SaneGoatiSwear ago

really? "samegoatiamnot"!?

it's like i have this whole fucking cucked fan club of similar-name fags.

it's getting rediculous, goats.

SaneGoatISwearNot ago

GoPluck was a MOD on /V/Pizzagate, he made a comment that investigators should be investigating Y-Combinator for it leads to the Peter Thiel ownership of VOAT and the Pedophilia racket of Bohemia Grove going back to the 1960's.

Today Peter Thiel is the USA representative of Bilderberg USA Chapter. Thiel's job is to feed MENSA material children to Bohemia Grove, and Y-Combinator is the vehicle.

A Mod was Yanked for going "Rogue" by @KevDude, all that GoPluck did was mention "Y-Combinator" and they executed him.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'd be inclined to believe you if you weren't riding on the coattails of my name.

regardless, i of course will look for the truth if there's squirrley shit like this on voat.

be back.

gopluckyourself ago

According to how it was explained to me (I did not verify about this attack as I don't really care) there was an amalek attack or some crap going on across the site regarding Jews and Thiel or some bs like that. The whole point of my post was to illustrate the relation between reddit and voat and the company that funded both of them. (still no verification of whether or not the funding to voat was a grant) That was it. I will be coming back to a mod position over at /v/pizzagate here soon I am as far as I'm aware amicable with all of the mods as of now. I just took the opportunity of not being a mod for a minute to go take care of some IRL stuff I needed to. /u/kevdude basically reoffered me the mod position back immediately and I told him not to remod me for now. edit: also get this shit out of pizzagate if you want to connect the stuff that I posted to this then do so. properly cite it and shit otherwise this is a meta post which belongs in /v/pizzagatemods

SaneGoatiSwear ago

thankyou for your comment! good info is good.

i did not verify

has anyone?!

why have i not seen any proof that theil gave voat money?

or you know maybe not theil a company or w/e

i don't have any evidence saying voat is funded AT ALL

that they make about 5k in ad revenue and donations a month which barely covers the now severely reduced-use voat.

what grant/not-grant? what money?

what paper trail?

give me fucking screenshots, archives and i want to look at them!

i'm sure pg has some goats that WILL verify any and all data or debunk it.

so lets cut into the data!

gopluckyourself ago

that isn't the part I didn't verify. Voat was in fact funded by y combinator go back and look at my post. there is also a whole string of comments regarding the verification of this.
I didn't verify whether or not the site was under attack by amalek.

SaneGoatISwearNot ago

@SamegoatISwear, are we not goats? Are we not?

Why did brother @GoPluckYourself tell brother goat's to follow the rabbit hole down Y-Combinator Anus? Why did @Crensch/@Amalek bot's remove brother GoPluck after his comment within minutes for going "Rogue"???

I remember long ago you & GoPluck were common goat brothers, now whose side do you choose?

Do you choose to Stroke Y-Combinator's warm cock? Yes or No?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

a challange?

um, i don't know enough about this.

i side on the side of truth.

whatever is the truth is where i stand.

to be more specific:

if what you're saying is "pluck posted something about something and it's being censored"

fuck that, let it stick. if the community finds no link, let it be downvoated to hell.

if upvoat brigaded and the community finds no link, then have it flaired appropriately

if the community finds a link, well it should be upvoated, and investigated further.

i am not an investigator i just voat here (but i do stand up for free speech.)

proof: myshitty investigation skills just made me a fucking idiot for all to see.

i claimed proof of fuzzywords being an sjw. i was wrong fuzzy proved it in PM.

fuzzy is still a 100% proven shill for silence. i was just very wrong about there being proof of SJWism.

because i suck at investigation.

so i err on the side of truth.

let all the data be thrown at the wall and see what sticks.

the mods of pizzagate are very different on that.

so post in other subs that don't censor.

SaneGoatISwearNot ago

You have completely missed the point. R U drunk brother it is 10pm PST

GoPluck was a MOD on /V/Pizzagate, he made a comment that investigators should be investigating Y-Combinator for it leads to the Peter Thiel ownership of VOAT and the Pedophilia racket of Bohemia Grove going back to the 1960's.

A Mod was Yanked for going "Rogue" by @KevDude, all that GoPluck did was mention "Y-Combinator" and they executed him.