yabbadoody ago

and this means what... other than someone got a wild hair? was GoPluck banning people, or deleting posts?

point being (and I'm not a mod) but if you can't support this topic, then you're taking up valuable space.

samegoatIswearNot ago

GoPluck mentioned "Y-Combinator" that is a taboo subject, as its the CROWN JEWELS of the PETER-THIEL Bohemian Grove, BilderBerg Empire of California.

Nobody will ever know why GO-PLUCK mentioned "Y-COMBINATOR" for nobody before him in the world of /v/Pizzagate MODS ever had the BALLS to mention that name.

gopluckyourself ago

According to how it was explained to me (I did not verify as I don't really care) there was an amalek attack or some crap going on across the site regarding Jews and Thiel or some bs like that. The whole point of my post was to illustrate the relation between reddit and voat and the company that funded both of them. (still no verification of whether or not the funding to voat was a grant) That was it. I will be coming back to a mod position over at /v/pizzagate here soon I am as far as I'm aware amicable with all of the mods as of now. I just took the opportunity of not being a mod for a minute to go take care of some IRL stuff I needed to. kevdude basically reoffered me the mod position back immediately and I told him not to remod me for now. copypastaaaaaa~
I'm literally doing this on every one of these posts dude is going on a rampage