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wundaboiii ago

How does Voat promote sex trafficking? I'm not seeing this site listed in that link either so what am I missing?

bdmthrfkr ago

It doesn't but if anybody wants your site shut down they just spam you with child porn. Then you get shut down and Putt does a jail term.

wundaboiii ago

So is it more fear of someone randomly "attacking" Voat like that to get it shut down more than govt intentionally doing this to target a site like Voat? Because at least from my experience here I don't see why govt would want to target it over other sites. Reddit had Schwartz which created some issues due to his "activism", but AFAIK Voat doesn't have anyone like that.

bdmthrfkr ago

You weren't around about 2 months (ish) ago but the site owner had mentioned that Voat had generated a fair amount of heat from "powerful" people. This place is influential and they are very scared of it, Voat will be targeted if this law passes.

wundaboiii ago

Weird. Any idea what they'd be afraid of? Most of the content I see here is no different than reddit.

Also do you have a link to that submission by the owner? Curiosity, not doubting you.

bdmthrfkr ago

Dude, I am not a helpline with 40 fucking poos manning phones, I tried to answer a fair few of the 100s of comments that this post generated, yours just slipped through the cracks.

Anyways, the content here on Voat is particularly harmful to any globalist forces and policy makers, there are subs here that started on leddit and moved to Voat that are specifically dangerous to the way that the cabal operate and just about all of the people who post here are free thinkers which the media have very little chance of brainwashing like the general population.

Basically, Voat is an extreme danger to the plans of the cabal (you can call them whatever you wish whether that be the Masons or the Illuminati or whatever) and that is why we WILL be targeted for erasure under this fucked up law. The general population can never know the information that we pass around here on Voat, if they did these fuckers will be hung in cities across the globe.

They fear us, that is why they will target us. We know that it is the kikes who are subverting geo-political movements and we aren't afraid to say so and if you think that they won't try to silence any dissent just look at what they did to Mel Gibson.

This is NOT leddit, this is a place where heavy moderation is countered by swift action on the part of the users, we WILL speak our minds here without fear of reprisal and we WILL fight the meme wars out in the space of the normies. Does this answer your question?

wundaboiii ago

Freethinking without action isn't a threat. Reddit frontpage is a meme machine but it has plenty of submissions and discussions that indicate free thinkers being present. Which is why I was asking what sets Voat apart to make it a threat when so far the only thing truly seperating it from Reddit is an activist leader, or any kind of Voat-borne activism at all.