BookyMonstur ago

You are correct sir. I apologize and have no idea how that happened. I was on a post about bagano5 or w/e his name is. Ill be more careful in the future.

BookyMonstur ago

I thought he was leaving. I've seen several posts saying he hates the site and all the users, and he was taking his ball and going home. Gotta be a troll. Every person who talks to him gets the argument ended with bye fucker you're blocked!

Crensch ago

Gotcha. Thanks for the assist.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the petty remedial grammar lesson on a mistake most people probably make.

If it's so remedial, don't make the mistake. Yes, most niggers and sub-100IQ others. Learn your language and stop trying to devolve into ookeekspeak.

Wow. You're blocked. See ya punk.

Wow. You're really very stupid.

Crensch ago

I really hate the angry 15 year old's on these boards.

*olds. Please learn the difference between plural and possessive.

If you think your bullshit posts deserve an answer on your level, you're kidding me.

I don't think you realize that you just admitted that you think I'm on a higher level than you seem capable of reaching. Well done though, at least some part of your subconscious mind is honest.

RandomGoater ago

Fuck off faggot! :)

ArcherMcTaco ago

Get raped nigger

<3 u 2 :D

Maxcactus ago

Classic circle jerk.

Crensch ago


See how that works with these faggots? "I'm tired of X" -> "Why don't you talk to them" -> "X is just as bad as Y" He 100% rejected your suggesting of talking with us despite the extremely hospitable way you phrased everything for him.

The above is not an argument, it's an absurdity. Voaters are just as bad as the leftist cucks on rEddit? Really? On which website can you actually type out what you want to say and not have to worry about getting banned or shadowbanned?

Faggots like this don't even attempt to put some kind of reason into their words, they just make assertions and play their sad song while making false-equivalence fallacies.


Maybe instead of playing this passive-aggressive footsie with people that don't see you for what you are, you could sack up and sound off like you've got a pair. You might even wind up changing someone's mind instead of breeding utter contempt for acting like a fucking kike.

smallpond ago

The above is not an argument, it's an absurdity. Voaters are just as bad as the leftist cucks on rEddit? Really?

You seem fond of labelling inconvenient truths absurdities. You have so many people on here drowning in truly impressive levels of stupidity.. who are reduced to reflexively screaming vacuous voat catchphrases as pitiful cries for approval.

On which website can you actually type out what you want to say and not have to worry about getting banned or shadowbanned?

Not this one. Those passionate Hillary supporters and many others can't freely express their opinions without suffering CCP restrictions, which equate to periodic website bans. Free speech just for you and yours is not free speech: but we've already established that you're happy to ignore your own hypocrisy.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Crensch ago

You seem fond of labelling inconvenient truths absurdities.

You seem to post a lot of absurdities.

You have so many people on here drowning in truly impressive levels of stupidity.. who are reduced to reflexively screaming vacuous voat catchphrases as pitiful cries for approval.

Projecting rEddit onto Voat really doesn't work well. Projecting your own faults onto others is kinda the same.

Not this one. Those passionate Hillary supporters and many others can't freely express their opinions without suffering CCP restrictions,

Not bans.

which equate to periodic website bans.

No, they don't.

Free speech just for you and yours is not free speech: but we've already established that you're happy to ignore your own hypocrisy.

There is no hypocrisy. You're making false-equivalencies and strutting around as if you've won.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Oh, you're sanegoat. Who'dathunkit?

smallpond ago

Well done, are you a politician in real life? Deny everything and run away..

When I've made my 10 comments for the day, and my censorship kicks in so that I can't comment at all anywhere on voat - I call that a pretty effective website ban. If I was someone who liked to post a lot, I would quickly hit my limit there as well. No commenting, no posting, no messaging other users = website ban, while your drooling retards get to take as many free shots as they like. I know the average voat argument is pretty weak, but you need to set out on the hard path of self-respect.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Crensch ago

Well done, are you a politician in real life?

Does empty rhetoric work where you're from?

Deny everything and run away..

What have I run from?

When I've made my 10 comments for the day, and my censorship kicks in so that I can't comment at all anywhere on voat - I call that a pretty effective website ban.

I call it the consequences of not contributing anything, and then when you're not able to do what others are, whining about how society isn't fair. It's not exactly difficult to build up positive ccp.

If I was someone who liked to post a lot, I would quickly hit my limit there as well.

Admission that you do not contribute.

No commenting, no posting, no messaging other users = website ban, while your drooling retards get to take as many free shots as they like.

Sounds pretty communistic of you. Some people earned their points, you just want them handed to you.

I know the average voat argument is pretty weak, but you need to set out on the hard path of self-respect.

You're like a fatty on tumblr. You know nothing of self-respect, because if you had any, you'd contribute enough to do the things you want to do, instead of whining and trying to change the game to suit your lazy lifestyle.

smallpond ago

Pathetic. Define 'contribution' in your eyes, define 'earning points'. CCP crudely measures popularity in a first-past-the-post manner. On a website where Islamophobia, racism and fellating Trump dominate people cannot speak plainly in opposition without censorship - there is no way to for them to 'earn' CCP without censoring themselves. Anyway, you know all this, and my comments are better spent elsewhere.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Crensch ago

Pathetic. Define 'contribution' in your eyes, define 'earning points'.

Contributing content or information to the website in a way that people appreciate and accept, and reward you points for doing.

CCP crudely measures popularity in a first-past-the-post manner.

No. It measures exactly what I stated above.

On a website where Islamophobia, racism and fellating Trump dominate people cannot speak plainly in opposition without censorship - there is no way to for them to 'earn' CCP without censoring themselves.

Like a millennial whining at the boss of his first job. "I won't compromise anything to succeed, you bend to my will or I'll complain and cry about it!"

No loss whatsoever for this site.

Anyway, you know all this, and my comments are better spent elsewhere.

Your presence could be at literally any other social media platform, but you come here to post stupid ideas that get downvoats so you can play your passive-aggressive victim card. You are massively unimportant.

smallpond ago

Thank you for answering my question. It gives me something to work with apart from your snivelling deflections.

Pathetic. Define 'contribution' in your eyes, define 'earning points'.

Contributing content or information to the website in a way that people appreciate and accept, and reward you points for doing.

CCP crudely measures popularity in a first-past-the-post manner.

No. It measures exactly what I stated above.

Firstly if you gave a crap about free-speech as a principle, you wouldn't make people's right to speak dependent on people's appreciation and acceptance. For someone that holds widely reviled beliefs as you do, I'm guessing you clearly don't want website policy applied in a wider context.

Secondly, have a look through my profile: I think my contributions have been appreciated and accepted, and rewarded with upvotes well over 100 times. I clearly meet your definition of website contribution, but that's not how CCP works is it? Each time a user doesn't like what I say, and decides to downvote me, that reduces my CCP by one. It doesn't matter how many upvotes a user gets, how 'appreciated' they are, if more people dislike them they get censored. You could hardly be more wrong, but clearly a hypocrite like you doesn't care..

By the way,

When I've made my 10 comments for the day, and my censorship kicks in so that I can't comment at all anywhere on voat - I call that a pretty effective website ban. If I was someone who liked to post a lot, I would quickly hit my limit there as well. No commenting, no posting, no messaging other users = website ban...

Your petty insults in response to my explanation are pretty obvious admissions of defeat. So my initial answer to your question

On which website can you actually type out what you want to say and not have to worry about getting banned or shadowbanned?

still stands: not voat.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Crensch ago

Firstly if you gave a crap about free-speech as a principle, you wouldn't make people's right to speak dependent on people's appreciation and acceptance.

Said like someone wanting unlimited forum slides and spam.

Secondly, have a look through my profile: I think my contributions have been appreciated and accepted, and rewarded with upvotes well over 100 times.

Wow, 100 times in ~100 days. /golfclap

Do you want a fucking cookie for spending a few days posting things people appreciated, and acting like a useful member of society? Do you want a pat on the back for the times you didn't post your lie of a disclaimer?

I clearly meet your definition of website contribution, but that's not how CCP works is it?

Contribute more than you shit, loser. Bernouts would find your philosophy agreeable.

Each time a user doesn't like what I say, and decides to downvote me, that reduces my CCP by one.

Maybe you should try harder. Pretending to contribute != contributing

It doesn't matter how many upvotes a user gets, how 'appreciated' they are, if more people dislike them they get censored.

Sounds like a personal problem.

You could hardly be more wrong, but clearly a hypocrite like you doesn't care..

I don't care. I don't care what somebody nigger-tier reasoning skills thinks of me, either.

Your petty insults in response to my explanation are pretty obvious admissions of defeat. So my initial answer to your question

Delusions of winning don't actually affect reality.

still stands: not voat.

False. You're posting right now. You are not banned.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

I will downvoat every comment with this in it. The rest of your comment is very obviously a terrible attempt to change your comment so it's not rejected as SPAM.

smallpond ago

Disappointing. Only your first sentence approximates a logical counterpoint - the rest is pitiful voat-style insults and cowardly deflection. I guess it's obvious you had nowhere to go from there. I wish I was surprised to see yet another person who preaches at others regarding the possibility of changing their opinions, showing themselves to be such a miserable hypocrite.

I've discussed ways to deal with spam elsewhere, won't bother to go into full details again for you, but other sites begin with captchas rather than groupthink censorship. I would not advocate a sudden upheaval in voat policy: there is a lot of room for improvement and voat could gradually reduce its censorship evaluating any serious problems as they arise. Right now you have no spam problem, and pretty much no dissenting opinions, so the website has no excuses regarding the glaring free speech failures.

Have another disclaimer:

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Crensch ago

Disappointing. Only your first sentence approximates a logical counterpoint

Stopped caring since you're still spamming your copypasta. Not that you're right about that - there were other cogent points to my response, but you're too busy frothing at the mouth to acknowledge them.

Goater ago

I was just writing above to say don't bother this user is just an agitator from ShariaBlowme or whatever, then saw you've already figured the dumb cunt out.

Typical shill tactics, deflect any reasonable questions and pretends to have a working knowledge of the community, whilst only wasting time on useless arguments.

I tried explaining nicely in another thread how his disclaimer made him seem like a faggot, and how to integrate into Voat, but that just increased his faggotry.

I quite like this example of how the Voat immune system works and is continuing to foster quality users.

Ask him how he likes that our "racist broke circlejerk" is only growing in popularity...his main comeback is that we aren't going to attract advertisers and we are broke....nigger please, guy has no clue what he is talking about.

I wouldn't even notice if it wasn't for that ridiculous disclaimer. You have to be seriously retarded to not understand the point of the 100CCP minimum and how easy it is to not be limited by being a quality user.

But yeah, I'd say most of the community will come to the same conclusions as quite a few of us already have, he'll leave soon enough.

Crensch ago


Isn't the last quoted above a sanegoat thing?

smallpond ago


The disclaimer is mine. I am not sanegoat. Are you so scared of our conversation that you're going to try to frame me as a sanegoat alt? I first mentioned it as a submission, have a look in my profile.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Crensch ago

The disclaimer is mine. I am not sanegoat. Are you so scared of our conversation that you're going to try to frame me as a sanegoat alt? I first mentioned it as a submission, have a look in my profile.

I've seen that copypasta text on other comments, and you and sanegoat can have a dick-swinging contest of who came first without me.

frankenmine ago

Goat poop smells foul, and goat B.O. isn't much better. Other than that, we're OK, I guess.

boekanier ago

Hear hear!

boekanier ago

Good at heart, bad at temper (or how do you say this in english?)

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I upvoat people I disagree with all of the time - if they went through the effort to write something decent that is good enough for me.

If everybody agreed with you all of the time life would be boring as fuck.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

They want us divided against each other. Should blacks be living with us? Probably not, because identity and shared values and commonalities are our societal glue.

That being said, it is a delusion to think that the world is going to go along with us killing them all.

So, there are two choices: fight them day and night, or try to reason with them. I know they're lacking in the reason and logic department, and their intelligence is limited and quite different. However, there is one thing I've learned traveling the world and through my many years: screaming at someone or attacking someone, for an ideology, no matter what the ideology is, will only make that ideology more resolute and even grow. So attacking blacks for their shitty black culture will not only get us nowhere, but will also set us back in our goals. This goes for BOTH sides, EVERY side: the only way to have any hope of gluing this fucked up society back together again, is by talking and reaching across the aisle. Otherwise the Jew overlord, Emperor Shekelstein, wins.

EDIT: the other side has to not have it set in stone in their ideology to destroy you, for there to be any possibility. So Muslims will NEVER get along with us. Don't even bother trying to reach across the aisle to them. And if blacks continue to be more and more polarized against whites, then yea, it will become ingrained in their identity and ideology too, and then it will be impossible to bridge the divide with them too. Same for fags, etc. If we continue on our current trajectories, it's not long before all the divides pitted against white people are insurmountable and will only be "solved" via bloodshed

Bigz_Sarducci ago

This is what makes America great the freedom to speak freely. Somebody sad something hurtful. Boo Hoo call the wahbulance. I could care less hearing nigger,faggot, and kike being used freely. It is their opinion not mine. They who say those words can say it. Don't like it. Leave. Period.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

White power leftist Reddit retards are the new white power party.

Tzitzimitl ago

like seriously fuck off you peice of fucking hosrshit. kill yourself in real life. do you even know who I am =? I'm motherfucking john fucking cena. I'll rip your fucking balls of with my sctotuds and feed them yto you through you asshole fuck youtr fucking dick ride my penis thanks

Bigz_Sarducci ago

Share Blue faggot for up voats.

BookyMonstur ago

I agree with you, your logic is flawless. You're a nigger faggot and I hope you have a happy 4th of July.

xenoPsychologist ago

imagine if those infinite number of accounts could upvote and downvote completely at will!

Transylvanian ago

We might have the occasional Neo-Nazi, but what group doesn't?

xenoPsychologist ago


you misspelled "so very"!

Cheesebooger ago

The goy know

skymountainsfall ago

Never getting near crows again. Party with polvers instead.

ratsmack ago

Do you feel a little gay some times too? :)

skymountainsfall ago

Goats are people?

ApprenticeShitposter ago

I'm going to rip off your head and shit down your throat...welcome aboard!

Derpfroot ago


Happy early 4th, niggerfaggot!

smallpond ago

That's so nice for you. Since we're sharing... for me many goats are unbelievably stupid, hateful people who get to say whatever senseless bullshit they want without objection or opposition on this tragic circlejerk of a website.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

Edit: (ugly way to get another comment in)

From @Peaceseeker below

get to say whatever senseless bullshit they want

Do you oppose this freedom?

You are free to make an infinite number of accounts and reply and infinite number of times to any claims made here. I agree the negative CCP restrictions are pointless but there are other matters that need changing before that issue is addressed. You like to pretend there is no freedom here, but that is simply false.

My reply:

Pretty low not to quote my whole sentence:

for me many goats are unbelievably stupid, hateful people get to say whatever senseless bullshit they want without objection or opposition on this tragic circlejerk of a website.

Was that a cheap-shot delivered just before my daily ban?

Obviously I support their right to say it, but oppose the gagging/censorship of a huge group of potential website users, so that they get to say it "without objection or opposition on this tragic circlejerk of a website".

Seriously.. an infinite number of accounts.. is that so your paranoid hordes could tar me with the same brush as sanegoat and conveniently label me as a shill/spammer/brigader? Quite apart from my personal aversion to alts, it's much more effective regarding my advocacy of free speech if I represent the plain effect of voat's censorship on a sincere user who naturally expects not to have to demean themselves by operating 4 accounts at once. The fact that people can make as many alts as they like only tends to show how ineffective CCP restrictions are at combating spam.

You like to pretend there is no freedom here, but that is simply false.

I don't remember you being such a stupid asshole... are you going through a tough/emotional time personally or something? Yes, it sounds pretty false despite lacking real meaning, but where have I ever said that? I repeatedly, consistently say that censorship is built into voat, and censorship of dissenting opinions is intimately related to voat's status as a circlejerk.

CCP restrictions are not pointless: they are tools of censorship used to drive away and gag users with dissenting opinions. They are extremely valuable for those with dominant ideologies around here who do not prioritize free speech over their personal platforms.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because my views are unpopular here I have less than 100 CCP, and am temporarily banned as soon as I make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech. Don’t be a hypocrite and pretend that it does.

walls_winning_whisky ago

Hey. I think you're an assface. But just because I think you're an assface it doesn't give me the right to shut you up (even though I wish you would). I think you're an important part of the community, assface. You can take this as sincere or pandering, I really don't care. I think what you're saying is important. So here's and upvoat, assface. Now, fuck off.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Well, here's an upvoat anyway. Rage on dude(ette).

crazy_eyes ago

It dont take much to get 100 ccp. Quit whining

NeoGoat ago

Check out his history and see why he gets down votes.

TherealScrable ago

It is a pretty interesting community.

OhBlindOne ago

I'm with this guy on this one. Definitely a shill.

auto_turret ago

Both of you are faggots. You're probably the little spoon.

Cheesebooger ago

Listen to your little kikeynigger faggotry

Spaceballs-1 ago

Fuck you, nigger.