our energy is better spent debating the principles we haven't yet codified so that we have something to actually rally around rather than passively waiting like we always do for a libtard to start legislating against our way of life. I mean it's a fucking joke at this point that the NRA doesn't know how to properly position their Second Amendment argument as the protection of one's life, not merely the future threat of government tyranny. The former argument is a thousand times more meaningful to the average American than the ladder. The fact that we haven't already fleshed this out is a major part of why we're still fighting to protect it today.

The_Red_Kraken ago

Conclusion: I'm glad I'm not @Puttiout, this seems like a lot of work. That being said, he has a legion behind him. He needs only to speak up and give sensible instructions and we'll be behind him.

middle_path ago

Wow. Thanks for the ping, upvoted for visibility. I'm still a bit confused by all this, it seems very open for interpretation.

Crensch ago

If you find an interpretation of the wording that would jeopardize Voat more than the stuff already on the books, let me know and I'll edit my OP.

middle_path ago

No, nothing like that. Stay vigilant.

You did good, Crensch. We may live to argue another day.

Crensch ago

I'll buy you a drink before gassing you next time, faggot.

middle_path ago

That's all I ask. 1 soylent please.

Crensch ago

I may or may not rifle through the referenced laws here. Either way, nothing changing with this particular bill affects us in any way. The EXISTING shit may, but that's already on the books.

Rotteuxx ago

So much info here... great work m8. I'll have to read through this after dinner.

ZardoZ2017 ago

Kudos @Crensch ; Thank you for all the important work you've done here!

NeoGoat ago

Thanks for spreading the word!

Crensch ago

Not sure how long you had it open; check the edit at the top if you didn't see it.

NeoGoat ago

Thanks! Wish I found this shit surprising.

BentAxel ago

What is this thread and why does it not link to the actual text itself.

Above is listed H. R. 1965 - Land Act of 115TH congress. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1965

Then following your text:

H.R.1865 - Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 115th Congress (2017-2018)

That text is here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1865/

It is disingenuous to Voat when there is no link to the Actual bill. I value the opinion of goats but please along with your opinion, provide the link so we can formulate thoughts for ourselves. Let me know if I am off here, H.R. 1965 is different than H.R. 1865 and if the link had been provided, it would have been recognized as a typo. Not having it, it is open for misintrepretation.

The text of the bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1865/text?format=txt

The text but I reccomend you looking at it for yourself. It's not long, i've posted it below.


To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to clarify that section 230 of 
such Act does not prohibit the enforcement against providers and users 
  of interactive computer services of Federal and State criminal and 
     civil law relating to sexual exploitation of children or sex 
                  trafficking, and for other purposes.


    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Allow States and Victims to Fight 
Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017''.


    It is the sense of Congress that--
            (1) section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 
        U.S.C. 230; commonly known as the ``Communications Decency Act 
        of 1996'') was never intended to provide legal protection to 
        websites that unlawfully promote and facilitate prostitution 
        and contribute to sex trafficking;
            (2) websites that promote and facilitate prostitution have 
        been reckless in allowing the sale of sex trafficking victims 
        and have done nothing to prevent the trafficking of children 
        and victims of force, fraud, and coercion; and
            (3) clarification of such section is warranted to ensure 
        that such section does not provide such protection to such 


    (a) Promotion of Prostitution.--Chapter 117 of title 18, United 
States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2421 the following:
``Sec. 2421A. Promotion or facilitation of prostitution and reckless 
              disregard of sex trafficking
    ``(a) In General.--Whoever uses or operates a facility or means of 
interstate or foreign commerce or attempts to do so with the intent to 
promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person shall be fined 
under this title, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.
    ``(b) Aggravated Violation.--Whoever uses or operates a facility or 
means of interstate or foreign commerce with the intent to promote or 
facilitate the prostitution of another person and--
            ``(1) promotes or facilitates the prostitution of 5 or more 
        persons; or
            ``(2) acts in reckless disregard of the fact that such 
        conduct contributed to sex trafficking, in violation of 
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 25 years, 
or both.
    ``(c) Civil Recovery.--Any person injured by reason of a violation 
of section 2421A(b) may recover damages and reasonable attorneys' fees 
in an action before any appropriate United States district court. 
Consistent with section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 
U.S.C. 230), a defendant may be held liable, under this subsection, 
where promotion or facilitation of prostitution activity includes 
responsibility for the creation or development of all or part of the 
information or content provided through any interactive computer 
    ``(d) Mandatory Restitution.--Notwithstanding sections 3663 or 
3663A and in addition to any other civil or criminal penalties 
authorized by law, the court shall order restitution for any offense 
under this section.
    ``(e) Affirmative Defense.--It shall be an affirmative defense to a 
charge of violating subsection (a) where the defendant proves, by a 
preponderance of the evidence, that the promotion or facilitation of 
prostitution is legal in the jurisdiction where the promotion or 
facilitation was targeted.''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for such chapter is 
amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2421 the 

``2421A. Promotion or facilitation of prostitution and reckless 
                            disregard of sex trafficking.''.


    Section 230(e) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230(e)) 
is amended by adding at the end the following:
            ``(5) No effect on state laws conforming to 18 u.s.c. 
        1591(a) or 2421a.--Nothing in this section shall be construed 
        to impair or limit any charge in a criminal prosecution brought 
        under State law--
                    ``(A) if the conduct underlying the charge 
                constitutes a violation of section 2421A of title 18, 
                United States Code, and promotion or facilitation of 
                prostitution is illegal in the jurisdiction where the 
                defendant's promotion or facilitation of prostitution 
                was targeted; or
                    ``(B) if the conduct underlying the charge 
                constitutes a violation of section 1591(a) of title 18, 
                United States Code.''.


    Nothing in this Act or the amendments made by this Act shall be 
construed to limit or preempt any civil action or criminal prosecution 
under Federal law or State law (including State statutory law and State 
common law) filed before or after the day before the date of enactment 
of this Act that was not limited or preempted by section 230 of the 
Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230), as such section was in 
effect on the day before the date of enactment of this Act.
                                                 Union Calendar No. 432


   2d Session

                               H. R. 1865

                      [Report No. 115-572, Part I]


                                 A BILL

To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to clarify that section 230 of 
such Act does not prohibit the enforcement against providers and users 
  of interactive computer services of Federal and State criminal and 
     civil law relating to sexual exploitation of children or sex 
                  trafficking, and for other purposes.


                           February 20, 2018

     Reported from the Committee on the Judiciary with an amendment

                           February 20, 2018

   The Committee on Energy and Commerce discharged; committed to the 
 Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to 
                               be printed

Crensch ago

What is this thread and why does it not link to the actual text itself.


If I didn't post it, that was simply an oversight. I'll remedy the situation the moment I am done responding to you.

Let me know if I am off here, H.R. 1965 is different than H.R. 1865 and if the link had been provided, it would have been recognized as a typo. Not having it, it is open for misintrepretation.

I got the link from the stickied post. http://archive.is/hRHI7

I'm not sure what you're getting at here, otherwise.

BentAxel ago

No archive. Link to the Bill Itself. The US Government Website. No reason to archive it as the government site is part of the legal process of posting publically what is to be introduced. If modifications or amendments are added, it will be noted.

My issue was with the numbers. HR 1965 and HR 1865 are COMPLETELY different Bills. And, note these are being introduced.

Thank you sir.

Crensch ago

"Why is bill H. R. 1965 suggesting they aren't allowed to do so?"

Did you mean this line?

Man, you could have just quoted it and informed me of the typo.

Crensch ago

My issue was with the numbers. HR 1965 and HR 1865 are COMPLETELY different Bills. And, note these are being introduced.

Explain. I don't know where you're getting 1965 from.

No archive. Link to the Bill Itself. The US Government Website. No reason to archive it as the government site is part of the legal process of posting publically what is to be introduced. If modifications or amendments are added, it will be noted.

I'm not overly aware of what's government and what isn't. What's wrong with an archive?

BentAxel ago

HR1965 was a typo you had at the top.

Any web address with .gov .mil are going to be Government. I appreciate your passion and the thread. Thank you Goat.

0rion ago

Amazing work Crensch. I am going to start reading through all of this right away. I have noticed lots of stories lately about CP flooding social media, and even one about the FBI running a CP website. There is definitely something odd in the works. Thank you for all that you do, you glorious niggerfaggot.

TheKobold ago

Whoa, I'm honored to be included. I will look this over in more detail, after I finish dinner. But my first impressions is that its more unnecessary legal nonsense to enlarge government powers.

If some one is posting CP they should be the target not the host. If there really is no way to deal with a site that is dedicated to hosting this kind of shit then I could see this bill being necessary but I find it hard to believe that there is not laws on the books to deal with site that willingly host CP.

As always the way they title these bills always worries me, if they seem disingenuous then TPTB are up to something.

I had you pegged as an radicalizing agent... But I think you have changed my mind Crensch. No hard feelings I hope, lets butt heads sometime.

Crensch ago

If some one is posting CP they should be the target not the host. If there really is no way to deal with a site that is dedicated to hosting this kind of shit then I could see this bill being necessary but I find it hard to believe that there is not laws on the books to deal with site that willingly host CP.

This is a good point.

I had you pegged as an radicalizing agent... But I think you have changed my mind Crensch. No hard feelings I hope, lets butt heads sometime.

Sounds like a plan, niggerfaggot.