IfIDidIt ago

Leave him alone already you weird faggot.

Viropher ago

And you got downvoated by his 6 alts! Its always 6 up to his posts,down 6 to all dissent.

IfIDidIt ago

Who is the cygnus person that has so many different voat accounts on your first archive there? Don't we have restrictions on account creation currently? @cygnus_bmuko, @cygnus_gyrii, @cygnus_mwpev, @cygnus_gbnmg, @cygnus_whoui, @cygnus_cbbte, @cygnus_huynv, @cygnus_prcxl, @cygnus_kxabw. Only noticed one of those that made more than one comment,@cygnus_cbbte. I could be wrong, but that's kind of an odd pattern. Most comments were essentially "this is bullshit", "Get out of your mom's basement and get a life", "So much bullshit", a couple of variations of the overall theme as most of the comments reused between those various accounts. Posted only in response to @sanegoatiswear

So who's this person, why are there so many similar accounts, and why are they all harassing the one dude?

Rotteuxx ago

Aren't those all your alts ?

Nah, I've got no idea, seen a few myself repeating the same retorts.

As to why they're all harassing the same dude, well usually shit disturbers in social circles get a lot of attention.

IfIDidIt ago

No, no they are not. I find the sheer volume of those alts that got all of their CCP from an odd sub called v/TempleofSpartacus created by user @thunderlark that has the express and only purpose of generating CCP for bots/trolls/shills so they can circumvent the 100 CCP requirement kind of amusing. Reference this post calling the sub out https://voat.co/v/LordSpartacus/1493573 for the actions. This particular user defends the action by saying it's easy to get CCP by knowing the site and knowing certain corners will give you upvoats if you post their opinions back at them favorably, and thus it's OK to give out free upvoats to bots/shills/trolls.

There are multiple subs this particular user @thunderlark is moderating that seem to have the same agenda. Been a user for 2 months, has 3 subs just dedicated to giving free CCP to bots/trolls, and the other is a failed sub that didn't seem to take off for spiting @homersimpson and his fat people hate shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


the purpose of these cygnus_ accounts is clear in the above massive giant super kamehameha list of a day and a half of those accounts comment spam harassing me.

IfIDidIt ago

Hey, for what it's worth, I'm sorry you've been harassed so much lately. I like you being part of the community.

Rotteuxx ago

Always interesting to learn about what goes on in the background, thx for your insight.

smokratez ago

Sure thing guy who posts to soup dox retard hammer proclaiming your love to them. I am sure you are to be trusted.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're commenting to bitch about SBBHs existence or because trust in me is essential to analyze a statement I've made followed by 2 archived links ?

Ed : a werd

smokratez ago

I've commented to point out that soup dox retard hammer users harass others on voat on a regular basis.

Rotteuxx ago

Well the way I look at it, Sani falls under the "politician/public figure" banner of our social club here at Voat, his boisterous behavior and attention whoring make it fair game go call him out.

smokratez ago

He talks about shit that's wrong on voat. How's that fair game to harass him over?

Rotteuxx ago

Conceded, to an extent.

He's also been abusive in his demeanor towards others & begs for any sort of attention by his redundant antics, as clearly demonstrated today.

Don't paint using just one color, the picture won't be complete.

smokratez ago

I've made claims that turned out to be wrong before. Didn't he admit he was wrong?

Rotteuxx ago

Does it excuse his behavior ?

smokratez ago

He could try bringing it in a more constructive and less over the top dramatic manner. Other than that. If no one makes a stink about things, nothing would change.

Rotteuxx ago

So are you condoning his behavior while at the same time saying it's dramatically un-constructive ?

smokratez ago

I agree with what he wants to accomplish. The manner in which he goes about it could be improved.

Rotteuxx ago

Which loosely echoes what I've told him about my opposition to his methods.

Glad we could have this chat, I'm out for the night !

smokratez ago

Ok. Take it easy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fyi rottauxx was one of the shills confirmed in the attack against me.

did commit defamation.

sux. i don't give a shit

but i wasn't the one attaking a user for talking about something with 100% disproven and debunked bullshit claims intended to misdirect VOAT from talking about an actual sjw reddit cancer mod, @lockeproposal.


i agree i can improve. i want to. constructive criticism is always welcome.

that i may not be that good at incorporating it is another matter.

but i'll do my best.

rotteuxx's "begs for attention" absolute bullshit. i couldn't give a fuck what others think, let alone waste my life trying to get something i don't want.

and somk, LESS dramatic how? like tellme how please.

if no one makes a stink about things, nothing would change

and with that i would counter your ideas just you know to argue :) that if the "stink" isn't stank then no one will notice/care/accomplish safegaurding speech voat keeping voat running, honest etc.

cheers for this thread!

Womb_Raider ago

I honestly think he's just off his rocker. I don't even think he's a troll.

Morbo ago

He's apparently terrified of SJWs too. His big truth about FuzzyWords being an SJW is totally lame even if it were true. Such a bottom level troll.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, another instance of intense mental masturbation, brought on by the ludicrously entertained idea that he might have been right about about a looney Google search he did.

Free entertainment

TheTrigger ago

Hol-up hol-up hol-up hol-up hol-up hol-up...
I'mma git ma popcorn.

Rotteuxx ago

No, they aren't anymore


TheonGreyjoy ago

He made it obvious even without the evidence you provided.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah but if I don’t cover my ass I'll have to bear his wrath. Better safe than sorry