heygeorge ago

He's right, PeaceSeeker. Just ask @beatlejuicex3. You can accuse him of literally anything negative and will admit to it using the same standard of evidence which @Womb_Raider is wont to do.

You see, if one repeats a claim enough times, and gets their sock puppets and empty headed friends to do the same, it becomes true without evidence!

Womb_Raider ago

They all spammed using a bot to post walls of text. He was known to use 3-5 bots sometimes.

Womb_Raider ago

Perhaps it was a chat ban, I don't really know what goes on under the hood. I just know he used all of those accounts to spam, and they were forcibly removed. Then he made new accounts and the cycle repeated. They were banned for spamming.

Womb_Raider ago

If he was truly banned, it appears the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Womb_Raider ago

Also banned today, however, was /u/SaneGoatsiSwear, banned for "Chat Spam" (the first ever banning for Chat Spam listed in the banlog).

His account looks unbanned to me...

I was in chat when his accounts were being banned. I know others who were there also.

Womb_Raider ago

Do you disagree with the banning of SaneGoatsiSwear? If so, why?

There are. I encourage you to scan their accounts. I'll spend time looking and update my comment. I've run across many.

I just find it suspicious so many were banned and then he was left to spam, mocking the attempt at chat limitations restricting his ability to do so. I know Putt is busy, but if he's too busy to do something, and Cynabuns is also too busy, perhaps they need more hands on deck.

I don't see how you haven't noticed what they do already.

Womb_Raider ago

I've shown you plenty. Hence my calling you obtuse.

Womb_Raider ago

One day you'll see their group for what they are. It appears that day isn't here yet.

Womb_Raider ago

The guy had alts named @SaneGoatiSwearlvl1 - @SaneGoatiSwearlvl44, all were banned. Then the CCP restriction was put in place and his accounts were never banned again.

He was the catalyst of change, yet the reason change was brought in was never addressed. He was allowed to operate.

He had like -500 CCP and he brigaded himself up (@SaneGoatsiSwear) to 100 CCP, but he deleted all of his comments. He manipulated the system blatantly and was allowed to do so. He has since been downvoated back to almost -1000 CCP.

Makes you think.

Edit: @SaneGoatiSwearlvl44 wasn't banned, but 1-43 were.

Womb_Raider ago

You're being obtuse, I feel.

Womb_Raider ago

That's not all I said. I told you that accounts (which have never made posts or comments on voat) have been banned for their conduct in chat, yet this same account, @SaneGoatsiSwear, has been carrying on for an excessive period of time and has been untouched.

You're ignoring that on purpose. Why?

Womb_Raider ago

Removing downvotes won't solve the problem, upvotes can still determine exposure. Early upvotes carry more weight than upvotes given later. With coordination, removal of downvotes actually gives them more power.

Womb_Raider ago

Accounts have been banned for using chat improperly already. Precedent has been set.

I don't trust you to be critical of Putt anyway. All you do is kiss his ring. Look at your sub.

Womb_Raider ago

Most of them have enough CCP that they are far off from needing upvotes for anything.

I'm not replying to the comment itself, I'm joining the comment thread. You just implied "they don't need moar CCP!" but it's not about their CCP score. It's about controlling what content does and does not get exposure.

There are plenty of SBBH accounts with DVs as high as they have UVs. They don't use their prominent accounts for this kind of stuff.

heygeorge ago

plenty of SBBH accounts with DVs as high as they have UVs

Genuinely: I think if you had evidence of this, you would post it everywhere you could, no?

If you can show me I'm being duped, I will be grateful.

Womb_Raider ago

I didn't call them Putt's puppets, but he has never banned any of them. Only @Cynabuns was willing to step up and attempt to contain that guy.

Womb_Raider ago

Well Putt knows who was fucking about and he still hasn't banned him. https://voat.co/u/sanegoatsiswear

What do you make of that?

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

those like me that contribute to this place with content that promotes discussion?


bigdirtymotherfucker ago

Oh big sinister goddamn conspiracy

It's pretty simple.

Yeah that is believable.

Ya. Now keep doing damage control for your tranny friends faggot

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

yeah kiss his ass and sucks his dick, shill. That's what he deserves when he makes changes that benefit SBBH brigades

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, faggot.

You're fucking retarded or a sockpuppet for them if you think the site likes those scat porn spamming, brigading retards.

They just upvote brigade everything they post, and downvote brigade anything critical of them.

Womb_Raider ago

Upvotes are about what content gets exposure, dude. It's not about the fucking high score.

Womb_Raider ago

For a guy who spent a lot of time in chat, you seem pleased to have it axed.

Womb_Raider ago

Grifter's right, dude. If you've spent even an hour in chat, you've seen fake sane fucking around with impunity.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

No that is completely different because pedophilia is illegal

First, no it's not. Second, basing your morality on what's legal or not is idiotic.

and pedophilia does not interfere with the worker's ability to do his or her job, then there is no reason not to hire them is those making that decision want them as the worker.

And everyone else has a right to call them disgusting pedophiles.

Pedophilia does not imply rapist as well; it's not as if they cannot control themselves when in the presence of children.

Yea let's just hire them in schools and daycares because they haven't ACTUALLY molested anybody. Forget the fact if they proudly proclaim their degeneracy to the world I mean, it's just a difference of opinion. Please don't ever have kids.

SparkS ago


Grifter42 ago

It's more so about the unwritten rules of society.

About not having twenty or thirty sockpuppet accounts on proxies to avoid the Voat procedures about a single upvote per IP.

Putt never talks about alts, unless they're people critical of him.

The only person he ever banned for spam was SaneGoat, and atleast Sane wasn't spamming goatse, and tubgirl, and scat porn like Beatle/Fake Sane.

@PuttitOut, if you give a damn, why don't you do something about that?

Because you fucking don't.

Grifter42 ago

The fact that vote manipulation is unprovable is a sign of corruption.

It started on Reddit with vote fuzzing. It's been happening on here with the refusal of @PuttitOut to enforce the fucking rules, because he's in on it, or he's just having his ego jerked off by people who want to manipulate him. It seems he has sold out, though. Fuck him. I have about as much respect for him as I do for Spez.

Grifter42 ago

Classic SBBH tactic of accusing everyone of being SaneGoat.

Might as well accuse us of being Russians.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

and one would still have to be able to show that that illness actually affected one's ability to do the work before justly discriminating against them in terms of their "right" to volunteer.

That would be like defending known self-proclaimed pedophiles in various activities because you would have to prove pedophilia actually interferes with the task at hand. You're missing the point. This is straight up progressive ideology you are spouting that everyone is upvoting. You should all be ashamed. Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile.

Grifter42 ago

Well, he DOES defend known pedophiles. He should have banned Hecho a long fucking time ago.

Dae_Bae ago

I fully agree. You seem hysterical though and seem to be in need of being put into an insane asylum as well.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Sorry but I don't accept dank memes in place of citation. I'm sure this is passed around like wildfire by people as stupid as yourself but I don't think "novel reading" or "politics" are believable reasons for institutionalizing people in the 1800s. And even if it were, who cares? What's your point? Let's say they put half the US in an institution for wearing backwards hats and jacking off in the shower, so fucking what?

Dae_Bae ago

Fair enough. From what I can find it's not completely false. The list is real but was more related to symptoms they thought would cause the underlying illnesses they were concerned with.

My point? Well you said it there, there's not enough resources to keep everyone with a condition (that's not a violent offender) imprisoned. I don't have an argument if you think it'd be okay for half of the USA population to be imprisoned, you're just fucking insane.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Although this list was sourced from a contemporaneous hospital log, its entries should not be considered as denoting things that were all considered symptoms of mental instability. Rather, among patients who were treated at West Virginia Hospital for the Insane for various illnesses such as chronic dementia, acute mania, and melancholia, these entries recorded the reasons or causes why those patients were said to have developed their underlying maladies. That is, people didn’t think that novel reading, asthma, the marriage of one’s child, politics, or falling from a horse were symptoms of mental illness, but rather factors that might have produced or exacerbated such an illness. (To use an example from a different field, nobody claims that playing violent video games is itself a crime, but some people maintain — rightly or wrongly — that such an activity might be a factor that leads gamers into committing violent crimes)


You'd have to be an idiot to believe this. Or just blatantly lying to fulfill an agenda, or both.

My point? Well you said it there, there's not enough resources to keep everyone with a condition (that's not a violent offender) imprisoned.

Where did this even come up? Really, what the fuck are you even talking about?

I don't have an argument if you think it'd be okay for half of the USA population to be imprisoned

I'm giving you as much rope as you want to hang yourself with in order to make whatever nonsensical point your trying to make.

Dae_Bae ago

Who trusts Snopes on this site? And if you actually bothered to comprehend what I said, that's pretty much exactly what I was saying. My source is credible and you'd have realized that if you bothered to research more than looking at the first result.

Are you really that retarded though? Actually, I'm the idiot here for even giving you my time and consideration to keep responding. I'll let you try to figure it out though, this really isn't a complex idea if you're a sane functioning member of society.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

It's credible for certain things like debunking chain mail style garbage like you just posted, uncredible for other things like politics.

You tried to downplay it to pussy foot around the fact you are flat out lying to try to convey a meaningless point against a made-up argument that I never made in the first place. It's not complicated at all, you're intentionally making it appear that way.

Michael_Obama ago

People on the site like them more than they do you.

this is you

Grifter42 ago

If you'd show an iota of critical thinking, you'd fucking realize what's going on.

oiseaulibre ago

Any time Putt would make a statement on the changes or talks to people in chat about changes. SBBH users would praise him. Making it appear that a lot of people think he did the right thing, when in reality it is just this group. Regular users who stumble upon threads like these will see tons of people with similar opinions and lots of upvoats. They are more likely believe what SBBH is trying to push because of this.

To add to this, I don't think all of SBBH is guilty. I think they have normal users mixed in with the SRS-like people. This is to give them camouflage.

Here's kevdude going silent after I speak the truth: post: https://voat.co/v/LinuxMasterRace/1823920/8929506 archive: https://archive.fo/0eHiR

Here's more info on these groups trying to control voat:

SDBH voat manipulating Sane: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1639472 archive: https://archive.fo/jenIg

Voat powermod cabal: https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/comments/1193416/5900868 archive: https://archive.fo/6Zpbc

Partial library of evidence: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/comments/474809 archive: https://archive.fo/dXxIB

Michael_Obama ago

the most widely used gaming chat service is FBI? could be honestly I don't know. The chat room is pretty decent though and makes it obvious what a real chat should operate as. Voat chat is trash

Grifter42 ago

They're great at upvote farming. It's how they maintain their appearance of legitimacy. When they circlejerk upvote eachother, it's easy to get upvotes.

Michael_Obama ago

fuck off you tranny loving faggot. They are responsible for half the shit SRS does. https://imgtc.com/a/1jB8gCa tranny bragging about it in voat chat. Voat chat was very anti-tranny so it's obvious why this is going on. This tranny is ruining voat and putt is letting him.

Dae_Bae ago

Hai. You sound salty, I suggest drinking some soup stalk to try and balance your sodium levels out a little bit.

Michael_Obama ago

i suggest trying to juke cars on the free way you fuckin mentally ill pervert who shoves thing up your ass and LARPs as a women. Pathetic.

Dae_Bae ago

Why do you hate trannies so much? I've heard that with a lot of people who are homophobic it's actually their own repressed homosexual feelings manifesting into anger. Is there something you want to tell Voat Michael? It's okay to feel ashamed or embarrassed if you do but realize you're in a safe space here. We're here for you if you need anyone to talk to Michael, or Michelle if that's what you would prefer.

Michael_Obama ago

Why do you hate trannies so much?

I hate any scum bag who tries to use perversion as a legit identification that everyone on earth should cater to and take seriously. You know why people hate tranny faggots.

I've heard that with a lot of people who are homophobic it's actually their own repressed homosexual feelings manifesting into anger.

Nice jew meme, you would fit in great on reddit.

Is there something you want to tell Voat Michael?

All trannies need to die.

It's okay to feel ashamed or embarrassed if you do but realize you're in a safe space here. We're here for you if you need anyone to talk to Michael, or Michelle if that's what you would prefer.

Kill yourself faggot

Dae_Bae ago

Michael, I know you're mad. I was mad too. The world is a mean and scary place, acting aggressive is an effective way to defend yourself from that. But you don't have to hide who you are anymore. We're here for you and we will love you just the same whoever you are. Whether that's as Michael or as Michelle, you deserve to be happy.

Cock_Slap ago

Those pills aren't helping your pre-existing neurotic jewish attitude. You come off as pathetic as fuck, I can't believe you would take a picture of a giant fucked up looking man-hand holding e pills.

Dae_Bae ago

I come off as pathetic? Lol, I don't even have anything clever to say anymore. Do you have any self awareness at all?

I can't either honestly but I'd rather be seen as a fucked up man-beast than a shill so, I guess doxxing myself was worth it enough.

Cock_Slap ago

kill yourself

Michael_Obama ago

Actually before BeatlejuiceX3 and Kevdude and their SBBH crew came in, a decent sized group of us became friends in there over the 2 months it was up. They can't have people speaking 100% freely on this site, which is why the restrictions are in place. It's not hurting spammers.

Michael_Obama ago


Yes, have you seen threads about trannies? everyone here hates them (which is good). Why let one code for the site?

PuttItOut ago

Chat is disabled now.

ExpertShitposter ago

A block feature would be a logical next step.

Michael_Obama ago

Why are you catering to SBBH? What connections do they have with you that lets them operate so blatantly?

Are you filling your voat inner circle with SJWs? Like letting a tranny code for the site? @FuzzyWords https://archive.fo/pCwMZ

Grifter42 ago

PuttitOut, you are the fucking king of half measures.

I'm beginning to believe you're on the side of SBBH.

You haven't done a damned thing to stop the spammers.

PuttItOut ago

You have no idea what you are talking about. Nor do you have any idea how much I've put in to this site so you can spout your bullshit.

Dae_Bae ago

Thanks Putt. I appreciate all the work you've put into this site. There will always be haters no matter what you do in life.

Cock_Slap ago

look at all the trannies sucking up to Putt. I think we know why voat has gone to shit lately.

Samsquamch ago

Most of us appreciate the work you do for Voat. I'm sure I'll be called a brown-noser and similar terms, but I don't care. The site runs, I'm able to speak freely, so I appreciate what you do.

Grifter42 ago

Then why do you let people turn this site into Reddit 2.0?

You've been acting like an absentee landlord, bro.

You've been letting the SBBH types run rampant. If brigading is a legitimate tactic, just say the word, so that the people who actually represent the site and aren't SRS transplants can brigade them back. Until then, it seems your silence in regards to them seems like consent to them.

oiseaulibre ago

I stated this several times before. I don't think you can put all this blame on Putt.

He has a full-time job and a life outside of voat. He has put a lot of time into here, for what I assume is almost no pay. Then a top of that he has to deal with all us fuckheads and the back and forth drama.

I think SBBH saw this a while back and have been using Putt's naiveness to their advantage. You saw how they constantly pushed for changes about the spammer and then when the changes were made they would applaud Putt and make him think he did the right thing. They're manipulating him as well as the rest of voat.

Grifter42 ago

Well, Putt needs to wake up to that fact.

oiseaulibre ago


Sorry for pinging you again. I just want you to see this.

oiseaulibre ago

Thanks for responding. Out of curiosity would it be difficult to make a block user feature for chat? That seems like it would fix the issue, but I don't know how the site runs; and therefore, I don't know how simple or complex it would be to implement.

Grifter42 ago

Simple as shit. There's already a script for it. I don't know why it isn't default on there.

Womb_Raider ago


People are awarding downvoats for providing a link of reference? What the hell is this place becoming?

Kal ago

Why don't you give him a handy while you're at it, ass kisser?

oiseaulibre ago

Did you not read the post? or are you being sarcastic?

Kal ago

Ahh, I was just responding to your title. My bad.

oiseaulibre ago

Lol, it's cool. I hope he sees this post and responds to it. Chat needs to fix its spam problem, but the way he handled it was not right. Hopefully this gets his attention.

oiseaulibre ago

Yup, I agree.

The user @EngelbertHumperdinck has already made a script to do this.

You can find it here: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/1787195

Womb_Raider ago

Look how many downvoats you're getting for responding to a guy asking for something... with exactly what he's asking for.

Voat, or perhaps SBBH, you should be ashamed of yourselves

Texan_Pride ago

this is why we moved over to discord

https:// discord.gg/YRTVb7

Coincidentally concern trolls and people using impersonation accounts got anti-discord misinformation as top post on voat twice the day we made the discord. They don't want people having their own freedom here. Altar the narrative and silence dissenters is how Voat is operating right now.

Grifter42 ago

If Putt hasn't made a statement on it after all this time, what makes you think he cares?

He strikes me as an absentee landlord.

Samsquamch ago

We don't exactly pay him a lot to fix our problems, so I can't really get mad at him for ignoring chat. Chat as I understand it was a feature in addition to Voat, not a part of Voat. He's made a few changes to clean it up, but degenerate users continue to find ways to break it. Unless we're paying Putt a salary to keep chat working and constantly be battling these asshats, I can't blame him for ignoring it.

oiseaulibre ago

It's not that he's ignoring it. It's that he makes changes like the CCP restrictions and doesn't talk to the community about them. The restrictions only resulted in real users being brigaded so they couldn't participate in chat.

Mick ago

The restrictions only resulted in real users being brigaded so they couldn't participate in chat.

Name one who wasn't an alt of Tex.

Grifter42 ago

You call everyone who isn't a SBBH faggot an alt, you brigading retard.

You can tell your fucking lies all you like, and manipulate shit all you like, but it doesn't change a damned thing.

Texan_Pride ago

i never spammed chat. The only reason i would be on 1 out of 3 alts was too respond to something due to the censorship implemented on voat.

oiseaulibre ago

It doesn't matter whose alt it is. Users should not be able to brigade another out of chat.

Mick ago

Fuck off, faggot. Fuckin alt cunts.

oiseaulibre ago

Mick, I've never seen you angry. Are you mad that Putt may take away the CCP restrictions so that SBBH can no longer brigade people out of chat?

Samsquamch ago

Not an attack question, but genuine: How would you stop users from spamming chat, especially with alt accounts? This question also includes coding. For example, a limit on chat messaging seems to be an easy answer (3 or 4 comments per minute for example), as well as the ability to block specific users. But I don't know how easy or time-consuming it would be to code this, so I don't try to hassle Putt or anyone else about it.

Any thoughts?

oiseaulibre ago

Allow users to block people in chat. For example, if you spam chat and I block you, then I won't see your messages, but you will still be technically spamming chat.

@EngelbertHumperdinck has actually already made a script to do this.

The script is here: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/1787195

oiseaulibre ago

Him or some other admin implemented these restrictions. Hopefully he responds to this and makes changes.

SketchyFishSandwich ago

Voat chat is a honey pot to get ad revenue and dox users. My friend used Voat chat once and he got doxxed /s